A list of suggestions (I wonder if devs really read these)

Posts: 14 Arc User
A little list of suggestions for the game.
Let people auto attack while moving (of course only for melee attacks (would suck to be fighting a moving/shooting archer))
my next suggestion is BETTER ROBES they all look the same with little dragon things on them not very robeish looking. stop gimping the casters (you don't see melee guys in funny looking ninja armor or samurai stuff...)
with spells the strongest spell is generally which ever one is newest so if I have a spell that is my best one and I lvl and get a new spell it's now my best spell...if you look at world of warcrafts spells ( hate me as much as you want) there is a strong spell that takes longer then the other to cast and the other one is a little weaker but has a faster cast speed ( all the spells I have so far have the same cast speed pretty much) so fire spells could have the damage but take longer to cast and water spells cast faster blah blah blah whatever also the fire spells don't have any DoT effect (damage over time) most fire spells in games do...water spells could also in addition to slowing the target (the effect should be 100% in my opinion) also slow their attack speed. There also aren't any instant casts
Also make armor class dependant and not stat dependant ( you can leave the stat thing but a wizard wearing plate because he has the stats for it....not cool)
Barbarians and blademasters have ranged spells
...wtf? their a melee class...I don't care if it has a long cooldown -.-
Needs more songs kinda gets old hearing the same song every other zone ( the main citys should get their own awsome music)
the game needs more items (armor, drops) everything looks the same. and don't use the armor dyeing feature as a excuse to make things look different. The drops are always the same and you can buy pretty much everything from the item shop or a vendor (who needs to farm things for awsome armor when you can go to the vendor eh) another thing is all the armor gives the same **** ++++++++++resistance blah blah blah Wizard vs. Wizard fights should be really interesting instead make it so you can GIVE your armor resistance bonuses with those gems.
Could add some common/uncommon/rare drop system so you don't just buy stuff from vendors for different/better armor/weapons/items then the vendor **** (I'm using that word to much >.<) (I know there's a small drop system but I still think it's a little simplistic) also some "rare" monsters that give better loot drops?
The profession system is kinda odd...everyone can learn EVERY profession. Also there should be a "gathering" profession for ores and herbs (all you need is a pickaxe....poor plants...)
Capes and hats aren't showing up but it's CB so I won't complain
Also there aren't any shields and you should be able to duel weild instead of having to buy double axes/swords (would add some variation)
The profession system is kinda odd...everyone can learn EVERY profession. Also there should be a "gathering" profession for ores and herbs (all you need is a pickaxe....poor plants...)
Also you left out one of the main classes! The rogue! (or assassin whatever) should be one of the human classes
And finally the skills....The game needs a skill tree system...everyone has the same skills instead of being a water, fire, or earth wizard I can be all 3 the game needs some normal spells you can get then some extra things you can get from the skill tree (be no fun when everyone has that badass dragon spell instead of someone speced water)
This game has one of the BEST character customization systems I have seen in a game so I am hoping that they will make the gameplay reflect that in it's launch (oh make the pvp requirment lvl 20 it's a pain as it is just getting to 10 compared with other games(call me a noob if you want, I don't stay on 24/7 lvling :eek: )
The exp rates are terrible in this game takes forever to get just 1 lvl in 1-10 (compare it to WoW and this game is a !@#$% to lvl in(you could get to lvl 10 in just an hour, and no for those lvls is not too fast(I know you all think it's no fun if there's an army of max lvl characters but really this is rediculous))) I really would believe this http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=23551 you guys need to make lvling easier (and selling exp increase items is not the solution)
if any devs read this and EVEN consider any of these ideas (please for the love of all that is all holy GIVE WIZARDS BETTER ROBES) then kudos for you
(I also want to use more then 4 smileys ^^)
Let The Flaming Commence!!! (or you can be nice and complement me on my suggestions
Let people auto attack while moving (of course only for melee attacks (would suck to be fighting a moving/shooting archer))
my next suggestion is BETTER ROBES they all look the same with little dragon things on them not very robeish looking. stop gimping the casters (you don't see melee guys in funny looking ninja armor or samurai stuff...)
with spells the strongest spell is generally which ever one is newest so if I have a spell that is my best one and I lvl and get a new spell it's now my best spell...if you look at world of warcrafts spells ( hate me as much as you want) there is a strong spell that takes longer then the other to cast and the other one is a little weaker but has a faster cast speed ( all the spells I have so far have the same cast speed pretty much) so fire spells could have the damage but take longer to cast and water spells cast faster blah blah blah whatever also the fire spells don't have any DoT effect (damage over time) most fire spells in games do...water spells could also in addition to slowing the target (the effect should be 100% in my opinion) also slow their attack speed. There also aren't any instant casts
Also make armor class dependant and not stat dependant ( you can leave the stat thing but a wizard wearing plate because he has the stats for it....not cool)
Barbarians and blademasters have ranged spells

Needs more songs kinda gets old hearing the same song every other zone ( the main citys should get their own awsome music)
the game needs more items (armor, drops) everything looks the same. and don't use the armor dyeing feature as a excuse to make things look different. The drops are always the same and you can buy pretty much everything from the item shop or a vendor (who needs to farm things for awsome armor when you can go to the vendor eh) another thing is all the armor gives the same **** ++++++++++resistance blah blah blah Wizard vs. Wizard fights should be really interesting instead make it so you can GIVE your armor resistance bonuses with those gems.
Could add some common/uncommon/rare drop system so you don't just buy stuff from vendors for different/better armor/weapons/items then the vendor **** (I'm using that word to much >.<) (I know there's a small drop system but I still think it's a little simplistic) also some "rare" monsters that give better loot drops?
The profession system is kinda odd...everyone can learn EVERY profession. Also there should be a "gathering" profession for ores and herbs (all you need is a pickaxe....poor plants...)
Capes and hats aren't showing up but it's CB so I won't complain
Also there aren't any shields and you should be able to duel weild instead of having to buy double axes/swords (would add some variation)
The profession system is kinda odd...everyone can learn EVERY profession. Also there should be a "gathering" profession for ores and herbs (all you need is a pickaxe....poor plants...)
Also you left out one of the main classes! The rogue! (or assassin whatever) should be one of the human classes
And finally the skills....The game needs a skill tree system...everyone has the same skills instead of being a water, fire, or earth wizard I can be all 3 the game needs some normal spells you can get then some extra things you can get from the skill tree (be no fun when everyone has that badass dragon spell instead of someone speced water)
This game has one of the BEST character customization systems I have seen in a game so I am hoping that they will make the gameplay reflect that in it's launch (oh make the pvp requirment lvl 20 it's a pain as it is just getting to 10 compared with other games(call me a noob if you want, I don't stay on 24/7 lvling :eek: )
The exp rates are terrible in this game takes forever to get just 1 lvl in 1-10 (compare it to WoW and this game is a !@#$% to lvl in(you could get to lvl 10 in just an hour, and no for those lvls is not too fast(I know you all think it's no fun if there's an army of max lvl characters but really this is rediculous))) I really would believe this http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=23551 you guys need to make lvling easier (and selling exp increase items is not the solution)
if any devs read this and EVEN consider any of these ideas (please for the love of all that is all holy GIVE WIZARDS BETTER ROBES) then kudos for you

(I also want to use more then 4 smileys ^^)
Let The Flaming Commence!!! (or you can be nice and complement me on my suggestions

Post edited by bartimaeus on
i agree with some parts, disagree with other parts. I see that you have a PVE server where you can choose if you want to PK or not, maybe make lvl 20-30 have a choice to turn it on / off but if you got a red / pink name it is on! Im not gonna re read it to find things i agree / disagree with. It does need to show up all your items like rings and necklaces. I think there is not enough spells in the game and not enough SP either, i can never buy spells because i have no SP to buy them. Every person at your level uses the same spells, it is sooo boring! they should all get custom ones, maybe even a choice of different colours or seomthing, i would much prefer more spells though, i dont see you adding them though as it wouldnt be fair to all the high level people who couldnt use them. There should be more customization for werebeasts, why even have options there if they dont do anything????0
"It does need to show up all your items like rings and necklaces."
It wouldn't be worth it since they would be so small you would barely be able to see them, much less in any detail.
"and not enough SP either, i can never buy spells because i have no SP to buy them."
If by SP you mean Spirit I have no trouble with that so far. I have around 1,500 spirit when I go to the trainer (all that grinding because the lvls are to hard) (I'm not a noob it just really is to hard and I'm sure alot of people would agree)
"as it wouldnt be fair to all the high level people who couldnt use them."
Why wouldn't the high lvl people be able to use the spells? ( if there are any high lvl people when this game launches-
http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=235510 -
I know spirit is definetly not a problem, my characters have always had more than enough spirit for skill upgrades.0
Ok about the Robe build armor, don't worry about it the robe armor looks better later on down the road.
My guess is your an mg, the reason all the fire and water spells are mostly = in dmg is because of mobs elements. fire will do more dmg to metal mobs, and water does more dmg to fire, etc. And about your lv attacks, the high up attack alwas going to be stronger but oyu will find when you get higher lv those strong attacks take more to use. third about your water attack % on slowing mobs, the percent will raise the high lv of that attack you get.
Question: "Also make armor class dependant and not stat dependant ( you can leave the stat thing but a wizard wearing plate because he has the stats for it....not cool)"
Answer: This is for pl. to make off breed chars. And at lv90's a mg is really good to go light build.
Question:"Barbarians and blademasters have ranged spells ...wtf? their a melee class...I don't care if it has a long cooldown -.-"
Answer: If you play melee classes farther on in the game you run into a lot of range mobs that run from you and attack. that range attack are to help the melee class kill those mobs without have in big problem.
Question: "Needs more songs kinda gets old hearing the same song every other zone ( the main citys should get their own awsome music)"
Answer: I do agree with this, and it will help when the PWI radio station comes up.
Question: "the game needs more items (armor, drops) everything looks the same. and don't use the armor dyeing feature as a excuse to make things look different. The drops are always the same and you can buy pretty much everything from the item shop or a vendor (who needs to farm things for awsome armor when you can go to the vendor eh) another thing is all the armor gives the same **** ++++++++++resistance blah blah blah Wizard vs. Wizard fights should be really interesting instead make it so you can GIVE your armor resistance bonuses with those gems."
Answer: OK the blue/yellow/green/purple named items can't be bought from a ventor or th item mall. those item have to be farmed.
-Yellow named ones are molders which glow yellow after you make them. you can get them form fbs (fb 19, 29 39, 49 ,59, etc.).
-Blue name one can come form mobs drops or boss drops, they are better then ventor ones but not as good as purple or molder.
-Purple or 3 star items, can be made or from boss drops, these glow blue, first one you get from doing a mission in fb19 (the only 3* the game gives you, rest have to be farmed).
- Green or hh items. you have to farm mats in holy-hall (don't know the name of it in this one) to make the items. the first on you can make is at lv60 (weapon), then at lv70 you can make hh armor (it don't glow).
- Glowing: to get a item to glow you have to have 2 sock, and put 2 grade 5 stones (have to be same type) in and it will glow that color.
Question: "Could add some common/uncommon/rare drop system so you don't just buy stuff from vendors for different/better armor/weapons/items then the vendor **** (I'm using that word to much >.<) (I know there's a small drop system but I still think it's a little simplistic) also some "rare" monsters that give better loot drops?"
Answer: I thinki answer all that on that last question......... * look up*
Question: "The profession system is kinda odd...everyone can learn EVERY profession. Also there should be a "gathering" profession for ores and herbs (all you need is a pickaxe....poor plants...)"
Answer: this is so that you don't have to rely on other pl to make good armor/weap. and for you gathering profession would oyu care to tell how that would work?
Question: "Also there aren't any shields and you should be able to duel weild instead of having to buy double axes/swords (would add some variation)"
Answer: I will have to get back to you on the answer for this one
Question: "Also you left out one of the main classes! The rogue! (or assassin whatever) should be one of the human classes."
Answer: there is said to be more classes added later on, for now fist wr can work as rogues. Till then just hope one of the newer classes is a rogue.
Question: "And finally the skills....The game needs a skill tree system...everyone has the same skills instead of being a water, fire, or earth wizard I can be all 3 the game needs some normal spells you can get then some extra things you can get from the skill tree (be no fun when everyone has that badass dragon spell instead of someone speced water)"
Answer: I think they did it this way to keep it more fare, and oyu can still master in one element just upgrade that one more then the others.
Question: "This game has one of the BEST character customization systems I have seen in a game so I am hoping that they will make the gameplay reflect that in it's launch (oh make the pvp requirment lvl 20 it's a pain as it is just getting to 10 compared with other games(call me a noob if you want, I don't stay on 24/7 lvling )"
Answer: I do agree with you on the customization. BU ti feel that lv 30 is a good time to let them pk. that when all other classes get to fly, so that elf don't come by and kill them from the air. while they can't attack back.
Question: "The exp rates are terrible in this game takes forever to get just 1 lvl in 1-10 (compare it to WoW and this game is a !@#$% to lvl in(you could get to lvl 10 in just an hour, and no for those lvls is not too fast(I know you all think it's no fun if there's an army of max lvl characters but really this is rediculous))) I really would believe this http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/sh...ad.php?t=23551 you guys need to make lvling easier (and selling exp increase items is not the solution)"
Answer: I do agree with the exp rate, but to go form lv 1-10 is not that hard i can do that in 1 hour 45 mins. but yes it get bad at lv 60 where it can take a week to go up one lv (not counting if you aoe, lol).
To the people that where talking about SP points: At the start of the game you wont have problem with those, but after lv 19 you will have to choose which ones you need/want more or less.
I hope that cleared up some of your problems.......... And before any of you ask how i know this it is because i have a lv 78 EP (celtic) on the MY-EN server along with all lv 40+ of ever class.0 -
wow, nice, getting skill points (SP) gets really hard depending on what level you are, dont say u get enough really easy when you are only lvl 10 or something!
I dont use new names most of the time!0 -
Question: "The profession system is kinda odd...everyone can learn EVERY profession. Also there should be a "gathering" profession for ores and herbs (all you need is a pickaxe....poor plants...)"
Answer: this is so that you don't have to rely on other pl to make good armor/weap. and for you gathering profession would oyu care to tell how that would work?
As it stands if everyone can make/do/use everything then
1. the market will suck
and 2. it will get pretty boring when everyone can do the same thing and take some of the fun or challenge out of the game than if you just have one main skill
My idea of the gathering thing is just to add a little bonus to the market. It's not NEEDED but once again I think it would be kinda boring if you could do everything. also having to have a pickaxe to pick herbs...seems a little off (unless you want some nice pulverized herbs)
Answer: I do agree with you on the customization. BU ti feel that lv 30 is a good time to let them pk. that when all other classes get to fly, so that elf don't come by and kill them from the air. while they can't attack back.
it's not cheap
1. because every class has a ranged attacked
and 2. because their mana drains like a bat out of hell if they go into combat while flying
Answer: If you play melee classes farther on in the game you run into a lot of range mobs that run from you and attack. that range attack are to help the melee class kill those mobs without have in big problem.
I still don't think a ranged attack is the solution
1. give them a attack so they charge up to the enemy and stun it for a sec or 2 (this would apply even while on a flying mount)
or 2. give them some movement impairing abilities
Answer: This is for pl. to make off breed chars. And at lv90's a mg is really good to go light build.
1. it kills the whole point of a Wizard
2. it's just weird...plate doesn't go on a caster plain and simple0 -
Someone still needs to respond to the fact that all armors give the same stats (really add something new or make resistance something special to be added or for higher lvl/rare armors.)
Also if there's going to be any market for mats in the game.....the item shop kills it (you can buy pretty much every mat in there)0
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