Guild Fearless Recruiting for Closed Beta



  • ignitionx
    ignitionx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Whats up Nia.
    Good luck with reviving fearless. I hope you learned a thing or two from me while you were in Baroque. Dont get taken advantage of >.>
  • zyrgel
    zyrgel Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    After I read the Recruitment and the posts, I was sure.... I want to join the guild:D.
    in the closed beta I will be trying out Archer, Werefox and beast:cool:.
    as for the names I think I will be calling my self as a Archer: SN1PERN, Werefox: maybe Warlock(coz of the debuffs that a warlock usually have:rolleyes:), and Werebeast: Zyrgel.
    I have also thought about the crafting too, I think that I like to try specialise my self as artificer and dressmaker althought this would be as archer. as fox I think it would best atleast for my self to be apothecary and dressmaker. as beast blacksmith and dressmaker. but I will try to make it the best for the guild ofc ;)
  • niajade
    niajade Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    Looks like a nice guild ^_^ Although I already had some run ins with some of your members I hope that doesn't mean that the whole guild will have to hate me D:

    I'll expect to see you in game ;D look forward to questing with you :3

    Run-ins are always fun...

    I had one WF pk me all over the map. (VioletFox)... even come up from the middle of a mob I was fighting - and get me right up front. (she is good....)

    But it became fun, seeing if she could sneak up on me.. and I eventually was ready for her, and able to give her a good fight. Even though I usually died, we ended up becoming friends, because I did not back down, and of course she did not go easy on me.

    Odd relationship but.. it works

    Yestermoon - SB | Dawnglory
  • niajade
    niajade Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ignitionx wrote: »
    Whats up Nia.
    Good luck with reviving fearless. I hope you learned a thing or two from me while you were in Baroque. Dont get taken advantage of >.>

    Ah yep ... a weakness

    But I learning... I have good teachers - wink -

    And thats kinda of the thing.. we all have lessons to learn, but all - even noobs, can teach us a thing or two.

    I need to remember how to teleport around better, I seem to end up in loops...

    Yestermoon - SB | Dawnglory
  • zyrgel
    zyrgel Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    zyrgel wrote: »
    After I read the Recruitment and the posts, I was sure.... I want to join the guild:D.
    in the closed beta I will be trying out Archer, Werefox and beast:cool:.
    as for the names I think I will be calling my self as a Archer: SN1PERN, Werefox: maybe Warlock(coz of the debuffs that a warlock usually have:rolleyes:), and Werebeast: Zyrgel.
    I have also thought about the crafting too, I think that I like to try specialise my self as artificer and dressmaker althought this would be as archer. as fox I think it would best atleast for my self to be apothecary and dressmaker. as beast blacksmith and dressmaker. but I will try to make it the best for the guild ofc ;)

    just so you this was an application.... and I wonder if my application is accepted.
  • dai
    dai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I would like to join this guild as well and help you all out whenever I can. From what I've read, you seem to be a nice and capable leader, NiaJade. I like the guild name as well; same name as a Jet Li movie and Jay Chou song :D. Oh, and as a suggestion, you might wanna add to the opening post - which out of the 4 servers that Fearless will be on (maybe Lost City, the East PVP server? or vote in the guild forum). I'll sign up in the guild website too and will send a more detailed application over there.
    Well, I hope to be part of Fearless. See you in Perfect World!

    EDIT: okay, were we supposed to join the guild forum right away or just send an application first? I did both (signed up in the guild forum, then sent the application after browsing the guild forum a bit), and now the guild forum doesn't show up for me.

    Resolved: Applicants just need to register on gamerDNA, then send an application here:
    No need to join the guild forums until you're a member of the guild.
  • pepe
    pepe Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I really like the mentallity of the guild and would be very interested into joining. What do I need to do?

    thanks :)
  • parren
    parren Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    dai wrote: »
    I would like to join this guild as well and help you all out whenever I can. From what I've read, you seem to be a nice and capable leader, NiaJade. I like the guild name as well; same name as a Jet Li movie and Jay Chou song :D. Oh, and as a suggestion, you might wanna add to the opening post - which out of the 4 servers that Fearless will be on (maybe Lost City, the East PVP server? or vote in the guild forum). I'll sign up in the guild website too and will send a more detailed application over there.
    Well, I hope to be part of Fearless. See you in Perfect World!

    EDIT: okay, were we supposed to join the guild forum right away or just send an application first? I did both (signed up in the guild forum, then sent the application after browsing the guild forum a bit), and now the guild forum doesn't show up for me.

    Aplication Accepted welcome to the guild :)

    pepe the best way is to login on our forum write and apilaction and wait for our respond :)

    Zyrgel whats your login on forums?
  • zyrgel
    zyrgel Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    parren wrote: »
    Zyrgel whats your login on forums?

    I havent signed up yet wanted to be sure if my application was accepted:D, but I will sign up right away;)

    EDIT: I already had registered on the forum my nick name is Zyrgel as well.
  • parren
    parren Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Aplication Accepted Welcome :)
  • boomsickle
    boomsickle Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    sounds cool ill join ur guild my IGN will probably be boomsickle :cool:
  • dai
    dai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Cool. I'm a member of Fearless now :D. Yeah, it's best to register on gamerDNA, and then send an application on the guild website. No need to join the guild forums until your application is approved.
  • blackmoon
    blackmoon Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Your guild sounds good ^_^ , but somethings have to be asked , Are you going to be in the east Pve server? because so far i like what i saw about your guild but i still don't see if you guys are going to be on the East Pve server
  • parren
    parren Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    We are planning to go on East PvP server.
  • lax
    lax Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ugh imma feel like imma throw up but w/e i from pw my ign was ~Xanthax~ sold acc and moving here accept me :)
  • parren
    parren Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It would be nice if you would register on our forums but yeah every1 is welcome to join us :)
  • ichi
    ichi Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    hmm.. I'm looking to join you guys =).. i did apply for the forum thread thingy on gamerdna.. hopefully I'll get accepted... if so i look forward to happy gaming with you guys
    IGN: ichi

    durrrr.... i'm not sure if i missed it or not but which server will fearless be on ??
  • dai
    dai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    We are still deciding which server to be on (still voting on it in the guild forums), but it seems we're leaning towards Lost City, the East PVP server. This may change before Open Beta starts, but the decision will be final by then :)
  • zyrgel
    zyrgel Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    parren wrote: »
    Aplication Accepted Welcome :)


    and just to be sure... everybody do have the closed beta key, right?
  • hana
    hana Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hi Nia. It's your old friend Minnasae ;)

    GL with your guild sweetie~!
  • undisplay
    undisplay Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey... just decided that Fearless will be the guild I'd like to join, aready sent my application on gamerdna. My close beta ign is call "undisplay" until open beta if thats alright, (if you get that). Anyway looking forward to having a blast with you guys in the game :)
  • glider
    glider Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    undisplay wrote: »
    Hey... just decided that Fearless will be the guild I'd like to join, aready sent my application on gamerdna. My close beta ign is call "undisplay" until open beta if thats alright, (if you get that). Anyway looking forward to having a blast with you guys in the game :)

    TY for signing up. Just a little longer till CB starts... :D
  • zackfair
    zackfair Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    this guild sounds very interesting and the fact that you are all from the older version of PW and are going to continue on into the final version of PWI it sounds like i will be applying. :D btw my forums name for ur guild is ZenZero :D i just want to know if i've been accepted haha...
  • shadownet
    shadownet Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey, I just signed up and also wanted to say that this guild seems proimising. Id: ZeroShadow.
  • zuko
    zuko Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I really like the way this guild works.
    And your policy on PK's is very nice.
    I would like to apply.
    I will probably be an Archer or a Barbarian.
    And my name will be Naoto.
  • gankin
    gankin Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ive read ur whole policy thing and want to join but am wondering r u guys going to own territory?