CB opening time different for all contries

nounours Posts: 453
edited August 2008 in General Discussion
Yes, I confirme that it is true. We won't get CB at the same time.
Me and many of my contacts (from Asia, America, Europa...) checked the time of launch from the main page and we all had different times!!

It seems totally unfair, but it is understandable. How would server support it if 9999 million people logged in at the same time. Besides it's probably also for not to make people wake up at crazy times.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    nounours wrote: »
    Yes, I confirme that it is true. We won't get CB at the same time.
    Me and many of my contacts (from Asia, America, Europa...) checked the time of launch from the main page and we all had different times!!

    It seems totally unfair, but it is understandable. How would server support it if 9999 million people logged in at the same time. Besides it's probably also for not to make people wake up at crazy times.

    i don't think that's how it's gonna pan out.

    i just think whoever set up the timer on the website was a bit ****.
  • nounours
    nounours Posts: 453
    edited August 2008
    Answer to my own Thread, the countdown time, is based on computer time
    lol stupid me,
    should read otehr thread befor post i know:(

    But it brings one real problem when will CP really begin???
    The real precise time, i dont wanna wait front of pc 10h, U imagine?
    I think it will be exactly at 00:00 Pst, no idea..
  • zarexiz
    zarexiz Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lol if its worldwide starting @ 00:00, then which GMT+/- do they use :p
  • ello
    ello Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    zarexiz wrote: »
    lol if its worldwide starting @ 00:00, then which GMT+/- do they use :p

    maybe the server is at the very top of the north pole