Best tips

azure Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2009 in The Crafting Nook
Ok this is going to be short but i play maylasian server and heres a tip for any one new. EVERYONE SHOULD CRAFT ARMOR AND WEAPONS AT LEAST BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T YOU WILL REGRET IT AFTER LVL 60 AND UP AND DO ALL YOUR DQ QUESTS.
Post edited by azure on


  • azure
    azure Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    even If You Don't Know What DQ Quests Are Yet You Will Later Believe Me Do Them All.. And Do All Your Quest You Can Also Go To For Quest Guides I Don't Know If This Game Will have Same Quests As Maylasian Did But It Should.
  • showharu
    showharu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Very Much agree do all DQ and u dont have to craft ur weapon or armour lol
    I MAKE FOR U lol:D
  • azure
    azure Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    i also put guides in for every class except mages and preist so check my threads :)
  • daveee
    daveee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    we are not visually impaired.
    As for DQ, i personally do not do them, waste of time/money, much better to sell the items and make a profit.
    Server: Lost City
    Barbarian 3x
  • splice
    splice Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    hmm... why do all teh DQ's? it actually is a waste of money until u start needing silv and gold tabs.
  • badcompany
    badcompany Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    DQ is a waste of money.
  • drizzt
    drizzt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    its a waste of money if u buy them :D!!ROLF!! but if u farm them its a diferent matter (u get the DQ and some xp ) when u finish the DQ quest u get xp sp + dragon tablet (bronze, silver, gold) can be exchange for glowy horses, molders to craft nice weapons, armors and adorns so i dont think DQ its a waste
  • azure
    azure Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    DQ can be expensive just saying you should do it when you have no other quests optional, i didn't do dq and i regretted it .I didn't craft till i was around lvl 60 and it cost me a whole lot of gold because i didn't start early.
  • adryan
    adryan Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    dq expensive? u make me laugh, did anyone looked how much u spend on experience scrolls? or molders? sure get 100mil molder but dqs are expensive, yeah right! At least from dq u get alot of experience + sp + tablet, and if u farm a little u spend v little cash on them, u never end-up having no quests cuz 2-3 dqs/level + eunice + quests on specific lvl never let u without quests, and from lvl 51 or 61 dq gives silver and gold tablets so its v cool!!!!!

    the guy is right do ur dq, do ur craftermanship !!! also i think he wrotte with so big letter cuz noobs usually even if post start with explanation they still ask things like " should i do dqs? should i lvl my tailor and blacksmith?" so guy have a point!

    good day!
  • r00st3r
    r00st3r Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i saw the big letters n all but one question , wtf is DQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lolwut
    lolwut Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Dragon Quest items, they're for a certain quest you get at levels such as 21, 31, 41, 51 and so forth. The quests give massive amounts of exp and sp, but take a large amount of these DQ items.
  • espionis
    espionis Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited August 2008

    Oh yea, also, although DQ quests are nice to do, it can be a waste of time sometimes. I advise to do it in spare time, nothing else.
  • gugugrandgugu
    gugugrandgugu Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lol guis... I never ever ever.... played Perfect World Before.... but as an experiences gamer I should say that if you need any thing at a highter level thats good, its a need and you can start as a low level... START as a low level, because that way you get experience on what to do and what to not do... whit low level cheap things, so you don't have to lose millions when dealing whit hight level items
  • zoefox
    zoefox Posts: 225
    edited August 2008
    I've played the other Perfect World. The Dragon Quests are very long and complicated but worth doing.
  • muppet
    muppet Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i think i will be dong all my quest anyway i think that is the best part of the game is the quest becuse it helps you lvl up and it also helps you to find you way around gaining exp i will also help me in hiher lvls anyway:)
  • apocolypse
    apocolypse Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    So how exactly did this thread go from weapons crafting to DQ's. Let's stick to the subject people. Crafting is totally worth the time and effort, buying the NPC weaps, armor, and accessories is ok for the lower levels, but still build your crafting skills, and if you don't think it is, tell that to my lvl70 3 star 4 socket war gulf helm. Yes... I want you to talk to an inanimate object, do it.....NOW! Also, for the record on DQ's, for the lower levels they are unnecessary, your regular quests will suit you just fine, but in the higher levels, when grinding gets monotonous, doing DQ's is worth the little bit of exp you get.
    BrimStone - lvl72 WB - Oracle

    Apocolypse - lvl1 WB - ?????????
  • taelrak
    taelrak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It depends the people you know. After 60, you'll want to wear only HH, event, or FB items, so it's not like you'll be spamming crafts until you get that ideal 3-star. There will be the occasional 3-star that's better than HH/molders, but those are rare.

    Since all you need is to craft some HH armor every 10 levels or so after 60, it's perfectly viable to get your guild crafter to make it for you. This saves everyone time and money in the long run.

    Keep in mind crafting takes skill points - not much, but it's there if you'd rather save those precious points for your combat skills instead. Not an issue when you reach 80s of course, but at that level you can simply buy enough mats to level all your crafts within 15 min if you really wanted to.

    Finally, here's a tip for those of you crafting:

    Never lose/sell/drop your skill books. Don't have your inventory full when you turn in a crafting quest either (this is a very real concern when you've just crafted 30 weapons to get that quest item). If you lose your beginner one, it's like 20k to replace, if you lose your intermediate one, it's 5m to replace, and if you lose your advanced, it's like 20m. (numbers approximate - can't remember offhand, but it was something insane like that).
  • haradeaz
    haradeaz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    taelrak wrote: »

    Keep in mind crafting takes skill points - not much, but it's there if you'd rather save those precious points for your combat skills instead. Not an issue when you reach 80s of course, but at that level you can simply buy enough mats to level all your crafts within 15 min if you really wanted to.

    That confused me big time as a veteran in mmorpgs :p
    So if you craft to much you you will have crappy skill lvls ? xD

    Only because that fact I dont wanna craft at all till lvl 80 lol (and I am a craftwhore :( )
  • taelrak
    taelrak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    haradeaz wrote: »
    That confused me big time as a veteran in mmorpgs :p
    So if you craft to much you you will have crappy skill lvls ? xD

    Only because that fact I dont wanna craft at all till lvl 80 lol (and I am a craftwhore :( )

    Well let me rephrase - crafting doesn't take skill points, but learning the craft skill (and upgrading it) takes skill points. You get skill points to allocate based on the exp you get. For example, you usually only manage to get enough to max all your skills by around 89 (by design).
  • Wolvesfury - Lost City
    Wolvesfury - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Start em right at the start.. DQ are 10 stage quests that require you to travel and speak to NPC's that don't really say much but ask you to either kill set number of mobs or bring them set number DQ items other then the First Dragon quest you get the rest are random in NPC's and items needed, and in my experience the lvl 21 DQ's are hella easy and repeatable for easy exp and spirit and Copper Dragon Orders. As for the DQ items pretty simple to farm em. About Manufacturing go for it early some of the mats will be harder to farm at higher lvl's being they are low lvl drops and The higher you are above the Mob the lower the drop percentage. My blacksmith/apothecary/craftsman are all at lvl 3 and all done from mined/farmed mat's (wife is the tailor) and when i get to lvl 50 blacksmith/craftsman will be the mains and DQ spirit rewards will be paying for the lvl upgrades :P those that say don't do it till later fall in my WHY RUSH TO BE GIMPY category and tbh me and wife have some damn fine Lowbie gear from what we made and every piece socketed and some 3 Star gear to boot, as well seeing your name on your gear can be a reward in it's self. it's like the man said earlier if your meant to be doing it low lvl then do it!!