Flying with another person?

primata Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2008 in General Discussion
I There, sorry for making a topic with this but after some videos i found curious one thing
a Baldemaster fluing in his sword whit a woman in his arms
is this possible?? taking another person flying with you?? if its true what kind of races can do that??

P.S : so far I made 2 topics and the help was very helpfull and quick this is going to be a great game and comunity ... PW forever:cool:
Post edited by primata on


  • wimpknuckles
    wimpknuckles Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Yes it's called embrace or something. It's possible.

    BUT the question must not be if you can carry them, but if you can drop them! hehe >=)
    When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
    When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion.
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    any male can pick a female up (if she accepts).
  • bruteforce
    bruteforce Posts: 7
    edited August 2008
    troll wrote: »
    any male can pick a female up (if she accepts).

    Damn! lol.
  • primata
    primata Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    :D:D drop them nice question....

    I don't love you anymore byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pufffffffffff :p:p
  • junk
    junk Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    You can also carry someone while on a land mount or simply walking. And your vigor regenerates while you're at it.
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    primata wrote: »
    :D:D drop them nice question....

    I don't love you anymore byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pufffffffffff :p:p

    that's what you get for accepting rides from strangers.
  • xylent
    xylent Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    troll wrote: »
    that's what you get for accepting rides from strangers.

    Lol. Picks you up and leaves you in the middle of a dungeon of mobs 50 lvls above you. xD
  • wimpknuckles
    wimpknuckles Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    That already happend with me once in WoW when the high lvl ''friend'' had to take a **** and never came back damnit >:O

    I was so scared...=(
    When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
    When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion.
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bruteforce wrote: »
    troll wrote: »
    any male can pick a female up (if she accepts).
    Damn! lol.
    Well, when she accepts, you don't have to ask her to kiss :p
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • fireblood
    fireblood Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    xylent wrote: »
    Lol. Picks you up and leaves you in the middle of a dungeon of mobs 50 lvls above you. xD
    A sight to remember :D
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    Females can pick guys up also.

  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    sealed wrote: »
    Females can pick guys up also.


    females can initiate hoist cuddle, but only males get the carrying animation (females can only be carried).
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    I wish you can group hoist cuddle, like I can carry 3 girls at once :p

  • kaosnight
    kaosnight Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    troll wrote: »
    females can initiate hoist cuddle, but only males get the carrying animation (females can only be carried).

    Just wondering but does that mean a female character cant give a ride to a male or the animation will show the male holding the female even if its the females mount?
  • lipe124
    lipe124 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lol 3 girls, no man can handle 3 girls unless they have extreme sub personalities.

    And to answer the other question, you can drop the girl anytime you like :) (unfortunately even if u drop her from 60metres she wont die from the fall -so aim for a boss)
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone ;)
  • wimpknuckles
    wimpknuckles Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lipe124 wrote: »
    And to answer the other question, you can drop the girl anytime you like :) (unfortunately even if u drop her from 60metres she wont die from the fall -so aim for a boss)


    Hehe, I'll be inviting my ex to this game....
    When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
    When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion.
  • taelrak
    taelrak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kaosnight wrote: »
    Just wondering but does that mean a female character cant give a ride to a male or the animation will show the male holding the female even if its the females mount?

    Only males can carry females, regardless of who initiates the cuddle. This is one of the reasons to roll a female character - they're the only ones who get to be lazy and be carried everywhere.

    This is particularly useful in forest ruins, where getting to an area quickly without dying is the whole point.
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    taelrak wrote: »
    This is particularly useful in forest ruins, where getting to an area quickly without dying is the whole point.

    Just dont pick an incompetent boyfriend that'll run you right into mobs and get you both killed lol.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • ick
    ick Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    WELL NO MATTER MY wf cLASS IS A KILLER Godess and u will see how its futile at the 19 2 resist me