Blademaster Weapons

moretokun Posts: 8 Arc User
edited August 2008 in Blademaster
Okay I'm totally new to PW i have never played any other version of it so i don't know exactly how everything works but on the blademaster page i saw that it said one of the weapons he can use is a scythe now I've never seen any talk of scythes on the board here and i was wondering if anyone knows anything about it. (And a explanation of this weapon sub class thing would be nice too ^_^)
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  • xii
    xii Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    scythes aren't really a weapon class...there may be a few that look like them, but i believe they fall under the spear/polearm/mace category.

    those are near the middle of the weapon spectrum in terms of power/attack speed.

    power (per single hit, greatest to lowest): axe/hammer, spear/polearm/mace, sword/blade, claw/fist
    attack speed (fast to slow): claw/fist, sword/blade, spear/polearm/mace, axe/hammer

    they're typically good PvP or PvE weapons due to their long range (greatest melee attack range of 5m).
  • moretokun
    moretokun Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Okay so which weapon i were to use if it falls under the same category wouldn't affect the stats too much, like if i were to use a scythe instead of a polearm?
  • xii
    xii Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    if you use maces (scythe-looking weapons), you can also wield the polearms. they belong to the same category.

    from that, if you add a little more agi every level, you can also wield swords/blades...or if you add a little more str, you can wield axes/hammers. both sacrifice con though, so its not heavily recommended (and managing dual skill trees will be very sp consuming).
  • moretokun
    moretokun Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    What is sp as ive said before ive never played any of the other versions so i dont know most of the abbrivations, but you dont know much overall about scythes?
  • xii
    xii Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    sorry about that, sp = skill points, which are similar to attribute points except you use them to level up skills.

    and i found out what you mean about scythes from that information in this website...

    its just misinterpretation on my behalf. coming from PW-EN, the names were shuffled around, so here's what i meant:

    (format goes PW-EN name = PW International name)

    spears = spears
    polearms = scythes
    maces = clubs

    so sorry about all that, scythes are available, and simply were the polearms.

    for that build, you need to do:

    every odd level: +3 str/+1 agi/+1 con
    every even level: +2 str/+1 agi/+2 con

    this gives the tanking build (and most common) for scythe blademaster.

    and if you do this, you can also use clubs. if you want to use spears as well, you need to add 1 more agi every 10 levels.

    hopefully this cleared things up!
  • moretokun
    moretokun Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    That clears up alot and helps with a begining build for me XD but im just slightly confused on the PW-En name to the PWI name but thats translation error right? but for what i understand the scythes are next to spears. . .?
  • xii
    xii Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yeah, completely translational "errors".

    the developers stated that they wanted a more localized naming layout, so now almost all the old PW-EN names are different.

    but yes, scythes are that "middle" weapon in between spears and maces, previously called "long blade" polearms.

    you'll see what i mean hopefully once closed beta is up and running!