PKKers for your PKers



  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    it's annoying when you kill someone same level as you and they cry to their guild.

    handle it.
  • Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    pkkers as you guys call them are usualy pkers who happened to stumble on another pker that they for whatever reason want to kill ^.^

    so it looks like ima have to kill you all as soon as game starts im sorry
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tactically it's better to not fight back till someone turns really red (you only turn redder when the person you hit does not fight you back, soon as someone fights you you don't turn redder) then lure them out one last time and take their plentiful drops.

    that relies on the pker having the balls to stay in the field, of course.

    and not run screaming like a girl back to the safe zone soon as they go red.

    who's got balls here.
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    reparta wrote: »
    So anyone mind explaining what the issue people have with PKKers is?

    They are just someone that got sick of being pked - for no good reason - , snapped and are out to ensure no one else feels the sneaky-underhanded-blade of a coward that has just jumped down/out of hiding to gank them.

    Yestermoon - SB | Dawnglory
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I donno....getting pked is kind of **** sometimes....they get off an extra 3-5 hits at least before you notice your getting your **** kicked. At higher lvls, 3-5 hits is pretty major, especially since they get a free CD refresh. Plus, in PW-My-eng practically all I see is high levels killing lowbies with somewhat extravagant items. Nothing against PKing personally...but I can only assume that if all the PK lovers go to PvP server...its going to be a kill or be killed world. :rolleyes:
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm going PKer but I've played a lot of other mmo's before as a pker and I know what to expect. That seemingly harmless person probably has a high leveled friend. I kill white names and red names.

    Basically many PKers just think they will run around slaughtering helpless people and no one will ever fight back.

    A real pker can not only kill defensless people but also respond in an instance where people decide to fight back.

    In the malaysia version I was able to fight off many a PKKer and unless they are much higher leveled than me I have a decent chance of escaping or killing them.
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    reparta wrote: »
    So I've seen a lot of people going on about how they are going to go PKer in this game, it's always good to see a healthy pvp community.

    But with all these PKers it brings up the question of how many people are going to be PKKers. (I don't agree with the thought that they are the same people.)

    For the people who don't know what PKKer stands for (weirdos :D) it's a person who specifically hunts down and kills any PKer they find. They do this by just generally looking for indications that a person has killed another player (in this game I think they'd look for red names, I've never played so correct me if I'm wrong.)

    There are various reasons people do this including but not limited to, the want of a challenge (That person is strong enough to kill another player so it'll be a fun fight), to make sure that PKers don't get out of hand (there's high level PKer slaughtering people in a low level area and he won't let anyone do anything) or for vengence issues (A random person killed me when I was low levels so now I'm going to kill all pkers [I hate these guys :( )

    Also as a short note because I see so many people saying PKKers are immature people with issues that came from being PKed when they were younger, not all PKKers are like that. In fact if you need an example look at me, I do it for the better thrill and to make sure things with PKers don't get out of hand (even the most noble PKers know this happens.)

    So what do you people think about it? (If I forget anything I'll add it later and if this sort of thing has already been posted, I didn't see it so sorry.)

    I've seen this in the past and been part of it. I may join you on that venture.

    Alot of people also have the misconception that all reds are bad. That is not correct. There may have been a reason people went red against white that are justified as other than "ganking".

    Could be a dispute, a known troublemaker who talks the talk, KSer..could be various things.

    Alot of PKKs are red and those who serve justice are usually well known and respected.
    It's who you know that will make a difference thou. :)
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    moop wrote: »
    pkkers are exponentially worse than pkers.. simply because pkkers don't understand the concept of personal discrepencies and always end up trying to kill people that should otherwise have just been left the hell alone in the first place :P.
    So the red PKer should have left the white guy/gal alone in the first place right?? RIGHT?!

  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    "PKKers" are just PKers who go around shouting that what they do is "right" and "good" because they're too puss to gain a rep as a PKer and have to deal with the consequences.

    Grow some balls or don't flag. That simple.


    PKers that gank lowbies are the biggest reason PKKs exist. To police those asshats that truely have no balls to fight fair.

    If you PK someone who flagged for an even fight then there should be np, the PKKer should move on.

    90% of the time PKers prey on the weak. Thats why PKKers exist in these games.
    Red = dead btw (Most of the time)

    You play the way you want, others will play the way they want. customer please..;)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vyron wrote: »

    PKers that gank lowbies are the bigest reason PKKs exist. To police those asshats that truely have no balls to fight fair.

    If you PK someone who flagged for an even fight then there should be np, the PKKer should move on.

    90% of the time PKers prey on the weak. Thats why PKKers exist in these games.
    Red = dead btw (Most of the time)

    You play the way you want, others will play the way they want. customer please..;)

    Come to Lost City.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    Come to Lost City.

    East coast here, I'll be there.
    Why do you need me there thou?

    Before you answer, remember..
    1. You dont know me
    2. I dont know you
    3. Are you serving free drinks? :D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vyron wrote: »
    East coast here, I'll be there.
    Why do you need me there thou?

    Before you answer, remember..
    1. You dont know me
    2. I dont know you
    3. Are you serving free drinks? :D

    The fact that you don't know me proves that you have no right to talk about PKers. Lol. I'm the most (in)famous PKer of english speaking Perfect World, Ambition.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    The fact that you don't know me proves that you have no right to talk about PKers. Lol. I'm the most (in)famous PKer of english speaking Perfect World, Ambition.

    ROFL me not knowing you gives me no right to speak about PKers? If you are in your early 20s I'd say I was PKing before you graduated Middleschool :)

    I am the co-founder of "Fires of Heaven" who started out back in UO PKing and robbing everything in sight..Does it matter to you? No..why? Because you dont know me either.

    So let us jump off our high horse for a moment...

    You only have ONE advantage and ONE only!!!

    You have played this and I am new to PW...Thats it!

    I will learn this game in time and enjoy it with the rest of you, but dont come here telling me I have no right to talk about PKers...Been there, done that! You dont know me either, so dont judge what I can and cant do or say, makes you look ignorant. :rolleyes:

    Now...About those drinks...
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    As soon as I read "PKKers" I immediately thought of Haseo from .****//Roots (and G.U. etc.). He became a PKKer because he was looking for the PKer, "Tri-Edge", that had PKed his friend & guildmate Shino, and put her into a coma irl.

    As a PKKer, even though in some form he was defending normal players from PKers, he became notorious and feared among the normal players, and known as the "Terror of Death". Haseo was also hated by the PKers, who ended up forming an alliance and hundreds of them attacked him at once O_o

    He killed most of them and the survivors ran away, but this kinda scenario only happened cause a *special something* happened to his PC making him rather strong.

    1014451553_2d042525f0_o.jpg thoughts;

    "If you play a game that has PK in it, don't whine when you get PKed."

    I see sooo many people saying that, when they aren't the ones getting PKed. It's fine to say that, but you know it is annoying when you get PKed outta nowhere and you're trying to complete a quest or just trying to grind etc.

    Following some kind of etiquette when PKing is a great thing to do. For example, not stalking another player and constantly killing them...

    Going around and requesting PvP battles/duels is somewhat different to walking up to someone and attacking them, and you don't get as much drama. Technically, that's still PKing >.<

    Of course, everyone plays in different ways, some people really do only play to PK and **** off other people. And no amount of rational discussion makes a difference to these types, because they're just asses. They're the ones PKKers need to go after.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    And that's the kind if PKers that should have been aborted with a hanger.

    Again, if someone way over your level PKs you, tell one of the RageQuits ingame. We'll be glad to slaughter their ****.

    However, if we find our they were your level and you just crybabied about losing, we're going to slaughter your **** too. You've been warned.

    ok mystic you being the leader of rq and me wanting to know more about rq can you tell me your stance on pk'ing? i mean i know your a pvping guild lol ive even thought about applying but ive been hesitant not knowing how helpfull you guys are to other guildmates...and that whole tell a rq ingame and we'll kill them for you confused me cause that almost sounds nice XD
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    jam3sj wrote: »
    ok mystic you being the leader of rq and me wanting to know more about rq can you tell me your stance on pk'ing? i mean i know your a pvping guild lol ive even thought about applying but ive been hesitant not knowing how helpfull you guys are to other guildmates...and that whole tell a rq ingame and we'll kill them for you confused me cause that almost sounds nice XD

    RQ loves to PK. But we PK for fun of it. And we don't find killing people a lower level than us, because that's not a challenge, and the challenge is for fun.

    RQ is, undoubtedly, the most tight-knit guild on this game. We have been around for 5 years now, we have members who have been here for all 5 years, and most people who join RQ never leave.

    This is not only because we're "helpful" to our members, but it's always because we terrorize eachother and we treat eachother like real friends. A constant ventrilo requirement means we're joking around constantly, and extremely tight-knit bonds are formed.

    Even the members that are new are helped with whatever they need, because RQ members recognize that every member of us is important because a guild is only as strong as it's members.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Consider RQ a mix and match of david hasslehoff and sesame street. Oh and that guy who played Morpheus in The Matrix XD

    Personally I started making the distinction between Pkers and pkkers from .**** though this is gaming. If people are just going to take one side without thinking of their implications then they are stupid and illogical, just like the people who say they are republican or liberal. There are some issues a person would be republical and others which would be liberal. Generalization, besides generalization for Mutleys- A Carebear in denial that brings a bad name to all carebears around the world- is in fact stupid

    Pkkers are Pkers nonetheless. I have yet to meet a logical pkker who gives a logical reason to the difference between pkking and pking. Primarily when I was one I had the answer but never found someone who gave such reasoning or similar
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    RQ loves to PK. But we PK for fun of it. And we don't find killing people a lower level than us, because that's not a challenge, and the challenge is for fun.

    RQ is, undoubtedly, the most tight-knit guild on this game. We have been around for 5 years now, we have members who have been here for all 5 years, and most people who join RQ never leave.

    This is not only because we're "helpful" to our members, but it's always because we terrorize eachother and we treat eachother like real friends. A constant ventrilo requirement means we're joking around constantly, and extremely tight-knit bonds are formed.

    Even the members that are new are helped with whatever they need, because RQ members recognize that every member of us is important because a guild is only as strong as it's members.

    That actually brings back old memories from my UO days, but we had no vent then, just IM hehe.
    Glad you explained your guild a little bit better there. Guys sound pretty good to have around. :)
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Could anyone really read one of Mystic's posts and still believe all of us PKers are simply a bunch of heartless thugs that the rest of the server needs to gang up on? We don't always eat babies for breakfast ya know.
    Surprise Bear says: "Look for the prize with every surprise!"
    Approximately 13% of all forum pages mention RQ, as confirmed by Google.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    Consider RQ a mix and match of david hasslehoff and sesame street. Oh and that guy who played Morpheus in The Matrix XD

    well i wanted to join rq even more after i read mystics post but now that i know its like a mixture of david hasslehoof and sesame street... i really want to join:p
  • Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    I'll make a warrior PK video then:p

  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    jam3sj wrote: »
    well i wanted to join rq even more after i read mystics post but now that i know its like a mixture of david hasslehoof and sesame street... i really want to join:p

    No wai, you have the first 3 letters of my name, thats not allowed!
    Surprise Bear says: "Look for the prize with every surprise!"
    Approximately 13% of all forum pages mention RQ, as confirmed by Google.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    jamsan wrote: »
    Could anyone really read one of Mystic's posts and still believe all of us PKers are simply a bunch of heartless thugs that the rest of the server needs to gang up on? We don't always eat babies for breakfast ya know.
    jam3sj wrote: »
    well i wanted to join rq even more after i read mystics post but now that i know its like a mixture of david hasslehoof and sesame street... i really want to join:p

    XD Yayz moar jamz
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    jamsan wrote: »
    We don't always eat babies for breakfast ya know.
    You also eat the babies' cereal bowls?:eek:
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    You also eat the babies' cereal bowls?:eek:

    XD >____>;
    Us? As if <____<;
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    XD stupid age limit
  • Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    jam3sj wrote: »
    well i wanted to join rq even more after i read mystics post but now that i know its like a mixture of david hasslehoof and sesame street... i really want to join:p

    If you get in I hope you start using proper grammar and punctuation.
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ren wrote: »
    If you get in I hope you start using proper grammar and punctuation.

    don't worry about it i didn't get in. lol
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Good application, only thing that held him back was the age limit. Sorry bro.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Wow so much pking. I think PKKers arents as bad as PKers. This all depends on though, if the Pker is just killing weak players. If the PKer is doing the pvp for the challenge then the PKKer is just pretty random guy killing the winner. Which then makes the PKKer the bad guy. This is pretty confusing.


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