The Good and the Bad - Song of the Surging Waves Expansion

Posts: 13 Arc User
edited December 2024 in General Discussion

I started this Topic since i think, Heero is currently in Vacation. Everyone feel free to add other known Exploits / Bugs that are not listed below, for the Developers having a better Overview about the current Situation in Game.

Aswell the Fashion-Ultimate-Casket is not working. It gives a error:

''Perfect Boutique does not have this kind of item error retcode 0''

Item ID from Nirvana Scroll that has to be added to Shop asap is:
ID: 77684

Arigora-Collosseum Matchmaking Time for Hard Mode is not specified, the time on the NPC isn't correct, so no one is able to do Arigora-Collosseum currently.

And again you have the wrong Price for opening Slumbering Sacred Spirit, Slumbering Royal Spirit, Slumbering Noble Spirit.
Aswell we had this Issue at the last Expansion.
Price is:
Slumbering Sacred Spirit = 2 Gold
Slumbering Royal Spirit = 40 Silver
Slumbering Noble Spirit = 800.000 Silver Coins

Aswell we are missing the NPC for Bounty Hunter Quests.

The Price for the Battle-Pass System is wrong aswell. It was 12 Gold / 16 Gold if i remember correctly.

Bard G17 Stage 5 Weapon is having a UI Error, if you want to see your Stats, the Overlay is to big, so you only see the Text written on the Bottom, if you watch the Weapon after linking in Chat, it work normally. Same Issue with a few Skill-Descriptions of the Bard.

Instance Twilight Temple Revisited, Level 2 is having Bug Rewards. You are supposed to get the Option to trade for 2 Chests with 3 Keys, if you kill the Twilight Princess correctly, but yet you only get the Option for a failed Run with worse Rewards.

Price-Changes has to be made:

Golden Splendor Price on PWCN = 1 Gold, for us 3 Gold? It should be 15 Silver at max! The Price is hilarious!
Coupon of Magnifience on PWCN = 55 Silver each, for us almost 1 Gold. Price should be at 25 Silver each AT MAX!
Star Chart Items like Nebula Dust Orbs, Astrospira Pearls etc. are at PWCN Prices, they need to be divided by 6,5 to have the correct Price for our Game Version.
Now you can get Nebula Dust Orbs even Cheaper for Event Gold, then for normal Gold.. Why would some1 charge then for those? Nebula Price should be at 15 Silver each!

Destiny Stone & Oracle Stone are still not added to our Game, even tho it should've been at last Expansion already! They should be at a Price of 1 Gold

Aswell, since 3 years now Chrono-Hunt is not working and due to that, we are not able to obtain the G18 Cape.
I attached a Screenshot below, what Error Message we get since 3 Years, at whatever Time of a Day. It seems like that Chrono-Hunt (Entry-NPC ''Royal Guard Ramore'' located in Western Steppes at: 350, 600) is not connected to a Server. We would appreciate if you can tell the Devs to connect it to one of the available Servers of Perfect World International.

If this is not possible, we really need this Change:

Add to the Reward NPC ''Chrono Researcher'' Located in Western Steppes at: 349, 600 a Option that allows you to trade your Arigora Coins (Reward from Arigora Collosseum) to Chrono-Sand & Chrono Flux. The Items value the same, so it could be possible to set a Trade-Option for a fair Rate.

This would stop you from needing to route the Chrono-Hunt to a new Server, and can give Players still the possibility to obtain the G18 Cape.

Everyone feel free to add more missing Stuff in the Commentary Section below.

Thanks in Advance and we hope for a detailed Reply on all the Matters!

We would appreciate a clear and detailed answer in this Matter since we are waiting for it since more then 3 Years now and you should have more then a 100 Tickets about it already.

Thanks in Advance


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  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    I've long quit the official PWI server, but dear lord, do they even try anymore? We used to make jokes of "what did they break this update?", but this is on another level of scuffed and laziness.

    They literally took the PWCN code, slapped it into google translate, and said "random BS go!" while breaking just about everything.
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    • the assassin skill 'Life Hunter' remains disabled, despite the fact that the glitch which abused the skill is no longer viable with this latest game update. Furthermore, the cleric skill Seal of the Gods (with Argent Glyph) remains disabled. Please re-enable these vital skills for the Assassin and Cleric classes.
    • Whispering Mausoleum reward box has incorrect description. (It has the Uncharted Paradise one.)
    • Wrong forges were added in. Specifically, at 550,675 in-game (north Archosaur) the wrong forges are there; 'Boundless Forge' is missing, which uses the Adamantine Powder to convert PWI-specific r9rr gear into r9rr boundless gear, and in its place is the incorrect 'Cauldron of Ascension'. I mean, the Cauldron of Ascension is pretty nice to have, but only if we can also have the Boundless Forge lol. Otherwise, people using PWI-specific r9rr gear are stuck and can't upgrade into g17r3 gear.
    • 12th glyph slot quest 'Trial Master of Sacrifice' wasn't fixed
    • Nation War is broken
    • Bounty Hunter NPCs are missing
    Post edited by aenara#4264 on
  • v0i9y6iw8qod.png
  • 5-2 rewards cant be claimed even with alot of slots and cant be trash either.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    64 bit not working....tried everything
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    Jolly Jones npc is missing
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    soulstress wrote: »
    64 bit not working....tried everything

    64 bit is working, stop trying to get them to reimplement 32bit so you can use the bot.
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    Hello , is dual client broken ? When I kill arc from task manager it is also closing my element client . If any1 has any work around this ? thank you.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    Inventory master missing as well , no way to expand safe/inventory
  • Posts: 8 Arc User

    64 bit is working, stop trying to get them to reimplement 32bit so you can use the bot.

    it is working but it makes me random crash often,never had that problem on 32 bit
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    ante21 wrote: »
    it is working but it makes me random crash often,never had that problem on 32 bit
    Yes I had the same problem... I've always had that problem with the 64 bit client - launches ok, logs in ok, plays fine for about 5 mins then just closes with no error, nothing. So I've always avoided using it and stuck to the 32 bit client which was (mostly) stable.
    Now we don't have a choice. I came a hair away from quitting after this expansion because of this issue alone.
    The only way I can make it stable is to do a small tweak where I don't allow arc to launch elementclient_64 directly, instead capture the login token, then close arc and then launch PWI, which isn't something most people are going to be able to set up. Nor should we have to. I used to do the same with the 32 bit client to avoid the ArcOverlay and ArcWebviewRenderer processes launching.
    I must admit though, after logging in this way, the 64 bit client is actually more stable, I think even slightly higher FPS, and switches between multiple windows faster than the 32 bit client used to.

  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    Well I never had any problems with 32 bit client whatsoever,but ever since 64 bit I am getting random crashes and performance wise in terms of fps its pretty much the same.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2
    GM told me to post this here for them to see.

    1. Nation War Forges
    The PWCN nation war forges were mistakenly released again. The Cauldron of Ascension forge has the ability to gear skip using Dustfall Ultimate Artifacts. This was accidentally released several times in the past and I remember the GMs said it was by accident and forced a rollback on players who utilized this feature.

    2. PWI Iceshard Agent
    The Iceshard redeem NPC for PWI located in south archosaur is missing so players cannot redeem iceshard coins for anything.

    3. Heavenly Craftsman Toto
    The NPC Heavenly Craftsman Toto located in west archosaur was accidentally added back in as well. This feature allows players to rent/lease G17 weapons. This was also noted as an accidental release in past updates and players were rolledback with these items removed as well.

    4. Trade Platform Agent
    This NPC allows players to sell/trade anything including characters ingame for currency and links to a PWCN website. This feature was also disabled because of accidental release in the past. The menu options are still in Chinese as well.

    5. Premium Battle Order
    The prices were not reduced to match the PWI gold ratio. They display the PWCN prices which is 700%+ the price offered before the update.

    6. Event Boutique
    The Event Boutique contains a lot of items that are probably not meant to be allowed to be purchased so easily in our version. This includes things like Nebula Dust Orbs which is only 1g each when the normal boutique sells them at a higher rate. The same applies for nearly all of the items in this Event Boutique. Including the Dragon Oath Special which is only 15 event gold when it costs 18g for it normally. Unless this was intended to make players not need to purchase gold anymore. If needed I can list all the items I believe would be game breaking.

    7. Golden Splendor (item id: 45681)
    The item offered in the boutique is listed for 3g when on PWCN it is listed for 2g which was reduced when they got this patch because of how many is required for the crafting formulas. Since PWCN conversion rate for gold is different this item should be a lot cheaper if we follow the 1/7th price it should be closer to 20silver.
    Addressed 12/25/24

    8. Nirvana Scroll
    The class change item is missing from the boutique. When you talk to the class change NPC Winding wine cup the auto-link to boutique to purchase the Nirvana scroll is missing.

    9. Live UI menu option
    The top right of the screen has a link to the Live PWCN radio which ends up doing nothing and causes a message that displays server timed out when clicked on. This option should be hidden/disabled on PWI.

    10. Nation War Recruiter
    The Nation War Recruiter NPC has been enabled again and this NPC was disabled because of the overpowered blessing that is offered weekly. This blessing grants very powerful stats and I believe it was disabled in our version to prevent imbalance in any PvP events.

    11. Star Points
    The VIP/Star points system looks to be displaying PWCN rates for VIP Points. The Iceshard coins used to be 1 point each with unlimited redeems but now displays 300 VIP points. I believe each gold charged to the account gave 100 points so some of these items are outrageous and impossible to obtain.

    12. Red Announcement Text
    The Red Announcement Text is fully enabled like it is on PWCN. Whenever anyone wins anything from any sort of chance pack or crafts gemstones it will flood the chat box with Red text. The game becomes a scrolling mess when trying to talk with people.

    13. 32-bit Setting
    There seems to be an issue with the 32-bit setting for the game and does not allow players to access the game using the 32-bit graphics setting. Players are forced to use the 64-bit option. This is totally fine if it defaulted to 64-bit instead of constantly warning players they are not running 64-bit. The game does not open and just shows a message.

    14. Random UI buttons
    There are erroneous buttons all over the UI menus. On the boutique page there are four buttons that appear when you click on Event that should not be there. Three under your "Money" and the treasure tab at the top.

    15. Translation/text errors
    There are a lot of tooltips that were auto-translated that need to be reworked because they occupy too much space. The new class's G17 weapon text has no line breaks and causes it to fill the whole screen. The Colosseum alt+j dialog window also has text that overflows the text area.

    16. Treasure Hunter
    Treasure Hunter NPCs seem to be missing from their normal spots.
    Addressed 12/25/24

    17. Lunar Glade / Warsong Valley
    Have not confirmed but it did break in the past when we had an update. Basically these two instances differ on PWI than what exists on PWCN and from what I have discovered so far from the released content it looks like they forgot to make sure the update was flagged for PWI and not PWCN release.

    18. Inventory Master
    This NPC is missing and there is no way to redeem inventory expansion slots.

    19. Sacred Slumbering Spirit
    Currently the price is incorrect for the sacred slumbering spirit. This was incorrectly increased again like it happened last update to 10g when it is suppose to be 2g. I didn't notice this until after I opened some spirits and I burned through 300g and panicked. So I am hoping I can get a refund for the difference.

    20. Broken Quests
    Some of the new quests are broken especially the ones involving using a teleacoustic. The message the question displays is mismatched with the correct message.

    21. Tooltips on all new items
    Nearly all the new tool tips have one line of text of paragraph size causing the tooltip to overflow the screen. I mentioned this earlier but discovered there are actually a lot of items like this.

    22. Comission shop search
    The Comission shop search to add item feature is in Chinese and cannot be searched in English to add items to the purchase side of the comission shop. Also the max quantity button no longer maxes to the maximum in your bag when listing an item and defaults to max stack size.

    23. Nation Wars Not Scheduled
    Nation Wars is no longer scheduled to happen on Monday + Tuesday at 8:20pm as it normally is.

    24. Arigora Colloseum Not Scheduled
    Arigora Colloseum is also not scheduled at normal times nor does it work at any time of day. This has been tested at all hours of the day.

    25. Mismatched tool-tip
    The Treasure reward from Whispering Mosoleum has an incorrect tool-tip that does not include some of the items that are suppose to be dropped.

    26. Fashion Weapon Buff
    The Noctilucent [item id: 73458] cannot be used on fashion weapons according to some other players. It seems this no longer works on most or all fashion weapons.

    27. New Fashion Casket
    The new Fashion Casket box cannot be purchased, both the all fashion set box and the random chance box cannot be purchased.

    28. Northern Realm Name Tag
    The Nortern Realm no longer displays the server name but instead the server number. Players from Twilight Temple are displayed as [4] instead of [Tw] as what it was before and the same applies for all other server regions.

    29. Territory War counter not displaying
    During a Territory War Battle the pop-up message that tells you when the Dragon will spawn does not include the number of seconds it will spawn. Instead it just keeps spamming the message the dragon will spawn in seconds. No definite number next to it like it was before causing it to just keep spamming it which makes it pointless unless it has the correct value.

    30. Coupons of Magnificance wrong listed price
    The coupons are on sale for an ungodly low price causing all markets to crash and gold cost to rocket. This has already destroyed the game and has just created even a bigger gap between new players/non-cash shopping players. (1/2/25) Looks like the devs made the wrong change. I am assuming it was miscommunication. Instead of increasing each pack cost by 50s they increased each option by 50s. Probably should've explained you meant 50s for each individual pack so the options would be 58s per pack with the added % discount.
    -The only real solution I see here is to just rollback and full refund all players on their gold they purchased up to right when maintenance started. Then the last two days never existed as if it was all just a pipe dream. Of course there will be upset players but if you want the longevity of this game to continue there needs to be some sort of action. There was a rollback similar to this in the past when there was a boutique item listed for sale that ended up selling to the NPC for an extremely high amount of coins which did not do as much damage as this has but it did do damage. The best course of action would just be to rollback and give a code compensation. I understand ppl will have to redo quests or instances or they fell behind their battle order or infants. The code can compensate for all of those things, I suggest just event gold(200-500), daily keys, 10x soul summon stone(infant RNG pack), a free premium battle order for the current cycle since it is a shorter cycle. No matter what route is taken to address this there will be upset users. This needs to be addressed or we will see an even bigger decline in userbase within the next few weeks. Also, if the rumors are true and a specific player asked for these packs to be discounted then discount them slightly from their normal 61g 20 silver for 100 price down to something like 52g like all the other packs.
    --Another suggestion for a solution would be to remove best luck tokens from being converted to Big Notes. Instead introduce the PWCN system where you can only change them to Goldfoils to reduce the number of pack items flooding the market and impact of pumping gold coins. Remove the coupon sale and increase amount of gold per charge. This would introduce a lot of gold into the servers causing the gold prices to normalize so non-csers can still participate in the game. It would also reduce the amount of gold coins constantly being pumped into the market since the items for goldfoils come from packs which will eventually deplete and match the profits from using them to open goldfoils.

    31. Tournament Not Scheduled
    Thursday Night Fights Tournament is not scheduled no NPC appears when the time arrives.

    32. Event scheduling
    The events are all scheduled back to PWCN default times and need to be reassigned. Territory war first slot is on a Sunday at 8pm PDT for west servers making it really late for a lot of players. Especially when it runs 3hours and people have school/work the next day.
    Post edited by joshdarnit#5803 on
  • Unknown
    edited December 2024
    This content has been removed.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    The camera is not working like it used to, it seems like a much larger object now.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    GM told me to post this here for them to see.

    1. Nation War Forges
    The PWCN nation war forges were mistakenly released again. The Cauldron of Ascension forge has the ability to gear skip using Dustfall Ultimate Artifacts. This was accidentally released several times in the past and I remember the GMs said it was by accident and forced a rollback on players who utilized this feature.

    2. PWI Iceshard Agent
    The Iceshard redeem NPC for PWI located in south archosaur is missing so players cannot redeem iceshard coins for anything.

    3. Heavenly Craftsman Toto
    The NPC Heavenly Craftsman Toto located in west archosaur was accidentally added back in as well. This feature allows players to rent/lease G17 weapons. This was also noted as an accidental release in past updates and players were rolledback with these items removed as well.

    4. Trade Platform Agent
    This NPC allows players to sell/trade anything including characters ingame for currency and links to a PWCN website. This feature was also disabled because of accidental release in the past. The menu options are still in Chinese as well.

    5. Premium Battle Order
    The prices were not reduced to match the PWI gold ratio. They display the PWCN prices which is 700%+ the price offered before the update.

    6. Event Boutique
    The Event Boutique contains a lot of items that are probably not meant to be allowed to be purchased so easily in our version. This includes things like Nebula Dust Orbs which is only 1g each when the normal boutique sells them at a higher rate. The same applies for nearly all of the items in this Event Boutique. Including the Dragon Oath Special which is only 15 event gold when it costs 18g for it normally. Unless this was intended to make players not need to purchase gold anymore. If needed I can list all the items I believe would be game breaking.

    7. Golden Splendor (item id: 45681)
    The item offered in the boutique is listed for 3g when on PWCN it is listed for 2g which was reduced when they got this patch because of how many is required for the crafting formulas. Since PWCN conversion rate for gold is different this item should be a lot cheaper if we follow the 1/7th price it should be closer to 20silver.
    Addressed 12/25/24

    8. Nirvana Scroll
    The class change item is missing from the boutique. When you talk to the class change NPC Winding wine cup the auto-link to boutique to purchase the Nirvana scroll is missing.

    9. Live UI menu option
    The top right of the screen has a link to the Live PWCN radio which ends up doing nothing and causes a message that displays server timed out when clicked on. This option should be hidden/disabled on PWI.

    10. Nation War Recruiter
    The Nation War Recruiter NPC has been enabled again and this NPC was disabled because of the overpowered blessing that is offered weekly. This blessing grants very powerful stats and I believe it was disabled in our version to prevent imbalance in any PvP events.

    11. Star Points
    The VIP/Star points system looks to be displaying PWCN rates for VIP Points. The Iceshard coins used to be 1 point each with unlimited redeems but now displays 300 VIP points. I believe each gold charged to the account gave 100 points so some of these items are outrageous and impossible to obtain.

    12. Red Announcement Text
    The Red Announcement Text is fully enabled like it is on PWCN. Whenever anyone wins anything from any sort of chance pack or crafts gemstones it will flood the chat box with Red text. The game becomes a scrolling mess when trying to talk with people.

    13. 32-bit Setting
    There seems to be an issue with the 32-bit setting for the game and does not allow players to access the game using the 32-bit graphics setting. Players are forced to use the 64-bit option. This is totally fine if it defaulted to 64-bit instead of constantly warning players they are not running 64-bit. The game does not open and just shows a message.

    14. Random UI buttons
    There are erroneous buttons all over the UI menus. On the boutique page there are four buttons that appear when you click on Event that should not be there. Three under your "Money" and the treasure tab at the top.

    15. Translation/text errors
    There are a lot of tooltips that were auto-translated that need to be reworked because they occupy too much space. The new class's G17 weapon text has no line breaks and causes it to fill the whole screen. The Colosseum alt+j dialog window also has text that overflows the text area.

    16. Treasure Hunter
    Treasure Hunter NPCs seem to be missing from their normal spots.
    Addressed 12/25/24

    17. Lunar Glade / Warsong Valley
    Have not confirmed but it did break in the past when we had an update. Basically these two instances differ on PWI than what exists on PWCN and from what I have discovered so far from the released content it looks like they forgot to make sure the update was flagged for PWI and not PWCN release.

    18. Inventory Master
    This NPC is missing and there is no way to redeem inventory expansion slots.

    19. Sacred Slumbering Spirit
    Currently the price is incorrect for the sacred slumbering spirit. This was incorrectly increased again like it happened last update to 10g when it is suppose to be 2g. I didn't notice this until after I opened some spirits and I burned through 300g and panicked. So I am hoping I can get a refund for the difference.

    20. Broken Quests
    Some of the new quests are broken especially the ones involving using a teleacoustic. The message the question displays is mismatched with the correct message.

    21. Tooltips on all new items
    Nearly all the new tool tips have one line of text of paragraph size causing the tooltip to overflow the screen. I mentioned this earlier but discovered there are actually a lot of items like this.

    22. Comission shop search
    The Comission shop search to add item feature is in Chinese and cannot be searched in English to add items to the purchase side of the comission shop. Also the max quantity button no longer maxes to the maximum in your bag when listing an item and defaults to max stack size.

    23. Nation Wars Not Scheduled
    Nation Wars is no longer scheduled to happen on Monday + Tuesday at 8:20pm as it normally is.

    24. Arigora Colloseum Not Scheduled
    Arigora Colloseum is also not scheduled at normal times nor does it work at any time of day. This has been tested at all hours of the day.

    25. Mismatched tool-tip
    The Treasure reward from Whispering Mosoleum has an incorrect tool-tip that does not include some of the items that are suppose to be dropped.

    26. Fashion Weapon Buff
    The Noctilucent [item id: 73458] cannot be used on fashion weapons according to some other players. It seems this no longer works on most or all fashion weapons.

    27. New Fashion Casket
    The new Fashion Casket box cannot be purchased, both the all fashion set box and the random chance box cannot be purchased.

    28. Northern Realm Name Tag
    The Nortern Realm no longer displays the server name but instead the server number. Players from Twilight Temple are displayed as [4] instead of [Tw] as what it was before and the same applies for all other server regions.

    29. Territory War counter not displaying
    During a Territory War Battle the pop-up message that tells you when the Dragon will spawn does not include the number of seconds it will spawn. Instead it just keeps spamming the message the dragon will spawn in seconds. No definite number next to it like it was before causing it to just keep spamming it which makes it pointless unless it has the correct value.

    30. Coupons of Magnificance wrong listed price
    The coupons are on sale for an ungodly low price causing all markets to crash and gold cost to rocket. This has already destroyed the game and has just created even a bigger gap between new players/non-cash shopping players.
    -The only real solution I see here is to just rollback and full refund all players on their gold they purchased up to right when maintenance started. Then the last two days never existed as if it was all just a pipe dream. Of course there will be upset players but if you want the longevity of this game to continue there needs to be some sort of action. There was a rollback similar to this in the past when there was a boutique item listed for sale that ended up selling to the NPC for an extremely high amount of coins which did not do as much damage as this has but it did do damage. The best course of action would just be to rollback and give a code compensation. I understand ppl will have to redo quests or instances or they fell behind their battle order or infants. The code can compensate for all of those things, I suggest just event gold(200-500), daily keys, 10x soul summon stone(infant RNG pack), a free premium battle order for the current cycle since it is a shorter cycle. No matter what route is taken to address this there will be upset users. This needs to be addressed or we will see an even bigger decline in userbase within the next few weeks. Also, if the rumors are true and a specific player asked for these packs to be discounted then discount them slightly from their normal 61g 20 silver for 100 price down to something like 52g like all the other packs.

    31. Tournament Not Scheduled
    Thursday Night Fights Tournament is not scheduled no NPC appears when the time arrives.

    do you mean they will bring back the "pwi version / old nation forge" ?
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    I tried to increase a character's inventory but the item - Super Inventory Stone - needs the NPC Inventory Master, which was replaced by the NPC Assistant Wang Tsai, who does nothing with this item. So I need to return it and know how to increase my inventory.

    I searched in all other areas and the result is this: in 541 685, in 431 875, and in 672 127, there is no NPC and in 528 651, in 118 861, in 338 414, in 664 370, there is Wang Tsai . The Inventory Master is nowhere to be found, so how can new players expand their inventories? This is critical and a factor of discouragement for everyone. It is necessary to correct the problem urgently.
    More informations: The 'Super Safe Stone' and 'Super Inventory Stone' cannot be applied because the NPC Inventory Master no longer exists, and Bankers ask for the “Inventory Extension Stone” and the “Safe Extension Stone” that are not sold in the Boutique for a long time.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 12
    Sorry for repeating the previous post, it was a shipping error

    But there is still the problem of the Oath to obtain the opening of the last glyph slot, which has not yet been resolved. I don't think it's safe to change the ARC setting to use Russian spelling and back. A lot can go wrong.
    Post edited by kaalindraa on
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator

    Eak... This is interesting.

    I've passed some feedback back to the team. I can't login at the moment so I can't see.

    It may take some time to get things sorted as we are in holiday point as well.

    Thank you for the feedback so far an OP for starting this post.

  • Posts: 15 Arc User

    GM told me to post this here for them to see.

    1. Nation War Forges
    The PWCN nation war forges were mistakenly released again. The Cauldron of Ascension forge has the ability to gear skip using Dustfall Ultimate Artifacts. This was accidentally released several times in the past and I remember the GMs said it was by accident and forced a rollback on players who utilized this feature.

    2. PWI Iceshard Agent
    The Iceshard redeem NPC for PWI located in south archosaur is missing so players cannot redeem iceshard coins for anything.

    3. Heavenly Craftsman Toto
    The NPC Heavenly Craftsman Toto located in west archosaur was accidentally added back in as well. This feature allows players to rent/lease G17 weapons. This was also noted as an accidental release in past updates and players were rolledback with these items removed as well.

    4. Trade Platform Agent
    This NPC allows players to sell/trade anything including characters ingame for currency and links to a PWCN website. This feature was also disabled because of accidental release in the past. The menu options are still in Chinese as well.

    5. Premium Battle Order
    The prices were not reduced to match the PWI gold ratio. They display the PWCN prices which is 700%+ the price offered before the update.

    6. Event Boutique
    The Event Boutique contains a lot of items that are probably not meant to be allowed to be purchased so easily in our version. This includes things like Nebula Dust Orbs which is only 1g each when the normal boutique sells them at a higher rate. The same applies for nearly all of the items in this Event Boutique. Including the Dragon Oath Special which is only 15 event gold when it costs 18g for it normally. Unless this was intended to make players not need to purchase gold anymore. If needed I can list all the items I believe would be game breaking.

    7. Golden Splendor (item id: 45681)
    The item offered in the boutique is listed for 3g when on PWCN it is listed for 2g which was reduced when they got this patch because of how many is required for the crafting formulas. Since PWCN conversion rate for gold is different this item should be a lot cheaper if we follow the 1/7th price it should be closer to 20silver.
    Addressed 12/25/24

    8. Nirvana Scroll
    The class change item is missing from the boutique. When you talk to the class change NPC Winding wine cup the auto-link to boutique to purchase the Nirvana scroll is missing.

    9. Live UI menu option
    The top right of the screen has a link to the Live PWCN radio which ends up doing nothing and causes a message that displays server timed out when clicked on. This option should be hidden/disabled on PWI.

    10. Nation War Recruiter
    The Nation War Recruiter NPC has been enabled again and this NPC was disabled because of the overpowered blessing that is offered weekly. This blessing grants very powerful stats and I believe it was disabled in our version to prevent imbalance in any PvP events.

    11. Star Points
    The VIP/Star points system looks to be displaying PWCN rates for VIP Points. The Iceshard coins used to be 1 point each with unlimited redeems but now displays 300 VIP points. I believe each gold charged to the account gave 100 points so some of these items are outrageous and impossible to obtain.

    12. Red Announcement Text
    The Red Announcement Text is fully enabled like it is on PWCN. Whenever anyone wins anything from any sort of chance pack or crafts gemstones it will flood the chat box with Red text. The game becomes a scrolling mess when trying to talk with people.

    13. 32-bit Setting
    There seems to be an issue with the 32-bit setting for the game and does not allow players to access the game using the 32-bit graphics setting. Players are forced to use the 64-bit option. This is totally fine if it defaulted to 64-bit instead of constantly warning players they are not running 64-bit. The game does not open and just shows a message.

    14. Random UI buttons
    There are erroneous buttons all over the UI menus. On the boutique page there are four buttons that appear when you click on Event that should not be there. Three under your "Money" and the treasure tab at the top.

    15. Translation/text errors
    There are a lot of tooltips that were auto-translated that need to be reworked because they occupy too much space. The new class's G17 weapon text has no line breaks and causes it to fill the whole screen. The Colosseum alt+j dialog window also has text that overflows the text area.

    16. Treasure Hunter
    Treasure Hunter NPCs seem to be missing from their normal spots.
    Addressed 12/25/24

    17. Lunar Glade / Warsong Valley
    Have not confirmed but it did break in the past when we had an update. Basically these two instances differ on PWI than what exists on PWCN and from what I have discovered so far from the released content it looks like they forgot to make sure the update was flagged for PWI and not PWCN release.

    18. Inventory Master
    This NPC is missing and there is no way to redeem inventory expansion slots.

    19. Sacred Slumbering Spirit
    Currently the price is incorrect for the sacred slumbering spirit. This was incorrectly increased again like it happened last update to 10g when it is suppose to be 2g. I didn't notice this until after I opened some spirits and I burned through 300g and panicked. So I am hoping I can get a refund for the difference.

    20. Broken Quests
    Some of the new quests are broken especially the ones involving using a teleacoustic. The message the question displays is mismatched with the correct message.

    21. Tooltips on all new items
    Nearly all the new tool tips have one line of text of paragraph size causing the tooltip to overflow the screen. I mentioned this earlier but discovered there are actually a lot of items like this.

    22. Comission shop search
    The Comission shop search to add item feature is in Chinese and cannot be searched in English to add items to the purchase side of the comission shop. Also the max quantity button no longer maxes to the maximum in your bag when listing an item and defaults to max stack size.

    23. Nation Wars Not Scheduled
    Nation Wars is no longer scheduled to happen on Monday + Tuesday at 8:20pm as it normally is.

    24. Arigora Colloseum Not Scheduled
    Arigora Colloseum is also not scheduled at normal times nor does it work at any time of day. This has been tested at all hours of the day.

    25. Mismatched tool-tip
    The Treasure reward from Whispering Mosoleum has an incorrect tool-tip that does not include some of the items that are suppose to be dropped.

    26. Fashion Weapon Buff
    The Noctilucent [item id: 73458] cannot be used on fashion weapons according to some other players. It seems this no longer works on most or all fashion weapons.

    27. New Fashion Casket
    The new Fashion Casket box cannot be purchased, both the all fashion set box and the random chance box cannot be purchased.

    28. Northern Realm Name Tag
    The Nortern Realm no longer displays the server name but instead the server number. Players from Twilight Temple are displayed as [4] instead of [Tw] as what it was before and the same applies for all other server regions.

    29. Territory War counter not displaying
    During a Territory War Battle the pop-up message that tells you when the Dragon will spawn does not include the number of seconds it will spawn. Instead it just keeps spamming the message the dragon will spawn in seconds. No definite number next to it like it was before causing it to just keep spamming it which makes it pointless unless it has the correct value.

    30. Coupons of Magnificance wrong listed price
    The coupons are on sale for an ungodly low price causing all markets to crash and gold cost to rocket. This has already destroyed the game and has just created even a bigger gap between new players/non-cash shopping players.
    -The only real solution I see here is to just rollback and full refund all players on their gold they purchased up to right when maintenance started. Then the last two days never existed as if it was all just a pipe dream. Of course there will be upset players but if you want the longevity of this game to continue there needs to be some sort of action. There was a rollback similar to this in the past when there was a boutique item listed for sale that ended up selling to the NPC for an extremely high amount of coins which did not do as much damage as this has but it did do damage. The best course of action would just be to rollback and give a code compensation. I understand ppl will have to redo quests or instances or they fell behind their battle order or infants. The code can compensate for all of those things, I suggest just event gold(200-500), daily keys, 10x soul summon stone(infant RNG pack), a free premium battle order for the current cycle since it is a shorter cycle. No matter what route is taken to address this there will be upset users. This needs to be addressed or we will see an even bigger decline in userbase within the next few weeks. Also, if the rumors are true and a specific player asked for these packs to be discounted then discount them slightly from their normal 61g 20 silver for 100 price down to something like 52g like all the other packs.

    31. Tournament Not Scheduled
    Thursday Night Fights Tournament is not scheduled no NPC appears when the time arrives.
    cutie shut up ur just mad your gonna get rolled even easier than u do already with ur max gear and no skill " i never charge but i gargle ball sack for free game items"
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    > @joshdarnit#5803 said:
    > GM told me to post this here for them to see.
    > 1. Nation War Forges
    > The PWCN nation war forges were mistakenly released again. The Cauldron of Ascension forge has the ability to gear skip using Dustfall Ultimate Artifacts. This was accidentally released several times in the past and I remember the GMs said it was by accident and forced a rollback on players who utilized this feature.
    > 2. PWI Iceshard Agent
    > The Iceshard redeem NPC for PWI located in south archosaur is missing so players cannot redeem iceshard coins for anything.
    > 3. Heavenly Craftsman Toto
    > The NPC Heavenly Craftsman Toto located in west archosaur was accidentally added back in as well. This feature allows players to rent/lease G17 weapons. This was also noted as an accidental release in past updates and players were rolledback with these items removed as well.
    > 4. Trade Platform Agent
    > This NPC allows players to sell/trade anything including characters ingame for currency and links to a PWCN website. This feature was also disabled because of accidental release in the past. The menu options are still in Chinese as well.
    > 5. Premium Battle Order
    > The prices were not reduced to match the PWI gold ratio. They display the PWCN prices which is 700%+ the price offered before the update.
    > 6. Event Boutique
    > The Event Boutique contains a lot of items that are probably not meant to be allowed to be purchased so easily in our version. This includes things like Nebula Dust Orbs which is only 1g each when the normal boutique sells them at a higher rate. The same applies for nearly all of the items in this Event Boutique. Including the Dragon Oath Special which is only 15 event gold when it costs 18g for it normally. Unless this was intended to make players not need to purchase gold anymore. If needed I can list all the items I believe would be game breaking.
    > 7. Golden Splendor (item id: 45681)
    > The item offered in the boutique is listed for 3g when on PWCN it is listed for 2g which was reduced when they got this patch because of how many is required for the crafting formulas. Since PWCN conversion rate for gold is different this item should be a lot cheaper if we follow the 1/7th price it should be closer to 20silver.Addressed 12/25/24
    > 8. Nirvana Scroll
    > The class change item is missing from the boutique. When you talk to the class change NPC Winding wine cup the auto-link to boutique to purchase the Nirvana scroll is missing.
    > 9. Live UI menu option
    > The top right of the screen has a link to the Live PWCN radio which ends up doing nothing and causes a message that displays server timed out when clicked on. This option should be hidden/disabled on PWI.
    > 10. Nation War Recruiter
    > The Nation War Recruiter NPC has been enabled again and this NPC was disabled because of the overpowered blessing that is offered weekly. This blessing grants very powerful stats and I believe it was disabled in our version to prevent imbalance in any PvP events.
    > 11. Star Points
    > The VIP/Star points system looks to be displaying PWCN rates for VIP Points. The Iceshard coins used to be 1 point each with unlimited redeems but now displays 300 VIP points. I believe each gold charged to the account gave 100 points so some of these items are outrageous and impossible to obtain.
    > 12. Red Announcement Text
    > The Red Announcement Text is fully enabled like it is on PWCN. Whenever anyone wins anything from any sort of chance pack or crafts gemstones it will flood the chat box with Red text. The game becomes a scrolling mess when trying to talk with people.
    > 13. 32-bit Setting
    > There seems to be an issue with the 32-bit setting for the game and does not allow players to access the game using the 32-bit graphics setting. Players are forced to use the 64-bit option. This is totally fine if it defaulted to 64-bit instead of constantly warning players they are not running 64-bit. The game does not open and just shows a message.
    > 14. Random UI buttons
    > There are erroneous buttons all over the UI menus. On the boutique page there are four buttons that appear when you click on Event that should not be there. Three under your "Money" and the treasure tab at the top.
    > 15. Translation/text errors
    > There are a lot of tooltips that were auto-translated that need to be reworked because they occupy too much space. The new class's G17 weapon text has no line breaks and causes it to fill the whole screen. The Colosseum alt+j dialog window also has text that overflows the text area.
    > 16. Treasure Hunter
    > Treasure Hunter NPCs seem to be missing from their normal spots.Addressed 12/25/24
    > 17. Lunar Glade / Warsong Valley
    > Have not confirmed but it did break in the past when we had an update. Basically these two instances differ on PWI than what exists on PWCN and from what I have discovered so far from the released content it looks like they forgot to make sure the update was flagged for PWI and not PWCN release.
    > 18. Inventory Master
    > This NPC is missing and there is no way to redeem inventory expansion slots.
    > 19. Sacred Slumbering Spirit
    > Currently the price is incorrect for the sacred slumbering spirit. This was incorrectly increased again like it happened last update to 10g when it is suppose to be 2g. I didn't notice this until after I opened some spirits and I burned through 300g and panicked. So I am hoping I can get a refund for the difference.
    > 20. Broken Quests
    > Some of the new quests are broken especially the ones involving using a teleacoustic. The message the question displays is mismatched with the correct message.
    > 21. Tooltips on all new items
    > Nearly all the new tool tips have one line of text of paragraph size causing the tooltip to overflow the screen. I mentioned this earlier but discovered there are actually a lot of items like this.
    > 22. Comission shop search
    > The Comission shop search to add item feature is in Chinese and cannot be searched in English to add items to the purchase side of the comission shop. Also the max quantity button no longer maxes to the maximum in your bag when listing an item and defaults to max stack size.
    > 23. Nation Wars Not Scheduled
    > Nation Wars is no longer scheduled to happen on Monday + Tuesday at 8:20pm as it normally is.
    > 24. Arigora Colloseum Not Scheduled
    > Arigora Colloseum is also not scheduled at normal times nor does it work at any time of day. This has been tested at all hours of the day.
    > 25. Mismatched tool-tip
    > The Treasure reward from Whispering Mosoleum has an incorrect tool-tip that does not include some of the items that are suppose to be dropped.
    > 26. Fashion Weapon Buff
    > The Noctilucent [item id: 73458] cannot be used on fashion weapons according to some other players. It seems this no longer works on most or all fashion weapons.
    > 27. New Fashion Casket
    > The new Fashion Casket box cannot be purchased, both the all fashion set box and the random chance box cannot be purchased.
    > 28. Northern Realm Name Tag
    > The Nortern Realm no longer displays the server name but instead the server number. Players from Twilight Temple are displayed as [4] instead of [Tw] as what it was before and the same applies for all other server regions.
    > 29. Territory War counter not displaying
    > During a Territory War Battle the pop-up message that tells you when the Dragon will spawn does not include the number of seconds it will spawn. Instead it just keeps spamming the message the dragon will spawn in seconds. No definite number next to it like it was before causing it to just keep spamming it which makes it pointless unless it has the correct value.
    > 30. Coupons of Magnificance wrong listed price
    > The coupons are on sale for an ungodly low price causing all markets to crash and gold cost to rocket. This has already destroyed the game and has just created even a bigger gap between new players/non-cash shopping players.
    > -The only real solution I see here is to just rollback and full refund all players on their gold they purchased up to right when maintenance started. Then the last two days never existed as if it was all just a pipe dream. Of course there will be upset players but if you want the longevity of this game to continue there needs to be some sort of action. There was a rollback similar to this in the past when there was a boutique item listed for sale that ended up selling to the NPC for an extremely high amount of coins which did not do as much damage as this has but it did do damage. The best course of action would just be to rollback and give a code compensation. I understand ppl will have to redo quests or instances or they fell behind their battle order or infants. The code can compensate for all of those things, I suggest just event gold(200-500), daily keys, 10x soul summon stone(infant RNG pack), a free premium battle order for the current cycle since it is a shorter cycle. No matter what route is taken to address this there will be upset users. This needs to be addressed or we will see an even bigger decline in userbase within the next few weeks. Also, if the rumors are true and a specific player asked for these packs to be discounted then discount them slightly from their normal 61g 20 silver for 100 price down to something like 52g like all the other packs.
    > 31. Tournament Not Scheduled
    > Thursday Night Fights Tournament is not scheduled no NPC appears when the time arrives.

    cutie shut up ur just mad your gonna get rolled even easier than u do already with ur max gear and no skill " i never charge but i gargle ball sack for free game items"
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    Cutie or Joshdarnit, I heard the Shockwave or Echo members mentioning that you abuse the GM by asking for free items or free upgrades :open_mouth: . Greeting from ET :)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    I was told to leave the comment here by Support. Those of us that obtained the mats to upgrade the Rank 9 to G17 but are missing a few molds are no longer able to farm them in Warsong. There are no bosses to drop the molds nor a NPC to upgrade them. Please restore this. Either that or make a means for individuals to get said molds in order to upgrade our Rank 9 gear to R9RR in order to make our G17 gear. This is has several frozen in time at moment unable to continue with our gear progression.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    soulstress wrote: »
    64 bit not working....tried everything

    mine not working can only log 1 toon at a time if log out of arc and relog 2nd toon the first toon crashes
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    With drops from Uncharted Paradise no longer tradeable how are we suppose to make our weapons? Only get 1 wood a day and sometime not even that. Will take almost 2 years to make. Same with TTR mats. The drop rate is way too low to be functional.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    With drops from Uncharted Paradise no longer tradeable how are we suppose to make our weapons? Only get 1 wood a day and sometime not even that. Will take almost 2 years to make. Same with TTR mats. The drop rate is way too low to be functional.

    So you can craft wood from homestead without too much investment so not really an issue. the thing would be the skulls, which do have a tradeable drop chance, but will still take a while to farm.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 28
    GM asked me to leave this here regarding Sacred Spirit pricing. Cost of unlocking Slumber Sacred Spirits since the expansion has gone up to 10G from 2G, which makes achieving G17 armor prohibitively expensive. Similar thoughts on Noble and Royal Spirit pricing, but I don't have math on those.
    Some napkin probability math:
    - Chance to unlock a Sacred Spirit with any level of Lunar Phase Grade - 2%
    - # of spirits needed - 5
    - # of attempts needed for a 90% probability of unlocking 5 spirits with at least level 1 Lunar Phase Grade: 400
    - Total gold cost: 4000

    The number skyrockets if one is attempting to get a Lunar Phase Grade of above one (~23,000G for a 90% chance at a single lvl 5 for example), but the real issue is the cost for just getting to level one. This also ignores the additional gold costs of re-rolling stats to be usable with soul shackles.

    I hope this pricing can be looked at and brought to a reasonable level, otherwise I worry many people will just give up. 2 gold still feels high, but somewhat within the realm of achievable. 10 gold is just impossible.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    Got asked by GM to leave a comment on the form.

    Since the new update we are unable to forge molds for G16 gear.
    After defeating the first boss in Warsong City the NPC does not appear, leaving us wanting for more.
    The forge "Rising Dawn Forge" is also missing in Warsong City.

    Also new item in event shop "Eternity Fashion Weapon Token" (8 gold) does not have a fashion weapon for the new BARD class.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    Slumbering Spirirts are still 10 gold to open >.< should be max 2 gold.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 14
    Just bumping this, things still not fixed. All we get from tickets are responses to post on the forums, and then radio silence.

    - Colosseum not working
    - Slumber opening price still 5x what it should be
    - Chrono Hunt has been broken for years
    - Final Glyph slot quest (Trial - Sacrifice) cannot be completed, it asks us to world chat a message over the character limit.
    - I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting


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