What killed activity the most

Posts: 10 Arc User
What its the recent update or summertime?
What killed activity the most 28 votes
Recent Update
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4 votes
Recently got back to game, and i figured many things that kills the game:
1st the OLD ppl that play this game, eg; figured at CODE guild in DW server, all r old ppl playing thus they have bad humour, elitist ppl (if u not g17, up yours) guild that only benefits OLD players, this bores new/comeback player.
2nd elitist player base, as i said if u not g17 "ur gear is outdated ".
3rd to enter a guild u need to have 3k+ spirit, royal sky X and dont be "drama queen " plus dont be an "alt " this told me the leader of "reunion" in DW.
4th cash shopers gonna cash shop, althought cash shopping sustains the game, doing BH only with ur ppl kills the game. Remember not only cash shopping is necessary to keep this game alive, BUT PPL who play it includes new's and comebackers.
5th THE old players/ppl as u cant catch them they just ignore you, unwilling to help, and they stick to the faction's members that are alrdy cash shopped.
6th bad humour from the OLDS, as i mention this is not a school nor house, its a game, but the old want u to behave and want u not to trashtalk at wc, when it makes the game alive and funny.
7th having many servers is not necessary all except DA cant even reach 100 active ppl at XNW, this istotally ridiculous.
8th PWI needs A MERGE !
TO sum up, this game was funny but now that it is all about OLD ppl, it became OLD fashioned and boring.
Greetings Stricken (DA)
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too many old ppl playing this game, especially at CODE in dw.
greetings stricken (da)0 -
Far more young people playing than old! The old understand you have to work toward getting things you want, the young expect it to be given to them, so either they use their parents credit card, or they quit!0
I never wanted to be a member of a faction/guild that is discriminating others for their gear or weapon. I know if I was a member I also have to stay on an AFK spot if I have other things to do. Instead I just turn my computer off. But about the high level gear: if you check the factions you will notice many alts, making it easier to get the items and coins. Hell, on my server there are factions that only have characters from 1 player. Cool to have 7+ clients active and less cool that this game is too important. (Go do your laundry first lol)
As for the gear: if you start a new character you will get 2x EXP right at the start. Within a week you should be demon/sage if you play 2 hours per day, Then the fun starts: you have to be RB1 and RB2 within the last 3 weeks for some free items and if possible you need to spend some coins. R8 is possible within a week (tested) so no need to hurry for the G17 gear. Note: if you use your creditcard you can buy a pack (only within the first 4 weeks) to make you armor RR8 of get the stuff to upgrade your LVL17 homestead weapon. Is it needed? No!
If people really want you to have G16/17 THEY need to work for you. Then again, why should anybody be in a hurry for the G16/17 gear. It's not needed in normal quests but only for PK to see who's got the largest 'sausage". Wow, the fun some people have with this "old game".
As for the activity: even with the new quests people only do the thing they need. No need to be a member of a faction (when most - alts- are not online or not active) unless you want to be in a boost squad. Better to ask for help using world chat. There are always people who want to help and they are not the "kids" who want you to level up your gear. And the best part of it all: you can do anything you want because the PWI game is just to have some fun. There is no reason to play because others want it.
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The forums are not in a good way, its hard to do things like read polls use a mobile.
I really hope this is going to change and have started to raise this issue in the background where it will go tho we will wait and see.
Mostly not having a Community Manager has not helped.
Thanks.0 -
people being lazy does not help
free r8 if willing to work for it
free qsm mats when doing fsp to upgrade to qsm gear later
easy way to get g17 armor
like 3 caves that give g17 weapon mats
.........someone should make videos showing how easy alot of the game is0 -
iseeucamping wrote: »people being lazy does not help
free r8 if willing to work for it
free qsm mats when doing fsp to upgrade to qsm gear later
easy way to get g17 armor
like 3 caves that give g17 weapon mats
.........someone should make videos showing how easy alot of the game is
There are alot of videos of the dungeons in the game.. I don't think people are lazy to help, but more where people have alot of alts where they end up having to solo duo instances to progress in game further.. Look at the fact of trying to farm G17 materials some times in runs you don't even get a green mat drop from bosses at times. So imagine trying to farm this gear while doing a full squad. Maybe if they increase material drops things will be farmable in a full squad and would not basically force players to solo/duo runs0 -
well old know that place have fun in game be cool with ppl hard to some times i know butt any way pwi
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First of all the game is not newbie friendly as it should be for how the game is "progressing"(of course I will not gonna compare leveling now and back then). Only OG players are keeping the game going, ARC should be grateful that these players are still in the game. But nope, they are not...
Second of all it is paradox, but the same playerbase is responsible for this game to slowly dying. The richest are playing in their big boxes ignoring everything what is happening around them, everybody else maybe complains, but to the wrong channels, or between players. Not enough.
Third of all.. and this makes me personally very happy.. will be the new update with g18 armor. The dungeon you can´t nuke, you need 10 people with high lvl gear/time/will to learn.. Everybody saw how much materials you need for this new armor/helm/necklaces.. at this stage of the game, It will slooowly die, because you will not farm 1 year for richest players on the server. This is just not sustainable for basic population with work/family/partners. We all have people who wants to progress as much as possible without need to look how much money they waste ... lets just say 5-6 hardcore cashing people.
This is not TT 4-1,4-2. There will just not be enough resources to make only one piece of armor for one person for half a year at least.. and the T E M P E R I N G of the armor(same as g18 weapon.. richest will not care of course but farmers... GG) You would need to ride the dungeon few times a day, with rock solid squad to make it in a few months(one piece of armor).. good luck with that. This will just not make you happy. All other people will not gonna care about the game even more, because with a new update there will be content only for richest people(I´m not gonna talk about the new g18 helmet, where you will need 6 Moon Stone of Punishment + new type of item, with half the % to get it as moonstone, amazing is it not?). You think g17 will become more cheaper or expensive? The new dungeon will become a gold mine for farmers, because they will dictate the price for super rich. Who exactly is going to farm 4-2, how many farmers of this dungeons will stay when the new dung arrives? Can 7-10 solo 4-2 (with 9 alts) hard farmers keep the materials flow as "smoothly" as today? I really don´t think so.
Im giving you a question... you are ordinary pwi player with a lot of experience. What exactly from: super endgame dungeon/new super cash grab packs(new items)/ +4att/def gems/ newest necklaces only 2 people on the DA got(you have no chance to got it)/amazing new helmet which will be impossible to get(better start opening packs now to save some Moonstones) is going to keep you in the game after the next update?0 -
Just correcting the comment above, it will be 12 Moon Stone of Punishment + new type of item since the helm has 2 stages xD
Now about the thread... well many things contribute to a game slowing dying... for some time I thought the players had a big role in this scenario but after some time I realize the 2 main culprits are The Developer(aka PW Games/PWCN) and The Publisher(PWE/Arc/Gearbox/etc)
Here I will detail why I see the Developer as the main "game killer"
many of you maybe don't know but in 5 days they will merge all chinese servers, 15 servers will become 6, yeah this means the game is not that good even in China, there's a reason it kinda survives for so long there, they can legally trade game currency/items for real money so when a new server opens it's a great chance to abuse bots/scripts and anything else to make the more money they can, so the old servers become desert.
Now about the game globally, we have more challenging dungeons what makes people want strong people in their squads and then making closed teams and some people solo/duo dungeons, at first sight seems it's a players' fault but if we look carefully people do this because the developer decide to make the dungeons harder and more punishing(and so few loot to a entire squad), in the past if you die the priest would revive you and you would continue fighting, today if you didn't do this or that all squad is instant killed or if a number of people died then the Boss resets..... new players will be scared to enter a dungeon and we're now as Lost Ark or others MMOs where you need to watch videos or see a tutorial before trying a new dungeon, this last part is not so bad but many people just want to play the game to have some fun and not "study", so I would say that if players act selfish today maybe it's because the game also changed in the last years
Now about pvp, no need to think so much, the game always has P2W elements but each year they create something a lot more expensive, I'll give an example, the brazilian server needed the publisher to sell dragon scales in some promotions to the Big Whales be able to get the weapon because nobody was running that dungeon(maybe just 2 or 3 squads) now we're about to get a harder dungeon to farm g18 gear as mentioned before that will require so many materials + tempering and will need 12 Moon Stone of Punishment + new type of item from palette of fortune..... even some titles will come in a new "chest style feature" in the next update.....
And about the publisher(pwe/arc) well in the past they did a good job, R9 for example was an expensive thing in the others servers however in pwi they created its own r9 version that's super cheap when compared to the original version, they created the nirvana S3 gear/weapon too that only exists here, the NW forges with new and cheaper things only exist here, so you can see they really cared in the past but.... for some reason in the last years pwe didn't adapted the game anymore, so since some years ago pwi has the same content as PWCN, except that they don't activate many events here, both pwru and pwbr get a lot of chinese events but here nothing? the publisher just seems to care about money, sad to say this but it's true, this is the international server, should be a lot better.
I'm sorry if someone get unmotivated after reading my comment, I really liked this game and wish the best for it but this is how I see the game today.0 -
Thank you for correcting me on the moonstones.. and it is absolutely horrendous. The death even for the richest.
What boggles my mind is the fact that those people behind our version of PWI didn´t saw the potential the game had. This game passed the test of time that is for sure, and we all gonna agree on that. What tied up their hands to keep the website/game/spend,promos active, change the rules so players can look forward to it( look at russian PWI site and see what we all missing.. the team behind the curtains/at least 4 new events from china which are already rotating on russian version/ and some great new spend/promos not this old ****).
Did nobody at the headquarter discussed about the game.. how so many people love/play and can spend fortunes on it just for fun the game provides for them? How can someone have their heads shoved so deep in the as* that you don´t even try to revive it, make some little changes, push the team to promote the game, make something fun with it so players can see you are trying. What is this even?? You keeping the horse alive just to see it suffer? What a masochists this game team. If you can´t do anything, just shut it down for good, don´t milk the clueless players more just for your sake or sell it to other game company .. the real business man can see it as a challenge and maybe they will fail, but no one can then say it was waste of time... because what are you showing us here is just foolishness.
And for the said news... who thought that having no news for a month is good idea? Pick a random from the server, give them webmaster rights so he can keep the news updated (because the shop was updated regularly). Will do better then ignoring the community, and what is left of it. Jesus Maria this is just nasty company.0 -
i would say DAILIES killed the game and its most activity
so far we see people only log in to do tehre bhs then go off again logging next alt to do bh and next alt and next alt some even do full squad of all there alts and no space for others to join
if they would remove stupid dailies people will find something to do and active play instead focus to finish every alt dailies every day and then opps its late i need go sleep
but this game is already stone old too u must be aware of its more than 15 years old
it gets boring it loose its fun and charm a new update of silly instance or few new quest 1 time and finish does not make the game better if they dont plan to improve the general gameplay fun
they couldnt even manage or fix these annoying walk and run glitches and now recently added even the camera gets fked up every time forcing to restart game -.-
also this annoying arc to log in was never removed EVERYONE HATES IT and THEY KNOW IT but give **** about the players
in past we used to log in fast and easy in the server screen without stupid arc
since arc which is already many years pestering us not even the force log in was ever fixed
forcing us finding extra file to overwrite of somewhere else not even provided by careless PWI
there is no care for this game just cashshop greed left for PWI and thos ppl pay it so PWI just smiles and watch them suffer
its sad to say the game has its time done and should be shutdown for good its way to old
then everyone can start there real life which they lost to the game or find something new to play0 -
I don't think "the game is old" is a good reason for inactivity. There are other games that have been out just as long that have 500k+ on each server playing. The lack of content to keep players engaged is a publisher/dev issue. The drops need to be updated for sure. Less drops for more work usually equals cashshop, but im sure they're noticing that dropping off as well. Gold is hard to come by these days.
Not to mention all of the duplicated coins from an exploit that none of the gms did anything about for who knows how long.0 -
That and the problem with inactivity I started to notice because of the belated Fountain of fate expansion. When it launched people were coming back and looking into it. There was also a bug that closed out a bigger chunk of people with a run time error.
But most importantly, those who could log, just left after last years anniversary, because we did not get the Dragons Rise Celebration, which is supposed to be an annual event, a yearly returning event.
After that the number dropped significantly. It was clearly visible.
We simply don't have enough logic events. And we know they exist, but not receiving them is also killing activity.0 -
The original posted of this topic sounds like he found a terrible guild to join in. I also had my share of several bad guilds in Da, but i also this year found 2 good guilds where my g12 under 8k hp toons have been accepted, cared for and people have treated me with respect, where it has been a pleasant time to be in. Which is actually what motivates me to log in Da server and do my dailies there on toons i've had for probably 8 years now but never logged.
My advice to everyone who is low geared, non rb and new - look for newbie/returning player friendly guilds. Ofc the guilds like Reunion which are endgame will look for endgame people to join them...
I play on Tideswell and i gotta tell you, it is a very small community. What i've noticed is that people stop playing because of REAL LIFE. Yeah, that's right. It's that thing that happens that takes your attention and focuses it away from the game. Some people had RL issues with relatives, health issues, family issues, some happily got a spouse or a baby. Some were too busy with work. People grew up and got lifes. It is normal. They all quit the game and i only learned about these things from their friends or themselves after many years by chance.
The few i know who quit because of the game, quit because they didnt like the rat maze this game is. The old timers just cant grasp the idea that they will never be endgear, because the endgear always keeps changing and upgrading. Every piece of gear becomes outdated at some point.
The newbies are usually 3 situations - 1st CASH SHOP and get op and quit 2 weeks after they reach OP lvl of gears and do some actual PVP and dont lose. 2nd option - become lost and overwhelmed, scared of all of the upgrading, farming, power gap and gear gap between the OPs and them as starting players and amount of work and years needed to catch up without spending a lot of money... so they quit. 3rd optioin are those who just lose interest in the game because it's boring to them. These are the really young kids, who need everything to be fast...
The returning players quit because they feel so completely lost, behind, like they need to put way too many months to just be " average" then they used to be super duper strong before.... The x2 exp/vit is enough enough.
Having alts in this game has always been how people made money, the alts are what fills -must have this and this class- dungeons squads, lets you enjoy the game again - by experiencing all the pve and pvp on a new toon /new skills and what helps to drive the economy in the game, because more toons need gearing and even OP people might want to gear their alt so they will actually drop some of their wealth to the other players.
The Devs and Publishers absolutely are to blame for the decline of players. On the side of Devs - they dont seem to understand that New and returning players need not only double the amount of exp/vitae but also double the amount of rewards from bh, daily dungeon char bound rewards, hs rewards and all else the game has to offer. Damn even x3 times more, why not x4? Give the returning players a reason to be excited they're back in the game and to farm more and learn the new dungeons.... speaking of new dungeons, the reason why the new dungeons are so stupid hard is because people who are OP and have OP computers can log in 10 clients and solo the old dungeons. I remember when people used to solo TT 3-3 in a 6 alt sq. I believe this is why the new dungeons punish people so much, also why the new char bound daily rewards are so good. The g17 weapon daily in MWT and DUP/UPD is a beautiful thing. SO MANY people farm those dungeons for those "free" and guarantied mats for g17 weapon which is great. Many years ago people on Da used to farm QSM for the slaying lvls weapon which was great for pve. These are the kind of things that the playerbase enjoys, however, we get so few of. To obtain g17 armors you only can buy it. You cant get it by farming in a squad with random people, because any valuable drops get sold out and coins get split. There has to be more char bound rewards/dailies as a bonus for completing the dungeons.
My gripe with the devs is how they dont improve quality of life, how they dont listen to the playerbase, how they keep pushing the game in more pay to win direction. How they keep removing ways to make silver coins so the new and old players are stuck low on coins and cant learn their skills. How they dont fix bugs which have plagued the game for years and really need fixing.
My gripe with the Publishers is how they milk the playerbase without doing even the bare minimum.
= We dont have a Game Master who reads the world chats, who punishes the insane world chats during xNW for example. Who actually bans the people who HEAVILY abuse the game. Sorry my guys, but 2 weeks or 2 months even temporary ban will not do, for those who made billions and billions of a glitch and spead the information to others, affected the whole economy of the server and ruined the market. A GM that listens to the playerbase, talks to the playerbase is NEEDED, but the new publishers have yet to find it within them to hire one such persona.
= We have no actual news, patch notes are not posted on forums like before, the lack of updates is disheartning, the lack of communication, the fact that the current SPEND GOLD PROMOS STILL OFFER USELESS IU/999 ENTRY ITEM AS A REWARD is both laughable and depressing beyond belief. This shows us the publishers just coppy/paste and dont give a f*ck about the playerbase, the game, the cash cows... nah, they just want money!
Many years ago, when i started playing, it was close to the game anniversary. There were codes with timed fashions, event golds and other stuff that were useful. This was many years ago. I miss the winter snowmen events, the anny events, the events for every little holiday.... Now we get x2 drops if we are lucky. This is not an event. This is just a farming opportunity to make coins or gears. An event is supposted to be fun. Farming is boring.0 -
Game is alive and if some People left doesn't mean game died. For new players the game literally provide them with full help if they followed the quest line of anecdote which has all main quests player needs till rb2 lv100. By the time players reached that point they supposed to meet already experienced players by joining factions or meet them in bh100 who can provide them with extra tips of how to make money in pwi today's life . And to make money you have billion ways from making alts and do bhs only to hs to merchant and list goes on. As for building teams you can either try daily your luck and meet new players or become friend with people who usually play same time as you which end you with having maybe 1 to 6 or more players ready to join your squad on same time everyday .0
auzumaki2020 wrote: »Game is alive and if some People left doesn't mean game died. For new players the game literally provide them with full help if they followed the quest line of anecdote which has all main quests player needs till rb2 lv100. By the time players reached that point they supposed to meet already experienced players by joining factions or meet them in bh100 who can provide them with extra tips of how to make money in pwi today's life . And to make money you have billion ways from making alts and do bhs only to hs to merchant and list goes on. As for building teams you can either try daily your luck and meet new players or become friend with people who usually play same time as you which end you with having maybe 1 to 6 or more players ready to join your squad on same time everyday .
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The problem with pwi is that players do not know what to expect from the administration of the game. Players see that we are ignored, do not include events, very much delay the installation of updates.
Players are wondering if a global update will be installed? If we get it, when? Or maybe we will soon be announced that the servers are being closed?
The lack of certainty and the possibility of soon losing all the money and effort invested in the game, the lack of new content to master that could arouse interest in the game, force players to leave or stop investing real money in pwi.0 -
sakti#1598 wrote: »Or maybe we will soon be announced that the servers are being closed?
I can say the game is not closing down as of posting this message, We will be getting new updates but no time has been confirmed yet for this yet. (SoonTM comes to mind) The game has not been in the best possition for a while now. With everything going on I have hope that "May/Could" change that point.
Im waiting feedback on a lot of whats been said as an overview to this thread so we will see where that goes. I feel what the community has been saying for a while and ive raised this over and over.
Really time will tell and I cant wait to share the feedback with you all!
Thanks.0 -
I been playing since over 10 years. i was part of the server merge from Harshlands.
I stopped playing arround 2017, started a litte again arround 2019 and stopped again. I just came back winter 2023.
So i know a little, i know mechanics, i know some fatal glitches and failures like the bug of the website when they made a code event and gave out free +10 orbs, or the FC glitch etc.. Unfortunately i was to late to use them. Basicly someone who was able to abuse the game everytime when there is a glitch, he would just be so much ahead of anyone. And thats basicly what happend.
I think this is the reason why there are no more events or anything else.
Acutally i would be very cusious about what coin glitch happend?!?!
I am pretty sure that there is a way to avoid the need of Teleacoustics to speak in Worldchat, thats why some chars spam the worldchat. I just dont know how. But i am pretty sure that works for like since the beginning of pwi.
I am also pretty sure that there is a Gold-****. Because i strongly refuse to believe, that someone put 5k Gold in this game on every sale.
This game has so many possibilities to get ahead of other people just by "knowing things". No matter if its a bug, a ****, a technique or just by knowing the merchant market or the reward-systems and the restrictions.
Example: Jolly-Old Jones. New player may not even realize that it ends at 81 and that there is no replacement untill rb2 100.
Or the very first daily of Primal-World: If you do not break the boundary of arcane 10 you may can do that daily and may can spawn the caravan, which can boost you so much.
This game overall were very complex already when i started 2010 and it increased it complexity. New players have absolutely no chance to understand the game. Alot of content became obsolete (Old TT, FC, dungeons from 19 to 99). Alot of bugs and glitches give the players who know them a big bonus, while everyone else is suffering. The gear gap became so big, that the community lost the connection to lower geared people.
The game will die at some point. The question is how and when.
If you pay for the game, you kind of create an expectation that you have access to what you have payed for at least a reasonable amount of time. But what if the content will make you leave yourself. Your expecation will be released and the game could be closed. And i believe that is what is happening. They decrease the game experience piece by piece untill everyone leave voluntarily so there will be no law suit.
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well if you want everyone to leave on their own to avoid lawsuits why keep poping out content as a developer? It doesnt make any sence. If you want people to leave on their own you stop giving them new content.As for the publisher its fairly easy for them to keep the game going since it requires minimal to almost no effort to maintain. What this game's publisher has over other games that have been in maintenance mode for a long time and then finally closed is that it doesnt need to build anything from scratch anymore or even ask for customized content you just copy paste what China offers.So its basically even less then a private server has to do since those need to customize their versions.All this publisher needs to do nowdays for the most part is keep the servers running(hosts) make the weekly maintenance happen and provide customer service.That's it. A private server ran by 3 people can do that.
PWChina opened a new start over server, Perfect New World was in beta so the brand itself isnt going anywhere any time soon.Meaning this publisher has no reason the even consider closing the game since they still make money with minimal effort.Have to be really dumb to refuse money even if its not as much as it used to be when you barelly need to lift a finger for it.
As for changes that can be done to the game people need to realize that customization for this version is out of the question were way past that point now.We just need to accept whatever changes happen in China good or mostly bad so stop asking for DQ , tiger events and other stuff long gone.It wont happen.
Theres only 2 things people can hope for:
1. Fast and easy solutions that dont require a huge amount of work meaning work with what you got no new customized content whatsover.Things like changes to boutique , event gold , 2x exp , codes and yes a server merge.Its amazing how a server merge still hasnt happened.It does have its technical difficulties but nothing it cant be done.It's baffling to see how they fail to realize that a server merge would fill their pockets more , even if it is only for a short while. You dont have to be a management genius to figure that out.It's trully amazing.Competition creates revenue its as easy as that.Even China realised that with all their playerbase not to mention other games.
2.Players taking charge and make the game more enjoyable on their own. What killed activity the most in recent years was the playerbase itself.Everyone still playing up to that point had to have realised where the game was heading or where it already was for a while. It has always been p2win there were no signs of involvement from the staff in anything anymore: in game , forums you name it. Theres to much to list that they did wrong. We all saw they werent giving a flying squirrel :> and only a few naive ones kept playing hoping it will change one day. So the people left up to that point knew what to expect and it was still a considerable amount of people left.So what happened? Well for some RL happened people got married had kids work and so on. For others it was other games better ones newer things or people just got tired of chasing gear or sky lvls they can never obtain beeing to far behind to the whales.It happens in all games except a select few, some even older then pw that knew how to keep their players hooked.This game failed that long time ago.
But like really recently it was the lack of players organizing themselfs into factions.You can blame the developers and publishers for alot of things but here the players themselfs failed bigtime .Say what you want yes you can play the game alone and ''enjoy'' questing and dailies and be full pve, you can consider xNW to be the pinnacle of this game or a faction with 5 active people to be enough. But to me TW ,dragon conquest and even random faction pks were what kept this game going for so long.Thats were the real fun was and thats how people competed with each other , thats what made them try to improve most , spend money and play.And while that is still going on on some servers like Da and Et but even there only to a point , the other 2 are a mess.There are no fun TWs people are so divided into different factions that every tw is a one sided roll thats if anyone even shows up or even bids anymore.Huge power gaps between factions.Theres no pk not even in NR anymore maybe at sarokan sometimes. And why ?
Because people cant let go of dramas that happened years ago and band together in one faction to opose the other and only somewhat big faction left. Instead everyone went to their lil corner and stayed there.And nobody willing to take charge and change that.Theres so many players i know just waiting for that to change.People on stand by if you will. That choose other games or went to private servers because the leaders of their factions did nothing except hold grudges refusing to let go of dramas and band together and make TW, pk and even SVS fun again.Those people dont expect pwi to make changes they know very well they wont.They just want fun pvp.They would return if they saw a change in a blink of an eye.And thats were you need to aim get people to come back.There will never be a influx of new players game is to old and broken for that to happen so the best you can do is try to get the people who left back and if the game staff doesnt the players who control factions could by making it at least somewhat fun.Its in their power to do so.Let go of grudges.Let go of your faction even if its 10 years old. Stop beeing a ''PVE'' faction in 2024 you've done pve for 15 years try something new while you still can its for the greater good take the people that are still left there with you and merge.Its not the name of a faction that makes a faction its the people in it. If we dont get a server merge the least we can do is merge factions , try to get people to return and still have fun for a while.Hoping for massive measures from the game staff is pointless. Its up to us.
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