Suggestion to improve game

ruhcik Posts: 40 Arc User
First of all i suggest to put more mobs on the normal map, make them all agressive and double the numbers of mob so people can do pulls+aoe exp.

Second thing is to easier find product on West Archo, it should be option that we write name of item and the shops which have that items are highlighted.

Third thing is to create new piece of zenith shard like Mini Zenith Shard in common UP which is 1/10 of Zenith Shard and 1/100 of Skull so people with QSM/G16 Gear can easily farm something in normal UP becasue dUP is a bit hard.


  • cosmosia1989
    cosmosia1989 Posts: 165 Arc User
    1. Why? You have Frostcovered City for that which is more profitable anyways, other than that Chrono Valley of the Scarred has plenty such mobs for your leisure. Other than that..if you do all quests the game has to offer you are easily 105/103/103 in the just questing works.

    2. Yes, that would be nice indeed.

    3. Yes, something to farm in general would be nice..but it's always been hard for lower geared ppl.
  • ruhcik
    ruhcik Posts: 40 Arc User
    Why ? Becasue there are ppl who are not buying FC runs or have main to clean.

    4th thing is to increase coins drop from boss in INSTANCES in ALL other games boss for example tt 3-3 or FB99 should drop 30-50k coins in stock.
  • fededomino
    fededomino Posts: 249 Arc User
    about Charge Gold , why Can`t we sell our Gold inside Catshop / Commission Shop , direct?? , it will be more easy for all and we dont need a penalty / pain FEE , for sell our Gold in Catshop / Commission , it should be easy to Redirect our Gold to Catshop / Commission Shop , so any player can buy at any time 24/7 , something Developer need to fix , without a fee / penalty , but straight , player us self set the price what we want for each gold sell , also make it able to let Gold seller buy Homestead stuff outside homestead for sale to other , many ask buying gold via Homestead , but many wont go sell gold inside Homestead , i have no idea of why ppl want buy gold inside homestead ,
    i dont think it is rocket development to fix we can sell our gold through Catshop / Commission Shop
  • ruhcik
    ruhcik Posts: 40 Arc User
    PWI didnt except that common ppl withaout cash will figure it out how to buy gold in game and spent 1,2k for NP xD
  • madonna89
    madonna89 Posts: 40 Arc User
    you guys do realize theres an auction house ingame? - with the exact properties your asking for?

    at this point in time, theres simply no way to *fix* (if its even broken to begin with) the economy ingame anymore. Too much time has passed, waay too many coins on each server. I do agree on one thing though --> could increase the maximum buyout limit in auction houe for gold...

    not sure if that would help the average Joe though - i highly doubt it (peeps hundreds of billions of coins would jsut dominate the market even more)
  • fededomino
    fededomino Posts: 249 Arc User
    the Auction House was better in past , today its useless , what china can do is bring it back to what it was , but i wish an option to sell GOLD in Catshop and Commission Shop just like any other item , it should be easy to make an option to redirect GOLD to Catshop and Commission Shop , if player want that so player can sell their GOLD 24/7 anytime even if offline , for the price they want , NOT what China / PWI demand .
  • crazyvivi
    crazyvivi Posts: 10 Arc User
    Since the new update , many factions are loosing there base cause, they cant learn the new trials fast enuf, You guys should of keep the collecting of the chivalry points with bh,s until everyone learn the new trials, its kinda not fair for the smaller faction many are very disapointed and there thinking of leaving. Cause of that.
  • archnohobia
    archnohobia Posts: 14 Arc User
    Guys... they can´t make anything in this game, if it´s not on the official China version, this jokers will not do it, they are not developers. They are just uploaders... with 1 year hold behind China. Upload updates with a lot of bugs, because beta testing is for pussi*s, marketplace updates, useless spends, % of currency with such a small amount of gold already for the big bucks we paid(some still paying just out of misery because they love game)

    The Auctioneer will not function properly even when they fix the bug, there is no stable economy, not enough players, not enough chargers for it to work. The gold would vanish instantly if someone puts it there, there is just so much gold coins in the game, you would not build proper game economy today with ratio : 2 chargers/ and 20 players looking for gold seller with +-300 active players. Impossible. Bombard them. 1 year to wait for update, guys.... wake the heck up already, make them *****n work.
  • alixtaxia
    alixtaxia Posts: 2 Arc User
    It is time for a server merge since the new implementations of Trials, decline in PK, decline in TW and more people leaving by the week due to the lack there of in order to keep up with the new changes. The server player base does not support the current changes.
  • heavensdevil115
    heavensdevil115 Posts: 5 Arc User
    1-You can't just copy and paste China's updates into our servers. Its not going to work. Adjustments have always been made for our servers.
    2-FIX THE GLITCH and lower the amount of runs needed to open next trial to say 8.
    3-Like alixtaxia said its time for a server merge.
    4-we need a 1 yr Jones & O'Malley blessing.
    5-Raise the amount of character you can have per account. Currently its 8 and it should be at least 12.
    That is all for now :) Thank you
  • alixtaxia
    alixtaxia Posts: 2 Arc User
    Things are progressing faster in a more negative direction. A lot of the high end cashers are no longer cashing, they are no longer even playing; the accounts are sitting dormant as the active player base diminishes into a line of alts. The fun and life is being sucked out of the game daily. There is no incentive to cash or gear up with almost no PK, no quality TWs and no reason to strive to get stronger since it is not really needed to do instances or dailies. The update was done .. fine... so an update based on a player base equivalent to those on the China server being applied to small servers in itself if ridiculous. Will you all please do a server merge. Dont worry about times - few even show up anymore.