Do you like the Codex for fashion, mount, pet and flyer collection?

How do you feel about this new Codex system which is binding the items to 1 character for some stats?

Do you like the Codex for fashion, mount, pet and flyer collection? 25 votes

I like it, i want more hp and att/def and i dont mind paying billions to collect all items!
20% 5 votes
i like it, i'll put my existing sets and free some space and get some stats in exchange
28% 7 votes
i dont like it, i have alts which i like to trade items between and this system is not suitable for me
24% 6 votes
i dont like it, i cannot affort to buy every single item in the game to be endgame!
24% 6 votes
4% 1 vote


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  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    Also i would like to ask a question.
    There was something in the help on the codex how if you go in cross server the codex cannot be opened. Does this mean that people who put their nice mounts/items inside Codex cannot use them inside cross server events? Or is this another rule that does not apply to our version just like the character trading does not apply for our server but it's also written about?
  • Posts: 70 Arc User
    The Whole system is a nice add to the game but giving such big titles for collecting all the fash is just the good old cash grab that forces even the people that used 2 or 3 fash to collect them all, but it forces people to revisited old content like UCH,Morai and others, which isn't so bad for the game health.

    On a Side note, for some reason some of my mounts cannot be added to the Codex, is this a glitch on my side or perhaps those mount, that probably came from spend promo if i remember correctly, can't be added to the Codex ? do you need the pack version of the mount, i sent a ticket but they were just as confused as me.
  • Posts: 457 Arc User
    The Whole system is a nice add to the game but giving such big titles for collecting all the fash is just the good old cash grab that forces even the people that used 2 or 3 fash to collect them all, but it forces people to revisited old content like UCH,Morai and others, which isn't so bad for the game health.

    On a Side note, for some reason some of my mounts cannot be added to the Codex, is this a glitch on my side or perhaps those mount, that probably came from spend promo if i remember correctly, can't be added to the Codex ? do you need the pack version of the mount, i sent a ticket but they were just as confused as me.

    It's because some mounts and pets here are ''pwi exclusives'' or ''duplicates'' and in the codex there are only the PWCN stuff, so many stuff we have doesn't exist in codex....
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    I don't like that there is not enough room to get enough fashion for all of the titles. My codex is full and I don't see any way to add slots for more fashion. Also I don't like that some fashion can only be equipped through the codex. If I pay cash for an item, it should be tradable and I should have the choice of putting it in codex or sending it to an alt.


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