PWI still very much alive

plushie666 Posts: 201 Arc User
edited August 2023 in General Discussion
Hi all,

I just wanted to say, today it was bh (weapon) and i was online for about 6hours.
More then 50runs + was made in worldchat @ dawnglory server.

Ofcourse some of those can be alts doing multiple runs.
We not with thousands of players but we are a tight community !

Dont be negative about this game, we all love to play it.
It got its bugs and faults, but we still playing and enjoying pw :) .
Togheter we can keep this going on forever !

Have a happy easter holiday all :)

Post edited by heerohex#3018 on


  • werewolves#6809
    werewolves#6809 Posts: 137 Arc User
    To be honest Dawnglory has more active farmers than the other servers that's why a lot of stuff is cheaper over here
  • lynx300
    lynx300 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    its a pitty i believe in hope comment there was probably not even 15 runs in this short time im there online everyday the game is dead the server empty only few ppl spam duo runs 4.2 and need openers

    lowbies only do fsp dup is killed too no more worth the money
    key system fcked up ppl helping and making squads for lower people the game just dying and dying more and more dont give up fake comments "its so much alive omg omg"

    let them see the truth so they do something about it

    its all only alts and people with more alts

    invictim has ppl online everyday 12-15 alts of 1 person
    this werewolves online over 12 toons from code everyday

    all the activity are just few ppl with thousand alts logged in

    this game is dead face the sad truth
  • mistressani
    mistressani Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    The Sad Truth is that this game is in fact dead with all the upgrades, changes to Gameplay and tweaks to "Balance Classes" THis game is nothing but a mere shadow of what it truly could have been sorry...I for one refuse to be forced and brainwashed into picking/playing only 5 relevant Classes out of 12+. How many players are actually Playing, Investing Time and Energy , Learning and Building as well as Spending Money on a Class/Race they really want to play and not just one that is invited to Squads and Guilds?
    Post edited by mistressani on
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    A lot can still be done for this game. Fix what you can, control what you can't

    I still have hope!

  • gunnersessho#4834
    gunnersessho#4834 Posts: 14 Arc User
    PVE content is very easy to do multiple runs these days, very easy to make it "seem" like its very much alive.

    The sad truth is, infamous owns the DA map almost entirely for 2 seasons in a row now, and xTW is very dead with only 1 faction left who can fight us.

    This game has no content left that matters to the highest end, and the lowest cant do it.
    TT 4-2 is very rough on lowbies if not impossable for the vast majority of players, and the ones who can/would run it at the high end either don't care ( why upgrade if you already occupy top faction spot on your server or xserver ) or they already have the gear.

    New dungeon doesnt seem to offer enough of an incentive to give people a reason to come back from their long term AFKs. Our servers are not china and yet we get the updates that implenent fixes for THEIR issues like BOT ran TT 4-2s that were not a thing here thus we got the key system and no farmable keys.
    Someone could reasonably purchase G18.2 weapon in china, takes an entire server 9 months feeding them all to 1 person to get g18.1.

    PWE hasnt cared in so long its not funny. Need proof? MONKEYS STILL DONT HAVE r9r3 MOLDS ! nuff said, every class new had theirs by 30 days of creation, windwalker is going on 8 months and still none in sight.
    Need more? Arena is broken due to a "PWE version exclusive issue" and crono hunt has NEVER worked for DA and barely worked for other servers, and hasnt at all since windwalker class release.

    You can be optimistic all you want, sadly most of us see the writing on the wall, hope was lost 4 months ago, i hope you proove me wrong. I love this game, hate the managment.
  • antonio0590
    antonio0590 Posts: 164 Arc User

    PWE hasnt cared in so long its not funny. Need proof? MONKEYS STILL DONT HAVE r9r3 MOLDS ! nuff said, every class new had theirs by 30 days of creation, windwalker is going on 8 months and still none in sight.

    The Edge and Tech havent got their t3 nirvana molds. they've been out longer.
  • gunnersessho#4834
    gunnersessho#4834 Posts: 14 Arc User

    PWE hasnt cared in so long its not funny. Need proof? MONKEYS STILL DONT HAVE r9r3 MOLDS ! nuff said, every class new had theirs by 30 days of creation, windwalker is going on 8 months and still none in sight.

    The Edge and Tech havent got their t3 nirvana molds. they've been out longer.

    they also stated they were not getting G16 weapons, we got our warsoul weapons right off the bat both 1st and 2nd cast. WE STILL DONT HAVE 2nd CAST FOR MONKEY.

    With G17 so easy to get to 2nd cast I dont think they need g16 weapons. Warsoul has never been easier to obtain with the vast amounts of supply tokens available per NW. Tech and Edge got their r9rr molds 2 weeks after release! I know cuz i made one of each.
  • mistressani
    mistressani Posts: 101 Arc User
    I Understand because of your Position you need to encourage us to be "Hopeful" but I'm sorry When my Mystic Summons have only been down graded to lasts 20 secs and asking for them to at least be given an extra second per Mystic Level is Unreasonable....Yet Venomancers although their Pet Heal Skill has a longer cooldown and to compensate their Pets now have a built in Charm? Seriously but please no
  • plushie666
    plushie666 Posts: 201 Arc User
    I Understand because of your Position you need to encourage us to be "Hopeful" but I'm sorry When my Mystic Summons have only been down graded to lasts 20 secs and asking for them to at least be given an extra second per Mystic Level is Unreasonable....Yet Venomancers although their Pet Heal Skill has a longer cooldown and to compensate their Pets now have a built in Charm? Seriously but please no

    First off all mystics aren't veno's.
    Second mystics cannot tame/learn or do veno cave to upgrade there passive stats on real pets etc.
    Third Mystics pets are free (obtained by learning skills), legendary veno pets cost real money and takes time to level/evolve.

    They added the pet charms, so venomancers doesnt have to spam the heal skill all the time.
    Now you can have the full venomancer experience the way it suposed to be.

    Venomancers are build to co op with a pet.
    Mystics can do fine without them.

    And yes always be hopefull :)
    We all love this game.

    Have a nice day !
  • mistressani
    mistressani Posts: 101 Arc User
    Wow Shows just how much you know about the Mystic Class - we've always been misunderstood and underestimated since our release...BTW there's a difference between a Pet Tamer Class and a Summoner Class and one final note Original Mystics used to function as the "Jack of All Trades" class which those of us who invested , time ,effort, and money knew how to play perfectly with our Original Summons in Solo and Squad Gameplay . If I wanted a Magician I would have make a Wizard, If I wanted to focus more on Healing I'd be a Cleric , If I want to play a Pet Tamer I would have been a Venomacer when I first joined PWI back in the days I grew to learn and love everything about my Mystic the way we Originally and yes I do CS but only when there's a need...
  • plushie666
    plushie666 Posts: 201 Arc User
    Yes its true im not a Mystic expert.

    And also yes, a Venomancer is a Pet Tamer Class and Mystics are Summoners.
    But veno pets aren't skills, summoning is.
    And like all skills in this game, it has a certain duration and cooldowns.

    I understand it can be frustrated that they changed it so drastically.
    But they probably have a good reason for it.

    Maybe they change it back in the future or give other new benefits for Mystics.

    Im just being hopefull here, thats what this game needs :)

    Have a nice day!
  • mistressani
    mistressani Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2022
    As I mentioned before "Being Hopeful" is one thing but "Actually Seeing Results " is another , Honestly this game can still compete with some of the newer Games out there But what is needed is striking a balance between F2p and P2p gamers , Additional Content and Events not just Sales Promotions and Yes Remaking back every Class appealing to New Players - For Lack of these reasons is why the Play Base has Dwindled so much....
  • kuglepen
    kuglepen Posts: 48 Arc User
    "summons downgraded to only lasts 20 seconds"

    Uhm no.
    Yea they got "downgraded" in the fact they only lasts for a minute now (assuming fully upgraded skills). But just as venomancer, they got compensated by giving them amazing aoe squad buffs that lasts for 20 seconds + another 20 seconds if you sacrifice them before their death, and it stacks with other buffs. Something they didnt have before.

    Mystic summons are amazing, they might not be your playstyle, but they are freaking amazing.
  • mistressani
    mistressani Posts: 101 Arc User
    Well you have fun with your Time based Sacrificed Summons dear, And I'll enjoy playing with my friends and being able to use my Elementals as my Tank, Battle Support , Lurer, Buffer and Healer until they die or are dismissed...Like I already said I've move on from PWI to greener pastures
  • mistressani
    mistressani Posts: 101 Arc User
    kuglepen wrote: »
    "summons downgraded to only lasts 20 seconds"

    Uhm no.
    Yea they got "downgraded" in the fact they only lasts for a minute now (assuming fully upgraded skills). But just as venomancer, they got compensated by giving them amazing aoe squad buffs that lasts for 20 seconds + another 20 seconds if you sacrifice them before their death, and it stacks with other buffs. Something they didnt have before.

    Mystic summons are amazing, they might not be your playstyle, but they are freaking amazing.

    You're trying to convince me this wasn't Nerf that's laughable btw Original Mystics could have Stun Lock, Re-Summon their monsters if it died or was Energy Leeched instantly, We could of Soloed every Bh in the game by ourselves , Do full FC Runs by our self and Even TT3-3 , yes I know you may still be able to do these things but now you have to wait 180secs cooldown, as for the buffs they might be great for your squad but when you team up with your Summon by yourself that's a whole different feeling just to see what you can accomplish
  • Unknown
    edited June 2022
    This content has been removed.
  • mrvinni#2802
    mrvinni#2802 Posts: 2 New User
    So I tried it, got into game, it had reset my character to default model. Tried to change it, saved the changes, back in game it's default again. Gonna head off to neverwinter now xD regards:
    I haven't played in about 2 years but i remember it was declining pretty bad.
  • plushie666
    plushie666 Posts: 201 Arc User
    So I tried it, got into game, it had reset my character to default model. Tried to change it, saved the changes, back in game it's default again. Gonna head off to neverwinter now xD regards:
    I haven't played in about 2 years but i remember it was declining pretty bad.

    Turn HD mode on or off. Your character has probably hd models now.

    They are updating them and more new HD models coming soon.
  • sammydapanda#1058
    sammydapanda#1058 Posts: 5 Arc User
    plushie666 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I just wanted to say, today it was bh (weapon) and i was online for about 6hours.
    More then 50runs + was made in worldchat @ dawnglory server.

    Ofcourse some of those can be alts doing multiple runs.
    We not with thousands of players but we are a tight community !

    Dont be negative about this game, we all love to play it.
    It got its bugs and faults, but we still playing and enjoying pw :) .
    Togheter we can keep this going on forever !

    Have a happy easter holiday all :)

    You seem to be misunderstanding the problem this game has. The problem isn't it's "active" player base, but it's pay to win aspect and gambling system. Sure you can believe whatever you want but you can't deny those 2 things.

    Most players playing right now have spent years playing (maybe even decades) and invested in the game and can't let go. I'm not dismissing the fact that there at free to play players out there. MOST of the player-base is at the "end phase" of the game. You don't see people grouping up for lower dungeons anymore, or even ASKING (you'll most likely get a person with OP gear to just run you through it like it's nothing. Remember when you could group up with other players YOUR level and enjoy atleast some challenge?). You don't see guilds recruiting new players, you don't see people leveling in the world (in rare cases you will probably see 1 or 2). The problem with all this is that this game has focused WAY too much on it's endgame content, and not the journey to GET to endgame. So that means new players aren't being received, and I'm not even saying that. What I'm saying is that new players don't have a chance to expereience endgame due to all this. I doubt all of this has changed since I uninstalled.

    But hey if you're enjoying the game, good for you.
    I for one, am re-installing the game just to see the new barb model, and I'll see where it goes from there.

This discussion has been closed.