Battle of Survival: glitch or bug?

fury85 Posts: 277 Arc User
I have noticed sometime weird in chat log when it shows players remaining in the wrong order, plus the counter of players in the battle keep changing 3-4-3-4-3-4 etc... I'm not sure that is a glitch, but I have some suspects because after the end of the battle the counter stop to go up and down and stays at 2 till the end.
I have a ticket open to PWI support, I'll update there too.
Level 105 Barbarian with Deity Stone


  • alphadevil1991
    alphadevil1991 Posts: 99 Arc User
    on the other hand i heared by a 3rd person that asterelle got problems recive rewards from the battle of survival with her/his g17 helm proc that evades either a negative status effect (comparable with tidal or faith) or damage (compared to imun) from the next upcoming.
    i used mostly both, tidal and imun when i made it to the end and always got rewards, no matter what i got up to evade the damage/debuffs...
  • joshdarnit#5803
    joshdarnit#5803 Posts: 17 Arc User
    yeah and sometimes if you have full inventory you don't get the rewards or if you town portal too.
  • kiania#3647
    kiania#3647 Posts: 4 Arc User
    that happened to me once went from 4->5->3
    and another time there were 2 left, was me +1 and i couldn't find the other person in the last square (yes I used the eyes detection buff)
  • madrix101
    madrix101 Posts: 3 Arc User
    there is a glitch so multiple people can get 12 bloods. im not at liberty to say anything further
  • jjpk
    jjpk Posts: 4 Arc User
    also sometimes sneaky barbs and just faith and run in red zone and they can chain pots, ad and one other skill, nothing u can do about that.
  • fury85
    fury85 Posts: 277 Arc User
    I can confirm, Its a glitch that give double bloods.
    Level 105 Barbarian with Deity Stone