WHAT?! Now we have censure on Forums?

After a few years, I came back to mess arround on forums.

Once I tried to post a comment, there comes a message "Your comment will appear once it's approved".

I can't help but laught. Censure on 2k18? omg


  • sensualsoul
    sensualsoul Posts: 282 Arc User
    Have you gotten where your post is not appearing in the forums? Where you get a little box to the left bottem of our screen where it say "You post will appear once approved". Why are we being cencored? What about freedom of speech? Arc Games is still in the USA and last I looked we do still have that right? What are you so scared of Arc Games?
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    No your post got caught in the spam filter.

    Its been approved. I cant see any reasons your account would cause this tho.

  • This content has been removed.
  • nogueras#7251
    nogueras#7251 Posts: 134 Arc User
    As I said I'm not much into PWI lately. Just found that message funny... You must admit that it is a lot missleading.
    And yeah, idk either. Since I rarely post, nor spam.
  • nogueras#7251
    nogueras#7251 Posts: 134 Arc User
    As I said I'm not much into PWI lately. Just found that message funny... You must admit that it is a lot missleading.
    And yeah, idk either. Since I rarely post, nor spam.
  • sensualsoul
    sensualsoul Posts: 282 Arc User
    It's not just my account though, I've talk to other people that get the same thing so that is not a good enough explanation. And it's not only that but mods also censure people in forums. If in their option it's not worth to be see or discused in the option of a mod, the thread is closed. Most often you mods say there is another thread of the same topic, so my question is, why close it why not merge the posts (threads)? ... Simple in my vew you are censuring that person(s). That's what it looks like, becuase often the topics my brush on the samething but are being aproached in different ways. In some cases it is just a QQ poor me thread merge them all together! Don't close them, let people vent their ire at the GM/Devs, and the mess they make of stuff! It's good for them to see how upset people are. It's good to feel you are being heard as a player. But some similar topics ask the community to discuss the topic to give suggetions and talk about the impact things have on game play! Some do ask for suggestion for fix for a proble they see and how to make things better. Why then do you mods see fit to close such threads? I'm sorry but I think you guys get either lazy or so power crazied that you think you have a right to censure people! In fact I'm waiting to see how fast this thead with be closed.
    Please note I did make suggestions as well as criticism so take them to heart. I hardly ever post on these forum because I don't feel that anyone is listening but when I do post it make me angry to be silenced! And trust me Arc Game an angry play will NOT charge money to your games!
  • sensualsoul
    sensualsoul Posts: 282 Arc User
    Just a not, I just got the same message for both these post. "Your post will appear once approved" Yeah you are not censuring us...right! D:<
  • dasb#8274
    dasb#8274 Posts: 9 Arc User
    I can't post either
  • dasb#8274
    dasb#8274 Posts: 9 Arc User
    I'm getting that message a lot too lately, it only happened after I posted the thread about the apology, wonder if we're being silenced or if it's indeed just a spam filter lol
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    Cleared about 3 pages from the spam filter.

    Also marked a few account so it will not push your posts into their.

    Please write a message on my wall if you have issued with this so I can pick up on it in future, As im sure you can guess Ive been a little disheartened with this over the last few days.

    It really is not fair to take frustrations out on me for issues ingame. Tho on here its sometimes difficult to make the right call all you have to do is ask me on my wall should you find a decision unreasonable. Im not someone that is hard set and I will agree with a fault in what I decide should you have a backing or good point made.

    Im only a player my self and at the moment I have no way to feedback info to anyone which as im sure you can understand makes it harder for me.

  • forbiddenwords
    forbiddenwords Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    I don't understand what all the rage is about, it's not like GMs even read the forum, so there is no one to hear your complaints in the first place. The only people with "ties" to the company who still pay attention to the forum are our CMs, who are merely volunteer players that offered to help GMs with forum monitoring. The man is just doing his best to keep the forum in a humane shape with all the rage and anger floating about. Not sure how many of you would even accept to deal with this kind of sh*t in your free time, without any benefit.

    If you need to vent your anger, vent it to the people who are actually responsible for this clown-fiesta, namely the PWE employees. I understand why people are angry and it's definitely not something to be ignored, but you are wasting both your, and heero's time by making a fuss on here. You won't get an official answer.
    ☆ Pixel ♥ Heart ☆ Etherblade ☆
  • Unknown
    edited August 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • nogueras#7251
    nogueras#7251 Posts: 134 Arc User
    Wasn't my intention to make noise over such a small problem. So forgive me heero.
    I just got misled by the message, which is terrible for it's purpose. I don't think anybody here will disagree about that haha!
  • rieihdius
    rieihdius Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    I got this problem a few times while posting external links, not sure if that could be your case.

    On a bit of a diferent subject, one strange thing that I notice lately is that there seem to be a few "ghost" users on this forum now. What I mean with this is there are 1 or 2 users that post on the threads but for some reason other people can't see anything of what they post, but you still can see that the last post was made by said person. As example, at the moment I am making this post, the last post on this other 2 threads:

    were made by a certain user, If you look the the general discussion page, you can confirm what I am saying. However if you go to the actual thread and look for their post, you can not see them.

    The reason why I bring this up is cause I can't deny that is strange somehow. Usually when a user get blocked by the forum bot, their post never get to be published from what I understand and you also get that message that some people is talking about here, so there is no trace of said person posting something on a thread.
    If a mod or GM removes a post from a user, said post is indeed removed from the thread and you can't see the person as the last poster.
    When a person gets banned or jailed for any reason, you usually can see some sort of sign in their profile picture.
    But here on this forum we have a few users that keep posting stuff and for some reason they don't even seem to know they are blocked by the entire forum by default.
    So those users are not banned, are not jailed, there is no mod removing their post, also they not being blocked by the forum bot, at least not in the way that the OP and other are being blocked. Those users are being somehow censored by someone or something, most likely for braking some rule. But what is the point on allowing them to post if no one can even see their post?

    What I am trying to say with all this is that I see no point in allowing people to post just to auto censor all their messages. If a person brakes the rules and get banned or jailed for their action, thats fine, they made something against the rules so they are reaping what they have sown. If a person get one of their posts removed for violation of TOS, that is also fine because again they are braking rules.

    But I see no point in allowing them to keep posting while hiding every single post they made by default, In fact that kind of behavior make this company and either the gms or mods that did it look more bad that if they jailed the user or ban them.
    At least when you jail or ban someone for breaking the rules, other people know that the blocked user was blocked for a reason, but if you flag a user so he can keep posting but no one can see what he post, well, you will have a lot of people asking why was the person blocked in that way and you will wonder if that person even know if he or she is blocked. You will also get a lot of conspiracy theorist making all sort stories about it, and honestly I can't blame them if they do, I mean that sort of censorship is fishy after all.