Is there going to be an apology or compensation?

dasb#8274 Posts: 9 Arc User
edited August 2018 in General Discussion
At this point, all we want is a post from our CM or supposed CM since he doesn't do anything.
1 single post.

Is PWE going to apologize for the broken spend promo and the rollback that followed?
Is PWE going to apologize for the DC 1st place rewards?
Is PWE going to apologize for the fact that there's no maintenance thread in 3 weeks and all the other **** they've been doing?

Everyone is getting pissed off because again, there is no communication, this is worse than it was before Kalyst was here.
Our new CM seriously can't bother to make 1 single post?
This is just so frustrating, you screwed up, at least make a post talking about it, guess you can't man up enough to admit it and openly talk about it.

I wonder if this is all actually planned because they want people to quit and shut down the game... or are they just this bad at PR?​​
Post edited by heerohex#3018 on


  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,844 Community Moderator
    Its rather early in the morning,

    Lets give it a bit of time to see what happens, Or at least I think we need to.

  • makeumad
    makeumad Posts: 19 Arc User
    i got my Aohe yesterday and it POOF! now i need to get it again to complete my set. or do i need to send a ticket?
  • torquoisegamer2
    torquoisegamer2 Posts: 17 Arc User
    That was like a 12 hour rollback - I lost the overwhelming majority of pet leveling I did yesterday, and most of the dailies I did on my mains, including the ecstasy cards I got as bh reward.
  • torquoisegamer2
    torquoisegamer2 Posts: 17 Arc User
    I think a code that had the following would probably do some good to fix things:

    -5 Vitae Pills
    -1 Barbaric Blood
    -2 Primordial Blood
    -1 Star Chart
    -1 BH Chest
    -1 Ecstasy Card
    -1 Free BH II Reward (probably easier just to throw in a second BH Chest)
    -Some sort of EXP/Spirit thing
    -1 War Avatar A-C Card Chest
    -8 Flowsilver Coin
    -32 War Avatar C Card Packs

    Although this wouldn't fix everything, a code like this would replace many of the dailies that most of us lost - we lost half the day yesterday, meaning that a LOT of people lost the dailies they did.
  • ravenyoss123
    ravenyoss123 Posts: 29 Arc User
    I didnt log in till after the rollback time so everything i did yesterday is just gone. I have had perfect attendance for two years.
  • carlosraul93
    carlosraul93 Posts: 17 Arc User
    Thatvcode wouldnt fix a thing, maybe for newbies but i lost way more than that, prolly A chests or event gold or an S chest would fix everything
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,844 Community Moderator

    It would be a good gesture.

  • torquoisegamer2
    torquoisegamer2 Posts: 17 Arc User
    The problem is there's no way to fix everything for everyone without overcompensating. This code would get most of the dailies that most people do daily:

    Primal Dailies
    BH I and BH II
  • dasb#8274
    dasb#8274 Posts: 9 Arc User
    The rollback was justified, people got way too much in an actual game breaking way (even more than the pack fiasco which is saying something...)

    The faction where my alt is lost about 200 loyalty points which we really needed to keep the base open.
    Still, i'm not really mad about the rollback, i'm mad about what led to the rollback, how they can't do anything properly for the past month and NOBODY even says anything from PWE's side.

    Shows how much they care, this game is dying, there's no denying it, but jesus... can the PWE team at least pretend to care?
  • carlosraul93
    carlosraul93 Posts: 17 Arc User
    @torquoisegamer2 ur code is missing the rewards from upd/dhd as well as some other stuff, and upd/dhd are daily caves too
    @dasb#8274 i agree with u, rollback was justified, what wasnt justified was the mistake, specially for f2p since we got nothing at all from code and lost whatever we got from daily farming
  • darkv0id
    darkv0id Posts: 58 Arc User
    What sucks is so many that didn't profit from the glitch got punished as well! I'm not so certain the rollback was justified at all!
  • dewjack41
    dewjack41 Posts: 9 Arc User
    well i spent 200 dollars to buy 2 +11 orbs those are gone my icebourne shards for my weapon are gone, my spend reward is gone and my 200 gold is gone!!!! so am i just screwed or will i be compensated? this is total ****! and all they tell me is to wait till this issue is resolved. so do i wait till its resolved and the dragon orb mirages are off sale? thats why i bought them in the first place because they were on sale. so where is my justification?!
  • torquoisegamer2
    torquoisegamer2 Posts: 17 Arc User
    @carlosraul93 I mean, it's also missing stuff from IBU - my code was targeted at the point list and was aimed at being something they might actually fulfill. Although if we could get 9 of the things from IBU and some mats from DH in the code that would also be great.
  • xazhur
    xazhur Posts: 7 Arc User
    I agree to this, I need a absent note too please. I had a perfect attendance too until yesterday.
  • tnewchar#1877
    tnewchar#1877 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    I think a code that had the following would probably do some good to fix things:

    -5 Vitae Pills
    -1 Barbaric Blood
    -2 Primordial Blood
    -1 Star Chart
    -1 BH Chest
    -1 Ecstasy Card
    -1 Free BH II Reward (probably easier just to throw in a second BH Chest)
    -Some sort of EXP/Spirit thing
    -1 War Avatar A-C Card Chest
    -8 Flowsilver Coin
    -32 War Avatar C Card Packs

    Although this wouldn't fix everything, a code like this would replace many of the dailies that most of us lost - we lost half the day yesterday, meaning that a LOT of people lost the dailies they did.

    Sadly none of that would mean anything to me. I lost over 500m coins from trades that I had to spend all afternoon brokering because of how dead the markets are. It's absolutely nothing like it used to be even just a year ago. This mess is just the latest in a string of absolutely laughable examples of mis-managment.

    The staff is non-existent any more missing months worth of promised codes and events. Hell, last month there was an Emperor giveaway event that wasnt even completed, much less the actual tomes handed out lol, they just entirely stopped updating the information at stage 2 on what was supposed to be a 4 stage (4 tomes given away) set of requirements for the giveaway. Perfect chest even never given the codes out, two different spend/charge reward things completely messed up (the packs exploit and now this one) one after the other..... and on, and on, and on.

    Pretty sure they intend on letting the game die at this point while milking cash out of anyone who is niave enough to charge money to it and ignore the writing on the wall. Hardly anyone is selling gold, so its clear the income for PWE from this game is dwindling. I mean this game has always been managed in a sub-par manner and largely operates to exploit gambling addictions but lately its become increasingly amazing just how incompetent the management has become. I mean the second they become aware of this latest exploit they shut down servers and fix it but look in the boutique and youll still see they didnt bother to fix the pricing error of 18 gold x100 Keys also being the price of x50 keys LOL. They don't even address issues that skew in their favor, only the ones that will de-incentivise cash shopping, it's either insanely incompetent or ingeniously malicious and predatory business practice (I'd lean towards the latter).

    Pretty sure since PWE focuses on producing movies now that it will be a short matter of time before they disband their child projects like PWI. Just my 2 cents, I would start thinking twice about charging money if I was a cash shopper. I'm mad enough as a f2p player, I couldnt imagine how it would feel if I actually spent money for this...
  • aciafillia
    aciafillia Posts: 11 Arc User
    Can we please have a absent not code so we can use it for each of our characters that were affected?
  • phage69
    phage69 Posts: 112 Arc User
    Your code cant replace the 3 UP runs i did yesterday worth of mats >,>
  • shadydawg
    shadydawg Posts: 95 Arc User
    Apology!! Really people should be worried about getting they gold back they charged to their accounts first
  • baambaammm
    baambaammm Posts: 19 Arc User
    sad** at this point they kicking the loyal players away(cashers) whom keeping the game and company alive..
  • pandoradeathkiss
    pandoradeathkiss Posts: 3 Arc User
    Im down 100$ and 500m along with Morai A Card with 1 leadership on it better then my 2 i had. Also lost haspon daily complete and normal dailies. I demand refund or rebate of 2x the amount of what we lost. at this point we are all pissed off and want something extra to fix the choas witch pwi lead upon themselfs
  • bearwolfen
    bearwolfen Posts: 2 Arc User
    First day back in 17 months, and this happens. Goodbye again.
  • allserver2013x
    allserver2013x Posts: 6 Arc User
    After years of playing, my friends just quit.. aw,, now im alone... i hope pwi do something about this.. or forum will be flood of complains.. so sad..
  • sinme79
    sinme79 Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Everyone is complaining but I mean, what do you honestly expect? They let you basically steal and get all of these OP gems and refines? YES they ****ed up. YES it is ridiculous how often they have these fiascos where they push promo and patch releases that are full of bugs and glitches but, when you know something is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, why jump on the bandwagon like little opportunists and then act shocked when they have a super sudden roll back? It’s called damage control. They can’t just let the promo continue when it’s that jacked. Nor can they let some people benefit in that way while others do not. I do agree that compensation is needed, because ALL of us were affected in some way, loss of equipment/coins from trades, exp, rewards, vitae, sky levels, literally everything we did in that period of time was reversed. It would be REALLY HELPFUL if staff would respond, either here or social media, as letting it go as is seems very irresponsible and is just exacerbating the issues.
  • saynji#3761
    saynji#3761 Posts: 2 Arc User
    When will be the Promo Action back online?
  • bookkeeper#6784
    bookkeeper#6784 Posts: 25 Arc User
    lol the forum was filled with complains for x years.
    apology is not really gonna happen lmao...
    idk about u pwi...
    we got skull ...... then poof reroll...

    strike 3 .. batter out..... im out... tyvm
  • zhell#8586
    zhell#8586 Posts: 29 Arc User
    I guess best thing we can all do is stop charging gold completely. PWE has completely neglected it's player base ( ironic since this game is what put their company on the map and generated the needed revenue for growth ) for so long. This poor management and response by PWE staff is appauling. For months now, patch notes have been missing / completely ignored. Promotions have been a mess one after another and PWE still refuse to react to its players. The only time they've taken drastic action is when they've lost a huge proportion of money (this current spend promo ****). Events / promos are constantly changed during the promotion due to 'unforeseen circumstances' when a company should be able to check these details before they go live / advertised. R.I.P to this game, goodbye to kalyst. PWE is nothing but a selfish, money-hungry entity. Its staff members should feel ashamed.
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    PWE is not making movies, nope. PERFECT WORLD in china seem's to be tho.
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    OH and by the way I made a character, double rebirthed got full plus 12 on all my gears in 12 hours! what? lalala
  • carlosraul93
    carlosraul93 Posts: 17 Arc User
    I guess everyone would love a compensation code, but a good one, not one with a lot of ****
  • cashoper#6962
    cashoper#6962 Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Since this is a big issue in all servers:
    I have seen so many QQ in world chats and it seems that many of us sent a ticket to support but not getting any answer. Maybe pwi staff dont know what we want, so to make it easy for them.. Let's help them..
    What do you think PWI need to do so players wont go away?
    Vote and leave your comment below.

    If this topic dont get much vote or being ignored, then PWI staff was right to just ignore us...