Health Bars Visible Enable ?

Anyone know how to enable the health/mana bars above the characters heads? I've seen a few youtube videos where they have it enabled and have looked everywhere for the setting but can't seem to find it. Or did they remove this feature?

Anybody know? Thanks.


  • cvsx4
    cvsx4 Posts: 2 Arc User
    on your character face in the top left where hp/mp/exp bars are at, there is a dot next to hp and mp. click those dots to enable/disable the hp/mp bars above your character.
  • zoube
    zoube Posts: 179 Arc User
    Upper Left corner, you have your hp and mp bars, left of them is tiny buttons (between your portrait and the bars). They are difficult to see indeed.
  • kingsunseo#5891
    kingsunseo#5891 Posts: 29 Arc User
    Great, thank you both! Been scratching my head for days trying to find that setting lol.
  • baseaddress
    baseaddress Posts: 202 Arc User
    Next time feel free to ask your guildmates/friends or wc