Free Rp by login in.



  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    Yes - it was intentional that you did not receive some of the more uniquely powerful items "for free", although I had hoped (?) the shot at some of the higher items (but not the top items) would be something to aim for.

    One of the goals was to give users who typically do not charge a taste of what our spending users have access too, so please let me know if this was something you'd like to see again in the future!

    I like the idea but if you ever do this again i would love to see some slight modification

    Make the CHARGE time 3 days longer, end the bonus RP for being logged in 3 days before the CHARGE time is over.
    Im sure a lot of people would love to see their final points before making a decesion to charge for extra points or not.

    Can you clarify whats exessive ? I used 2 accounts since im allowed to have 2 accounts online at the same time but i heard some people use 5, 8 , 10, 20 accounts. It was so easy to make them with the free pill baby chest. I dont want to be a party pooper but you should find a way to channel out pill baby accounts for this kind of promotion either by requiring that they charged gold at least once or asking for a min logged in activity before the pomo starts. Else people who dont use 20 accounts start feeling really dumb because a free josd/deity is massive.

  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    is it possible to extend this event for a few days for those of us who are missing points? you can place a cap of 400 rp from logging alone but no cap for charging. that way those that did get the full 400 from just being online don't get more rewards than those with issues. and those that want more rp from charging can keep getting rp as long as they charge
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    @kalystconquerer#0876 why did not my points update for 3 days? it's a script error or I just will not have points even when I was online
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    So idk if its even worth to send a ticket, I guess most of players log in and out as you told them .-. and missing points =can make a difference :c
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    syxz2 wrote: »
    is it possible to extend this event for a few days for those of us who are missing points? you can place a cap of 400 rp from logging alone but no cap for charging. that way those that did get the full 400 from just being online don't get more rewards than those with issues. and those that want more rp from charging can keep getting rp as long as they charge

    Dude this promo is already broken, no need to make it even more broken. Be happy with what u have gotten for free while some ppl farmed their butts off to get end game shards
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    phixion11 wrote: »
    Wow people cryng over this, First time pwi actually gives something back to the remaining loyal player base thats not a dream chaser pack. +1 Pwi :D

    you dont have to be loyal to obtain the reward, just a person that farms with countless accounts to abuse the event. If pwi does try to do this event again then there really is no point in cashing.JOSD/Diety would be meaningless....... which getting those end game shards is kind of the point of the game.
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @phixion you don’t need top tier gems being abused to get back for being a loyal player. At this point there is no reason to cash anymore just wait until the fools we have call gms do this agian and cash in. For god sake some ppl got full +3 gems from this while others farmed or csed for them. It’s an insult to them and discouraged them to even try. Even if one person did that it’s a problem but quite a few got full +2 some a few +3. If you see no problem with that I’m confused why you don’t just play a private server where everything is handed to you.
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    Yes - it was intentional that you did not receive some of the more uniquely powerful items "for free", although I had hoped (?) the shot at some of the higher items (but not the top items) would be something to aim for.

    I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means. How is it intentional that players cannot get the top rewards? Just through time values or is there a soft cap in place for points earned through login that wasn't mentioned in the news ad?

    Just wondering because that would explain how me and my friend are missing so many points since we didn't charge this promo.
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User

    I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means. How is it intentional that players cannot get the top rewards? Just through time values or is there a soft cap in place for points earned through login that wasn't mentioned in the news ad?

    Just wondering because that would explain how me and my friend are missing so many points since we didn't charge this promo.

    No. If the system would properly work and you stayed on for the whole duration you could get any reward upto 400 RP. Simple math actually. Amount of possible hours x 2. Thats no cap, it's just obvious.

    If you don't get points you should have then it's due to their script not working properly. However, kaly said they will perform an additional data-pull which should cover for any missed points and yes @kalystconquerer#0876 such a pull is very much needed. I know of not a single person that has gotten all the points that they should have gotten and I've asked dozens of people.
  • Posts: 129 Arc User
    The only problem is that their script just doesn't work correctly. I haven't heard of a single person who was awarded all their points, and this is excused away by "you didn't log in or out and the right time" or "you logged in and out like a normal human so you lost points." Cheap, flimsy excuses in my opinion.

    That said, I see no problem with this type of event. It needs to happen more often and for a wider spread. PWI doesn't understand that items within an MMO should become cheaper as time progresses, not more expensive. Their current trend is to remove absolutely everything from the game (access to cards, starchart, etc.) and make it all RNG-based loot-box progression. But, hey, that worked out for EA so they must be on the right path, right?

    Do I hate the fact I spent so much money on jades for characters over the years, and now people have them for free? Sorta. But not really. Jades have been in demand since 2010. That's eight years. It's time to move on and make them more accessible. The cost of entry into PWI has always been excessive, and its only grown worse over the years as more and more features were added and deemed 'necessary' without providing any compensation or ease of access for the older requirements. This is a huge flaw in PWI's philosophy, and it's made abhorrently worse by the aforementioned RNG-based loot-box progression system.

    So, all that said, keep events such as these going, keep them relevant, and keep them available to everyone. We're sick of Dreamchaser packs and Astrospira level 1 and Ancient Gifts that come with apologies and excuses.
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    Yes, but actually we got something for free so one way or another we are not entitled to complain about a few hickups at all.

    Yes, I also see the advantages more than the disadvantages. If 20 people would get max gear for free, why would I care? I actually like it that more people get gears cause that causes more competition and thus more fun for anyone. Despite this, prices have hardly changed on Dawnglory for jades and deity. They have been close to 350-400m each now its 300m-ish...which is still way, WAY too expensive. If, by events like this, the prices would go down below 150m per jade/deity, that would be awesome. For anyone. Cept ofc for people that dwell in the past

    Oh buh-huh, I have opened over 20k a-packs in total when FSP-Coins have been above 300k each. Yeah, that's quite a few jades right there :D Prices should go down over time, exactly. But people are weird. If they see someone else that overgears them they start hardcore buying anything in a panic, hence prices rise through the roof.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User

    I really dislike the idea of staying online for 24/7. Some people simply can't do this even if they want to. If you repeat this event in the future, please extend the time to earn the points so every can can reach the higher rewards in reasonable time. And you could add a max cap to the points a person can earn. This would make the event more fair to everyone.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    in Tideswell Deity and JoSD going for 230-250m max. wtb change server stone pls :D
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »

    Oh buh-huh, I have opened over 20k a-packs in total when FSP-Coins have been above 300k each.
    forum clown Joe never fails to amuse us <3

    all in all the event was lovely, we can do it again, +12 orbs or not, at least the servers gained some more JOSDs, which helps people to be a 2 hit to sins, instead of 1 hit :D
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    Honestly, they shouldnt of given shards fro free. I know several ppl making banks with 20+ shards. I do however think its long due for shards to become more obtainable. Effectively 40 bucks/shard is just too much on items which have been in game for 8 years or so. Same with cards, make NP actually accessible for masses for reasonable price tag - it will only balance the game and force the whales to find advantages elsewhere. R9 should be cheaper than it is but they actually increased it by increasing chip prices(23s->25s), which is stupid af. Star chart should be getting price reduction too already, its pretty old content already. Milk the players on glyphs if you want to milk them but make the old content cheaper/easier to obtain or you will only be left with whales who are gonna entertain themselves only for so long.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    catalot wrote: »
    forum clown Joe never fails to amuse us <3

    What have I said that amuses you that much? I was simply lowballing things. If you want proof, welp, look at my videos and see when I got the cards. I don't know why people think that I am always exaggerating. Nope, in fact, most of the time, I am lowballing things. Is it jealousy? Disbelieve that I was able to farm that much money back in the day? I got 8x r9 characters with CF set and not even a total of 1% is charged so yeah, whats the biggy?
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    I'd like to add here that it really confused things having two different "login reward" events at the same. I didn't find out about this until 2 days before it was due to end, and hence hadn't been leaving my chars logged in 24/7 and missed out on a lot of rewards. Everybody kept talking about "login rewards" on world chat, but I was just thinking they were referring to -

    Even when Etherblade was down for a while one morning, and people were posting on the forum "we're missing out login rewards", I was thinking puff, why? You only need to log in for an hour or so once the server comes back up for that. I only found out about this after a friend specifically told me about it and explained to leave chars logged in because of it. After I found this out I asked a bunch of other friends and nearly all of them were just as confused by it as I was and knew nothing about this.

    So, really appreciate the event, and will still get some really useful stuff from it, but please if you're going to have two events running simultaneously, at least give them unambiguous names, like "daily login rewards" for logging in and "accumulated time login rewards" so that people realise they're different.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »

    What have I said that amuses you that much? I was simply lowballing things. If you want proof, welp, look at my videos and see when I got the cards. I don't know why people think that I am always exaggerating. Nope, in fact, most of the time, I am lowballing things. Is it jealousy? Disbelieve that I was able to farm that much money back in the day? I got 8x r9 characters with CF set and not even a total of 1% is charged so yeah, whats the biggy?

    dude how much did u have to cash to open over 20000 a-packs lol. Because I don't believe you farmed fsp with 15 chars everyday for 3 years
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    Yes, but actually we got something for free so one way or another we are not entitled to complain about a few hickups at all.

    I am only complaining because as it stands, i got nothing for free, because I didnt get points lol maybe people who had 20 clients running got lots for free. idk.​​
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    Regarding Anger of people spending money in the past to have advantages that other's do not, and in the future those Item's become more accessible cheaper or even part of a giveaway by GM's. You Had your advantage from spending money at that time, to cut down on Farming times ect ect... That was then You had what u paid for.. Never should u expect it to Be infinite... You got what u paid for.. a advantage that had a expiration date on it :smile:
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    wettstyle wrote: »
    Regarding Anger of people spending money in the past to have advantages that other's do not, and in the future those Item's become more accessible cheaper or even part of a giveaway by GM's. You Had your advantage from spending money at that time, to cut down on Farming times ect ect... That was then You had what u paid for.. Never should u expect it to Be infinite... You got what u paid for.. a advantage that had a expiration date on it :smile:

    nobody told them to cs before. now they are complaining about it.

    as of now. THERE IS NO RELIABLE FARMING.. i do fws.. takes about 30-1hr depends on people. only get 6 badges 500k-800k average. most of the time... you got a pretty greedy lead who gets everything. and doesnt even split eoo correctly.. says @ the end of the run.... "sorry thats all the money i have".... its fun running fws everyday with that crowd. try it. maybe you will enjoy. try to form? will make you use 30-40 teles which is around 21k each . make you use 630k just on tele alone.
    if they bring back fs coins maybe... i can farm something everyday coz realistically .... up is a dream for me.

    update on points: still missing points.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    @kalystconquerer any news about the missing points? pls update us.. the spending time is running...

  • Posts: 157 Arc User
    My points updated for this character. My alts still haven't updated for the last day. Starting to get a leeeetle nervous. I'll give it till Sunday before I send ticket though, hoping I don't have to!
    »Go back to sleep...« PWI Youtube Channel

  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    Glad you said most of the time of greedy squad leaders many times I give out everything and keep nothing to myself and I am one player that does not have R9 and etc.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    there should have been another update today, 2 hours ago, for the 12 hours that the event was running after the last update. why did we not have it?
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    catalot wrote: »
    there should have been another update today, 2 hours ago, for the 12 hours that the event was running after the last update. why did we not have it?

    Indeed. Kaly promised another full data-pull. Hopefully.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    weekends doesnt have business hours.. we wait till monday.. o:)
  • Posts: 109 Arc User
    @kalystconquerer#0876 When can we expect the datapull to happen? There is only roughly 3 days left to even redeem the points and literally everyone did not get points for the final day of the redeem period (12 hours) which is odd since you've said that the script redeems all the points with 1 day delay. That didnt happen for the last day. Thank you very much!
  • Posts: 175 Arc User
    well kalyst is here now, im sure she will find out why we didnt get the last 12 hours counted.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    tik tok, tik tok! clocks ticking


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