[PSA] Dawnglory Login Issues

kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
Good morning PWI players!

We have received reports of Dawnglory server having login issues. Our Engineers have been alerted to the issue and will be working on a fix! We will be working as quickly as possible to bring Dawnglory back online.

We thank you for your patience as we resolve this issue.

-The PWI Crew


  • ailiadrake
    ailiadrake Posts: 282 Arc User
    Thank you for the quick response, Kalyst!
  • forencolo
    forencolo Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    HA HA HA HA ..
    a bug fix for Bug World International ..

    And my lost EXP from those lousy new EVENT?

    Players Pitch ..

    Hope, that this server is down for the next 4 weeks!

    F*CK YOU ..
  • moonizu
    moonizu Posts: 10 Arc User
    Please don't forget to spawn the npcs, like Littlefoot *vink vink*
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Alright servers are back up and NPC's are spawned!

    Thank you for your patience! :)
  • forencolo
    forencolo Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    HA HA HA HA..

    like the event before?
    Sorry, don't remember the name to the left NPC at Archosour South - tailor?


    Bug World International proudly presents

    More Bugs, less coin rewards and for more RL money ..

    for what?

    Nothing or more Bugs!
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2017
    @forencolo Are you referring to Twilight Survivor?

    This NPC now needs a patch and backend dates to be set, so I will have to run this event next month. This NPC was working fine up until the content update without needing patches, as I've been able to spawn this many, many times in the past.

    However if this is no longer an event players want, based on this feedback, I can elect to no longer run it. Even though this event is not actually "bugged", it just had it's process changed without notice.

    Hope this helps!
  • forencolo
    forencolo Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    That will not bring back my lost EXP at the new bugged Event!

    That was no help!

    Read Ticket Reference # 170921-000114

  • viviane19
    viviane19 Posts: 109 Arc User
    50mins ago *
    Alright servers are back up and NPC's are spawned!

    Thank you for your patience! :)

    Server is down again, LOL!

    Open your mind, let it **** you in kind :-)
  • laluna1990
    laluna1990 Posts: 54 Arc User
    RIP Nation Wars :(
  • stephshannon
    stephshannon Posts: 38 Arc User
    Nuuuuuuuuuu QQ need my nation wars fix D:
  • maksim1995
    maksim1995 Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    can't log again, do something with this please.
  • razikiel
    razikiel Posts: 25 Arc User
    I'm not going to be rude and arrogant like some of those people above by complaining about MY own "losses" and how it is the end of the world, but I just want to mention the log-in thing hasn't been fixed :) I got somehow booted from server last night (that was morning for server time) and haven't been able to log in since. So for me it's been about 12 hours. I can just play on other servers, I have rb2 toons everywhere, but Dawnglory is still where I prefer to play! Hope it's fixed soon.
  • forencolo
    forencolo Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Two minutes logged in, could't call a ride mount and could't use any buffs.
    At both clients!

    I logged out.
    Its useless to do BH because no suitble rewards.


    Shut down game - now!
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Huh, I'm on the main map still, but did the instances crash out?

    I'll go ahead and have the Engineers take a look again.

    @forencolo you'll need to be more specific, I don't have access to the tickets CS has.
  • viviane19
    viviane19 Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    You better dont reset again!

    Open your mind, let it **** you in kind :-)
  • forencolo
    forencolo Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    My rude comment about loosing 1.6% EXP at 2x lvl 104 toons has been deleted.

    Support sayed its probably an unknown bug.
    Guardian Scrolls and Dream Guardion Scroll didn't prevent of loosing EXP inside the "Little Foot Event / Lunar"
    Scrolls haven't been consumed but EXP gone.
    With those lost EXP you could easily level a new toon up to lvl ~70?

    No other instanace has such a lousy behaviour!

    Its pretty more work than 10-15x BH 100 - EXP point rewards or at least 15-20 AEU runs?

    I'm pissed off from such bugs, badly tested out from players and trolled by the support..
  • littlezoe77
    littlezoe77 Posts: 3 Arc User
    Seems issue still exists.

    Today, I loged ~8:00 pm and all was okay.
    After joining jfsp squad world chat disappeared.
    Rewards after Princess was not able to accept and I was also not able to leave this instance anymore by any option or will.

    After closing elemental session, I am not able to logon anymore.
  • stephshannon
    stephshannon Posts: 38 Arc User

    it doesn't actually boot you or let yu know you've been disconnected in any way, everything looks normal until you try to close shop or use skills. i was happily running around arch when i suddenly noticed there were no people or npc's.... it was weird... still didn;t tell me i was dc.
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    Huh, I'm on the main map still, but did the instances crash out?

    I'll go ahead and have the Engineers take a look again.

    @forencolo you'll need to be more specific, I don't have access to the tickets CS has.

    Yeah, it doesn't automatically DC you but you shouldnt be able to perform any action.
  • ailiadrake
    ailiadrake Posts: 282 Arc User
    World chat has gone silent, probably because main map crashed again, and now I can't even get to the character screen. I got my main inside Littlefoot's lunar instance, though, and party/guild chats still works
  • forencolo
    forencolo Posts: 16 Arc User
    Evelish revenge

  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    I'm having them take a look again. This seems related to what was happening on West servers a while back. Luckily, the root of the issue can be resolved during maintenance tonight, but until that time there might be some intermittent issues.

    Will post again when I have a new update!
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    Yeah Won't let ya log in as of 11:52 am xD.. damm windows updates:D
  • viviane19
    viviane19 Posts: 109 Arc User
    Wanna keep the server down until maintenance, or did i miss understood?

    Open your mind, let it **** you in kind :-)
  • razikiel
    razikiel Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Huh, I'm on the main map still, but did the instances crash out?

    I'll go ahead and have the Engineers take a look again.

    @forencolo you'll need to be more specific, I don't have access to the tickets CS has.

    I would say instances are down too, because for me it happened after i was done killing boss for bh2 in SoT. I tried to use a teleport stone to go in Etherblade to turn in bh, but the teleport stone just vanished and i didn't move. So I tried Town Portal, nothing. It just got its cd of 1h and it didn't port me out. Couldn't log out the game either, so I had to close the game with task manager.

    By the way, for me, it's not about being on the main map or not, I can't even log on Dawnglory at all :P
  • ailiadrake
    ailiadrake Posts: 282 Arc User
    yeah. You can't log in, and you can't even log out from an instance now.
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    Apparently you can't even send codes meanwhile. This is a massive issue @kalystconquerer#0876 and can NOT wait until maint is fixed. If people need to send them some Charge rewards or spend and want to make use of the current sale then they are pretty much screwed/wasted money for nothing since the sales will most likely vanish after maint. Just saying. This will potentially enrage alot of people so try to extend sales or get them to fix the issue before the sales are gone.

    We all know our players =P better be save than sorry I guess xD
  • sahitan001
    sahitan001 Posts: 49 Arc User
    This is once again so typical. Server reboot (no). deactivate events which are partly responsible for this (no). That you are not responsible for kalystconquerer, is clear. Even though many do not understand it. You are responsible for the forum etc and get your information from a higher instance. I know this from then, so I'm gone. Everyone calls and cursing in the WC or forum on the GM's but the people active for the Community work, have not so much power, they can only pass it on.

    Anyway. It can not be that no information is given out, the problem today is all day and there was never a statement.

This discussion has been closed.