Steam vs Arc Pwi

is the steam version still a good version to use or is it bugged/ obsolete since i've had problems with lag issues by using the steam version. Which overall i'm not sure if steam has anything to do with the lag issues since all my other games run perfectly fine with no lag except for pwi which makes me wonder if the steam platform version is broken.


  • beast21g
    beast21g Posts: 631 Arc User
    didnt PWI removed from Steam?
  • dragonpig
    dragonpig Posts: 12 Arc User
    it works fine for me. the "lag" issue can be contributed to many factors such as server latency (normally 200+ms for me), graphic setting (i set it to lower spec in game option, i even hide the genie, u can explore the various settings in that icon top left screen), running other programs (exit any non game related program, i usually disable any unnecessary auto start software or disable/set to manual for Windows update).

    btw, pwi had been discontinued on steam platform, someone had post a link regarding that news somewhere on this forum.
    therefore, if you uninstall your current steam version, you can only download arc version. unfortunately arc is no longer supported on older Windows.
  • thefallenreborn
    thefallenreborn Posts: 19 Arc User
    yes it did get removed from steam but if you had it installed on your pc it should work, but I wasn't sure if it was bugged or something. All of my other games work fine on windows 10 except for pwi with extreme lag. I don't have my graphic set super high and none of my other online games lag at all.