Just another Nuema Portal QQ Thread

Posts: 27 Arc User
As we dicussed it in numerous of threads before PWI stopped with Nuema Portal Spend Promotions, offering players to get a specific Nuema Portal card for spending 1200 gold. While many players are now stucked shortly before reaching their goal and are with all right very upset about it, PWI so far did nothing to solve this issue. It is not satisfiying to hope that in 6 or 12 months China might come up with something. Can't we just say PWI first ...
I do not understand, why PWI is not able to do anything on their own. Here a solution that could be done without China:
You offer players to trade 15 S cards for a Nuema Portal Token/Card. This can be done in the forum or however, since not thaat many player will be even able to do that (a single time).
Possible trade and calculation of costs:
- To buy 1 S cards even with a War Avatar Catalyst sale costs 125 gold:
2.5 gold (for 10 catalysts and flow silver coins) * 50 (at a two percent chance to get a S card) = 125 gold for 1 S card
- You could offer to trade 15 S cards for 1 Nuema card:
1 Nuema Portal Card = 15 S cards = 15 * 125 gold = 1875 gold = 11b coins (insane)
- These 1875 gold is not just part of a rotation as in the spend promo ... it is lost forever ... now to be effective you would want to have a RB1 Nuema Set which means someone would need to spend 22500 gold for such a set.
I seriously think this would be a fair solution and we wouldnt need to wait for another year to have a solution.
Do you think this is possible (Kalyst
I do not understand, why PWI is not able to do anything on their own. Here a solution that could be done without China:
You offer players to trade 15 S cards for a Nuema Portal Token/Card. This can be done in the forum or however, since not thaat many player will be even able to do that (a single time).
Possible trade and calculation of costs:
- To buy 1 S cards even with a War Avatar Catalyst sale costs 125 gold:
2.5 gold (for 10 catalysts and flow silver coins) * 50 (at a two percent chance to get a S card) = 125 gold for 1 S card
- You could offer to trade 15 S cards for 1 Nuema card:
1 Nuema Portal Card = 15 S cards = 15 * 125 gold = 1875 gold = 11b coins (insane)
- These 1875 gold is not just part of a rotation as in the spend promo ... it is lost forever ... now to be effective you would want to have a RB1 Nuema Set which means someone would need to spend 22500 gold for such a set.
I seriously think this would be a fair solution and we wouldnt need to wait for another year to have a solution.
Do you think this is possible (Kalyst

why can't the community let this die ffs do we really need more power creeps. (no I do not have NP)105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
what @blazerboy said, i know its unfair that some people still needs 1 Card for nuema portal but man, look at those nuema portal sins everywhere now, as their damage wasn't broken enough with rb2 aeu/Devil/Deity Stones, now put nuema portal on this equation and you'll literally have Sins going 3v3 alone with 2 alts and winning. (*Cough Cough* Broken af Nuema portal sin from Tideswell *Cough*)0
^ DawnsGlory had a Sin that literally carries the team aswell I rather not anymore 3rd spark cursed jail/Elimination bots insta deleting ppl its bad as it is105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
^ DawnsGlory had a Sin that literally carries the team aswell I rather not anymore 3rd spark cursed jail/Elimination bots insta deleting ppl its bad as it is
+cough cough+ Remove Chill of the deep and change all base damage multipliers on sin skills to weapon damage. Easy fix. +cough cough+ With That, even if NP/Devil stone..they'd be happy to hit you 15k total with cursed jail on max buffs.
Ignore NP and apply some real re-balancing, ijs.0 -
why can't the community let this die ffs do we really need more power creeps. (no I do not have NP)
This is some backwards logic. There are plenty of ppl who have it but instead of having option to match it, you just cant because promos are gone. So the power creep exists for selected few who cant be caught. I agree on never introducing NP promos but now thats been done, taking them away only makes things extremely unfair.0 -
Since China said that putting Nuema portal cards on spend promo would hit the longevity of the game, which doesn't make much sense to me, but oh well, i never saw Kalyst saying anything about they blocking Glyphs to be put on spend promo, its gonna happen soon or later, lvl 7 glyphs for 1.2k gold maybe, and them sins getting a even more broke elimination once they hit a lvl 8 Glyph, the only hope would be like @jsxshadow said and they applied some real balancing on sins skills, but since mostly Sins on china are Aps, i can't see it happening anytime soon.
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The flame of fairness burns brightly every time P2W gets weaker.
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@saxroll so basically you rather more rich merchants or high end csers to basically one hit anyone who is a casual gamer or not nearly as caught up in gear making it even less balanced and fair.... You rather 50+ NP per server rather than the 15+ average per server. I'm backwards thinking? You're selfish and salty you didn't start it in the beginning like some of the ppl did.
News flash if you really feel it's impossible to be competitive with the current few NP than I am at a lost there's 3v3 squads with all 3 NP or 2/3 and still get rolled with skill. Removing it atleast stopped the rampant amount growth of OP zerk magic or sins. Unless you have never gotten your face kicked in by ppl like Dragoonz, Genesesia, Kanjiro, or Nemki. All I'm saying is if you believe if more toons like this running around is the solution than okay you clearly have no experience fighting these toons on the regular.
These guys even nuke Nuema portals stupid indexes due to their classes itself. Dragoonz zerk crit magic toons 30k+ who are endgame. Genesia can be seen wining 3v1 in 3v3 like what? Kanjiro isn't as geared but one purge and a elimination and that's all he needs. Nemki? Lmfao dude hit Dragoonz 45k+. You mean to tell me this needs to continue? Lmfao yea let's see Wyelin NP veno doing that doubt it's ganna be as affective or TheDan NP doing that as a bm. Hell I don't see the NP seekers do that nor do the NP storms doing that due to how much they need to stack for real damage which if you have a good genie you can counter by the time perigean tide/ultimate is ready Joe video his archer 1v1 a sb proves it lol. Let me tell you about DA Manstra the NP who isn't nearly as fearsome as some classes with NP. Inb4 we see a NP mystic are you seriously not convinced lol??????
@jsxshadow had it right rebalance the classes then you can consider this.105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
@saxroll so basically you rather more rich merchants or high end csers to basically one hit anyone who is a casual gamer or not nearly as caught up in gear making it even less balanced and fair.... You rather 50+ NP per server rather than the 15+ average per server. I'm backwards thinking? You're selfish and salty you didn't start it in the beginning like some of the ppl did.
News flash if you really feel it's impossible to be competitive with the current few NP than I am at a lost there's 3v3 squads with all 3 NP or 2/3 and still get rolled with skill. Removing it atleast stopped the rampant amount growth of OP zerk magic or sins. Unless you have never gotten your face kicked in by ppl like Dragoonz, Genesesia, Kanjiro, or Nemki. All I'm saying is if you believe if more toons like this running around is the solution than okay you clearly have no experience fighting these toons on the regular.
These guys even nuke Nuema portals stupid indexes due to their classes itself. Dragoonz zerk crit magic toons 30k+ who are endgame. Genesia can be seen wining 3v1 in 3v3 like what? Kanjiro isn't as geared but one purge and a elimination and that's all he needs. Nemki? Lmfao dude hit Dragoonz 45k+. You mean to tell me this needs to continue? Lmfao yea let's see Wyelin NP veno doing that doubt it's ganna be as affective or TheDan NP doing that as a bm. Hell I don't see the NP seekers do that nor do the NP storms doing that due to how much they need to stack for real damage which if you have a good genie you can counter by the time perigean tide/ultimate is ready Joe video his archer 1v1 a sb proves it lol. Let me tell you about DA Manstra the NP who isn't nearly as fearsome as some classes with NP. Inb4 we see a NP mystic are you seriously not convinced lol??????
@jsxshadow had it right rebalance the classes then you can consider this.
Man, is there something in the tap water on Da or why does that one server keep breeding this special kind of stupid?
I said, there should never been NP promos in the first place but because there were its only fair everybody can do their NP sets for same or cheaper than the ones before them. Thats making endgame gear more accessible, which is generally what most MMORPGs do to reduce powercreep. Right now there is a wall placed between those who got trough in time and those who didnt and there is absolutely no argument to defend why those players should have the advantage others now cant gain themselves. Well I should say its possible to gain NP even still but you would have to pay quite a bit more than those who got it before, which is like the opposite of fighting powercreep.
The l2p argument is prolly the most idiotic one you could of come up with tbh. If you pick 2 ppl at complete random, the one with significantly more gear will generally win. And thats basically what this is bout, it doesnt matter if you can compete with crappy NPs as there is nothing defaulting all players with NPs into terrible players.0 -
@saxroll so basically you didn't read a thing about the problems this causes you're obviously self centered and there's nothing in your arguement besides "They got to be op but I wanna be op too for the same price or cheaper it's only fair" okay105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
@saxroll so basically you didn't read a thing about the problems this causes you're obviously self centered and there's nothing in your arguement besides "They got to be op but I wanna be op too for the same price or cheaper it's only fair" okay
Man, you got to be trolling, nobody can be this special for real. If you are seriously arguing that it causes balance issues if everybody has access to same gear(Cards), which it sounds a lot like you do, I think I am done.0 -
Lmfao funny seeing as my Gorath isn't even rebirth @saxroll not everyone who doesn't want it to return is NP as you love to assume but okay it's clear it's like trying to speak to someone with little experience in actual pvp and to which at that point it's a waste of time.
How can you think there's no balance issues if everyone has NP, when a NP sin can win 3v1 in arena when NO OTHER NP can do that even when he's against other NPs he does it lmfao..... Even when other ppl in this thread are saying similar first rebalance the class lol...105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
@blazerboy We can agree on the fact that class-rebalancing is alot more important than NP. Non-RB NP comapred to full 2nd rb CF isnt even that much better. It's like having CF 3rd RB. The dif is kinda like 1st rb CF to 2nd rb CF and that's all.
2nd RB NP is extremely powerful but only a minority of people has it. You know me, I care alot more about skill than gears. However, I second that Psys are more efficient with NP than SBs. I promise you, give my Storm nemki's gear, 8x serenity, 8x sovereign, rest devil and all hell will break lose. Heartbite rend with that much base damage...bro...Ulti + Tidal force + any other AOE. If the CC procs with heartbite on ulti..the random AOE will OS anyone in range. Sure, psys are tankier but just taking offensive power into account: SBs dwarf them easily.
Granted, CC SBs and kill them. Easy GG. But what if they are accompanied by equally geared BM and cleric with full support on the SB? Yeah bro, GG WP. Rend SB can kill anything on their own and even AOE-stomp entire squads (if proc-luck is on your side). DW, I never get NP on my SB, even if they make it alot easier to get.
I also agree with you that we don't need more highly RBed NP sins. They are just cancer. Other classes can be handled even tho max geared Archer like Dragoonz are insane too. If you don't kill them asap they will be a major problem but can be handled. Sins (yeah Tidal/Deaden gg) cannot be handled.
If they ever make NP more available again then only if they re-balance the beforehand. Like completely removing Phys attack bonus from cards for sins and giving them some more HP/Def instead. Just an example tho. Many fixes could be applied to make this game alot better but welp. We gotta wait and see.
PS: If I ever win the lottery I will buy PWI, upgrade it's graphics and re-balance it completely for it to be a nearly perfect, massively competitive and skill-based game without P2W! I promise! Ain't gonna happen but never say never0 -
Well @cosmosia1989 according to saxroll it solves all our problems if everyone has access to NP while devil stone cursed jail eliminations two shot us all... NP quadrature just gg us.... Man... The only classes NP wouldn't be absurdly rediculous is on certain support classes like bm cleric I wouldn't say veno because more time to run around trying to proc 0 pdef for those who lucky as heck with that.... (there's one veno who just makes me sad when she procs it on me x3 in one arena fight) mystic wouldn't be too bad even though gl dropping that and that's about it imo. Dbs,Sins,Archers,Psys,Sb,Wizards, no thanks. Seekers and barbs wouldn't be too bad, the barb won't be able to delete too many ppl except arma and ulti but not too much aoe cc to be very affective with it imo105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
Well you guys have different opinions and nothing is wrong with that. I think we all agree that we would be better without any NP cards at all. I myself think the new weapons are just as broken and maybe even more than NP sets and I wish nobody would ever have them ... but thats not the point.
So here is the next solution: DELETE all nuema portal cards from the game .... even from those people with a full set. Its unfair cos they payed for it? ... yes sure it is ... buts thats the same for me who is missing a single card ... I also payed for it and now I have nothing ... not even one card equiped.
note: replacing them with a RB2 morai set would be ok too ... all problems solved ... balanced nobody is mad ... oh wait xD0 -
lol since pwi was giving away codes with s packs the odds are super bad i think its been 1 or 2 years with free spacks and i have only gotten 2 s cards honestly i dont think pwi lose one if they put out s card pack codes weekly because the chances of you geting an s -card is almost as bad as wining a crown of madness if not worst0
Lmfao funny seeing as my Gorath isn't even rebirth @saxroll not everyone who doesn't want it to return is NP as you love to assume but okay it's clear it's like trying to speak to someone with little experience in actual pvp and to which at that point it's a waste of time.
How can you think there's no balance issues if everyone has NP, when a NP sin can win 3v1 in arena when NO OTHER NP can do that even when he's against other NPs he does it lmfao..... Even when other ppl in this thread are saying similar first rebalance the class lol...
Yea, you got to be trolling, there is no way you are serious.
I nowhere claimed anything bout your cards and I am puzzled why you bring it up as if I have. You on other hand make a **** ton of assumptions, most if not all inaccurate, I really got better things to do than go trough them one by one though.
So you are essentially saying that its okey to limit the access to certain gear because 1 class is broken with it? First of all, those two things are completely unrelated. The accessibility of gear has nothing to do with class balance, trying to make it seem like they do is ludicrous. And secondly, sins are broken with or without NP, restricting NP supply on that account would thus be silly.0 -
@laylay honestly if they did what you proposed I would be extremely happy but then ppl would pretend to ragequit like everyone does over this topic I paid for it and you took it away qq105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
Man. I came back to check for the luls and i was NOT disappointed.
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3 things.
1. They weren't scammed.
2. Spending 3 grand on a free to play game is herptarded
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@pwicat22 no because if you recycled the coin you're fine and even so you had to SPEND the gold not charge for it in reality it was a bonus for spending not directly spend on that card. If like each card in the boutique was 1200 and suddenly stopped I'd understand but it's the same with how some ppl got full +12 without really doing much but recycling gold it was a incentive not directly paid for gg. You spent gold on stuff you wanted until you meant the requirement to get the NP card free. This could be done by charging or merchanting but it was never directly spend on the card please stop complaining because you took the easier path to it. Even if you did just recycle 3 grand please tell me how did you directly spend 3k on the cards when it was a spend promo not in the boutique105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
Well, this went down the drain rather quickly...
As much as I'd like to keep a thread like this open to field for additional ideas and solutions, I'll preemptively close it just to avoid any further agitation. Keep in mind that, while I'm not speaking directly on the topic, this does not mean I'm not working on alternatives or that I'm not making plans for future events...
This discussion has been closed.
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