Once per day resrtriction on EU, was it ever fixed?


I notice that the once per day restriction for Endless Universe was never fixed. not that there will be a ton of dissent over this I was wondering why this was never addressed? Is it time-tabled? Can we have an update to this issue?


  • collerd1
    collerd1 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    As long as you don't take the reward at the end you can enter as many times as you like.

    If you leave the squad before the leader starts the reward quest, you won't loose your item.
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    doesn't that kind mean you will only get the reward once no matter how many times you do it? i dont think that was the intention with stating they were lifting the restriction or am I missing something.
  • shopcheese
    shopcheese Posts: 758 Arc User
    The once-a-day restriction for entering EU was removed (that being said, you still need the toxin to enter, which you can only pick up once a day). The reward is also just once. But at least you aren't screwed over if your squad fails or you forget to pick up BH but already entered instance.
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    i know im being a bit of a stickler but:

    "*The once-per-day restriction on entering the Endless Universe has been removed. Completing the quest after killing Ghost Wing will award you with an additional Tuc Su Toxin."

    as quoted from the war front patch notes. the way it is worded seems more like the intention was to allow the instance to have no limit (not to say it will be easy for anyone to run that multiple times), receiving a new toxin would allow you to get rewards multiple times.

    i would like to get clarification from @thenamesdomino on this matter, it may have just been buried by other ****.