If you saw pwi on steam and searched youtube, what would you want to see?

anna94r Posts: 1 Arc User
edited March 2016 in General Discussion
Thinking about making a youtube video about pwi for newer players that will join once the steam version goes live for people to see how the game looks and works in current state since most videos are a year or older. i want to draw people in and show them what this world has to offer!

What should it contain? what would make you want to play after watching the video?

Looking for any tips ideas or suggestions on what to put into the video


  • hogwarts123
    hogwarts123 Posts: 66 Arc User
    I think what anyone wants to see when they start a game is what they are going to be staying for or a goal that they could reach for. But if you show them a video of how to be successful in pwi there will be alot of uninstalls being clicked. So maybe the best way to level, how to get get better at the game in general. Make sure that they know that the pvp needs some kind of dedication to the game whether it be money, cs, grinding etc.
    As for me, I would want to see how far I could get before it starts to get competitive then work from there which is why I advise leveling guides. But there is already a couple vids and written guides on how to level so maybe you would want to take a different approach to it. Especially with the new expansion there will be a need for ways to incorporate the new additions to the pwi playstyle so maybe take that angle. Good Luck :)

  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User
    show a lvl 1 in nub outfit, start flashing credit cards on the screen and the level up animation, repeat repeat show a pro day 1 nub in an armor made of credit cards 1 shotting everything
  • herpderp1213
    herpderp1213 Posts: 36 Arc User
    This game is going to have so many negative reviews. No one will even bother with this game.
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    I suggest showcasing some of the character customization which is something that appeals to a lot of people. Perhaps try to avoid showing too much of the new races though, because their customization seems to be more restricted.

    I also suggest showcasing some fashion. Show them a few sets and then show them the mix & matching along with different colours (perhaps point out the dyes and random dyes?). Don't forget to show both males and females. I still think PWI has one of the better fashion systems in MMOs since you can really make your own style by picking pieces and putting them together however you want. In other games it's common to just buy an entire outfit that you can't change/customize and it often comes in one or two colours.

    Show some variety of mounts and flyers of different classes. Show them the ability to ride and fly, along with the ability to fight in the air as well as underwater. Give them a few glimpses of various landscapes, areas, dungeons, mobs, and bosses. Show them each race and class briefly along with them using a couple of skills, just so players get a preview of possible class options. For example, a Barbarian using a skill in human form, then transforming into a tiger and using a Tiger form skill etc. skills and things that define each class.

    Give them a brief preview of the variety of features regarding your character; level up, attribute points (and a note of possible different builds as per the player's choice?), regular armor and weapons, War Avatar cards, Star Chart, title quests (some might like titles!) etc. Some may feel overwhelmed, but others might find it appealing knowing they have a lot of things they can work on and improve on their character.

    Of course address things such as competitive PvP requiring a lot of time (merchant, farm etc.) or money, but there's still NW and I guess TW if you join a guild. You might want to mention that this is an older game (some may compare the graphics to newer games). I think the fact that even weak/old computers can run this game adequately will be something worth mentioning. I have a couple of friends with old computers who can't afford something better currently, and they are locked out of a lot of games/MMOs but they can run PWI.

    That's all I can think of for now.
  • mulier
    mulier Posts: 305 Arc User
    beauty of the world
    insane amount of fashion
    deep character customization
    marriage , carrying other ppl , flying , different forms of mounts, flies and so on

    kinda let the beauty of pwi shine for itself :)
  • kenshin151
    kenshin151 Posts: 82 Arc User
    mosz said:

    show a lvl 1 in nub outfit, start flashing credit cards on the screen and the level up animation, repeat repeat show a pro day 1 nub in an armor made of credit cards 1 shotting everything

    You said it all.

    And in addition, show the lazy chinese devs, sleeping on the computers while several bugs remain unsolved.
  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User
    Honestly, it doesnt matter what you showcase in the video. Once they see what is involved to obtain end game skills, gear and anything else, they won't bother. I said in a different post, if this was 6 years ago, it would be a good idea. The game is going to get more cons, than pros when people rate it. All the game has going for it it character customization, and fashion and that's about it (from a new player stand point). It is far to cash driven to entice any new comers to stay. PvE...not any real challenge in the game for that.
    PvP......you think anyone is going to stick around when a seasoned veteran of this game, who has farmed ( or more likely dropped a few visas and a matercard into the game) hit them for 85K damage before they can click their first skill?

    Only tip I can give, it show what the game is actually like. Don't keep anything from them.

  • testxvi
    testxvi Posts: 309 Arc User
    On top of what been mentioned, genies, and the choice of going demon/sage.​​
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Maybe a game engine that actually looks like half of their promotional videos for content. samurai-37.gif​​

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  • saleniece
    saleniece Posts: 49 Arc User
    What i like about this game: compared to other many other games we have many pvp options, cross server pvp. I actually like that this game is long=term, with all the reborns and gear farming, world bosses etc. Compared to some other games where u can solo most or everything with right class, here we still have plenty of party content. We actually have plenty of r9.3 players who got their gear from farming/merchanting not buying, so for long term player its actually good, that u still have stuff to do in game even after 2 years playing.