Server Event EU servers

thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
Hey everyone,
Just jumping in here to give a heads up, we just had a server event occur in the EU servers. Currently we don't know the extent to which this outage has occurred, but if you were disconnected, we are aware and are working to get it resolved.


  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Thanks for the heads up Domino.

    Any chance of getting word on other issues that have been long-standing since the merge?

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  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    Currently no, let me follow up again on that.

    Update: The EU disconnections seem to have been resolved. Let me know if anything else goes screwy.
  • joecisco
    joecisco Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Not surprised. No news is normal around here. New cm and all we got was contests instead of information or issues being fixed.

    PWE is really taking [REDACTED] on its users to whole new levels.
    Post edited by thenamesdomino on
  • beast21g
    beast21g Posts: 631 Arc User
    West Coast players at EU serve they have 4-6k ping they cant play
    Now TW and NW time change for them is bad. Friday 20:00 EU time is 14:00 at West coast people working, they cant atend. At least fix the Friday slot for TW do it 23:00 EU or after reset if should stay on Friday. Fair chance for bad time playing for all
  • patrickhuong
    patrickhuong Posts: 173 Arc User
    I have a question.....what is the point of moving the saturday TW of West coast to 5pm
    NW on Sat is from 11am to 1pm
    even 2pm TW like usual can still work
    is there anything going on at 8pm on Sat?
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Probably leaving space for the Cross-server TW times.​​

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