Journey into Darkness... Halloween Livescream 10/30/15 - 3pm PST

thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
edited October 2015 in General Discussion
My fingers fumble through the assorted photographs before me... A cold sweat beads upon my weary brow... Could it be true? Is this proof of the supernatural? Or are there more nefarious forces at work here? The air in my room takes upon it a sudden chill. My breath coming in ghostly clouds of vapor to disappear into the ether. One thing was for certain... This was going to be a long night indeed... The silence and death in the air broken by the slow raspy creak of my bedroom door...


AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Jeepers! you scared the ever loving crackers out of me!

"Dom, dude seriously! What have you been doing? You've been cooped up in this room for hours! What's going on? It's Halloween!"

And a very Happy Halloween to you too! I was just going over these haunted photographs from our screenshot contest... I hate to say it... But there is something evil a-foot here... Or maybe a-toe... I can't be sure. Pack your bags... We're going GHOST HUNTING!!!

"Ghosts? I ain't afraid of no ghost!"

By the end of tomorrow... You will be. But we needen't go it alone... We're bringing company, strength in numbers and all that. Just make sure you're ready Friday 10/30/15 by 3pm PST... And bring the prizes with you. We're going to visit some of the places in these photographs... We're going to see what we can see, kill what we can kill, and journey into the bloody, rotting maw of madness... We will know the true meaning of fear.

"Sounds like fun Dom, count me in!"

The close of the door returns me to my frenetic search through the pictures... Each photo making my heart race faster than the last... My breath coming in raking gasps now... Until the acrid voice of death whispers softly in my ear...

Happy Halloween

*Everything goes dark*

The Time: Friday 10/30/15 - 3pm PST
The Place: No server is off limits as we search for the dead... or Un-Dead
The Twitch:
