Happy Halloween Everyone! Do you believe in ghosts?

thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
Happy Halloween Everyone!

It’s that time of year, when ghouls take to the land, the air takes a sudden chill, and the dead rise from their graves to walk among the living… This is truly a hauntingly magical time of the year. In celebration of this the most Hallowed of holidays, we thought it might be fun to get into the spirit so to speak with a bit of a contest!

An all hallows eve celebration is not a celebration without a good haunting and that’s where you come in! Starting on Friday 10/23/15, and running through Wednesday 10/28/15, we want you to find us the scariest most haunted places in the land, and document the haunting with a snapshot and show us the spine tingling proof! There are a few people in the office who don’t believe in Ghosts… We want to prove them otherwise.

Now before you strap on your trusty camera and go to that abandoned house at the end of the street, there are a few rules you need to follow:

- Photographs must be 11x17
- Please list the Location and the server where the haunted incident occurred.
- Get really creative on this, use of photo editing software is encouraged.
- Bonus points if there’s a diabolical story behind how you took the photograph
- All photographs will be judged on overall Spooky Factor and Picture Quality

Once we reach our DEAD-line, we will go through and select the three most frightening photographs those lucky players will receive:

1st: Choice of Nightmare or Nightfall Mount and 30 gold
2nd: Choice of Nightmare or Nightfall Mount and 20 gold
3rd: Choice of Nightmare or Nightfall Mount and 10 gold

We will also select 3 random entries in this thread and those players will receive 30 Event Gold

Stay tuned for the Spooktacular Livescream to follow, where your intrepid adventurer will risk life and limb in a horrific Let’s Play!

So what do you say friends and fiends?

Are you afraid of the dark?


  • schnubbelpuh
    schnubbelpuh Posts: 34 Arc User

    Character: MadamMedusa
    Server: DawnGlory
    Location: 726 970
  • valdisman
    valdisman Posts: 572 Arc User

    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.
  • thejohn77
    thejohn77 Posts: 5 Arc User

    Character= MrPurple
    server= Twilight Temple US West
    Location : FlowSilver Palace
  • kittyempressa
    kittyempressa Posts: 268 Arc User
    "Exhausted after a long night of killing wraiths in the Forgotten Frostlands, Kitty took a nap in the ruins of Frostcovered City. When she woke up, it was still dark with cold winds blowing, making her shiver in the bonechilling coldness. She saw a black bird with torn wings and eyes glowing red croaking at the edge of a tower. It came to Kitty with a dark, frozen berry in it's beak. It hovered in front of Kitty, as if wanting to give the berry to her. Kitty gave her hand and the bird bestowed the berry in it.


    When Kitty looked at the berry, she felt like she had seen something similar before and that it was edible. It was cold and hard as ice. The bird had probably grabbed it from some frozen bush nearby. Kitty was extremely hungry so she put the berry in her mouth. It felt like freezing her head at first, but slowly melted. When Kitty felt it was completely molten, she bit and swallowed it. Soon she started feeling weak, there was something wrong. Kitty looked at the bird again while falling to the cold floor, just to notice its shadow in the moonlight. The shadow wasn't one of a bird. But one of a cloaked man."


    This was pretty much a lot shortened version of a story Kitty had written some weeks ago. And ofc edited to fit the Perfect World. Kitty was supposed to post the original for another contest by PWE, but Kitty didn't.

    Kitty actually dresses irl in similar style as her character in the image. And some say Kitty does look like a ghost. But she's not a ghost Q.Q Kitty's totally alive (at least as far as a no-life queen can be) ._.

    Oh, Kitty almost forgot...
    Server: Tideswell
    Location: The Forgotten Frostland
    Character: KittySama
    Photograph size: 11" x 17"

    Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.

    Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • missilou
    missilou Posts: 7 Arc User
    imagephoto PWI Pic.jpg

    Location: Land of the Burning Heart
    Server: Tideswell
    Character: Sweet_CheeksRT
  • wioletataetlak
    wioletataetlak Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Location:Pool Of Abminations 361;587

    Post edited by wioletataetlak on
  • norezal
    norezal Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Character: Norezal
    Location 403, 998

    In a little wooden cabin, north of Etherblade, a magician’s apprentice put on a garlic necklace and strapped a wooden stake to his belt. His master had told him that ‘sparkling vampires’ were going to appear. The apprentice was so focused on getting his gear ready that he did not see his master glance in at the door opening.

    “Foolish boy” the master thought, “I’ll show you the ‘sparkling vampires’ hah!”

    The master was tired of the boy’s eternal babbling of these creatures ever since he had read some stupid fictional book. Therefore the master had decided to teach him a lesson. It was one of the coldest and darkest nights of the year which would set the scene for this little prank. The master lit up two torches and packed two more for the return trip. He then kicked up the door to the apprentice’s room, making the boy jump half a meter into the air. Had it not been for the sake of the prank, the master would have burst in laughter when seeing the facial expression on the boy.

    “Priceless!” the master thought and said out loud in a very serious voice, “It is time for us to go my young one. Are you ready?”
    “Y-yes master” the boy replied and felt a knot begin to grow inside his stomach.

    The master led the boy out of the cabin and out into the cold. The old forest stood like a dark wall of shadows in front of them. The clouds had been gathering all day, but it had not been snowing which was welcomed by the master, as they were already in snow up to their knees. Although there was no moonlight, the landscape had an eerie blue glow which lightened up the ground, but it was not enough to scare off the shadows in the trees. The boy looked up and thought as if every shadow in the dark treetops were stalking them, just waiting to attack. The master led the boy to an old passage through the mountain forest. He had a very clear goal in mind - the Firecrag Grotto. Long forgotten and deserted, this cave had once hold monsters, but they were all slain now. It was the perfect setting for the little lightshow he had planned. The blank pillars, marking the front of the grotto, slowly revealed themselves before the two humans.

    “Now boy” the master said, “come stand over here while I cast the spell, bringing forth the creatures of sparkling.”

    The boy obediently placed himself in the safety of a large tree some thirty steps away from the entrance. The master walked slowly over to the entrance of the grotto, and made sure that it looked as if he was a bit afraid. The master smiled to himself, as he began placing obsolete items on the ground and started mumbling words that should have no meaning.

    “A bit of fireworks” he thought, “and then a quick scolding should set this right.”

    The boy looked in horror as he saw his master working towards what the boy imagined must be the summoning of the ‘sparkling vampires’. Suddenly a heavy fog began drifting from the grotto and a low growl began to take form. The master stopped in the midst of his ‘preparations’ and looked into the depths of the shadows. The boy could hardly see his master due to the heavy fog, but he dared not to move. Before the master’s eyes a darker shadow began to take form. Red glowing eyes appeared three meters above the ground and fire began to ignite within the shadow beast. A low deep voice spoke out to the master.

    “Where is my beloved companion? Why have you, a petty human, summoned me?”

    The master stood silent and felt the cold creep into the bones. The dark creature’s shape gained more mass and the master realized that it was a night prowler which stood before him in the night.

    “I-I” the master said, “I d-did not sum-summon you!”
    “Foolish human!” the night prowler roared “You have called me out from my dark grave with the promise of seeing my companion, and now you deny me the reward? You will pay for this!”

    The boy heard his master’s terrifying scream blend with the roar of an unknown creature. The screams nailed the boy to the ground and grew louder until it was almost unbearable. They stopped at a deafening peak. To frighten to move the apprentice stood still until the fog had lifted. There was no sight of the master or the creature he had heard roaring. Shivering of terror the boy sneaked closer to the Firecrag Grotto. The items placed by the master was still present, but there was not even a footprint left of him in the snow. Almost out of his wits the boy looked around in the hopes of spotting his master. Suddenly he looked on the pillars of the grotto. Upon arrival they had been blank, but now there was an imprint of a face that somehow resembled his master, but looked distorted and turned, as if the master had been turned into a monster and sucked into the pillar. A sound began to emerge from the pillar. Driven by fear the boy dropped everything he had and ran away, not hearing the softly plea for help.

  • wolfistwinks
    wolfistwinks Posts: 3 Arc User
    Legend says, that once there were once lovers on the isle Dawnglory. They were training for the army of Perfect World and so they went on a reconnaissance mission to see what is going on at Ruins of the Exiled, located at the northwest of the island ... They were incautious, a bunch of wraiths discerned them and they began to run for their lifes. As they arrive breathlessly at the beach, the only way out seemed to be that crooked tree. He fearfully shouted "Climb!" and turned around to block the nearcoming wraiths. Close to the top she slipped and shrilled horrified. He turned to catch her and didn't block the sword thrust. With a simple stab he killed that horrific creature, ignored his armor becoming bloodsoaked, and hurried to follow his love. She reached for him, her hand close to his, but the other wraiths arrived too soon. They pulled him back. The air was filled with his painful screams, the grunts of the monsters and her sobs...

    Today many people report that they sometimes still can hear her crying, others say that they met a white lady who helped them to evade the dangerous path, leading them to Bleakhaven Ruins the shortest way. One brave old soldier said that he asked her about her bloody eye sokets. "I literarilly cried my eyes out about the fact I lost the love of my life. I died of blood loss. But now I can see whats in the heart of every man. Who is worth to be saved." she replied and added with an malignant smile "And who is not.“

    Server: Dawnglory
    Character: GeistErfahre
    Location: 731, 986
  • kurisukotze
    kurisukotze Posts: 240 Arc User
    Server: Twilight Temple
    Character: DarthKurisu
    Location: Brimstone Pit

    I was taking a walk through Brimstone Pit when I came across Blackshadow Wraith who cased me down I hid behind some wall but was over come with blue ghost like Aura above my head it consumed me and ended my life. . Luckly I had the Mystic Resurrect buff and grabbed this photo as proof before I died. . When I came back to life I saved this Photo and thought i would never use it again, boy was i wrong. . Feel and share my pain, and for those working on becoming sage beware of Brimstone Pit!

    Rencko - 105/105/105 - Seeker -Twilight Temple Server

    Current Gear:
    *Out of Date*
  • moonfairyz
    moonfairyz Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Server: Twilight Server
    Character: ScorchedAngel
    Location: Ruins Of The Exiled (723,967)

    The legend is that if you sit in three on the graveyard rocks from midnight until one minute after midnight, you will have the ability to see ghosts, but you will pay with your life. This, however did not apply to three players on Halloween Night in 1986. They pulled into the graveyard, in the middle of a large, open area. They had heard the legend and decided to try it, but one of them refused. He sat down and watched the other boys run from one rock to the other. Then he sensed that something was wrong. They were leaning over to the side with their eyes rolled back, rasping. The boy began frantically screaming for help as his friends kneeled over and grabbed his leg. It is said that the boy also saw spirits for an instant. The boys died and the survivor never spoke a word again. Of course, there were people mourning their loved ones nearby. They witnessed the event and filed a police report detailing what happened. No one really knows what those rocks are, except that they have been there since the town was founded..
  • pyrosandstorm#1009
    pyrosandstorm#1009 Posts: 18 Arc User
    Location: Pools of Fantasy
    Server: Tideswell
    Character: Syveal
    Image Size: 11in by 7in

    The Story
    While exploring the area around Dawnglory, Syveal came across a cliff ledge in the mountains surrounding the Pools of Fantasy. She was stopping to take a break when the moon vanished from the sky, and two ghostly figures appeared nearby. She took on her Reaper form to be ready in case the creatures attacked, and discovered that despite the lack of the moon, her normally shadowed form had taken on a bright glow. Furthermore, the two ghosts she had considered a threat didn't take any notice of her at all. So instead of battle, she instead decided to pose for a photo, which she had her genie take for her, so that she could prove the creatures existed.

    ★ ┌ Syveal { Duskblade → Tideswell } ┘
    Starlight { http://starlight-tideswell.shivtr.com }
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Thursday 22 October 2015

    The nightscream island is an island well known for its pirates. Many travellers avoid this place, while some seek it to steal the riches from the pirates. What many dont know is why the island is known as the ''Nightscream Island''. We tell our children its because of the screaming and laughing of drunk pirates, but the real reason is far more sinister.

    The few travellers that have safely returned from the Nightscream Island have reported that the pirates are always there. Many say the pirates are stuck on the island because they are too scared to board their ship because it is haunted. The ship now has a new captain who has driven the fearsome pirates away.

    Every night when the cold wind blows from the west you can hear the wind cry out the words: ''Your time is up, my time is now.'' Around halloween a mysterious shadow appears on the ship, holding a delicious cheesecake, its the new captain. I finally mustered the courage to set out and bring you the proof. I dont know if Ill return alive...

    - qontroL of Twilight Temple


    Friday 23 October 2015

    I can confirm the ship indeed has a ghost captain. I managed to take 2 pictures, one of which has his face on it. The stories were true, each year around halloween he walks onto the deck of his ship to kidnap and kill some of the pirates and travellers to gather a crew of ghost pirates, after luring them in with his cheesecake. I stumbled into another group of adventurers on my way to the ghost ship, they went ahead of me, but I never saw them on the way back. I wrote down the coordinates where I last saw them as [[ 412 , 345 ]] on the Nightscream Island. I hope they are alright. I am so happy I made it back safely so I can finally bring proof to everyone, but I did not come back unharmed. Ever since I laid my eyes on the captain Ive had this mad craving for cheesecake, I can hardly resist it, I should get some rest, perhaps I am just tired.

    - qontroL of Twilight Temple


    Saturday 24 October 2015

    I am going back to the ghost ship tonight, I have made a plan to steal some of the cheesecake from the captain.

    If I dont come back alive, there was something I forgot to mention yesterday. I overheard some of the merchants talk about one of the nearby islands getting plundered by pirates, there were no survivors on the island. They think the island was attacked by the ghost ship as they found traces of cheesecake scattered around the island. They were talking about how fearsome the group of ghost pirates are, and the most fearsome of all is their captain, and his name is John Cena.

    - qontroL of Twilight Temple


  • testxvi
    testxvi Posts: 309 Arc User
    Thousand years ago, the world wasn't as peaceful as we know it today. Giant creatures was all over our world, we all struggled for our survival. One day a creature known as the Araneid King showed up and destroyed our homes and killed hundred of people. Even though there was survivors, most died later from the poison in the air that the Araneid King left behind.
    A warrior whom lost all family and friends to the Araneid King seeked revenge. She went to risk her life to defeat the Araneid King... But she wasnt strong enough and were loosing the fight, and yet there was no way she would give up. But all hope was gone for her to defeat the Araneid King. Before Araneid King's did his final blow to kill her, she sacrified rest of her lifespan to seal and turn the Araneid King into stone. The Araneid King of stone can still be found the day today in the dephts of hell, today known as Momaganon. Hopefully the seal will never be broken.


    Map: Momaganon
    Location: Araneid Cliffs (384, 599)
    Server: Twilight Temple
    Character: Satyrion​​
  • ladymegita2
    ladymegita2 Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    First entry: A DEMON KID

    I was wandering around, looking for creepy spots, when I noticed my toon was being attacked by something. I zoomed to see what it was and, believe it or not, my heart skipped a beat, maybe two :) He sure is creepy. Ladies and gentleman, may I present you the demon kid of PWI (Not for sick hearted and pregnant women) :smile:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    What I think it is? A Demon Kid
    How I think it appeared? Read below:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Name: Megita
    Server: Etherblade
    Location: Snowdragon Heights/Galeroar Town
    Post edited by ladymegita2 on
  • misswebs
    misswebs Posts: 5 Arc User
    photo spookywebs_zpscxvfld79.jpg

    Location : Ruins Of Exiled
    Server: Etherblade

    In the year 2015 a Demon veno known as GothicWebs, whom had been roaming the lands of Pwi for 7 years had grown tired of never really having lands to call home, discovered new lands to the North East. On a sheer whim and a bought of boredom from killing the same mobs over and over she hopped on deathgrip nightmare and flew to the lands of dawnglory.
    After touching down and killing some of the locals, still not pleased by the new lands decided to fly deeper into the unknown in hopes to find a valley that would fit her dark desires.
    Flying for a short while she stumbled on ghostmourn woods, she thought it a good spot to stop and let her night prowler out to have some fun. Several hours later latter of letting her pet leave the woods in a blood bath she came across a path lined with high cliffs, to her is looked like it could have some promise.
    Riding down the path she came to the shores of nightmare cleft. Exploring the beach she ran into Captain Jack, who seemed like a dirty deeds kind of guy she could get used to, offered her a drink. Sitting on the beach while drinking rum with Jack he started to tell her stories of his travels. She half listened to him as she day dreamed in a buzzed state of dark skies and harsh looking lands and of large winged beasts to protect her home, when Jack mentioned something that drew here out of her drunken haze. He spoke of his travels to a land called Ruins of Exiled. "Jack these ruins you speak of where are they? I must know!".
    "Webs lass you're in luck. Not sure what a woman is looking for in those lands, but if you stay on the path up past Temple of Shadows you will find Ruins Of Exiled."
    Faster than Jack could blink Webs had her Mysto Caster up out of the sand and was on her black horse. As he watched her ride off her heard her wicked laugh as she yelled back to him " Jack you haven't seen the last of me!".
    Coming up to the Temple of Shadows she could feel the cool air leaving goose bumps on her skin, she could also hear mournful music. Following the music up to the temple she met madam Pink. Resting as she listened to Madam Pink play she noted her surroundings when something on the horizon caught her senses... the mournful cries and screams of the banshees. Banshees she thought to her self could be a delightful and dreadful way to end her foes.
    As she slept on the cold hard stones pf the temple she the cries of the banshees' lulled her to sleep she dreamed of the dark skies and of the beasts that would instill fear into those who would cross her lands.
    In the morning she woke faster than the sun could rise excited to reach the lands she hoped could be the nightmare of her dreams. Riding hard through the tree and the fog a shiver ran down her spine at the first shadows and the dark skies over Ruins of Exiled. She didn't know if the tingle down her spine was from fear or excitement, she didn't care she loved the rush it gave her. Stopping at the edge of the lines of dead twisted trees she jumped off her horse and summoned her Night Prowler not knowing what she may run into here she proceeded in. Jerking to a halt at the sounds of snapping twigs and heavy foot falls Prowler refused to move any deeper into the woods. "Prowler@ what in the name of Momaganon has got you turned into a coward?!". Turning to Prowler "well if your going to be a foolish beast you can stay here i'm not turning back!". Stomping off away from her misbehaving pet she heads deeper into the woods only to stop wide eyed dead in mid step, now knowing why Prowler wouldn't budge. Staring down from atop it's black panther covered in blue hell fire was the winged beasts from her dreams, the horn tipped sword welding Wraithlord Soultheif. With a jolt of fear and a racing heart she stood frozen unknowing what the wraithlord would do. After a tense stand off they both heard a crash else where in the woods causing the panther and the wraithlord bounding over her head. getting her breath bacl she screamed at Prowler to get back to her side. With him now back at her side she moved slowly back into the woods. Prowler now on high alert at every crack and snap attacked every wraith Entangler and mage that would stumble into their path came into a clearing with Webs as she first saw it. The haunted tree. Drawing her in closer she could feel the power dripping from the purple veined tree and the surrounding head stones. Looking up into the tree's branches she could see the glow and hear the crackle from the eerily lit lanterns that guided the lost souls of the land to the tree giving it it's power. "Prowler this is it. This will be my throne, we have found home at last".
  • cocoletta
    cocoletta Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    there are plenty of things in this world that we should not mess with one such thing was the cursed box containing the demon mahabharuth but little did my fryend and i know about it,we where just having a lazy sunny afternoon trying to catch some photos in the forest when we stumbled upon a box in the woods burried beneath an old tree, the box did have a writting on it which we couldnt understand my friend said let's open it see what is inside it i said no we better not if it is important we might damage it ..and so my friend left it a while but then opened it when i was with my back towards her ...then it happened the demon's voice spoke too us *im glad u did that now i can eat once more another soul * this is the last picture that i took before the demon took the one who opened the box . caracter Anayya server Etherblade location Momaganon near the Soul Fetcher Valley​​
    Post edited by sylenthunder on
  • x3lovelylady3x
    x3lovelylady3x Posts: 27 Arc User
    Location: Corrupted Marshes (209,254)
    Server: Etherblade
    Character: xXybabeyXx

  • amo0olllh
    amo0olllh Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Character: Amooolh

    Server: Tideswll

    Location: Village of greed

    Post edited by amo0olllh on
  • darky26
    darky26 Posts: 163 Arc User

    Character: Donifan
    Server: Tideswell
    Location: Elysium Village

    I was doing my quests when I approached the Elysium village. My usually obeying mount refused to obey me. Whatever I tried, he was refusing to let me get inside the village. This got me curious.

    Finally I managed to make him understand that we have to go there, only to be greeted by a horrible sight. Dead bodies and fires everywhere! There was a lingering regret in the air and I could hear some whispers. I could feel the victims' pain and distress so I decided to turn around and leave this place.

    As I turned around, I saw a creepy weird creature staring at me. It didn't say anything but it kept on staring.

    Without a second thought I left the village and never visited it again.
  • candiiie
    candiiie Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    • Character: Sumrner
    • Server: Twilight Temple
    • Location: Burning Scar in Morai (323, 533) / Endless Universe Instance
    • Full-Sized Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."
    - Robert Frost

    The Burning Scar and the Goddess of Death

    Legend has it that the goddess of sadness and devotion reigned the lands of the Burning Scar with her Tyrant Steed. In ancient history, it was once a lush and vibrant place that it war sparked within the three prestigious orders of Morai. They wanted to own the land so badly that they tried to use monsters as weapons of war. But due to these rushed decisions, they were overruled by the monsters they tried to tame and burned the entire place down. Throughout this area, you will hear the cries of soldiers who did not wish for this beautiful place to turn into ashes.

    The goddess took pity to the souls that surrounded the area and wept. She noticed the souls manifested into the monsters all over due to the darkness taking over their entire beings. She tried to use her scythe to fight the dragons who took the land as their own and succeeded. She used all her might and power to clear the place, one monster at a time until she used a forbidden magic to split her soul into halves to speed up the process. But little did she know that the other part of her soul is the Grim Reaper, also known as the goddess of death and would also betray her wishes of restoring the land. Her other half, who only appears when someone about to die slashed her with her own scythe. Her blood poured into the veins of the Burning Scar that turned into lava and volcanoes.

    It is rumored that a fair maiden will assist you into entering the forest of the Burning Scar for the most valuable treasures and crystals. But no man has ever escaped the burning lands to tell the tale. It is also rumored that the goddess of death reincarnated as the Mistress of the Night inside the Endless Universe instance in Morai.
    "The beautiful but capricious West Sovereign of Morai. Sometimes she is sweet and mild. Sometimes, she is quite cold blooded. She hates men very much but she obeys Aohe's every word."
    - Mistress of the Night War Avatar Card Info
    Post edited by candiiie on
  • oceanos#4602
    oceanos#4602 Posts: 1 Arc User


    Character = xOthersx
    Server = Etherblade
    Location = Swamp of the Wraiths
  • waterbunnies
    waterbunnies Posts: 1 Arc User
    Ten years passed like a leaf in the wind for Cookie.Since the Coming of Age ceremony, got no important task to keep her busy."Just great ! we have to spend eternity in boredom" she said to hersellf.The war between their race and the Nightspikes was over so the Elder decided that he should send them out in the world to teach and learn from other nations about their traditions and share their knowlege.
    "And you Cookie will travel to the human lands to learn about them.They are not immortal like us, and they believe in a world beyond their existence.I want you to find out more about that." said the Elder
    He continued to tell her the stories he heard about humans, about theyr civilization and theyr climate, and the hours passed untill it got dark outside."Oh yay ! finnaly something to do" thought Cookie, while she watched one last time the city in wich she grew up, then fell asleep dreaming of the long journey that awaits her.

    In the months that passed she learnd many thing about this strange nation and how they celebrate life and death, the change of seasons, and began to love them.She thought its better to have a short meaningfull life rather than a long dull one, and heard that it would be possible to even become one of them.Once a year, at the end of this month they call October, the world of spirits opens for one day.So if she just could cross in that world and talk to this so called Reaper, maybe he can help her become mortal."Yes ! this is what ill do ! Tomorrow ill pass the realms when the portal opens and go search for him."
    The strange ghostly aparition that greeted her at the portal next day, looked like nothing she saw.A weird feeling was trying her, something like nothing before.
    "E .. excuse me.Can you please tell me where i can find the Reaper ?" she asked the strange woman with a trembling voice.
    "Follow me." the ghost said.
    This land was dark and gloomy, and she allready was starting to miss the warm rays of the sun.Strange creatures she only heard about were roaming around.

    Reaching their destination, the ghostly woman disappeard, leaving Cookie alone and confused.
    "Faster ! Get back to work ! Those souls wont harvest themselfs"
    Cookie turned her head and saw a dark figure on a horse, sorounded by weird creatures, all looking busy to please him.She got closer and seeing her the dark figure got down from his horse and came to her.
    "What did i tell you ? Get back to work !" he yelled at her
    "Hey ! you must be confusing me, im not from this place" Cookie replied
    "Then what are you doing here ? You either work, or be gone"
    "I came here to see the Reaper, i heard he has the power to make someone mortal"
    "I am the Reaper !"
    A shiver went down her spine when hearing these words but she continued to tell him the reason why she was there and what her wish is.After a long talk he replied:
    "Be as you wish, but remember .. when the time comes you will be just like them." and he points out to the working creatures around him.
    Her heart quickens as a shadow apears out of nowhere and coldly embraces her, slowly feeling tired and closing her eyes into a dreamless sleep.

    When she wakes up theres no one to be seen around, just the ghostly woman that brought her here.
    "Did u find what you were searching for child ?" asked her the woman
    "I .. i found out that eternity cant be beaten.It can have more than one form but your soul will be forever present in one world or another." replied with a sad voice Cookie
    The woman took her back to the portal, and without saying anything just like before she disapeard.Cookie felt the warm sun touching her skin again and slowly started her journey back ..

    Server: Dawnglory
    Character: NaughtyCookie
    Pictures location: 1) City of Raging Tides: 647 123
    2) Swamp: 549 442
    3) Mountains of Despair: 625 137
    4) Land of Whispers: 679 258
    5) Broken Plain: 337 904
  • mohazs40
    mohazs40 Posts: 1 Arc User
    "Black Pirate always used to hunt Down every Monster or Devil that stands in his way inside Dark World. Back then
    he was a kind person that everybody likes and nobody hates, but life was so hard that he couldnt handle it anymore.
    Black still got a white part inside, just cant use it anymore cuz he doesnt trust anybody in this word. where its
    very Dark, its very Dangerous and untrustable, Black watches everything from far using his Stealth or his Wings not
    to get attention, his eyes so Powerful, Daggers so Sharp and senses dangerous before it comes.

    Long night came and Black was so Lonely inside Dangerous Areas. heh, well.. always been Alone so he used to that
    Lifestyle, so he faced alot of Devils inside Momaganon, Killing, Killing and..more Killing.. using his Overpowered,
    skills to be able to handle the power of Devils.
    Until he reached a place where he did sense a very strong Evil! close to him, and he was talking to him self saying..
    "What kind of Power is that, i feel its Even stronger than Meh!..".
    then he reached a Place where alot of Demons are there.. he was flying with his shiny wings from far that no demon
    can reach, Ehh..Voices: *Roar of something huge*, Suddenly a huge Devilish Demon with four thorns
    Appeared in front of him that even reached his far while flying.
    Black tried to handle that Power, while that Demon was fighting with very strong powers, powers of Darkness. but Black
    wasnt that easy Pirate tho, he was fighting and fighting till that Demon wasnt very strong anymore, Black did charge his
    Daggers with his "Chill of the Deep" power and did Shout Hard : AAAAAaaa.., then he attacked him with Life Hunter Power...

    Black did Fall on ground handling him self by his hand on floor, Hard fight that he lost too much power. He was glad he
    did kill that demon so he gone to his Head to check out what he could get for killing a Demon like that, and after he
    took a look.. there was a Red Diamond that can increases Physical Sharpness of Black's Daggers. He took it and Imbued it
    on his Daggers. "Uhhh, i feel more Powerful than before.. its time for some rest, then hunting more World Bosses".After
    that, Black took a rest on that Demon's Thorn feeling like a Boss him self."

    Thats what the Picture showing, not Full story of Black's journy but hope you enjoy that part of it..Black is interested
    in watching your stories too, Respect.. Thanks ^_^.

    Location: Desecrated Lands 437, 524
    Server: Tideswell
    Character: iTzBlack
  • malllliii
    malllliii Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    Black Widow

    In a land far, far away. Their was a husband, wife and their child. But the couple's relationship was on the rocks, cause of this the husband would venture out at night to have affairs. And before long he considered his wife existence a bother.

    In the midst of another fight the wife slap the husband across the face, the husband was overcome with rage he then pick up a knife and murdered his wife. Before his daughter woke up, he carried the body in the wood and burried it. on his way back. Despite his releif from being free from his wife, his guilt grow more and more but even more what would he tell his daughter. What if she asked where her mother went? how was he suppose to face her then on? the more he thought about it the heavier his body felt.

    The following morning unaware of what happen, the daughter had a wide grin on her face. The husband becomes uneasy. when he asked why she was in a good mood, she answered, "even though you two are always fighting, it looks like you two finally made up". The father then said " your mother isnt here shes visiting family". when her father said that lie, she said "what are you saying dad? mom is right there clinging to your back". he quickly turned around and saw his wife terrifying grin. the wife whispered "kiss me like you did to the many others" she then snatched his head off his body and drags the dead body back to woods. Where she uses him like a puppet like how he did to her.

    212 517 Belighted Garden (Morai) Pic #1
    558 766 Shinning Tidewood Pic #2
    Mask of Greif (abbadon) Pic #3
    Post edited by malllliii on
    Youtube Channel
    "A demon's only path to joy is through suffering"
    BigBlackClock 105x3 Assassin
  • abulll
    abulll Posts: 3 Arc User
    ty .. im not interestead in upload an image and join in a lottery... ty anyways lol... (PLEASE REWARDS FOR THE ACTIVE PLAYERS FREE)

  • goddessminiki
    goddessminiki Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Server: Etherblade
    Place: Secret Frostcovered Grounds
    Character: Kimimaruchan

    "Neo, more faction members have disappeared." The green eyed blade master paces worriedly in her faction leader's office, fingers worrying the tassels of her dress.
    The orangette sighs, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I know Kimi, I know... What am I supposed to do? This Territory War is taking every available resource we have. We can't afford to just leave our lands unguarded."
    The woman sighs, looking down. "I... If you would allow me, I can go and look for them. They all disappeared after entering a dungeon that was discovered near Lost."
    "I... Alright Kimi. Be careful, okay? I don't want you disappearing on me too." The wizard smiles for a moment, emerald eyes clouded with perturbation.
    The sound of her footsteps echoes in the still night air as Kimimaru approaches the entrance to the Grounds. She carefully makes her way into the dilapidated space, shivering at the sudden cold. The blade master searches the dungeon, calling out for her missing comrades. She steps into a large, dark room, the smell almost over powering. Slowly, a purple mist creeps along the floor, stretching out towards her ankles. "What... What is this?"
    At the sounds of shuffling feet, the young warrior draws out her blade, taking a defensive stance. "Whose there?" She watches, green eyes flickering with fear, as a woman's silhouette approaches from the mist. "Ita? Itazura, is that you?" The blade master lowers her weapon, taking a step towards the pinkette.
    The psychic moves forward jerkily, head bowed and shoulders slumped. "Itazura, what happened to you? Where are the others?" Kimimaru reaches out her hand, ready to help the psychic.
    "Ki...mi....maru." The arcane lifts her head, eyes filled with a milky residue. "I... will show... you."
    "Ita... Your eyes... You... Oh, no..." The blade master takes a step back, foot catching on the hem of her dress. Her eyes widen as she feels herself fall back, landing on the cold ground.
    The room fills with sound, more shuffling bodies surrounding the fallen woman as the mist rises. Itazura moves to stand over the white haired woman, a cold smile on her dead face. "Join us... Kimimaru."
    A scream echoes through the dungeon with not a living soul to hear.

    Post edited by goddessminiki on

  • hamandcheese
    hamandcheese Posts: 3 Arc User
    Ghouls and ghosts began to scream and spiders emerged from their cocoons tucked away in the cliffs. As I approached the end of the winding valley, the demons made themselves known. They began to flash before my eyes and as I ran I began to see my life play out before me. Could this be the end?
    I was too determined to let them catch me. I ran and ran and even the horses in the area sprinted off into the sunset. The wraiths almost had a grip on me, but then, I had a plan. Quickly, I activated stealth and crept further into the darkness. The wraiths looked confused, they must've thought that I had died when I disappeared. They were wrong, and little did they know I was behind their backs waiting to assassinate them.
    There was no way out, and, although I had defeated the enemies, I knew that more would come to avenge their brethen. I couldn't turn back, they don't call it the valley of death for no reason, and I was going to find out why. Nobody had ever returned to Broken Bridge Village having set out on this adventure, and I was determined to be the first. As I reached the end of the valley I spotted a cave. The Gate of Delirium was something only myths spoke about. I entered, knowing that my journey had only just begun.

  • sarkastic123
    sarkastic123 Posts: 2 Arc User
    When I was doing primal daily *something in the snow* for the first time, I saw this ship from far away. I thought it was nice because it gave a calm and mysterious feeling. So, I went closer and took a look at it. Ever since, it became my favorite place.

    So here it is.

    -The lonely ghost who is the guardian of this wrecked and abandoned ship-

    photo halloween contest1_zps1j7lsri9.png
  • subminiki03
    subminiki03 Posts: 2 Arc User
    "I'm so excited! Today we're doing out photo spread for the fashion contest! I've picked the best locations. Abba keeps teasing me because he says the Swamp is haunted. Who cares? If I can get the perfect picture then I'm going. What's a 'ghost' going to do anyway, it doesn't exist." ~Miniki Yushido, Journal Entry #72
    "I don't believe in ghost stories. I just don't. Ghosts are about as real as Santa. We always hear that he's appeared, but we never see him. When Abba showed me the pictures from our photo shoot and claimed there's a spirit coming after me, I just laughed. Oh... That thing in the corner? It's just mist from the swamp. For the last time, I'm not afraid of any ghosts." ~Miniki Yushido, Journal Entry #78
    "I feel... Weird. I think I caught something while in the Swamp. I'm always so tired and I feel as if I can hear something. It's probably just a cold. Though I've never known a cold to make my vision go hazy. I just hope my picture gets picked for the new fashion magazine. How cool would that be?" ~Miniki Yushido, Journal Entry #81
    "It's... too much. I just... I can't fight anymore. I'm... You are Mine." ~Miniki Yushido, Journal Entry #84

    Character: xxMinikixx
    Place: Swamp of Wraiths, near Wraith Gate
    Server: Etherblade

  • shopcheese
    shopcheese Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Far away, somewhere in the the desecrated lands, there are rumors going on... It's a dangerous place, an unknown valley. It's said that there are weird sounds coming from there, and everyone who were brave enough to enter the valley, have never been seen since then. The legends says that you will dissapear from the world when entering the valley - and if you were lucky enough to get out alive, you will have lost your mind. The "Dragon Gate" was build to keep travellers and other people out of the valley, but for some reason the gate's doors keep dissapear, and the route to the valley is always open.
    The only thing that we know for sure is that you have to stay away from there. Take my warning and never enter, no matter what happens. So if you have your life dear, DO NOT GO THROUGH THE DRAGON GATE!.

    Location: Entry at 428, 505 - Momaganon
    Server: Twilight Temple
    Character: Say_CHEEESE​​
    Post edited by shopcheese on
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