My last words to PWE

patrickhuong Posts: 172 Arc User
edited August 2015 in Off-Topic Discussion
As the tittle indicates this is my last thread in this forum......i will not post anymore comment/discussion because i don't care anymore
Recently I made a thread about unlearning primal skills and also sent a ticket about it
interestingly my thread got closed and my ticket got answered and both MOD and GMs say the same things:
Is it my responsibility to know that the primal skills are downgrade
Is it my responsibility to know that PWE/PWCN is trolling players with the primal update
Is it my responsibility to fix whatever PWE/PWC mess up
Is it my responsibility to pay $$$ and shut my mouth
Is it my responsibility to find a way to fix any of my problem/PWE's problems
Is it my responsibility......
Is it my responsibility......
Is it my responsibility.......
there are so many of my responsibilities, but what about YOUR responsibilities?
Is your responsibility to troll/trick players to downgrade their toons with the primal update?
Is your responsibility to ignore players' problem and let them deal with the problem themselves?

to be honest....i spent a lot on this game....i don't mind to spend 20 more golds and couple million coin to unlearn the primal skills. However, I didn't do that for 2 reasons:
1) I feel dumb because my toon (archer) was "fine" and PWE/PWCN came up with primal update and tricked me to downgrade my i have to deal with this by myself...
2) I feel PWE/PWCN should be responsible for this mistake and not me......update lousy skills without putting much thought into them is none of my only fault was that i trusted you guys and got tricked to learn them

I am willing to spend thousand on something i feel right, but sorry i spend $0 on something that i feel dumb/stupid
The reason why I sent ticket and made a thread is that I want to see what PWE's response is, and it disappointed me.
not only you guys did not apologize for your lousy work but you guys point finger at my face and say aloud i am stupid.....yeah i am so stupid to play your game.

what am i gonna do next? quit? hell no, why would i quit a game that i spent so much on. However, i will do 2 things:
1) tell all my friend (online/offline/reallife) not to play PWI and any of the PWE's games
2) if any newbie ask me for advices i will said the above sentence

I will play PWI until its end which i suspect it is soon with this kind of attitude....
This is my last thread.....thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Post edited by ovenusarmanio on


  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    I will say one thing, although it does suck that they basically downgraded archers with the primal skills, you could have done the research beforehand and known not to get it. Is it right that they basically gave you a downgraded skill for 2 good ones? Maybe not, but I have seen other posts where archers say that the skill is useful in the right circumstances. End of the day you have to realize Pwe is a company and is here to make money. Never trust that anything advertised as new and must have is so until you research it yourself. It really isn't their fault people blindly trust them. Even if we should be able to.
  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    Dude...what the hell is your problem? Primal world skills have been out for quite a while now. There have been many threads created about them in great detail in general discussion, class threads, et al. both before the primal world expansion and after. Not only that I'm certain there have been people in your own server who know what the primal world skills do. Just WC and find out.

    Yes it really is your responsibility to research the skills before you decide to learn them. You are not going to get much sympathy from anyone. Why make yet another worthless thread when you know it is going to get closed?
  • razzzza
    razzzza Posts: 456 Arc User
    Well the support hits the nail on the head.

    When YOU play a character and YOU want to learn the new skills which are out for quiet awhile now and would just asked a archer you know he would also tell it to you (probably)
    Also YOU can do research it takes barely a few seconds to find threads about that.
    YOU where too lazy to invest 10 seconds of your life heading over to google and type in what you are about to do and dont know what the results are going to be.
    YOU decidet "hey im gonna learn it yolo right".
    It was known that a few skills where a downgrade (sorta) and YOU ignored that completely.
    Veno got guttet with the 0 phy def skill too and they found it out just like you did but some got a brain and did the math or researched.

    YOU made a mistake and wanna give it to PWE.
    PWE has nothing to do what YOU do ingame.
    If you sell all your items to the npc, do you complain too that it was a downgrade from where you were despite that you got coins for it?
    no? ok​​
  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User
    congrats on learning a lessson most of us learned 6 years ago, but i guess better late than never?
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    PWE didnt mess up anything here.
    PWE didnt hold your hand and guided you when you learned the skill.

  • evilsmakers
    evilsmakers Posts: 182 Arc User
    Thats the cost of learning something you still not sure how effective it is!!!!

    The GG
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Aaand NECROOOO!!!!!

    Now we've a good reason to close this. fox-1.gif​​

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