Tideswell: Tempest vs Vicious 19/09/15

DarkSkiesx Archer Tempest https://youtu.be/YXIfMm-KV30
DeathProof Wizard Tempest https://youtu.be/YSYvYP6F4as
VegBlade Blademaster Tempest https://youtu.be/XuHSK6rvdwI
SuperHebbe Blademaster Tempest https://youtu.be/j7In5J3rR3U
Andres Cleric Tempest https://youtu.be/Gptspm0M2c0
MrsNabcake Veno Vicious https://youtu.be/5NE-EmJ5A00
DrAgOOnZ Archer Vicious https://youtu.be/_lsflY_1_CM
I'll add more videos as I see them appear.
Thanks for the fun TWs.
some statement is not true. vicious is not full 80 because my buff alt can freely come in/out battlefield though on-line number over 80.Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
Lol here come the excuses.
The statement could be true. Unless you show me Vicious TW signup I will assume it is. Because I fail to understand how the #1 faction in Raging Tides cannot field a full 80 into TW if even the second best faction in Dreamweaver could, at times. So you either need to do a better job at recruiting, or at bringing people that wants to TW into a TW faction.
It's just as easy to assume that your buffer came in to buff at any of the times that one of your members, like Aredhelle, DCed. You can check my video to see how many times both Vicious and Tempest members DC off of my friends list. And granted, I don't have all 80 tempest or vicious members in this TW on my FL. **** happens in TW. Enough with the excuses, it's pretty simple:
You won Week 1 in 3h because we were terrible at attacking. We were in the mindset that "full B push" would win the same way it did over the last year. We were wrong. You played a great defense and managed to take out some towers while doing so. Great job.
You lost Week 2 in 1h15 because after 5 years or RT TW, your faction doesn't know how to setup TW Towers.
You lost Week 3 in 2h30ish because after 5 years or RT recruiting, apparently the best TW faction of a server cannot recruit or gather enough members interested in TW to show up to war. Even though you've gotten some of the most skilled and/or best geared players from Dreamweaver during the merger.
You lost Week 4 in 50 minutes because after 5 years or RT TW, apparently it's a pro tactic to try and crystal bash in a T3 TW as a defender, with 2 out of 4 catapults vs your enemy faction's 8 catapults. You either have a terrible scout or a terrible TW leader. Or both.
The moment you stop making excuses and start listening to the minds you have in there you'll have a better chance. It's not a numbers problem, it's not a gear problem, it's not a skill problem. It's a mindset problem. You keep running away from Tempest, you cannot expect to develop a TW faction like that. As much as it pains me to admit it, if WackyTaffy had the firepower you guys have there is just no way we would be able to break that turtle. You have Aeliah in your roster, listen to him... Hell if he irks you that much that you guys dont care for his input, you have Goonz in faction, he was pretty good at turtling vs Regenesis too from what I heard (was not playing during IT days) he even did it while outnumbered. I really want you guys not to lose in under 1 hour again. It'd break my heart if Ulq can no longer trash talk... and the last thing I want is to have Vicious go through the same pains all other contender factions go through when all the glory seekers get tired of losing and leave. Then we'll be crying to Merge with another server againThough Dynasty and QQme might like that idea of you guys losing people since it'd mean they'd be moving up to contend.
From the little I've seen from QQme in NW and GPK where they are always tactically strong and the lot I saw about Dynasty in the past. Either of those factions seem to have a better TW core that would actually make use of the firepower you have. There is absolutely no reason to be losing a defense vs Tempest in under an hour when you have the only NP archer and 4 of the top 10 archers of the server, 2 fully JoSD max S cards seekers, and the only JoSD cleric this server has with S spirit set, 2 JoSD barbs A card sets. One of the most impressive assassins I've seen and without a doubt the best venomancer in the server. Probably even 6-7 of the top 10 venos of Tideswell are all in Vicious right now.
Back on topic. Great videos by the way. Specially Goonz, for real, you've gone a long long way in terms of playing that archer and you're a great reference now. Keep improving. You need more spice girls music tho.Post edited by ward1987 on-Andres
Tempest0 -
If that tier of gameplay is a good reference, Tideswell is gonna get rekt on any server vs server event. The main issue is how passively that toon is played, first week TW(One Vicious ironically won) it took like 20mins before they took their first charm tick. Only reason we dont see the running around doing nothing on similar level is because they are clearly getting overwhelmed a lot and there is not much to hide behind.ward1987 said:
Back on topic. Great videos by the way. Specially Goonz, for real, you've gone a long long way in terms of playing that archer and you're a great reference now. Keep improving. You need more spice girls music tho.
I have to say they got decent reflexes with timing immunities but that toon could do so much more in TW. Yes, this is fairly specific critique because that toon has to be as tanky as most BMs and it should create similar pressure to a BM trough sheer damage and ability to take hits.0 -
From the progression standpoint of how he used to play his archer. He really has improved a lot. Is there room to grow? Plenty. I completely agree.
He is becoming good reference in the terms it allows archers to learn more basics. Kiting, focus targeting, using leaps and stealth. He's boaing more. There's many archers that just spark and auto attack during TW like he used to do and now have a good reference on how pretty numbers can help their faction. He's still got a lot to improve but he has progressed significantly. We used to joke about goonz back in Cala vs EQ days saying that it's a waste of time watching a TW video of someone spark and auto attacking for an hour. That's where my critique comes from.
I don't see his passive play as a bad thing. If he was more aggressive we would be killing him faster and he wouldn't be killing as much. Like it happened this week. Having Dragoonz run into the front lines to suicide kill won't improve Vics TW chances. A better Frontline and more focused DD taking down ours while covering him will. One of the few places vicious doesn't have more power than tempest is in the BM and Seeker department. We have better BMs, we are even in seekers.
He is tanky. He can't and he shouldn't abuse that tankiness but keep using it as he is because he dies just as fast as anyone else if you put him up in front and a veno procs IW or a BM HFs and he has no cool downs available-Andres
Tempest0 -
Of course there are things, which can kill him quickly but those are pretty rare and few. I can only speak for Etherblade but demon veno procs are still pretty rare due amount of demon venos and just HF shouldnt kill him if he doesnt overextend really far. There is playing aggressive and there is playing stupid, I am not advocating the latter.ward1987 said:From the progression standpoint of how he used to play his archer. He really has improved a lot. Is there room to grow? Plenty. I completely agree.
He is becoming good reference in the terms it allows archers to learn more basics. Kiting, focus targeting, using leaps and stealth. He's boaing more. There's many archers that just spark and auto attack during TW like he used to do and now have a good reference on how pretty numbers can help their faction. He's still got a lot to improve but he has progressed significantly. We used to joke about goonz back in Cala vs EQ days saying that it's a waste of time watching a TW video of someone spark and auto attacking for an hour. That's where my critique comes from.
I don't see his passive play as a bad thing. If he was more aggressive we would be killing him faster and he wouldn't be killing as much. Like it happened this week. Having Dragoonz run into the front lines to suicide kill won't improve Vics TW chances. A better Frontline and more focused DD taking down ours while covering him will. One of the few places vicious doesn't have more power than tempest is in the BM and Seeker department. We have better BMs, we are even in seekers.
He is tanky. He can't and he shouldn't abuse that tankiness but keep using it as he is because he dies just as fast as anyone else if you put him up in front and a veno procs IW or a BM HFs and he has no cool downs available
And he could clearly take a beating and abuse the fact far further than he is currently doing. Lack of BMs is only more of a reason to step up and take a role where you are taking focus from squishier DDs to deal damage more freely. Its a fine balance to achieve on archer but you dont have to run next to their DDs like a BM needs to in order to create pressure on toon like that.0 -
DrAgOOnZ Archer Vicious
Dude needs to fire his cleric. Idiot sets up bb at 5:25 right by a tower and dies instead of rebuffing him and staying back. Though also LOL at the sin that attacks him instead of the cleric right next to him.0 -
I thought Dreamweaver was supposed to be the carebear PVE server, someone teach Vicious how to TW, I'm talking real basics here. Noteventrolling.
This most recent TW in Archosaur for example, when you know you have 8 catapults about to enter your base from both sidelanes with all towers already down, you don't send your most OP squad down mid lane with two catapults. A bit that Dragoonz cut out of his video due to the sheer embarrassment I'm assuming. When I heard one of my squad leaders relay the info to leader room on vent I nearly passed out on the floor laughing, thanks for the gift-wrapped Archosaur I guess. It's a shame because every week I've been telling my squad leaders don't get complacent they will learn from their mistakes last week and improve we will have a tougher time this week, instead we've improved and fine tuned our new strategy to counter everything I could think they could counter us with and they haven't learnt from mistakes at all it would seem. They've tried deep flanking which I was expecting and had the counters ready, they've tried distraction catas which failed as the cata pullers were ridiculously weak to the point where as a useless archer I could almost solo. Even though they have strong barbs that could pull cata really well they chose to chase down and kill me instead inside the base, not the clerics not the mystics not even the catas.. Awesomeness.
Instead I've seen alot of people complain that we outgear them, as Andres posted above this really is a joke as they have some of the best geared toons on our merged server. Other complaints are they don't field 80 even though they have more than 80 online, this is real basics again, if you're a TW faction recruit people that can and will TW, not an excuse. I've heard they have everyone from TW sit in one vent channel for TW, rip any sort of coordination assist attacking squad play, this is pretty disappointing that this is the best Raging Tides has to offer.
Then they complain that we recruited all of QQme, like bro we had 7 people from RT in that last TW. Excuses are for losers, the TW team if there even is one in Vicious needs to take a long look at themselves and decide whether they actually want to be a serious TW faction or just send everyone in to PK whatever they like, put their OPs in one squad vs a two lane push, have no coordination whatsoever, sure then prepare to lose every time. They have people from DW that should know these kind of TW basics although they aren't experienced in leading TW, like Aeliah, Dragoonz, they should at least listen to their advice though from what I'm hearing it's falling on deaf ears.
Very disappointing indeed. As a TW leader it makes me very sad to see such great potential being wasted like this, it's not fair on the Vicious members that work hard to gear up and improve their toons to basically send them into a TW like lambs to the slaughter, with almost no hope of defending their lands.
Meh rant over, good fight and thanks for the fun TWs.DarkSkiesx
http://mypers.pw/8/#3734570 -
Don't watch just Dragoonz TW videos to try to understand what happens to him when caught playing aggressively. Either watch him PK or watch the perspective from Tempest players.
There's a reason why we all post our videos unedited.
He's tanky. But an archer nonetheless. You'd need to see the reality of the server to understand better what I mean by him dying a lot more should he play more aggressive. Or better yet. Watch DarkSkiesx TW video of the attack on archosaurs. See what happens to Dragoonz from his perspective when he tries to play more up front.-Andres
Tempest0 -
As general information and commentary (someone please correct me if I'm wrong on something):
- In the last two years, before the merge, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any faction besides QQme able to field a full 80. (even then, i don't think it was quite a full 80)
--> For the past two years, it's there's been a cycle of #1 and #2 between QQme and Vicious.
- A large amount of RT players got spread out and went to lower-tiered TW factions to have more fun, especially because many of us got tired from the toxic rivalry of QQme vs Vicious or just the drama that tends to run rampant in the larger TW factions.
--> You could argue that the ones that went to smaller tiered factions should merge back into the top tier factions of RT, I guess. We all have our own reasons for choosing to stay away.
- I'm pretty sure for the first Tempest vs. Vicious TW, Vicious was fielding nearly (if not exactly) the full 80. This was the first time in a very long time I've seen/heard of Vicious bringing that many. Ever since then, the morale seems to just decline and attendance is gradually declining.terrytini (Mystic)
- Tempest (Tideswell Server)0 -
I get the point of the post and thanks for helping us understand better the reality of RT coming into Tideswell as it's certainly different than the reality we lived in Dreamweaver where one faction seemed to always have all power, whether it was calamity, equinox, regenesis, dynasty or Tempest now....
Also, going back to the DrAgOOnZ TW video conversation, I want to be clear, I'm in full agreement with your point saxroll in the terms that he has a lot to work on. I'm not trying to say you're wrong about your opinion on his playstyle. But rather that it will not resonate with the reality of his current rival faction. You may be right, an aggressive style might support and serve him better. I doubt it though from what we've seen in the last TW.
Back on the subject about Vicious background and losing and how it affects them... That's crazy though. Tempest lost the first one and if anything the signups increased. You should be motivated for the challenge, not demotivated. If anything, we usually have an issue getting our factionmates to commit to the first battle. Our first TW vs anyone is always the worse TW we will have because nobody signs up, no one believes it'd be a challenge, everyone gets too comfortable. Once we struggle that first war, everyone gets back on point.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, to me. The morale and attendance declines are a reflection of the leadership more than the results.-Andres
Tempest0 -
Very interesting thanks for giving us the history.terryu said:As general information and commentary (someone please correct me if I'm wrong on something):
- In the last two years, before the merge, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any faction besides QQme able to field a full 80. (even then, i don't think it was quite a full 80)
--> For the past two years, it's there's been a cycle of #1 and #2 between QQme and Vicious.
- A large amount of RT players got spread out and went to lower-tiered TW factions to have more fun, especially because many of us got tired from the toxic rivalry of QQme vs Vicious or just the drama that tends to run rampant in the larger TW factions.
--> You could argue that the ones that went to smaller tiered factions should merge back into the top tier factions of RT, I guess. We all have our own reasons for choosing to stay away.
- I'm pretty sure for the first Tempest vs. Vicious TW, Vicious was fielding nearly (if not exactly) the full 80. This was the first time in a very long time I've seen/heard of Vicious bringing that many. Ever since then, the morale seems to just decline and attendance is gradually declining.
We had a similar sort of scenario just with a number of different factions as one rival died another formed to slowly rise and take its place to varying levels of success, this was the norm for the longest time, until the merger that was quite the game changer when I merged my old faction Relic with Tempest. Almost overnight it turned into a powerhouse faction that after losing the first fight vs the #1 faction Dynasty (after which I stipulated I wanted to lead TWs) we basically never lost a TW after (not that I'm trying to take credit) apart from a 7 way gank where we dropped one land. Obviously there was a lot of QQ from other factions that we were too strong and we should disband, but by then we had already shifted our focus to community and looking after our members who in turn recruited their good friends to come join them and we got steadily stronger and built upon the loyalty and strong sense of community. We always have had a zero tolerance of drama with recruiting and that's really helped us survive the bad times when we were getting ganked or no-showed (wined). In ganks we pulled almost 140-150 turnouts and drew upon the experience of our squad leaders to coordinate 4 way and 7 way defends simultaneously which really improved our coordination and teamwork and added to our sense of community and resilience.
I think on RT the unabated spawnkilling probably has a lot to do with the pattern you descibe. The losing side leaving either to join the winning side or to join more pleasant less dramatic lower tier TW factions after getting tired of losing and being spawnkilled. The reason Dreamweaver has never really been big on spawnkilling is that it isn't respectful to your adversary if you beat them easily in one push then spawnkill them also, they won't really want to fight you again. Destroying morale like this hurts your own faction too as it reduces the chances of you getting good TWs. Obviously the people doing the spawnkilling see it as revenge for being spawnkilled even if it's usually the same group flip flopping from one faction to the other.
We talked about the risk of being spawnkilled and whether we should spawnkill Vicious, there were mixed opinions and we decided against it unless it was absolutely necessary in order to win, so far it hasn't turned out to be, there have been some contentious aoe's far behind crystal (like one of my BoAs) but this wasn't actually on the spawn platform. So far Vicious haven't come close to getting a solid push into our base, most of the times they haven't even been pushing cata's we've kept them pretty much pinned in defending their gates, which they're struggling to even coordinate at the moment, the amount of times our catas have walked into their base completely undefended really is a bit of a joke, hopefully Vicious can get their **** together.DarkSkiesx
http://mypers.pw/8/#3734570 -
In general, spawn-killing has become an expected thing for most people on RT. Some factions don't do it, but I pretty much just started expecting it from most factions that took TW as a priority. A lot of factions have started reigning in their members and tell people not to spawnkill, but it still happens and its more accepted on RT.
EDIT: Probably needs to be said or I'll be called a hypocrite. Yes, I spawnkill sometimes - depends on the opponent but yeah, I do it.
ALSO, I need to correct something I typed in my previous post. In previous months, for a very brief period of time, Prophecy would have been able to field a full 80. They grew very quickly in a small period of time (somewhat equivalent to Evolve from DW I guess?) and declined in a similar manner. (Think of a bell curve, sort of?)terrytini (Mystic)
- Tempest (Tideswell Server)0 -
True, this might affect the frequency of the cycle, but at least RT never had a single faction in power for 2+ years. TWs could always look to have upsets at some point and things were at least interesting for us because the power teetered back and forth.darkonome said:
I think on RT the unabated spawnkilling probably has a lot to do with the pattern you descibe. The losing side leaving either to join the winning side or to join more pleasant less dramatic lower tier TW factions after getting tired of losing and being spawnkilled.terrytini (Mystic)
- Tempest (Tideswell Server)0 -
I doubt dreamweaver had a faction in power 2+ years either unless you consider calamity = regenesis.
Calamity from server live until first anniversary sale. With tide born expansion a lot of people from Calamity went to RT.
Equinox from the inception of RT until the second anniversary.
Calamity again from May 2009 until October 10, 2010 where we disbanded it.
Regenesis from 2010 until Earthguard expansion (? I took a break in mid-2011 till 2013)
God, in tandem, Regen, Tempest, Dynasty, Relic with longer periods of Dynasty from late 2011 till may 2014.
Relic and tempest merge may 2014 until tideswell merger.
Tempest and Vicious now.
Vicious isn't a weaker faction. It has a weaker TW coordination. The same way Dynasty wasn't weaker than Tempest post merger, Aeliah and his clique back then just decided to ditch it. That's a debate for another day. Here's a class by class breakdown comparing the two in my opinion:
Barbs: Vicious
Venos: vicious
Clerics: tie (partial to vicious just because well, I'm a cleric in tempest lol)
Archers: tie (vicious has the OP, tempest has +2/3 in terms of head count)
BM: Tempest
Wizard: tie
Seekers: tie. It's the inverse as archers
Sins: tie
Psychics: vicious (sorry Allo! You and coco are OP but they have cliff, luci and kasumi)
SB: tie, I'm partial to Tempest. Too early to tell
DB: I'm partial to tempest due to yuunie and rekko. Too early to tell
We pull catas with a psychic and a mystic that's how thin we are on barbs. Dragoonz is barely purged as opposed to how often we are purged. That's a direct reflection of how thin we are in venos compared to them. Where we are tied it's because one faction has numbers the other has gear, or the other way around.-Andres
Tempest0 -
Vicious went through phases of not spawn killing. When I first joined they would give a warning if someone was caught doing it. Also we were encouraged to stay out of world chat and keep drama to a minimum. The feel of it is a lot like what I consider tempest to be like now, and they cared a lot more about the community and the kind of people joining.
Vicious was originally set up to take down the #1 faction at the time QQme and they lost many times at the start until they started winning for about 2 years solid.
It is honestly quite sad to see the decline of Vicious which was my home for longer than any other faction, especially the defeatist attitude/tactics they seem to have adopted. Seems like they're missing vyt/moe/someone who knows how to lead TW and make squads. I hope this founding fighting spirit pushes through because both servers are probably pretty tired with boring non challenging TWs and realistically Vicious are up to the challenge gear-wise and numbers-wise in 1v1 TW.
No one geared up their toon to join the top factions on their server for short TWs lets be real.0 -
More than you can imagine did. The people who truly want challenge and are willing to compromise for even top tier TWs are a small minority among this community.bhaven said:
No one geared up their toon to join the top factions on their server for short TWs lets be real.0 -
People geared up their toons and then joined vicious or tempest or whoever was #1 specifically for lame, <1hour rolls?saxroll said:
More than you can imagine did.
Okay.0 -
People like winning, they want to be in the best faction. Why do you think evenly matched top tier TWs are so damn rare? Pre merges people could put so much gear & numbers in one faction there really wasnt much rest of the server could do to stop it. On merged servers its gonna be way more difficult but when population declines to certain point we will see more of 1 dominant TW faction per server again.bhaven said:
People geared up their toons and then joined vicious or tempest or whoever was #1 specifically for lame, <1hour rolls?saxroll said:
More than you can imagine did.
0 -
Gonna elaborate on this as I feel it's pertinent to the discussion.saxroll said:
People like winning, they want to be in the best faction. Why do you think evenly matched top tier TWs are so damn rare? Pre merges people could put so much gear & numbers in one faction there really wasnt much rest of the server could do to stop it. On merged servers its gonna be way more difficult but when population declines to certain point we will see more of 1 dominant TW faction per server again.
Some people pretty much join the top guilds for the sake of being in them. Then expect said guild to always win no matter what. And when the guild doesn't, they get annoyed and leave instead of staying and either giving leadership a bit to sort it's **** out or helping directly. Also usually have notoriously bad TW attendance due to assuming they "won't be needed". These people are annoying as **** and I'd like to throttle the lot of them. ((Note I'm not talking about people that simply decide they don't like a guild or don't think it's a good fit for them. I have zero issue with that sort of thing.))
Eventually, leadership can get tired and just not want to do it anymore, especially if they've been doing this for years. I'm not saying this is Vicious's case at all, but if it is, I can't really blame them. I would just suggest that they go ahead and bite the bullet on it though if it is and either disband guild or transfer leadership to someone else that wants to lead. Personally not a fan of the second option as I think it's healthy to let things die sometimes, but not my guild or even server.
ofc, leadership could just be noob and unwilling to learn and in that case, I don't blame anyone that leaves.0 -
I agree with all of this. Thanks!chary said:
(...)saxroll said:
People like winning, they want to be in the best faction. Why do you think evenly matched top tier TWs are so damn rare? Pre merges people could put so much gear & numbers in one faction there really wasnt much rest of the server could do to stop it. On merged servers its gonna be way more difficult but when population declines to certain point we will see more of 1 dominant TW faction per server again.
Eventually, leadership can get tired and just not want to do it anymore, especially if they've been doing this for years. I'm not saying this is Vicious's case at all, but if it is, I can't really blame them. I would just suggest that they go ahead and bite the bullet on it though if it is and either disband guild or transfer leadership to someone else that wants to lead. Personally not a fan of the second option as I think it's healthy to let things die sometimes, but not my guild or even server.
ofc, leadership could just be noob and unwilling to learn and in that case, I don't blame anyone that leaves.
Tempest has done a good job at not recruiting those that would leave. The fact that Tempest became a powerhouse from merging those that stayed between Tempest and Relic after being 20 minute rolled in TW for over a year makes everyone in the core very aware of that type of behaviours. When those that left us to go to Dynasty wanted back it was easy for our officers to say no thanks. saxroll would be able to talk about this, if he was from Dreamweaver, or even Tideswell. His opinion while valuable. Is from another server and has no real application to us. There are many factors that influence the reality of each server. Mostly cultural and location based. That's a discussion for another day.
Leaders can get tired and decline, I've seen that happen, and that's why leadership needs to be shared. That's a great advantage of Tempest. It's not 1 person carrying all the burden. Every one in our top leadership is equally capable of pulling the faction, because they all have the same vision and purpose. While nobody can agree 100% with their faction decisions... That's what I respect of Tempest the most. That and their willingness to listen and adapt.
We know from good sources that after their first TW loss Aeliah was very proactive in sharing his view on what needs to be improved on. To which he was told to "calm down". I had a similar reaction in Tempest to what I was told "Okay let's work on your points. This we can work on. This is what we feel comfortable with implementing, this is how we change it". One reaction is optimal for growth and development, the other uncertainty and a feeling of an unappreciative group.-Andres
Tempest0 -
I'm going to be a party pooper here and say this;
This thread should be renamed to "Taking TW too seriously: the thread."
I sometimes wonder who actually plays this game for fun anymore
The only fitting image for this forum.0 -
Sometimes i wonder, do we play pwi for fun? xD
i don't gear up for tw, but because i want to. it's fun to play the game and tw is a part of the game (3 hours a week). rest of it is having fun in the faction. Or as i like to say it: pwi is a 6?gb chat programm xD
instead of making fun of each other, we should be playing this game together.
use bob marley as an example and smoke a joint \o/
p.s.: i seriously laughed about the posts above and totally agree with dblazen xD0 -
I'm going to be a party pooper here and say this;
This thread should be renamed to "Taking TW too seriously: the thread."
I sometimes wonder who actually plays this game for fun anymore
Despite my wall of text earlier, I agree.0 -
Cool story mayynn! Wow you're so cool bro! xD
For you TW may just be less than 3 hours a week, jump in a squad pewpew some people and something you don't really give much care for, and factions is try out something new, meet new people etc, smoke a joint, that's great and good for you. Rock on! Everyone gets something different out of the game. I respect your interests in the game and you laugh at mine, right ok.
For others like probably Eoria, Andres and myself, TW is serious business, building organizing and leading factions is something we've put a lot of time and effort into over the last few years and the fun is from the sense of satisfaction of achieving something together with loyal people you've met in the game and friends of friends as a big community. We spend time during the week organising squads thinking about strategies, helping squad leaders get better, so people like you can log on and have a fun TW for 3hours that weekend, you'd be surpirised at how many people actually want an organised well led TW, rather than a cluster **** pk fest.
Nowadays especially there is a lack of people that are willing to put in that time to do that anymore. They just want to sit back and let someone else drive.DarkSkiesx
http://mypers.pw/8/#3734570 -
youre either here because:
A) you're taking it too serious too. You just can't admit it because your situation isn't favorable because you're currently on the losing side or no side at all. I've been there. I can't criticize you but...
You're here taking your time to read and voice your opinion because you're either trying to take it seriously. Or because you want to be taken seriously in the conversation. Either that or you're just the kid eating glue in the background. The thread is about taking TW to another level. A level that we expected Vicious to take it to. A level vicious boasted they would take us and all of Dreamweaver to. A level that apparently still does not exist. Don't try and act like you don't care you're losing because you're having fun. At the end of the day that defeat message makes every one of us salty. Some more than others.
Everyone plays for fun. We all have fun in different ways. To some fun is to have the best geared toon and being near-impossible to kill. To some fun is in the victory message every weekend and everything else is just a necessary pain. To some it's about the repetitive PvE instances they do with friends, to some is PKing. To some is just to **** and moan about it in forums. To some is to see those people **** and moan and just come back and say "hah, told you so!".
I particularly enjoy the victory sign and the told you so part. Everything else is means to an end. What about you Db?
If we weren't having fun. We wouldn't be doing it. That's ****.
If this thread upsets you. Troubles you in any way. Close the tab. Go back to the game to farm or to the 6GB chat box. Let the people that takes it seriously take it seriously. Last I checked nobody is telling you how to play your game or how to use your time. You chose to come here, to read and to post. Either own to it or get out.
B ) you're here to troll. Because that's all you know how to do and because it amuses you to **** and complain about everything even when you have nothing to do with it. Because annoying others is what you do best. I can do that too. Welcome to the thread.
If it's A. Sorry. If it's B. We will have some fun-Andres
Tempest0 -
To me it sounds like they are laughing at your attempts at trolling and defaming others. I don't think he was laughing at your interest in the game. This is the sense I get from reading your posts. I also laughed at your posts and even this last one trying to diverge the truth of it.darkonome said:For you TW may just be less than 3 hours a week, jump in a squad pewpew some people and something you don't really give much care for, and factions is try out something new, meet new people etc, smoke a joint, that's great and good for you. Rock on! Everyone gets something different out of the game. I respect your interests in the game and you laugh at mine, right ok.
0 -
@ward1987 C) We just like to read funny posts.
Also, chill out guys. I don't want to have to jump in and moderate/close this thread. Keep the discussion civil. It's just a game after all.0 -
Sorry mr Mod. I'll chill.
But the saltiness is real. Dark you're the wizard of oz now hahahaha! Welcome to the forums Mr or Mrs vicious person.
Guess that makes duty2:
The Tinman with no heart?
No I know. The lion with no courage.
Though it could have tied with the scarecrow with no brains.-Andres
Tempest0 -
Grats Sylen on finally being made a mod about time! When are we getting merged forums for Tideswell Etherblade etc. Would be nice it has been a few months now.DarkSkiesx
http://mypers.pw/8/#3734570 -
Grats Sylen on finally being made a mod about time! When are we getting merged forums for Tideswell Etherblade etc. Would be nice it has been a few months now.
Thanks, and I know. I keep bugging them about it, but they are SO SLOW!
Also, keep it down guys.
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