[Complete] For Players with PWI Accounts that are 7 Years Old!

Posts: 81 Perfect World Employee

This is a special forum event for players who have been playing PWI for 7 years! 

Event Start Date: 9/21/2015
Event End Date: 9/28/2015 10AM PDT
The contest topic is: Your favorite PWI expansion
Contest Rules:
- Have a character in that was created in 2008. (Or post on an account that was created in 2008
- Currently play PWI
- Post a screenshot of your character with one of these: favorite fashion, best gear, cutest pet, super cool mount or flyer. ( Your character screenshot is part of the entry)
- Give us the name of your character that was created in 2008 and the server it is on - or your main character on your account from 2008 (we will verify that the character/account was created in 2008)
- Tell us what your favorite expansion has been from the seven years.
- Entries will be judged by PWE staff

First Place and Second Place:
Ginger Tiger Statue and 1000 Free Zen

Third, Fourth and Fifth Place:
Ginger Tiger Plush and 500 Free Zen

Sixth - Tenth Place:
100 Free Event Gold
Winners will need to update their personal information in Arc to receive the physical items. The information will only be used to send these prizes and will not be shared with any other parties.

Post edited by sheepclouds on
Favourite expansion eh? Hm, there are two I really like. I'm going to have to think about which one I like the most xD
Will edit the post later to add my entry. Gotta get that Tiger Plush!0 -
Yet another slap to those of us who have been playing since 2009.0
My favorite expansion was by far the Rising Tide expansion. I struggled a lot playing the other classes as they either didnt appeal to me, or I just found them boring to play. As soon as I made an Assassin, I was hooked! Been playing him as my main ever since, and dont regret choosing it the slightest bit. I also really enjoyed Nirvana for the time that it was active, and sadly regret not doing it more!
Here is a picture of my character with my most prized possession: My Adversity daggers!
These daggers mean a lot to me for various reasons. Im a pretty big cash shopper, I admit, but these I purely farmed. It took me 2 solid weeks of 5 hours+ TT a day during a X2 stint, but I did it, and I am so very proud of it.
They also remind me of 3 of my dearest friends (Because I never faced the trials of hours on end farming alone!), 2 of which I am very close with in real life because of our ventures together, and the other who is my in game wife now
As much as I get annoyed and frustrated with it, PWI truly holds some dear memories for me, which I hope to never forget!
My first character was GhostKairi, a cleric who I played for a long time, but never really bonded with. She is sadly retired. I beleive the date of creation was the 28th of September 2008, but it could of been earlierKymsplat - Sin -
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My Gear: http://mypers.pw/10/#543295
My Youtube Channel: youtu.be/zyiaSCxQ_KY0 -
Character: Flare
Server: Heaven's Tear (Etherblade)
Account Creation: August 26, 2008
My favorite expansion is Rising Tide. This expansion allowed me to obtain shiny gear and fully realize my shininess potential. As you see my display name is celestial, so I am crazy about making my character shiny/white. The TT99 gear only gave part of the shiny feel to it. Once Rising Tide came, the set of white gear changed it all, especially those Unicorn Axes.
The gear was not easy to obtain at all. I had to make connections that I never thought I would have. I made new friends in order to run Nirvana almost endlessly to obtain the best/shiniest gear of its time.
People would ask me where I got my axes and armor. I even tried my best to keep the origin of the axes and armor a secret in order to not have someone else looking like me.
During the time of Rising Tide, I was known as the shiniest BM on Heaven's Tear.Post edited by celestial on0 -
Ah.. another contest. I will edit this post when I am ready to enter.
Ya know, with how the forum ads the #latest tag to the link, you guys pre-posting are more likely to be overlooked than just posting it when you are ready.
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This is my archer Castleberry, the second character I ever played. Her home was on Heaven's Tear. (now Etherblade) This was my favorite ever fashion, sadly I dyed this dress and ruined it .... LOL. Never could get that color back.
My Favorite expansion to date has been the Primal World addition including Reawakening. The ability to expand your character and have a second and third chance to build the stats caused me to retry certain characters that were previously abandonded.0 -
2nd pic is the glitch from 39 cave?0
This is justbarb, the newest character on an account that started back in December of 2008 on Heaven's Tear (Now Etherblade) with another barb, wolfelder. He's standing just outside Lost with his white tiger cub, named junior. They make a cute couple running around Arch together. My favorite expansion would have to be Rising Tide, since it set the pace for future expansions. Plus, I do have fun with my assassin and mystic, though the untamed will always be my favorites.Post edited by lobo63 on0 -
that would be the one ^^ i always thought it the sky there was so pretty. once i found out how to get outside the walls it became one of my favorite instances.noodlepunch said:2nd pic is the glitch from 39 cave?
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Character: MoNaDiKoS
Server: Heaven's Tear ( Etherblade )
Acc. Creation: 30/9/2008
Favorite Exp.: Rising Tide
My favorite fashion Rock shirt
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Yeee Greek players!
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Alright, time for my entry!
Character: Desdi
Server: Twilight Temple (previously Sanctuary)
Playing since October 30th 2008
Well, Desdi is not exactly my "main" now, but this is first and oldest account (and Desdi is the oldest character) I have, so I'm posting with/for the same character again.
My super cool mount!
This is an old screenshot from the days when Desdi still had white hair and a poor girl's fashion (not the colours I want, no matching shoes etc.). I think I was around level 60 there. When it comes to mounts, I've always preferred the simpler ones. I don't know why, but all the big, flashy mounts don't attract me. I have two favourite ones; the Quick Sika Reindeer and the Black/Vicous Raptor.
I picked the Reindeer for this contest for two reasons: the Raptor has been buggy for months so I've kinda stopped using it because it bothers me looking at the character floating instead of sitting. The second reason is that this is the oldest screen with my character-on-a-mount I could find. Considering this is still kinda a "trip down memory lane" contest, I wanted to find an older screenshot again.
Favourite Expansion:
This was a bit difficult to pick because I have two expansions I could consider as "favourite". These two would be Perfect World International: Descent and Perfect World International: Sirens of War. For this contest, however, I'm going to pick Descent!
Descent introduced Morai, which was a great addition to the game. Morai brought a set of new skills for every class. With the exception of Assassins/Psychics who were pretty good skill-wise at the time, all classes got really useful skills that greatly boosted their abilities and performance, especially in PvP.
Apart from skills, Descent introduced other nice things to the game. Morai gear allowed players to get cheap, good gear for PvE. It may have lost its value nowadays, but back then it was a big deal because casual/poor players had a chance to get pretty good for a low cost compared to other options. Morai Orders offered other goodies as well like free COF letters from Luminance, a second PV token from Shroud and more. The Morai quest line gives a lot of EXP and it has an interesting story. Then there are also things like EU and AEU instances.
PWI was generally at its best during that time. Thanks to a couple of content updates that happened before/after that expansion as well.
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im not sure if i actually count
i made my account in 2008, but started playing the game in 2009, made the forum account in 2008 as well howeer due to an incident (my computer blew up) i had to get a new computer and then i redownloaded pwi, in 2010 i had to remake my account because i got hac.ked, i got to keep my characters, most of my fashion was kepts (it wasnt the expensive fashion) but because of me getting hac.ked, when i remade the account the forum account was changed to 2010
edit: for some reason h a c k e d is censored0 -
I am also not sure if I qualify but here goes. I started playing PWI around the time of their first expanion with genies. I was originally on Lost City, a PVP server. I was not too fond of getting killed while trying to level up especially being new to the game. So my friends and I transferred to Heaven's Tear. They have since stopped playing and I am still around on what is now my main Arynx on Etherblade.
Favorite Expansion? Hmm I honestly don't know. As an Archer we haven't received too many "great updates" to our skills and what not. Although the one where I felt like I really got more interest and wanted to do more to my archer was after Reawakenings and War Avatars were introduced. I was so excited to see if I could break over 900 dex which I have done, and I am one more 105 away from having a comfortable max at 926. Also the fact that I love TCGs, I played Yu-Gi-Oh, and Magic the Gathering, which is what really got me into the Avatar System. Though, it fell short of my expectations. I feel like PWI could've made a lot more off of it as an in game TCG, than just gambling for cards. For me, an expansion that drives me to compete really piques my interest. And from Sirens of War onwards the game has been able to keep my interest and keep me playing.0 -
Character: Snow
Server: Twilight Temple
The best expansion I would have to say is the New Horizons expansion because they updated the quests to include bro **** bag. (As pictured below.)
It would be funny if there was fashion to make you look like that as well.
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Character: DarkFightrLC
Server: Twilight Temple (Lost City)
I`ve been playing the game since November 2008 and the game was fun for me throughout.
But the game started dieing a bit with high levels having nothing to do after reaching a saturation point in the game.
In comes PWI: Descent
The new area introduced, Morai was tons of fun to explore na dhaving something to do again. New gears, skills and quests in a beautiful and well designed area.
It kind of grabbed alot of intrest and brought few players back too.
Also the update following Descent, PWI: Sirens of War was pretty good too as it made Niravana 3 (G16) gears accessible for more. It did kill the Niravana instance ( the once most popular instance) but it was a huge stepping stone in PWI history.
So Thanks PWI for these wonderful updates and keep them coming0 -
Ok. So where to start.
Account Creation Date: 10-11-08
Main: HealerAnne RA2 Level 100
Server: Heaven's Tear (Etherblade)
Favorite Fashion: The High Celestial Set (have it on my veno who is semi retired on Twilight Temple)
Favorite Ground Mount: The Penquin (forgot his name but he's cute. Sadly have yet to aquire one.)
Favorite Fly Mount: Iridescence (my cleric has these. Love the colors and the annimation)
Favorite Veno Pet: Herc
Favorite All-Class Pet: Divine Sage Tiger Pet
Now for the tough one Favorite Expansion:
I'm going to say Rising Tide. The reason for this is the Goshiki Quest Line. It was a royal pain but all the crazy comentary from Dizzy, made it worth it.
My Wings
My Pet
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Hi sheepclouds,
I did create collages in last contest, I hope this was still within the rules.
This time i took just one screenshot, but tbh it's hard to make a screenshot where you can recognize a "face" + "show fashion/gear/whole body + mount/flyer" + get a nice background.
I also got another idea for a contest: create a photomontage with at least four toons of your account/ same accountPost edited by tetraem007 on0 -
Main Character: Prehistorik
Server Twilight Tempel
* As I already mentionend in the other contest, the time of "Rising Tide expansion" was payback time and we got rid off the nix-venos on world map
* The Genesis expansion was the best expansion with regard to graphic. The Earthguards got the most beautiful capital and best starter area. We also got the "earthguard eyes" and skins which are transferable to other classes by editing the ini files. The only reason why Tellus city isn't a popular login spot is because the bankers there are too difficult to reach and not close to a teleporter.
*The most important expansions to rebalance classes (regarding to skills, gear, stats) were the "Age of Spirit" (Genies), the "Decent" expansion (Morai) , "Sirens of War" ("Awakened gear" for everyone) and Rising Call (Meridian System).
*In between these rebalancing expansions we always got "imbalanced expansions" like first rank sale (Rank8 release for the masses), release of "Limitless Rank9 gear" (R999), Eclipse (Nightshades) and "New Horizons" (Primal World), which motivated people to create/work on imba classes/characters (mainly Assassins, but also Nightshades and Seekers).
*Since my main character on this account is a Barbarian and skills are most important to me, the "Decent" expansion was the best expansion imo. Because of the Morai expansion Barbarians did become a factor in PvP (and not only "dmg taker" in TW or PvE).
Even "Celestial skills" are farmable in Morai. The Morai map had also best, most detailed graphic at this time (only Primal World and maybe Nightshade area is on par nowadays). In contrast to Primal World you can see a light at the end of the tunnel when you start to farm your skills in Morai (S Avatar sets are out of my league and I won't be motivated to do Primal World dailies forever to get a decent high-level Star Chart).
* Regarding to gameplay best updates to me were the Trials (= first and unfortunately only raid parties in PW), the Treasure map quests (= back to world map after living in instances for years) and Nation Wars (= profitable PvP for everyone).
Btw, nice pick/pic DarkFightrLC, this spot was my first choice too. xDPost edited by tetraem007 on0 -
Can we partecipate here even if we posted in the previous one?LoryFoxie - Lv45 Venomancer - DawnGlory
Ilyan - Lv40s Duskblade - DawnGlory
xxLory - Lv86 Venomancer - US West0 -
I can't see any rules against it. Since there are not many people which post screenshots and some do even post more than one, I'll do that tooxlory said:Can we partecipate here even if we posted in the previous one?
Character: GreenLight
Server: Twilight Tempel
Screenshot: Primal World, Ice Goblin Camp; best looking gear (it's the free "Legacy Gear" which you get after first reawakening).
Best Expansion for my Cleric: "Sirens of War", because "Awakened gear" did become accessible for everyone. And at least on Lost City server you were able to make billions with Nation War Rewards (for more than a half year), even with just an average PvE character.
Post edited by tet on0 -
Well figured i'd jump in and see where i land
Honestly, this game has continued to surprise me with each expansion, i don't think i could pick a favorite. i've been around since the closed beta and seen the game go thru some incredibly drastic changes, while grinding daylies gets dull at times above all i think it was the friends i have had that kept me coming back and playing, from the first time i joined from early of game play. (sadly no early game pics, as i lost all my screens when my computer failed T^T)
(extra points if you can guess exactly where this was taken!
The Raging Tides Expansion:
The Morai and Earth Gaurd Expansion:
When they changed abba and SoT:
Tho i have to say it was definitely my friends that kept me interested, most of whom don't play anymore, from this cute pic of my favorite mounts (me and my roomate respectively):
I'll close with a few pics from the most memorable times i have had in game in no particular order, (i'll leave direct links as the forums lack spoilers to condense the images):
http://i959.photobucket.com/albums/ae73/zigheart92/Anniversary Contest/2010-10-13 12-53-20.png
http://i959.photobucket.com/albums/ae73/zigheart92/Anniversary Contest/2012-02-20 07-28-46.jpg
http://i959.photobucket.com/albums/ae73/zigheart92/Anniversary Contest/2011-01-19 02-35-59.png
http://i959.photobucket.com/albums/ae73/zigheart92/Anniversary Contest/2011-07-27 01-27-38.png0 -
LOL wtf so all my old posts that didn't go thru DAYS ago just posted. @sylenthunder you can delete the duplicates... i'll use the post before this one as my entry.
[DeleteThisPost]Post edited by zigheart on0 -
Character: SannaForYou
Server: Dawnglory
Screenshot: Central Archosaur with favorite fashion
Best Expansion: Rising Tide
In the coldness of mid December of 2008 I was playing a single player game quite heavily when I came across a bug that meant I had to stop playing while I waited for the developers to fix it. During that time I decided I would try to play an MMORPG and after searching the internet for one that would fit, I decided to give PWI a go. I decided to start on Sanctuary, current Twilight Temple server, and came across a nice guild. Still keep in contact with some of them even if that guild is gone since over 5 years now. My first character was a barb because I wanted to be tanky but in all honesty I did not do very well on that, and later on found that caster classes are a better fit for me. I might have started PWI because of an accident but now it is 2015 and I am still around.
When the EU server started up I decided to move to there and currently my main is SannaForYou which is a stormbringer. Still using the same account from 2008 even if the Dawnglory server is my main hunting ground now.
My favorite expansion would need to be the Rising Tide expansion because that is when I found psychic's and that changed the game totally for me. Still remember that full day of playing, trying to race friends to gain those levels, as well as the unity it brought the guild and the server, as people needed a lot of help and we all did our best to support each other. I think that was something very special and even if it has been mirrored in the game since then, I think that first big expansion with new classes was very special.
Me and my favourite statue in the game. The fashion is a mix of after hours and school girl.0 -
My main character is Eoria on Dawnglory server.
A friend and I got married in-game and we both ended up getting Bubblefish pets from marriage quest. He named his Derpy so I named mine Herpy.
As for favorite expansion, it would have to be the EG expansion in retrospect. I didn't make my mystic alt, Frelia, until way later, but it was probably one of the best decisions. I had so much fun with her and she's been a very good moneymaker as well. I'm just sad I can't really pvp with her anymore due to all the changes since NH expansion which has to be my least favorite expansion honestly due to killing my altoholicness.
And here's a victory pic from one of the most memorable TWs I did on my mystic:
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Closed for voting!
We should have both sets of winners posted by Friday October 2nd.
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Special thanks to Mintsummer and TheNamesDomino for helping with voting!The Winner's names have been submitted for prizes: virtual prizes should be received by next Friday. If you won a physical gift, please update your shipping address and phone number on your Arc account and your prize will be mailed with all of the others going out at the end of the month!
First and Second Place (Ginger Tiger Statue and 1000 Free Zen)
Third – Fifth Place (Ginger Tiger Plush and 500 Free Zen)
Sixth – Thirteenth Place (100 Free Event Gold) - We added additional prizes to break ties!
Players who won the Free event gold, please send me a PM with your Server and the character you would like the event gold sent to!
This discussion has been closed.
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