PWI Maintenance Discussion 8/4/15 COMPLETE



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  • Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Rollbacks are coming tiger-7.gif

    Wait, too soon?
    Maintenance question: What is your favorite science fiction series? Be it books, movies, or otherwise.
    Star Trek: Revenge of the sith​​
    Post edited by dblazen1 on
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  • Posts: 66 Arc User
  • Posts: 228 Arc User
    jazzapete wrote: »

    that would take longer than the maintenance...

    anyway, i think we had the sci-fi question already last year!

    Perry Rhodan and Doctor Who ftw.
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    rocky19 wrote: »

    What about multiple event times in DawnGlory and different TW time slots? Are we getting ANY of those? What about the cross server PVP event / NW patch notes?

    Wild guesstimate: Since they will be putting the server in the EU region, it's most likely going to use the current Morai hardware. Which is located at/near the AMSIX (Amsterdam Internet Exchange, Netherlands). The server times will be CET and since event times are based off of that, it's going to suck for the joining US folk from Harshlands. I hope our active GM, Enellimm, will be able to sort something out for that...

    If we do get multiple event times, I'm going to be happy. I'll likely be able to double-dip in those :)
    ... forget your fears. And want no more...

    Dawnglory player:
    Ulsyr - Khelvan - Evryn - Gromth
    And StoneSnake - CatSnakeshop for everyone's Common Stones and more!
  • Posts: 456 Arc User
    Cant wait for the merge and hope some Harshlands ppl who where saying they would quit will quit mouse-2.gif​​
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    Seems people have problems getting the time right at which maintenance/merger starts.

    6pm PDT = 9pm EST = 2 AM GMT = 3 AM WET = 4 AM CET = 10 AM in a lot of Asian countries, around noon in Australia/New Zealand. Only the first 2 are on 4 August, all others are 5 August.

    As for the question: Movie: Star Wars, TV: Dr. Who, book:1984
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    Favourite SF series? It has to be Firefly.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    You have lost another strong supporter for years with taking away open world pvp servers.

    You shall get what you deserve, shall the free market decide!

  • Posts: 850 Arc User
    I suppose we're not going to get an answer, I guess.​​
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    fave sci fy has to be Star Trek, i have only one question is it Tides well or Tide swell both = Tideswell ongoing debate on it haha :)
  • Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    1 - dragon shocker packs, this was already plan, they have already changed it to an Identity Stone.
    2 - Blue name for every one, Why would Dev take an enormous time out of there coffee break to change the mechanic of the game to make it fun for you. Beside it only take 3 click to change to pvp mode.
    3 - All ppl QQing on east coast going to EU time, to bad, delete you R9RR+12 diety/josd toon and move to west coast, Where you can spend your morgage on the game again and pay for the cost of the new servers.
    4 - Initial After your name, Yes keep saying BS cause you want a free ID stone cause you lack imagination when creating you toon and blame it on the server merge. Has for me, I an very happy some idiot copied my name on Sanctuary and I will get LC behind my name, Making me the OFFICIAL ORIGINAL player whit that name. GTFO fail clone !

    Favorite Sci-fi, Dev finaly learn to read engilsh and take a look to or forum and finaly decide to make a new branch of the game just for us.
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    aphrodita wrote: »

    that would take longer than the maintenance...

    anyway, i think we had the sci-fi question already last year!

    Perry Rhodan and Doctor Who ftw.

    protip: take a quick video using a program like fraps (etc). In the case of massive loss (or specific items) you can either screenshot the video and waste your time when you absolutely have to or send the whole video.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    any plan u giving manual patch?
  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    kalpeshk3 wrote: »
    any plan u giving manual patch?

    Manual patch for what?

  • Posts: 793 Arc User
    razzzza wrote: »
    Cant wait for the merge and hope some Harshlands ppl who where saying they would quit will quit mouse-2.gif
    If you get your way "which is what i think may actually happen. You will get the merge and it will seem as if no merge ever even happened as the timezone difference alone will make for a less than noticeable presence of the merged players. People quitting from the lag,non-events, malicious trolling from people that went ahead and ruined player names and faction names purposely. There are many reasons to quit now more than before... So you'll get what you wish from many.

    Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc :
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  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    Firefly ofc
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    tek1nig wrote: »
    If you get your way "which is what i think may actually happen. You will get the merge and it will seem as if no merge ever even happened as the timezone difference alone will make for a less than noticeable presence of the merged players. People quitting from the lag,non-events, malicious trolling from people that went ahead and ruined player names and faction names purposely. There are many reasons to quit now more than before... So you'll get what you wish from many.


    Don't you dare quitting sir. Not before we had our fights :D !!! Besides...many have said that before, including me, it won't be as bad as you guys might imagine. It will be ok. If some EU players can be Top-Players on EU server with a ping of 600 then you guys can do the exact same thing with the right amount of determination.
  • Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    jsxshadow wrote: »

    If some EU players can be Top-Players on EU server with a ping of 600 then you guys can do the exact same thing with the right amount of determination.
    How can someone even have a ping of 600 on the EU server if you live in the EU. Those people still using 56k modems? Downloading **** while playing?
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    How can someone even have a ping of 600 on the EU server if you live in the EU. Those people still using 56k modems? Downloading **** while playing?

    Derp xD I meant EU players on US* Server ofc xDD everything else would be ****. We ofc got max Ping of 200ms or something. Still 200 and 500/600 isnt that much of a big deal in a slow paced game like PWI.
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    How can someone even have a ping of 600 on the EU server if you live in the EU. Those people still using 56k modems? Downloading **** while playing?

    Why the hell you think only EU players playing on EU server? There are many guys from other non-EU countries and regions. And there is no huge difference between 200ms and 600ms. This game isn't a shooter like BF or CS!
  • Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    shtalenkov wrote: »

    Why the hell you think only EU players playing on EU server? There are many guys from other non-EU countries and regions
    Did you even read the part i'm quoting?
    Did you even read what I actually wrote?

    If yes and you don't understand it: it was about EU players playing on the EU server. It was specifically mentioned so there was no confusion about it being meant for other region players on the EU server​, which it wasn't obviously.
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • Posts: 943 Arc User
    None of this matters. I want a free name change stone if my name is given a forced change, but PWE seems to be completely avoiding this. Forcing a change on a players name is not right.
  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    None of this matters. I want a free name change stone if my name is given a forced change, but PWE seems to be completely avoiding this. Forcing a change on a players name is not right.

    And I want a free r9 but thats not going to happen either.
    If PW will give players everything they the players want they PW will have to shut down soon...

  • Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited August 2015

    And I want a free r9 but thats not going to happen either.
    If PW will give players everything they the players want they PW will have to shut down soon...

    First off this isn't a normal request. They are initiating a change to the game that indirectly will change some players names. People created their characters with the understanding that the name they give them will be their characters name. I have had the name for my bm as TZoner for over 5 years now. I CHOSE that name. Now I and many others will be forced to have an addition to said names that we didn't ask for. Myself and many other players do not want to have to see this. They are going to save TONS of money by merging the servers. Asking them to give bound name change stones to people who are given a forced name change is and will be nothing to them, and is good business as there are plenty of people that are upset by this and many other aspects of the server merges. I didn't ask for r9. I didn't ask for anything unreasonable. If you are going to respond at least ATTEMPT to not be an idiot.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    I guess I can't get that pony I always wanted. Thanks Obama. :(
    103/103/102 demon cleric
    103/102/102 demon seeker
    100/100/100 demon veno

  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    So I logged over yesterday to the server that is merging with mine to check to see if my name was going to be forced to take the tag. My name was safe! What a relief! Then I log over today and it's taken. I am not the only one that this has happened to and we are all extremely upset. We chose these names YEARS ago. Now at the last moment I am forced to take the tag because of some troll. My suggestions to GMs in a ticket were:

    1)Delete any character made with the same name after the merge announcement was given.
    2)Force name change on the last character made with the same name or threaten deletion.
    3)My favorite, force the last character made with same name to take the tag, whatever the server is. You can make it the new name of the server (EB = Etherblade, TT = Twilight Temple, TS = TideSwell, DG = Dawnglory). This should have been the action from the start. Do not shaft one server in favor of another.
  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User

    First off this isn't a normal request. They are initiating a change to the game that indirectly will change some players names. People created their characters with the understanding that the name they give them will be their characters name. I have had the name for my bm as TZoner for over 5 years now. I CHOSE that name. Now I and many others will be forced to have an addition to said names that we didn't ask for. Myself and many other players do not want to have to see this. They are going to save TONS of money by merging the servers. Asking them to give bound name change stones to people who are given a forced name change is and will be nothing to them, and is good business as there are plenty of people that are upset by this and many other aspects of the server merges. I didn't ask for r9. I didn't ask for anything unreasonable. If you are going to respond at least ATTEMPT to not be an idiot.

    I see that there are people that still believe they actually own something in PWI.
    The truth is the toon or toons you are playing is not actually yours.
    They are PW property and they can do whatever they want with them. It doesnt matter that you chosed the name. PW has the right to do whatever they want with that name because is their toon not yours. You just borrowed to play with it. Nothing less and nothing more. And they dont have to give you change stones .

  • Posts: 943 Arc User

    I see that there are people that still believe they actually own something in PWI.
    The truth is the toon or toons you are playing is not actually yours.
    They are PW property and they can do whatever they want with them. It doesnt matter that you chosed the name. PW has the right to do whatever they want with that name because is their toon not yours. You just borrowed to play with it. Nothing less and nothing more. And they dont have to give you change stones .

    I never claimed ownership of anything. Maybe try actually reading what people say and not reading what you want to read. I also never demanded anything. I requested that they consider doing this and many others have as well. Lately if you bother to pay attention PWE has been listening to it's player is one of the reasons for the merge because as they said on the post "You have requested it so we are merging servers" They want to make customers happy. We aren't borrowing anything...there is no borrowing involved here we are just using it. Borrow implies some kind of ownership. The word btw is CHOSE not chosed, and that is a very important aspect of the game. Players make their character with the name of their choice and we are GIVEN that they are taking it away from us and while they have a right they also want to please their player base. I never said they HAVE to give me anything. You really should try reading what people say more clearly. A request for something is not a demand. I am full aware that PWE is not in any way required to do anything I ask, I don't need your moronic opinion to be aware of this. Thanks for nothing though. ;)
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »

    Derp xD I meant EU players on US* Server ofc xDD everything else would be ****. We ofc got max Ping of 200ms or something. Still 200 and 500/600 isnt that much of a big deal in a slow paced game like PWI.

    Mines bout 300-400 to west coast. So Yea, the ping really wont be 600 for anybody. Granted that ping is bit too much for top notch gameplay but meh.​​
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17


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