Demon or Sage

Niteshadows - Harshlands
Niteshadows - Harshlands Posts: 583 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Stormbringer
Which is a better path for the Stormbringer class?
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  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If Joe will respond he will say Demon. Especially for PVPb:chuckle
    If you ask me I will say it doesnt matter. Chose what path suits you best.
    Demon or sage are equal to me. All is reduced to how good is the player.
    There are demon that can beat sages and there are sages that can beat demons in all classes.
    None is above the other.

  • caius775
    caius775 Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I would agree depends on what you like. Demon has more control and more instant glance appealing abilities. (Easier path because you dont have to manipulate your charges as much). Most skills in demon are I rather have this than what sage offers which is partly true although life isnt quite that simpleb:shutup

    Sage is more about capping it damage potential, more chi ( Its Actually the ability of things not costing chi is what really shines like super cell 2nd strike not costing chi. Get creative ) Also a bit faster dps which matters im not complete end game yet but i constantly hear r9s say get as much chan on wep roll etc etc very effective. Although because of sage lacks what demon has on like Cloudburst and ice bullet sage has more of a learning curve cant get careless with your charges it matters cumu and snowstorm hit HARDif done right.

    Anyway summary. It's up to the player. Why? Well watching pvp sessions demon and sage uses the same kill combos lol and a demon's goal is similar to a sage's goal in combat only difference is sage is more strict on the order in which you cast skills and build charges, Demon is more laid back can use 2 ice and still stun for max duration for example.

    Choose your cup of tea.