New PW Expansion (PWCN: Rise of Dynasty)



  • SpiritDivine - Sanctuary
    SpiritDivine - Sanctuary Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    someone knowledgable should make a thread with hidden changes
  • digitalw
    digitalw Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    psumiku wrote: »
    "What will NOT be in: Any graphical revamp to old lands / major changes in engine"

    This makes me a sad panda....

    this makes me a sad Psy QQ i was just talking to my friend yesterday before the update "hey i wonder if they will ever revamp the old lands and bring it up to date with tellus city's graphics" NOPE :c maybe next update they will because if they told us they weren't doing it this update then maybe they are planning it for a future update?
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I updated my NW section portion of the guide.

    If you have any suggestions or anything that I missed, let me know.
    I think I got everything covered.

    For those of you who don't want to scroll all the way down, I will paste it here:
    Nation Wars: New PvP system

    Requirement of lvl 60

    PWE post on Nation Wars

    "Every Friday and Sunday, from 8:20pm to 10:20pm server time, players Lv60+ will have the opportunity to enter the Nation Wars. Across the entire server, players can enter simultaneously, offering one of the most incredible grand scale battle systems imaginable.

    As players sign up to fight in the Nation Wars, Overseer Aeban will assign them to one of the four nations: Frost, Flame, Light, or Darkness. The Overseer, being the crafty demon that he is, will do his best to assign players to create armies for each nation as balanced as possible, taking into account a number of different factors. The Warriors of Perfect World may attempt to circumvent the randomness of entry by entering a squad first - the Overseer will assign a squad to a single nation."


    4 regions in total: north, south, east, west
    North = Frost
    South = Flame
    East = Dark
    West = Light
    Players are randomly assigned to each nation.
    Each nation has a capital that you start out in.

    Each nation will start off with 20 territories, 4 regions x 20 = total of 80.

    Press M while in a nation to bring up the NW battle map.
    The map will show you how many players for each nation are currently participating, what the current credit for each nation is, and what the total reward is.
    The map will also show you the territories for each nation (color coded), and blue nations (a nation that was recently conquered or recovered).


    Before each battle, you have to receive a quest from a military governor in North Arch by the new forges in order to receive a ticket that will allow you to get to the capital.
    You can go solo or team up.
    The governor will appear at 20:15, the battle will start 5 minutes later, so better be prepared before applying!
    Rewards are sent out before 24:00.

    To enter a battle, simply open up the map to view the territories.
    You can choose any territory that has a combat symbol over it that's within or nearby your nation's borders.
    A combat symbol over your nation's colors means someone is attacking it, combat in a territory adjacent to your nation's border means your nation is attacking it.
    Blue spaces means that areas was recently attacked and will be peaceful until it turns into a nation's color.
    When you pick a territory to enter, you won't simply teleport in like in tw. You will see a pathline going through your nation's territories lead to the one you picked, you will have to wait anywhere from 30 seconds to a couple minutes depending on far you have to go.
    If the territory you choose has ended combat, then you will be sent back to base.

    When you enter battle you will enter a generic battle map like in tw.
    Each territory will have up to 20 v 20 battles
    The battles will last for 25 minutes or whoever gets 20 points first.
    The first nation to take 2 Flags for their respective area wins the battle.
    Each flag gives 10 points, or 20 points needed to win.

    If you die, upon respawn you will have 12 seconds of invincibility
    You can die only 5 times before being booted from that battle.

    There are two types of attacks on a territory; offense and defense.
    Offense is your nation attacking a territory that belongs to another nation,
    Defense is your nation defending a territory that belongs to your nation.
    Entering a territory as offense means you are the red team (with red name), defense is blue team with blue name.

    The final score is calculated by the sum of all the scores of each nation, being calculated by Score Territory (Collection of flags) + score of each player (player's performance on the battlefield + collection flags)
    Players who carry the flags earn more endpoints.

    Afterward, the region cannot be attacked again for 3 minutes.
    The region will turn into a campsite during that brief period in which you can either leave NW or proceed to another territory in conflict.


    Choose areas that have less people.
    If you see 17 of your nation vs 5> of the other nation, don't bother. The amount of points you will get will be minimal because not only will you not do anything (unless you compete with your comrades for the flag) but the amount of points that is sent out will be mostly equally distributed. If 17 players are in a field, you'll probably get around 50-70 doing nothing.
    Likewise, don't choose an area that is swarmed with the enemy unless you know you can bring enough people for back up!

    Choose the closest territories
    As mentioned above, the further the territory is from your current location, the farther you have to travel and the longer you have to wait to get there. If you pick a really far away territory, not only will you arrive late and end up doing nothing, you'll also risk getting sent back to base if that fight finishes.


    Map of territories

    Map of battlefield


    Blue = Defense
    Red= Offense
    Green Boxes: 3 areas where flag will spawn in randomly, known as east, center, west
    After a flag has spawn in one of those three areas, someone has to "mine" the flag and go to their respective checkpoint.
    Blue team has to go far south (to their blue point) and Red team has to go far north (to their red point)
    Red area (far north): Checkpoint for the offense team to capture the flag
    Red area (below the center box): Red team spawn point
    Blue area (far south): Checkpoint for the defense team to capture the flag
    Red area (above the center box): Blue team spawn point

    Screenshot of the Capitals

    Campsite for Nation Wars

    Battlefield for Nation Wars


    If you have enough contribution points, you will receive supply tokens.
    I think the cut off for rewards is 2k contrib, like with any other event.

    You can view the recipes for the supply tokens here

    The forges for the supply tokens are in north arch.
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've decided I'm going to take the news posts off of the main page but due to a lack of a spoiler function, I can't just simply hide them.

    I don't want to get rid of the links, but I think they are no longer relevant since the main expansion is out now.

    I will store the posts here for now:
    News Post 1 (First post, general announcement and overview of expansion)
    Google Translated

    News Post 2 (More general info)
    Google Translated

    News Post 3 (More info on emperors)
    Google Translated

    News Post 4 (comments on the new expansion)
    Google Translated

    News Post 5 (info on the new areas)
    Google Translated

    News Post 6 (changes to website + info on Qing)
    Google Translated

    News Post 7 (info on all 4 emperors, with portraits)
    Google Translated

    News Post 8 (info on new pk and new territories)
    Google Translated

    News Post 9 (info on Silva + land)
    Google Translated

    News Post 10 (info on edith + land)
    Google Translated

    News Post 11 (info on chidi xiao + land)
    Google Translated

    News Post 12 (info on qing + land)
    Google Translated

    News Post 13 (more stuff on edith)
    Google Translated

    News Post 14 (more info on pk wars, emperors, and pics of emperor cosplayers)
    Google Translated

    News Post 15 (more stuff on silva)
    Google Translated

    News Post 16 (info on new pk system)
    Google Translated

    News Post 17 (more info on chidi)
    Google Translated

    News Post 18 (capitals)
    Google Translated

    News Post 19 (cgi trailer)
    Google Translated

    News Post 20 (info on release, fortress, battlefield, skills)
    Google Translated

    News Post 21 (expansion patch notes)
    Google Translated

    News Post 22 (new trailer)
    Google Translated

    News Post 23 (cosplayers, misc info)
    Google Translated

    News Post 24 (new land pics)
    Google Translated

    News Post 25 (new trailer)
    Google Translated

    News Post 26 (patch notes for release)
    Google Translated

    News Post 27 (new veno pets + possible changes in veno pet system)
    Google Translated

    News Post 28 (updates to the expansion, patch notes)
    Google Translated

    News Post 29 (pictures of new r9 recast gear + weapons for all classes)
    Google Translated
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