New Instance

Drake_Nexus - Lost City
Drake_Nexus - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Suggestion Box
My Suggestion is for a new instance. Which would utilize the 10 man squad feature that has been added if i actually posted my exact plan for said instance this post would be like 20 pages long so ill keep it brief. The instance would have a few rooms per section leading up to a larger room. There would be 10 larger rooms in total each with a few small rooms before it. In each of the smaller rooms the squad would have to complete a trial if the squad were to fail the trial they would still be allowed to progress, but with a small sacrifice, example: loss of max hp maybe loss of attribute points ect for the remainder of the instance. upon reaching each of the larger rooms you would face off agains the "Strongest" of each of the character classes these would be mobs of course but for example you fight a cleric with 20-30m hp and damage to actually give the group a challenge and if certain condtions are met she would use certain skills example if she is purged she would use tempest there would be easy ways to beat each of the chars or fighting them outright. Like maybe one of the rooms random hands spawn (you know the ones that kill u in one shot) and stunning the char in one of the circles would cause an instant death *though im not sure entirely how well that would work* but i could deal without killing them easy. anyway off subject. prizes would vary pending which character u face off against and would be things i would imagine players could carry like maybe a common drop is tokens, maybe perfect tokens, skills books based upon character fought. example u fight a assassin would drop assassin skill books and so on and so forth and the characters should be random demon or sage to give more difficulty if anyone would like me to go into more detail or would just like to hear my layouts of the instance feel free to comment
Post edited by Drake_Nexus - Lost City on


  • Tuff_Cookie - Raging Tide
    Tuff_Cookie - Raging Tide Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    you fight a cleric with 20-30m hp and damage

    I take it its for 100+ LOL
    sounds cool
  • zoller97
    zoller97 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    wow they are making in instanveb:angry
  • Drake_Nexus - Lost City
    Drake_Nexus - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I take it its for 100+ LOL
    sounds cool

    yea probably. not much to do once u actually get to 100 cept get you gear then once you there nothing i have lots of fun idea this is just one that would be the most useful
  • d3vi1r3ap3r
    d3vi1r3ap3r Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I have to say that i totally agree with this idea and i hope that something comes of this.... I personally have hit 99 and lost the urge to want to keep pushing on because the skills that were added sounded cool until i actually saw them in action. The adding of the pve fear was a fail mistake because the only time that i see the gear actually used is when someone is trying to be funny and humiliate another player they are trying to kill. Fc was a challenge and i miss the times when ppl actually had to squad together and work at it. I am wondering if FC could have a lvl cap implemented so that way you cant just sit there and super Pwn the instance to get friends leveled fast. Further more i see alot of ppl not being able to make money in the game like they used to, i think that some kinda triva Npc or something needs to be added in to where you can risk some coin and win coin back. I understand if there is only small amounts but if people desperately need the coin they will sit and utilize this new function. Sometimes people just need a little bit to get things going again. Sorry about the rambling but i think things need to be added and more benifits shown. Finally i think that Gm`s presence should be seen again and the ingame GM should be actually doing their jobs. The GM help button is a joke,we all know this!!!! So why is it there when there is never a GM doing the job they are supposed to????? Just some random thoughts.... hate it or like it, i really dont care.