Gladio-few thoughts

Azzazin - Dreamweaver
Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Tideswell (East)
I was about to post this in a different thread, but my post grew large enough to deserve its own thread.

There was mention made of how Gladio had done spawn-killing in their TW against BOOFSPLOX, and this had people *raaaging*.

First of all, are you serious? I've done a lot of TWing, and I've seen people from all sorts of factions shoot off an aoe now and again towards the spawn point. It is typically frowned upon, sure, but its still a legitimate tactic (you may correct me if you can find proof that a GM has said otherwise). Heck, in the TW I was in with :3 against EQ, some psychic shot off their 100 aoe onto the spawn point. Should I be raging as well? Heck, even I shot off an aoe towards the spawn point once (after a TW ended) for the lulz... before learning it was *frowned upon*.

Moving on.

I am concerned with how people love to cling to their currently-held views, without ever bothering to hear a different side to the story. Isn't the 'hate-Gladio-cuz-they-are-rich-and-my-friends-got-pked' thing getting a bit old? Hullo, surely I'm not the only one to notice that Gladio hasn't been in pk for a long time? Did any of you guys ever stop to ask why? Its just so much easier to hate I guess. Shame on you!

Here is Gladio's side of the story as I've heard from multiple sources. Gladio agreed to wait for BOOFSPLOX 10 minutes so that BOOFSPLOX could finish their TW with 7Dragons. In response to this gesture, BOOFSPLOX tried to sneak their catas down a side lane to Gladio's crystal. *facepalm* And you wonder why Gladio crushed them?!

Furthermore, from the leader of 7Dragons: BOOFSPLOX members were engaged in spawn killing 7Dragons members. Little case of the pot calling the kettle black, perhaps?

Before you start going 'but Gladio has done this, but Gladio has done that on me', hear this. Everybody who plays this game is human (though sometimes I wonder if there might be a few gorillas and one eye-aliens tapping away on their keyboards, you just never know). If human, you are bound to make mistakes. Humans are capable of learning, its, like, one of the things that make people so... people-ish.

Rex has clearly learned that PKing leads to a lot of drama, hence the reason his characters are no long in pk. Clearly he is trying to make Gladio a presentable, TW-ready faction.

How many of you guys who claim to hate 'Gladio' have even tried interacting with Rex/EVANG? Each time I've spoken with them, they have been very polite. Sure the English-second-language issue can make communication a bit difficult at time, but this doesn't mean Rex is stupid. The guy is a freakin multi-millionaire computer engineer! Obviously he isn't lacking in the intellect department. If he gets as much enjoyment from this game as he would from a new racing car, who are you to fault him? Shame on you if you find it funny to insult people because they can't speak English as well as you (think you can).

Open your minds a bit, people. Listen to both sides of the story. Don't believe everything your peers tell you blindly, investigate a bit. Again, I do not condone all of Gladio's actions. I've never been big on the whole 'brag in world chat about my feats' thing, this can definitely lead to drama. (Don't suppose any of you noticed that Gladio has been conspicuously absent from world chat aside from recruitment messages? People can, indeed, learn.) In any case, I'd ask you to please show me a single TW/pking faction that hasn't been involved in drama before and I will personally eat my fuzzy white, lint-speckled socks that I left under my bed several months ago. Seriously.

Peace out

Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
Post edited by Azzazin - Dreamweaver on


  • SMASHnHEAL - Dreamweaver
    SMASHnHEAL - Dreamweaver Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    How many of you guys who claim to hate 'Gladio' have even tried interacting with Rex/EVANG? Each time I've spoken with them, they have been very polite. Sure the English-second-language issue can make communication a bit difficult at time, but this doesn't mean Rex is stupid.

    I don't hate Gladio, I am generally a nice person and people I have interacted with me will know this. I am out in pk to have fun, talk to similiar minded people and generally to help people. As a cleric I am constantly asked for buffs, ressing people and for a long time this is all I did out at OT.

    My problem with Gladio is mainly with Rex/EVA and stems from being killed on my BM for not buffing Rex and also being killed for providing buffs to the 'other side' whom have been my friends for longer than Rex has been around.

    Like everyone you are speaking from your experiences - the times I have 'interacted' with Rex/EVA I have received nothing but bad language and abuse in pms. They don't hold any values and when an agreement was made for a truce between them and I in exchange for me not getting involved with the others, I was killed each time for stepping out of SZ.

    I have a lot of respect for you Azzazin both as a person and an awesome player but nothing you can say will stop the fact that there will always be hated players and hated factions. This was the case well before Rex and Gladio and will be the case in the future if they are ever to move on.
  • Necrophyle - Dreamweaver
    Necrophyle - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    BOOFSPLOX 2012! b:victory
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    regarding that tw

    ofc, the world is never just black and white good / evil
    people want to think like that to make it easier

    i dont think i know any boofplox members
    but it was easy to believe what they said on forums ;o

    because thats what one would expect of that faction

    the statement that this "hate" (<-attention to "" ) is based on"QQ Rich QQ get PKed" isnt quite it really

    just popping a few words that i combine with gladio members out of experience:
    scam, ego, EGO BOASTING, rudeness, spam, stupidity (that, mostly from that engineer, and im the last one to pick on engrish skills, no its the way he was acting)

    my first ever experience with a gladio member was back when i was still selling FC
    that person tried to get exp without paying -messing with the trade
    when that got to wc i got pms like "thats typical gladio strategy"

    thats that

    more recent:
    take a look at wc
    every damn minute 24/7 they spam silly no-brain recruitment messages - how desperate?

    not even talking about those ego and attitude issues rex, his wife and some fellows have
    ofc again, its not only them. but see the high concentration of it ;p

    all in all they got where they are now out of their own account
    their own actions made them the most disliked faction on the server
    being that while being a non-factor in TW truly is an accomplishment *slow clap*
    i like potato
  • Nariin - Dreamweaver
    Nariin - Dreamweaver Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    Nice thinking
    Want a custom faction/fav icon? Look no further! Visit my 👿 Icon Repository in the Fanatics Forum.
    ^ but please, for the love of god, read the first page before making requests (UPDATED)
  • Heartz - Dreamweaver
    Heartz - Dreamweaver Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Rex problably finally figured he'll never get a major TW faction if he's known as a **** in pk. so as long he pked, he couldnt not be good in tw.
    He want gladio to be feared in tw, so he have to get good pr and try get some respect.

    just my guess lol.
    105 - 105 - 105 (14th march 2014)

    Join date: November 2008 - HT.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I dislike rex and his wife not cause they're rich but cause they're cowards. Rex wife bb's in safe zone rex comes on his barb sits in bb and trash talks everyone who tries to kill him. He demands respect and doesn't earn it. I don't buff him he goes all emo and kills me. Sorry you can kill me 1000 times i wont help you kill my friends.

    Ill say this again RESPECT is EARNED not DEMANDED.
  • Reninz - Dreamweaver
    Reninz - Dreamweaver Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I don't buff him he goes all emo and kills me.

    Ill say this again RESPECT is EARNED not DEMANDED.

    I'm confused, if he goes all emo wouldnt that mean he's hurting himself? o.O a more appropiate term would be like "he goes all rage-modeb:angry and kills me"

    If you say that he goes emo then this would happen....

    Rex: hey mitch buff me
    Mitch: nevah!
    Rex: QQ *cuts himself* emo time!
  • breeeezy87
    breeeezy87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I've never had a problem with Gladio and have conversed with rex and eva on numerous occasions. I won't insult their english, it's a weak tactic of desperation when no other means of insult can be found. I agree it's his money, he's free to spend it on what he enjoys. Everyone budgets their means of entertainment his budget just happens to be a bit higher than most. Yet a few days after tw and up until now i've seen gladio spam in wc about Kindrid. All the bla bla we need to gank them to win. If my memory serves me correct we beat them 1v1 just two weeks ago in under 30mins. Sorry to High5 but is this even a real faction, in order to coordinate a gank with them i think we may need to know atleast one member in the faction. If gladio wanted to better defend lost they could have simply no showed the other tw, it's a leadership decision factions have been making weekly. Gladio seems to be provoking people who otherwise wouldn't care which makes posts like this go in vain.
  • MystieMoon - Dreamweaver
    MystieMoon - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Considering how many people straight up break rules in the game *looks at all the lvl 105s* Are we really surprised people do things that are "frowned upon"? b:laugh
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I think at times I can understand parts of how Rex thinks, even if I don't always agree with it.

    To put it simply, Rex has several main goals (to my way of thinking):

    1) to 'win' at what he does.

    2) to be admired for what he does.

    If you think about his actions in light of these hypothetical goals, things make a lot more sense. Rex geared and leveled up many characters to 105, and then entered pk with them. Presumably pk/TW is what drew him to this game in the first place, a reasonable assumption? Clearly by outfitting them in the best possible gear, and by pking as a group, he was attempting to tweak the odds for him to 'win' as much as possible.

    Also, having created his own faction and having worked to gain the loyalty of his members (as a side note, Rex is very helpful to those who also help him), clearly he wants more than just to win at pk, he wants to TW, and he wants respect as well. But as one poster truthfully said, respect is earned, not demanded.

    I can almost see the wheels turning in his head: how to gain respect? I'm guessing he thought he could do it in pk alone. As he pked more, naturally he became more skilled on his various characters, but at one point, I'm guessing he ran into a problem like so: there weren't enough people attacking him when he stormed OT with 5 of his top-geared characters. He and the Gladio members would kill everybody there, and then there'd be nobody left to fight. What then?

    From what I've witnessed, taunting people is a damn good way of getting people mad enough to fight you when they otherwise would not have. This is not an approach I typically employ myself, but there is no denying its effectiveness. Rex did, indeed, get what he was (presumably) asking for: people started fighting Gladio, and then, lots of people starting fighting Gladio. And to further his goal of gaining respect, he advertised his wins via various means (world chat/youtube vids/etc).

    Again, he didn't quite predict how much dislike these actions would garner for Gladio as a faction. Just think about what he was thinking through. He has this faction he has created which is getting a lot of bad reputation in pk, and this is not at all helping to gain respect for him or his faction. Furthermore, its getting much harder to win, due to being heavily outnumbered. What would you do in his position?

    Rex's solution was to remove ALL of his characters from pk; this was some weeks ago now. Since that point (from what I've seen) they have not entered pk again; as well, the world chat comments from Gladio members regarding pk have virtually dried up as well.

    Clearly, he still wants to win, and he still wants respect, but now he is going to try and obtain it entirely from the avenue of TW. And this, I think, is one decision he has made which just might be worthy of respect. No matter how much you may dislike the guy, give him a bit of credit, he is trying to improve his own image and the image of his faction.

    I've never been a big one for hating a person/group of people. Even if I do dislike somebody, I (try) to stay civil if I have to interact with that person. It seems the mature thing to do; naturally I make mistakes, like everybody out there. Anyways, to those who profess to hate Gladio and/or Rex, I would ask you to examine again the reasons for your hate and see whether they are still valid. As well, if you think they are still valid, then ask yourself what you are willing to do to express this hate? If you believe you have been wronged, it seems the height of irony to stoop to the same levels as the one who wronged you to 'get back at them'. Not trying to sound biblical here, lol, but, I dunno, its about being a better person, being bigger than those who would try and drag you down.

    Surely I'm not the only one who gets headaches when I have vengeful thoughts?

    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    as far as my memory goes, he made his own faction after his well known attempt in joining the ultimately best faction at that time failed (and ended in hating on members of said faction).
    or at least he startet getting members after that..

    what would the server be like if that vote went a different way?
    he didnt develop that ego openly so much back then
    do you think the people around him could have formed this guy into a valuable asset to the community? - instead of.. what he is now ?

    ~as i be observing~
    someone is thriving for attention badly
    "i was first full rank9!!!1111"
    "you suck!!1111"
    "haha noob!!111"*
    does he care whether its positive or negative?

    *"!!!111" added to enhance the emotional impressions of quotes - its not used by said individual
    i like potato
  • Berserker_ - Dreamweaver
    Berserker_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Its not all about his pk ways, its a pve server pk is an option. QQing about pk would be rather stupid, imo. We know hes rich, we don't hate him for it, good for him, but, he abused about him being wealthy, he screwed up alot of items prices for those that actually "farm" or " work" for their stuff, he made DoDs go from 7m a piece to 30m in a matter of days, just cause he's "a Multimillionare". he may be nice and all but only those that are in his circle, sorry to say Azzazin but you are in the circle. He might be bluenamed now, why? because everytime hes out of sz he will be attacked by whoever. So good luck him repairing his "reputation" and acquiring that respect he oh so much desires, Bet his money won't get him that, that easily anyways. b:bye
  • Gelata - Dreamweaver
    Gelata - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    This QQ will never stop.

    Bring your alt to BOOFSPLOX, kick some Gladio for fun. We didn't start the fire! b:kiss
    Bring your alt to BOOFSPLOX, kick whatever and have some fun at someone else's expense b:cute

    Honestly, go get some nice drink instead of stroking your e-brain on forums. At least you'll end up satisfied.

    Love and peace.
  • FayHumming - Dreamweaver
    FayHumming - Dreamweaver Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1stb:laughYou may see people who are ******** and complaining AND getting what they want..So much fun watching and also entertainment. More enemy = more fun. Peace, allies= sucking people lower horn..

    PWI do not care about bug abuse, they are here to sell the game and make money. Take whatever to gain all free stuff or u people just stupid.

    I'm here to enjoy the game and free stuff.
    the survival of the fittest

    -Thx all suport sell me SoW for 5M b:thanks tome/ring
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1stb:laughYou may see people who are ******** and complaining AND getting what they want..So much fun watching and also entertainment. More enemy = more fun. Peace, allies= sucking people lower horn..

    PWI do not care about bug abuse, they are here to sell the game and make money. Take whatever to gain all free stuff or u people just stupid.

    I'm here to enjoy the game and free stuff.

    If you enjoyed free stuff you'd have farmed your full r9 reforged +12 gear....
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Repeating myself again but:

    I do NOT agree with all that Rex has done, just saying I think that I can understand the reasons for his behavior.

    They say ignorance is bliss, and that curiosity killed the cat. Maybe so, but I'll keep on asking questions just the same, even if I have to take some flak for it, and occasionally I come across answers that are useful.

    Information is power! Information can lead to a deeper understanding of things that can be very useful. Not tooting my own horn (ok a little bit), but to prove a point: my performance in Tiger event, various other events, pk in general... the only thing (perhaps) that I've done differently, is to think more deeply about how things work, and how I can use the information to better myself.

    Information can help us understand people's motivations as well, which can also be very useful.

    Just sayin.

    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Stonk - Dreamweaver
    Stonk - Dreamweaver Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Paying to win, is not winning. Buying members, is not winning, Paying 100mil a month to everyone who maintains 100% TW attendance is not the way to go about winning, thats the way to attract broke alts to a faction to grab at money. Big money attracts the poor and desperate and that is why Gladio will never be a top TW faction.

    Also heard about what you did last weeks pk tourney azz b:dirty Very very funny and lolworthy b:laughb:cry
  • Ariella_ - Lost City
    Ariella_ - Lost City Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Rex isn't a good person. He's very immature and rude and seems to think money will get him whatever he wants. All i heard from you azz is everytime he wants something he throws money at it. How classy.
    <3 b:cute
  • FantasyFruit - Dreamweaver
    FantasyFruit - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I always thought Rex was a good guy, but just trying to assume the role as the "bad guys" of the server. Not sure if people here know it, but having that group of faction of bad guys makes pvp more abundant. Some sort of rivalry and trash talking or pk dies and gets boring. Otherwise you will be standing outside west in a big circle holding hands singing kumbaya.
  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Also heard about what you did last weeks pk tourney azz b:dirty Very very funny and lolworthy b:laughb:cry

    I laughed so hard I cried for nearly 10 minutes after I pulled this stunt off. I can still scarcely believe it worked, there were at least a dozen Regenesis in the final room... they pulled me out of stealth at least twice in the semi-final room (belief for the win!)...

    BAHAHAHAHA... *sniff*

    Good times.

    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • Nael - Dreamweaver
    Nael - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I have some sympathy for Gladio because they are likely in the same shoes IT was...nobody really tried to know what the faction is really like and its people and was hated solely based on what was rumored about them and what they did at the pk scenes.

    For this reason I don't really hate Rex as I don't really know him and I haven't actively pk'd for god knows how long. Only thing I'm somewhat butthurt about is as someone said, Rex single handedly twisted the economy around so now I can never hope to be sharded with JSoD or even vit stones...not that I plan to do anymore PvP while waiting for certain another mmo to be released.
  • Omnicon - Dreamweaver
    Omnicon - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I don't really have a problem with Rex or Gladio really... Just xnoob and his hair-brained WC he does 90% of the time and his raging at Kindrid and other factions.. yet he's left Gladio how many times? :P
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Despite rex's attempt to turn around the 'image' of gladio, which I do indeed admire myself, the damage is still done, and can't be repaired over night. (Which from the looks of it Azzazzin is already well aware of that.)

    It is just as the old saying goes "Trust takes years to build, seconds to break" no idea who actually said it, but meh it's true nonetheless.

    Sadly it's way too easy to get caught up in what people have done to 'you' regardless of their reasoning behind it. Besides even if you start to trust the person who done something bad, 'wrong,' or immoral to you there will always be that little part of you who says not to trust this person as things could easily go south again. (Fool me once... Shame on you... fool me twice shame on me. xD)

    It is also all too true that all too many people lump a couple of people together just because of the name over their head, (ingame name, and/or their faction.) bad reputations do after all tend to stick with people.

    I myself have had a few.. run-ins that made me question the ability of a lot of people in gladio, namely a few... bms who don't use alpha male for delta's (can't count how many time I have had to drop my seekers vort to save the cleric from archer mobs) but to be fair to the bms, etc of gladio... not many bm's have that skill on their genie for delta at all. I am usually very... wary of any and all gladio's member who join delta/the new instance.

    It's rare for people to actually look at a specific small group of people as the blame for the overall bad reputation of a faction, instead of the whole faction. It takes a even rarer person to actually forgive people for their wrong doings; however, if no one gives the 'evil-doer' a chance, then he or she will never get to correct their "mistakes."

    One more thing, money can buy a damn good pr, or even a damn good strategist... (albeit there is only so much that strategy alone can gain you especially in the fights that pw has) it is an interesting strategy that rex has... who knows if it will or wont pay off? Albiet what Stonk said is true, it would be extremely difficult to weed out those who would do it JUST for the pay. xD

    Though... yea what I said earlier is still all too true, its going to take a lot longer for gladio to get back into the 'good' graces of the people, that's pretty much assuming that the majority of the people are willing to let bygones be bygones, and let the past stay where it belongs in the past.

    Until that day I fear will we all continue to see the animosity towards everyone who happens to have gladio over their name, and head. xD
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Stonk - Dreamweaver
    Stonk - Dreamweaver Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I laughed so hard I cried for nearly 10 minutes after I pulled this stunt off. I can still scarcely believe it worked, there were at least a dozen Regenesis in the final room... they pulled me out of stealth at least twice in the semi-final room (belief for the win!)...

    BAHAHAHAHA... *sniff*

    Good times.


    I laughed for a good 5 minutes on vent after I heard and I wasn't even there. Beautiful form b:laughb:dirty oh and for belief, i know you woulda found out eventually....but yw
  • G_tar_God - Dreamweaver
    G_tar_God - Dreamweaver Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Okie dokie,

    My respect for many in Gladio is basically non-existent. But ill agree with Azzazin on the fact that Rex is tryin change his image by being out of PK mode earn's him even a 0.1% of respect back. The fact he's tryin to change is a good sign.....But I haven't seen any1 mention what brought this change along. From wat I've heard from different sources, he basically kicked ppl for various n stupid reasons, officers included. Some reasons I've heard he kicked ppl for was not gettin involved in TW discussions, ppl refusing to do trials, ppl comin late to TW, things on the lines of that.
    Since then, many that had left have come bak to Gladio, obviously Rex must of done somethin to get em bak but watever.

    For me, the reason Rex/Eva is hated so much is the fact he actually believes he's the best, but fails to realise that its basically impossible to say ur the best when ur gear out ranks 98% of the server. Its the classic "skill vs gear" arguement. Many ppl would agree skill comes from experience and also the individual. Some ppl have that quality to really understand their skills and how to use em, others just hit random skills xD
    In my opinion, Phere/Eva has zero skill in playing any of her toons, I was in FC squads back when she was lvl'in, in which she was asked to leave the squad, lolz. Rex may have some skill on his sin but no1's ever seen it cos he just IG-stealth kills n hides bak in stealth straight away. I'd assume he's pretty good with his psy too, but thats an iffy one cos the gear is sooo far ahead of every1.

    Another reason Rex/Gladio would be hated is the fact Rex gets ppl to play his alts. I mean Dsholder's ego has shot through the roof cos he think's he's the best barb on the server....but it's just he PLAYS the best barb on the server. It's gotten to the point where he think's he IS Zeus. Also something that annoys every1 is the fact they try convince ppl that Dsholder doesn't play Zeus. We've seen youtube video's of it! And it's hilarious when you point out Zeus is speaking good english and all of a sudden Ds starts to speak broken english xD

    Anyways theres alot more reasons that Gladio is hated, I could go on forever with things I've witnessed. Either way I say Goodluck to em on tryin to change their image. Word of advice is just drop the "I am almighty, no1 can beat me, I am God" frame of mind. Say "GF" when some1 legitimately beats you or puts up a good fight cos it's really hard to prove you're better than some1 when ur gear surpasses everyones....or if ur a sin cos every1 knows sins kill all xD
    G_tar_God ~ 104
    Aussie represent for PWI

    "Life without music would be a mistake..." [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Reninz - Dreamweaver
    Reninz - Dreamweaver Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Okie dokie,

    My respect for many in Gladio is basically non-existent. But ill agree with Azzazin on the fact that Rex is tryin change his image by being out of PK mode earn's him even a 0.1% of respect back. The fact he's tryin to change is a good sign.....But I haven't seen any1 mention what brought this change along. From wat I've heard from different sources, he basically kicked ppl for various n stupid reasons, officers included. Some reasons I've heard he kicked ppl for was not gettin involved in TW discussions, ppl refusing to do trials, ppl comin late to TW, things on the lines of that.
    Since then, many that had left have come bak to Gladio, obviously Rex must of done somethin to get em bak but watever.

    For me, the reason Rex/Eva is hated so much is the fact he actually believes he's the best, but fails to realise that its basically impossible to say ur the best when ur gear out ranks 98% of the server. Its the classic "skill vs gear" arguement. Many ppl would agree skill comes from experience and also the individual. Some ppl have that quality to really understand their skills and how to use em, others just hit random skills xD
    In my opinion, Phere/Eva has zero skill in playing any of her toons, I was in FC squads back when she was lvl'in, in which she was asked to leave the squad, lolz. Rex may have some skill on his sin but no1's ever seen it cos he just IG-stealth kills n hides bak in stealth straight away. I'd assume he's pretty good with his psy too, but thats an iffy one cos the gear is sooo far ahead of every1.

    Another reason Rex/Gladio would be hated is the fact Rex gets ppl to play his alts. I mean Dsholder's ego has shot through the roof cos he think's he's the best barb on the server....but it's just he PLAYS the best barb on the server. It's gotten to the point where he think's he IS Zeus. Also something that annoys every1 is the fact they try convince ppl that Dsholder doesn't play Zeus. We've seen youtube video's of it! And it's hilarious when you point out Zeus is speaking good english and all of a sudden Ds starts to speak broken english xD

    Anyways theres alot more reasons that Gladio is hated, I could go on forever with things I've witnessed. Either way I say Goodluck to em on tryin to change their image. Word of advice is just drop the "I am almighty, no1 can beat me, I am God" frame of mind. Say "GF" when some1 legitimately beats you or puts up a good fight cos it's really hard to prove you're better than some1 when ur gear surpasses everyones....or if ur a sin cos every1 knows sins kill all xD

    What he said ^

    hmm i gotta fight u on my archer someday, ill put up a good fight despite ur OP sharding that u did when u were drunk b:cool
  • Elanxu - Dreamweaver
    Elanxu - Dreamweaver Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Azzazzin i still agree with you it could simply be a mistake and it could happen to anyone, and nothing says you cant spawn kill in a TW anyways.

    I think people hate gladio more than for what they did wrong, simply because a good number of them go pk with gear that they cash. lots of people are just finding reasons to bring their name down further than it belongs.
    the loser fail nab cleric from dreamweaver who quit pwi, but still wanders the forums.
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Okie dokie,

    My respect for many in Gladio is basically non-existent. But ill agree with Azzazin on the fact that Rex is tryin change his image by being out of PK mode earn's him even a 0.1% of respect back. The fact he's tryin to change is a good sign.....But I haven't seen any1 mention what brought this change along. From wat I've heard from different sources, he basically kicked ppl for various n stupid reasons, officers included. Some reasons I've heard he kicked ppl for was not gettin involved in TW discussions, ppl refusing to do trials, ppl comin late to TW, things on the lines of that.
    Since then, many that had left have come bak to Gladio, obviously Rex must of done somethin to get em bak but watever.

    For me, the reason Rex/Eva is hated so much is the fact he actually believes he's the best, but fails to realise that its basically impossible to say ur the best when ur gear out ranks 98% of the server. Its the classic "skill vs gear" arguement. Many ppl would agree skill comes from experience and also the individual. Some ppl have that quality to really understand their skills and how to use em, others just hit random skills xD
    In my opinion, Phere/Eva has zero skill in playing any of her toons, I was in FC squads back when she was lvl'in, in which she was asked to leave the squad, lolz. Rex may have some skill on his sin but no1's ever seen it cos he just IG-stealth kills n hides bak in stealth straight away. I'd assume he's pretty good with his psy too, but thats an iffy one cos the gear is sooo far ahead of every1.

    Another reason Rex/Gladio would be hated is the fact Rex gets ppl to play his alts. I mean Dsholder's ego has shot through the roof cos he think's he's the best barb on the server....but it's just he PLAYS the best barb on the server. It's gotten to the point where he think's he IS Zeus. Also something that annoys every1 is the fact they try convince ppl that Dsholder doesn't play Zeus. We've seen youtube video's of it! And it's hilarious when you point out Zeus is speaking good english and all of a sudden Ds starts to speak broken english xD

    Anyways theres alot more reasons that Gladio is hated, I could go on forever with things I've witnessed. Either way I say Goodluck to em on tryin to change their image. Word of advice is just drop the "I am almighty, no1 can beat me, I am God" frame of mind. Say "GF" when some1 legitimately beats you or puts up a good fight cos it's really hard to prove you're better than some1 when ur gear surpasses everyones....or if ur a sin cos every1 knows sins kill all xD

    You read my mind Gb:cute
    This thread is so cuteb:chuckle
  • Necrophyle - Dreamweaver
    Necrophyle - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    For me, the reason Rex/Eva is hated so much is the fact he actually believes he's the best, but fails to realise that its basically impossible to say ur the best when ur gear out ranks 98% of the server. Its the classic "skill vs gear" arguement.

    everyone in PK mode should use lvl 1 white armor and weapons to sort this out
  • Stonk - Dreamweaver
    Stonk - Dreamweaver Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    everyone in PK mode should use lvl 1 white armor and weapons to sort this out

    Veno's and barbs win. Veno pets ****, barbs stack vit.