Pvp Points. Please Read And Give Feedback

Arceon_Rage - Lost City
Arceon_Rage - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Suggestion Box
b:victoryfor 1 hour a day LVL 3 factions get a PVP point game or event. the points are saved up to get. a full armor set for you own class. (the could be bound moment of equipped.
for every kill on a lvl 3 faction member. must have safety turned off for event to be active.

must be lvl 80 to participate.
a player who kills a lower lvl points are reduced the lower the lvl.
a player who kills a higher lvl it increases the higher the lvl.
all points can be displayed in the faction option. can also trade points in for exp or coin, or random item wheel game. what ever u want to call it.
the equip that can be purchased are legendary or ancient. equips. and all have 3-4 enchantment slots. and all come with 2-4 unidentified slots.
i don't have the point percentage gain thought out completely. so bare with me its only and non-well thought out idea. but do not rate on the way it should work just the concept of the existenceb:victory