America's Human Assembly Line

_LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
_LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Off-Topic Discussion
Please Take the time to read this.
It is about you!
You might learn something!
I want to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Thank you

America's Human Assembly Line

The United States of America has a monopoly over education, and uses it to manipulate generations. In the United States of America countless lives were taken and colossal amounts of blood was spilled over the years for Americans freedom and a less controlling government. Such as: American Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and the Texas Revolution.The founding fathers of the United States of America fought for these privileges, and build America around these ideas. Or so the constitution emits when it was written in September 17, 1787. Also in 1980 the Sherman Act was passed, and in 1914 the Clayton Act was in place. Both of these make monopolies illegal. Another interesting fact is that the United States of America’s government has a monopoly over education in 2010, but this was outlawed in 1980 remember? With this monopoly America’s government is able to manipulate a generations personal beliefs by regulating information. Hitler controlled the youth by regulating information. Is the American government also doing this? Think about this: a personal stand on a topic is affected depending on how much knowledge is known about the subject at hand. The knowledge being granted is being restricted by the government!

Yes, the government dose control almost every aspect of education in America. The government dose this by regulating: schools, curriculum, teachers and books. “The national government selects the textbooks and curriculum for all schools” ( W.W. Norton and Company). Why is this a problem? The problem begins with the manipulation of knowledge that you learn. “ According to the authors of the text good citizenship requires political knowledge and political engagement” ( W.W. Norton and Company).
Depending on what you learn affects your views on topics. “Americans know very little about their government” ( W.W. Norton and Company). An example could be if you were raised by **** parents you might be more understanding to individual rights. On the other hand if you were raised in a strict religious setting you might relate **** marriage as unfitting. Another example could be how Hitler came to power. How is this done? By limiting key information. Students would come home and fight with there parents on subjects, because there teachers have told them otherwise, but yet the parents had lived it. Depending on the information you are grated to learn shapes your generations’ actions. “With each succeeding generation, the "cultural memory" of authentic education grows dimmer and dimmer.” (Marshall 1). Schools, curriculum, teachers and books are all regulated and structured by laws and money.

Governments sole control over education is a monopoly. With the fact being that the government controls education in America, they are allowed to do as they wish. The Government has no one to compete with so why bother trying to improve education? What pays for all of this? Taxes pay for your Childs government education. Ok, now that we know that education is controlled by one group of people and paid for by your tax money how dose this affect your kids? Remember your child has a right to an education. Education should be a liberty not a right! You may find it hard to believe but students in the USA today have no thought processes, they are unable to think for themselves. “This exiling of reason has destroyed education in America's public schools.” (Marshall 1). We were raised to believe what our: teachers, books, and test show. Are correct and there is no reason to question them. So, why would we ever question the governments actions when they control our education, they are all ways correct, this is what we have learned over the years. Society also restricts open minded thinking. Nerds are not cool, but yet they are the most intelligent. “Government schooling is not about instilling respect for reason. Rather, it's about a promising career with social and financial success. This is the root of the crisis in American education.” (Marshall 1).

Individuals may argue that regulating: schools, curriculum, teachers and books.
Is a job that only the government can accomplish. Additionally the general public may shout that the government can be the only one trusted for this task. Children are the future, they can not be risked at the hands of normal people. Another proclamation could be that information’s needs to be regulated, limiting graphic or religious material so that it would not could cause conflict or a lawsuit. Every students must be treated equality so by America’s government having a monopoly over education this is the only way that this can be archived, might be an added testament produced.

The reality is that information could be regulated on promoting more equality then regulating information. In a more understandable statement education can be controlled by the people at the: national, state and even local level. National unions would play a key part in insuring that proper information was provided. With out the United States government controlling information there would be no bounds on learning. Unions would only regulate information to insure that the facts provided are true. In addition unions would insure that every school has the information required. This would grant more open minded thinking, with the new learning material that could be accessed. Students could not think for themselves and learn that there is no limit on learning. In the United States of America today the textbook is correct, and every other idea is incorrect. This restricts opened minded thinking! Now with this new information the students can ask, “what if“?
Government control over education limits what information students learn. If the government wanted to leave key people out of the text book they would have the power to do so. The actions of our pasted affect our future. Lets say for example you never learned about the founding of this Nation and the principles is was raised on. If this information was never consumed by a generation then the very existence of the Nation would be a waste. Less government control is what our founding fathers would have wanted.

Individuals may state that: Education does need to be controlled by a single person to regulate equal opportunity to all children. The government is the only one that can operate at this large of scale. If education was controlled by an open market that means average people would have to pay for schooling. We are in a depression as it is, spending money is the last thing that we want to do. The government dose not control home school students and private schooling, if you have a problem with the education then just use one of those to educate your child.

Education does not need to be controlled by the government to be successful!
Unions would insure that information is truthful and available for all students. If education was an open market this would mean schools would be competing for students.
Schools would have to battle with: prices, quality and other aspects of education.
If a school lacked or was poor quality then they would be closed down because no parents would take their child there. This means prices will decrease, quality would improve and diversity would increase. Education in fact would be cheaper if it was controlled by an open market. Remember how schools would be competing for students. This means prices would fall and education would rise. Also remember the school taxes you were paying for education? This would be a thing of the past. Furthermore the sales of: land, materials and teaching degrees would boost the economy. Also take into account the labor needed to: clear land, build schools and teach students. This would promote jobs. Onto the other topic of home schooling a private schools. Home schooling your student is ok. On the other hand your student misses out on social interaction with other students. Also your teaching curriculum is still produced by the government! Private schools are very expensive and for the most part deal with religion. “Like the right to pursue happiness, we have the right to pursue education.” (Marshall 1). Also when you make education an equal opportunity you restricts the other limits of the students. Refereeing to no child left behind. Furthermore new creative out of the box thinking and teaching methods would be promoted to attract more people. Key information should not be left out just because they happen to be intertwined with religion. “Popular explanations of the troubles in government schools don't get to root causes. They ignore the fact that public schools must avoid the "Purpose of Life Question" in order to maintain broad-based political support and avoid lawsuits.” (Marshall 1). If Hitler came to power and religion played a big part in to this information should be included. Students can not understand they key parts of history if information is left out. “real education is the proper use of reason. That is, the inquisitive, critical, respectful, abundant use of the human intellect.” (Marshall 1).

Furthermore kids at a young age absorb information, and knowledge is the key ingredient in making an personal opinions. The way the government tries to promote equality casts a mold for society. Also the way information is tough affects the thinking process. With the fact being that most students do not raise there hand or ask questions in class causes some room for concern. When you ask a question or think about a question you find yourself learning more about the topic and retaining information. On the other hand when you are told the answer information finds to not matter so much anymore. With that being said people do not think for themselves anymore. “A schooling system that puts a barrier on reasoning dooms itself to a downward spiral into a skills training regimen, and a weak one at that.” (Marshall 1). An example would be if you or your student were sitting in class and the fire alarm went off. What would the students do? The students has been tough over the years that the teacher is had the authority over them. Students would first look at the teacher for a solution to the problem, thus eliminating any self involved thinking. The government now has this control over the public population, people look at the government for a solution to a problem instead of open minded thinking! By restricting what information is consumed at a young age can affect a whole generation. “Worse, a society that ejects reasoning on the most compelling questions of human life from the formation of its youth gradually diminishes personal integrity, initiative, creativity, political awareness, and intellectual independence among its people.” (Marshall 1). For an example lets say that all the students have been learning from a young age that socialism was good. Now as these students go though life what they have learned in class with carry with them for the rest of their life’s. Until they learn other information saying other wise. Information shapes your personal beliefs. Also when this generation takes control what do you think would happen to the way the government is ran? Lets say key people in power has be accumulating money. If the generation was informed in this then as they grow up the political and government might change. Now do these key people in power really want to inform citizens of this information, Or just manipulate what they learn and their personal beliefs. “The imposition of politicized goals weakened the public schooling system's educational integrity so much that it has become a patsy for destructive fads.” (Marshall 1).
By restricting and granted knowledge a person can be manipulated. “An essential step to fully recover education is to separate schools from the state in a manner similar to our historic separation of church and state.” (Marshall 1).

Astonishing that the government has a monopoly over the education of students. The founding fathers of this nation should be rising out of their grave to take back our freedom they fought so hard to for. Sadly the founding fathers of this nation are in the past and who teaches education again? Remember when the nation was founded? One of the key problems and still continuous to be the key problem is how much government control should we as a nation be under? What if open minded thinkers thought that the government should play less of a role in everyday life? Would the government want this? Total control of our political actions might seem far fetched but truly wake up from your comma and think about it.
Post edited by _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City on


  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm not going to flame you or troll this thread. This is my honest answer to what you just wrote (which was really random to be honest) b:surrender

    I read it all so thats one thing for you to know. I'm in middle school right now and I do have to admit, it is pretty lame the stuff we learn. But can we help it? Not really. The government like you said is behind education for the most part.

    Call it a monopoly hmm... I guess it could be the way you put it so yeah. But that was kind of long so I'd recommend shortening it up a little if you can.

    Interesting topic can I say b:chuckle

    Doesn't help I live in America does it b:surrender
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Shiyuzhi - Heavens Tear
    Shiyuzhi - Heavens Tear Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I don't like the current state of government in the USA(or anywhere else, for that matter) at all. But there's little more we can do about it than pray.
    "I have no personality whatsoever. Cower before my blandness!"

    Cookie to whomever gets the reference.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    being a monopoly is not the source of the problem. IF done the right way it makes children turn into conscious adults. changing it is anything but a solution. with liberalism businessmen will enter schools and force teachers to tell the kids to buy X or Y.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Triipp - Heavens Tear
    Triipp - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    There was a short period in my life in which i learned some very dark, and hard truths about the global government.

    In all honesty, I'm telling you this as a fellow sceptic of 'The System', and as someone who has felt truly affected by the nuances of helplessness, just forget it. Move on. You can change nothing, and raising peoples awareness will only lead them into the bittersweet world of feeling knowledgeable, but helpless.

    Thats right - I'm saying you SHOULD crawl back into the world you lived in before you knew these things. Ignorance is bliss. Don't rob others of their bliss, because things like the American education system are just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me... This runs deeper than you can possibly imagine. Not knowing is just.... easier.

  • Dark_Feather - Lost City
    Dark_Feather - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    Ok, I'm sorry if this seems like flaming, its not. I just enjoy a healthy debate.

    And, just for the background info, I am a 19-year old college student, and have been through the public school system.

    So I'm mostly just going to state my thoughts as I read, and go paragraph by paragraph.

    The United States of America has a monopoly over education, and uses it to manipulate generations. In the United States of America countless lives were taken and colossal amounts of blood was spilled over the years for Americans freedom and a less controlling government. Such as: American Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and the Texas Revolution.The founding fathers of the United States of America fought for these privileges, and build America around these ideas. Or so the constitution emits when it was written in September 17, 1787. Also in 1980 the Sherman Act was passed, and in 1914 the Clayton Act was in place. Both of these make monopolies illegal. Another interesting fact is that the United States of America's government has a monopoly over education in 2010, but this was outlawed in 1980 remember? With this monopoly America's government is able to manipulate a generations personal beliefs by regulating information. Hitler controlled the youth by regulating information. Is the American government also doing this? Think about this: a personal stand on a topic is affected depending on how much knowledge is known about the subject at hand. The knowledge being granted is being restricted by the government!

    First off, the AMERICAN government (which I am assuming you mean the Federal government) does not have full control of the education system. Yes, they are in charge of it, but the job of actually controlling/regulating the school system is given to the states. Also, the education system is not just another business, so it cannot be just thrown into the same category. Education is not being sold.
    Yes, the government dose control almost every aspect of education in America. The government dose this by regulating: schools, curriculum, teachers and books. "The national government selects the textbooks and curriculum for all schools" ( W.W. Norton and Company). Why is this a problem? The problem begins with the manipulation of knowledge that you learn. " According to the authors of the text good citizenship requires political knowledge and political engagement" ( W.W. Norton and Company).
    Depending on what you learn affects your views on topics. "Americans know very little about their government" ( W.W. Norton and Company). An example could be if you were raised by **** parents you might be more understanding to individual rights. On the other hand if you were raised in a strict religious setting you might relate **** marriage as unfitting. Another example could be how Hitler came to power. How is this done? By limiting key information. Students would come home and fight with there parents on subjects, because there teachers have told them otherwise, but yet the parents had lived it. Depending on the information you are grated to learn shapes your generations' actions. "With each succeeding generation, the "cultural memory" of authentic education grows dimmer and dimmer." (Marshall 1). Schools, curriculum, teachers and books are all regulated and structured by laws and money.

    Once again, it is not the Federal government controlling all that. They do not control what textbooks are used, as there are many different textbook companies with many different views on the same subjects. The individual states are the ones that choose what textbooks are allowed in schools. Federal government does not hire teachers; the state (or rather, the individual school districts) do. If the federal government were to completely regulate the schools, all schools everywhere would be relatively the same, performance speaking. Maryland would not have one of the best school systems and Mississippi one of the worst. Different states would also have different views, ie-Texas tends to be more conservative in their curriculum.

    I'm going to skip the part where you compare a dictator with a democratic republic.....

    As to the generalization you used about limiting key rights......well all I can say is that I was raised by strict, religious, Republican parents and I still believe in **** rights, as are several of my friends. Point disproved.

    Also, yes there would probably be a discrepancy between what teachers say and what parents have lived, because of point of view and perspective. Teachers are teaching a generalized, broad aspect of whatever point in history, where as the parents would have a narrower point of view, limited to the immediate world around them.
    Governments sole control over education is a monopoly. With the fact being that the government controls education in America, they are allowed to do as they wish. The Government has no one to compete with so why bother trying to improve education? What pays for all of this? Taxes pay for your Childs government education. Ok, now that we know that education is controlled by one group of people and paid for by your tax money how dose this affect your kids? Remember your child has a right to an education. Education should be a liberty not a right! You may find it hard to believe but students in the USA today have no thought processes, they are unable to think for themselves. "This exiling of reason has destroyed education in America's public schools." (Marshall 1). We were raised to believe what our: teachers, books, and test show. Are correct and there is no reason to question them. So, why would we ever question the governments actions when they control our education, they are all ways correct, this is what we have learned over the years. Society also restricts open minded thinking. Nerds are not cool, but yet they are the most intelligent. "Government schooling is not about instilling respect for reason. Rather, it's about a promising career with social and financial success. This is the root of the crisis in American education." (Marshall 1).

    Honey, no system is perfect. There are going to be downfalls of every system ever. Same goes for the public school system.

    right=legal guarantee (in the sense your using)
    not quite sure what your trying to compare there.....

    Students not thinking for themselves is a result of the current American collective thought, not some fault of the government's. And for teachers (being part of the American collective thought) encouraging it rather that fixing it.

    And here you are generalizing again. Nerds are not always considered 'uncool'. Not around where I've been at least. And also, once again, its the American collective thought that creates this generalization. Most of Americans are of average intelligence, so one of higher intelligence would be intimidating to them, so they isolate them as a "freak." It is NOT the Federal government trying to create some conspiracy again smart people.

    Yes, you may be correct about the government promising career and success, but some people just like to learn, and therefore go to school for that reason. Like me. :)
    Individuals may argue that regulating: schools, curriculum, teachers and books.
    Is a job that only the government can accomplish. Additionally the general public may shout that the government can be the only one trusted for this task. Children are the future, they can not be risked at the hands of normal people. Another proclamation could be that information's needs to be regulated, limiting graphic or religious material so that it would not could cause conflict or a lawsuit. Every students must be treated equality so by America's government having a monopoly over education this is the only way that this can be archived, might be an added testament produced.

    The reality is that information could be regulated on promoting more equality then regulating information. In a more understandable statement education can be controlled by the people at the: national, state and even local level. National unions would play a key part in insuring that proper information was provided. With out the United States government controlling information there would be no bounds on learning. Unions would only regulate information to insure that the facts provided are true. In addition unions would insure that every school has the information required. This would grant more open minded thinking, with the new learning material that could be accessed. Students could not think for themselves and learn that there is no limit on learning. In the United States of America today the textbook is correct, and every other idea is incorrect. This restricts opened minded thinking! Now with this new information the students can ask, "what if"?
    Government control over education limits what information students learn. If the government wanted to leave key people out of the text book they would have the power to do so. The actions of our pasted affect our future. Lets say for example you never learned about the founding of this Nation and the principles is was raised on. If this information was never consumed by a generation then the very existence of the Nation would be a waste. Less government control is what our founding fathers would have wanted.

    Individuals may state that: Education does need to be controlled by a single person to regulate equal opportunity to all children. The government is the only one that can operate at this large of scale. If education was controlled by an open market that means average people would have to pay for schooling. We are in a depression as it is, spending money is the last thing that we want to do. The government dose not control home school students and private schooling, if you have a problem with the education then just use one of those to educate your child.

    Ok, i do agree how most of what is said in this first paragraph is wrong. Yes, education is precious, and the children are our future, and yes things do need to be regulated to some degree to prevent needless violence and whatnot over differing opinions. But no, everyone cannot be treated equally, as no two people are exactly alike. But what the government is trying to do is to create some sort of system that makes it easier to educate the future. However, this does not constitute a monopoly. IS controlled at a state and local level. It's called school districts. State creates school districts, and there's a state superintendent to oversee these, and each school district governs their own schools.

    Teachers do have unions, and I'm pretty sure unions aren't created for ideas, only people.
    Unions would only regulate information to insure that the facts provided are true.

    And how are we to know whether or not something is true when someone else is regulating that? In essence, you are creating another government that way.

    And no, the American thought is not "textbooks are right, everything else is wrong!" Stop generalizing. We already do ask "What if?" All the time. It's called science, thank you.

    Ok, so if the government decides to take out information about what our founding fathers believed, don't you think there would be a huge riot about it? The American people are not stupid, they wouldn't let something like that happen in the first place. That's the whole point of the government we have in the first place.
    to pay for schooling. We are in a depression as it is, spending money is the last thing that we want to do. The government dose not control home school students and private schooling, if you have a problem with the education then just use one of those to educate your child.

    .....what exactly are you trying to convince me of here?
    Education does not need to be controlled by the government to be successful!
    Unions would insure that information is truthful and available for all students. If education was an open market this would mean schools would be competing for students.
    Schools would have to battle with: prices, quality and other aspects of education.
    If a school lacked or was poor quality then they would be closed down because no parents would take their child there. This means prices will decrease, quality would improve and diversity would increase. Education in fact would be cheaper if it was controlled by an open market. Remember how schools would be competing for students. This means prices would fall and education would rise. Also remember the school taxes you were paying for education? This would be a thing of the past. Furthermore the sales of: land, materials and teaching degrees would boost the economy. Also take into account the labor needed to: clear land, build schools and teach students. This would promote jobs. Onto the other topic of home schooling a private schools. Home schooling your student is ok. On the other hand your student misses out on social interaction with other students. Also your teaching curriculum is still produced by the government! Private schools are very expensive and for the most part deal with religion. "Like the right to pursue happiness, we have the right to pursue education." (Marshall 1). Also when you make education an equal opportunity you restricts the other limits of the students. Refereeing to no child left behind. Furthermore new creative out of the box thinking and teaching methods would be promoted to attract more people. Key information should not be left out just because they happen to be intertwined with religion. "Popular explanations of the troubles in government schools don't get to root causes. They ignore the fact that public schools must avoid the "Purpose of Life Question" in order to maintain broad-based political support and avoid lawsuits." (Marshall 1). If Hitler came to power and religion played a big part in to this information should be included. Students can not understand they key parts of history if information is left out. "real education is the proper use of reason. That is, the inquisitive, critical, respectful, abundant use of the human intellect." (Marshall 1).

    School is not controlled by the government......

    Open Market? Hmmmm, so if a good teacher were to go to a school that payed to high and was home too mostly poor teachers, then that school would close and that teacher would be out of a job, so you end up losing good education there.
    This means prices will decrease, quality would improve and diversity would increase. Education in fact would be cheaper if it was controlled by an open market. Remember how schools would be competing for students. This means prices would fall and education would rise. Also remember the school taxes you were paying for education? This would be a thing of the past.

    These are all assumptions. People might be greedy, who knows? So prices might very well increase once schools figure out they are good quality schools. Prices might fall for a bit due to competition, but that would not always be the case.

    So trade in taxes, which are automatically pulled from my paycheck and I wouldn't even miss in the first place, for a price tag that would come manually out of my pocket, which would more likely than not be higher than the actual tax that I previously paid? I think not. Yes, taxes are not being used for actual education systems all the time, but a better solution would be a closer eye on where those funds go.

    1-Teachers currently do not necessarliy need degrees to teach (in some states). 2-It owuld be unlikely that more schools would be built, so no job/market stimulus there. Teachers would probably remain in their same teaching situations, and new teachers hired at about the same rate.

    Yes, private schools are predominately religious, it is because no American government (Federal or state) can endorse a certain religion, so those schools cannot associate with the public. Yes, homeschooling does limit social interaction, but that can be made up for with co-ops with other homeschooled children.

    No Child Left Behind is stupid, I agree. People learn at different rates, and some students will need thier hand held thoughout the entirety of their school life. But its what we have, so we kind of have ot deal with it.

    again, dictator=/=democratic republic
    Furthermore kids at a young age absorb information, and knowledge is the key ingredient in making an personal opinions. The way the government tries to promote equality casts a mold for society. Also the way information is tough affects the thinking process. With the fact being that most students do not raise there hand or ask questions in class causes some room for concern. When you ask a question or think about a question you find yourself learning more about the topic and retaining information. On the other hand when you are told the answer information finds to not matter so much anymore. With that being said people do not think for themselves anymore. "A schooling system that puts a barrier on reasoning dooms itself to a downward spiral into a skills training regimen, and a weak one at that." (Marshall 1). An example would be if you or your student were sitting in class and the fire alarm went off. What would the students do? The students has been tough over the years that the teacher is had the authority over them. Students would first look at the teacher for a solution to the problem, thus eliminating any self involved thinking. The government now has this control over the public population, people look at the government for a solution to a problem instead of open minded thinking! By restricting what information is consumed at a young age can affect a whole generation. "Worse, a society that ejects reasoning on the most compelling questions of human life from the formation of its youth gradually diminishes personal integrity, initiative, creativity, political awareness, and intellectual independence among its people." (Marshall 1). For an example lets say that all the students have been learning from a young age that socialism was good. Now as these students go though life what they have learned in class with carry with them for the rest of their life's. Until they learn other information saying other wise. Information shapes your personal beliefs. Also when this generation takes control what do you think would happen to the way the government is ran? Lets say key people in power has be accumulating money. If the generation was informed in this then as they grow up the political and government might change. Now do these key people in power really want to inform citizens of this information, Or just manipulate what they learn and their personal beliefs. "The imposition of politicized goals weakened the public schooling system's educational integrity so much that it has become a patsy for destructive fads." (Marshall 1).
    By restricting and granted knowledge a person can be manipulated. "An essential step to fully recover education is to separate schools from the state in a manner similar to our historic separation of church and state." (Marshall 1).

    Most students are lazy becasue teachers do not usually try and force students to participate, and yes they tend to spoon-feed their pupils. ONce agian, this is not something the government does or makes them do.

    Oh, and just so you know, socialism is a certain amout of taxation, not necessarily a government style.

    Anyway, these are just my opinions and thoughts on this, so feel free to debate back.

    (And, once again trying not to flame, but try to use correct spelling and grammar. It'll make enormous blocks of text about serious topics easier to read and understand. (: )

    Shiome: Psychic 2x
    Okami_Sukino: Venomancer 3x
    Ayumi_: Assassin 0x
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    um >.<'
    me just state there be some....errors in some of the concepts you has.

    also me am pretty sure we assigned marmots to control the public human educational system.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited May 2010, even though I'm on the other side of the world, this still affects me? D:

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City
    _LeaderAlan_ - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    QUOTE=Dark_Feather - Lost City;8037382]
    Ok, I'm sorry if this seems like flaming, its not. I just enjoy a healthy debate.

    Same here, but I am not going to let the fun of debating get in the way of facts.

    First off, the AMERICAN government (which I am assuming you mean the Federal government) does not have full control of the education system. Yes, they are in charge of it, but the job of actuQUOTE=Dark_Feather - Lost City;8037382]
    Ok, I'm sorry if this seems like flaming, its not. I just enjoy a healthy debate.

    Same here, but I am not going to let the fun of debating get in the way of facts.

    First off, the AMERICAN government (which I am assuming you mean the Federal government) does not have full control of the education system. Yes, they are in charge of it, but the job of actually controlling/regulating the school system is given to the states. Also, the education system is not just another business, so it cannot be just thrown into the same category. Education is not being sold.

    The government has a monopoly over education were the only competitor is private schools.
    Do you pay for your college education in any way shape or form?[/URL]

    Once again, it is not the Federal government controlling all that. They do not control what textbooks are used, as there are many different textbook companies with many different views on the same subjects. The individual states are the ones that choose what textbooks are allowed in schools. Federal government does not hire teachers; the state (or rather, the individual school districts) do. If the federal government were to completely regulate the schools, all schools everywhere would be relatively the same, performance speaking. Maryland would not have one of the best school systems and Mississippi one of the worst. Different states would also have different views, ie-Texas tends to be more conservative in their curriculum.


    “Barack Obama signed the Federal Textbook Act (Download .pdf file[/url]) that made provisions for the federal government to take control of the pricing and availability of the text books in our institutions of higher learning (at least the ones that take federal funding).”[/URL]
    Government funding there is a key word.
    If you don’t do what I say, you do not get money.
    Sounds like control.

    I'm going to skip the part where you compare a dictator with a democratic republic.....

    Skipping information is never a good idea.

    As to the generalization you used about limiting key rights......well all I can say is that I was raised by strict, religious, Republican parents and I still believe in **** rights, as are several of my friends. Point disproved.

    I smoke cigarettes and I do not have cancer.
    Now that that ignorant statement is out of the way. You have must the key point that was being pointed out.
    Depending on the information you learn affects your views.

    Also, yes there would probably be a discrepancy between what teachers say and what parents have lived, because of point of view and perspective. Teachers are teaching a generalized, broad aspect of whatever point in history, where as the parents would have a narrower point of view, limited to the immediate world around them.

    Honey, no system is perfect. There are going to be downfalls of every system ever. Same goes for the public school system.

    So lets do nothing?

    right=legal guarantee (in the sense your using)
    not quite sure what your trying to compare there.....

    When you give someone rights you take away liberty.
    Example African Americans ring a bell?
    Lets remember the government is all ways right though!

    Students not thinking for themselves is a result of the current American collective thought, not some fault of the government's. And for teachers (being part of the American collective thought) encouraging it rather that fixing it.

    Depending on how you learn information affects they way you think.

    And here you are generalizing again. Nerds are not always considered 'uncool'. Not around where I've been at least. And also, once again, its the American collective thought that creates this generalization. Most of Americans are of average intelligence, so one of higher intelligence would be intimidating to them, so they isolate them as a "freak." It is NOT the Federal government trying to create some conspiracy again smart people.


    Yes, you may be correct about the government promising career and success, but some people just like to learn, and therefore go to school for that reason. Like me. :)

    How would you measure you success if someone asked you?

    Ok, i do agree how most of what is said in this first paragraph is wrong. Yes, education is precious, and the children are our future, and yes things do need to be regulated to some degree to prevent needless violence and whatnot over differing opinions. But no, everyone cannot be treated equally, as no two people are exactly alike. But what the government is trying to do is to create some sort of system that makes it easier to educate the future. However, this does not constitute a monopoly.

    Wrong bold statement.
    If you do not agree with something dose not mean it is wrong.
    No child left behind says all children can be treated equally.
    The only way you can make everyone equal is by lowering standards. IS controlled at a state and local level. It's called school districts. State creates school districts, and there's a state superintendent to oversee these, and each school district governs their own schools.

    Education is controlled by the government.
    Keep reading for facts and examples.

    Teachers do have unions, and I'm pretty sure unions aren't created for ideas, only people.

    Unions fight for rights.
    Lets say a teacher is feels their rights are taken away.
    Now as a unions lets come up with ideas on how to fix this.
    Lobbying strategies

    And how are we to know whether or not something is true when someone else is regulating that? In essence, you are creating another government that way.

    Key Facts.

    And no, the American thought is not "textbooks are right, everything else is wrong!" Stop generalizing. We already do ask "What if?" All the time. It's called science, thank you.

    Evolution is tough in school?

    Ok, so if the government decides to take out information about what our founding fathers believed, don't you think there would be a huge riot about it? The American people are not stupid, they wouldn't let something like that happen in the first place. That's the whole point of the government we have in the first place.

    “USA scores the lowest in national average IQ among the developed countries of the world”[/URL]
    This would be over time not in a sharp instance.

    School is not controlled by the government......
    Open Market? Hmmmm, so if a good teacher were to go to a school that payed to high and was home too mostly poor teachers, then that school would close and that teacher would be out of a job, so you end up losing good education there.

    Privatized education
    = monopoly
    The rest of your sentence I do not understand please reformat it.

    These are all assumptions. People might be greedy, who knows? So prices might very well increase once schools figure out they are good quality schools. Prices might fall for a bit due to competition, but that would not always be the case.

    People are greedy. Period in a whole
    Everyday better cheaper products are being produced.
    Poor ones are trashed.
    This is how education will be if it was an open market.

    So trade in taxes, which are automatically pulled from my paycheck and I wouldn't even miss in the first place, for a price tag that would come manually out of my pocket, which would more likely than not be higher than the actual tax that I previously paid? I think not. Yes, taxes are not being used for actual education systems all the time, but a better solution would be a closer eye on where those funds go.

    1. If you don’t miss money send some my way.
    2. How do you know it would be higher?
    3. School taxs go to schools.

    1-Teachers currently do not necessarliy need degrees to teach (in some states). 2-It owuld be unlikely that more schools would be built, so no job/market stimulus there. Teachers would probably remain in their same teaching situations, and new teachers hired at about the same rate.

    This may be true but think again this will be an open market.
    If you want a job better get the peace of paper giving you a better chance of getting it.
    ROFL If it was an open market people will be competing how are you going to say no schools would be build.
    Yes, hiring may stay the same due to the fact that there is not going to be an increases of population going to school.
    Unless, classrooms were smaller for more personal 1 on 1 time.

    Yes, private schools are predominately religious, it is because no American government (Federal or state) can endorse a certain religion, so those schools cannot associate with the public. Yes, homeschooling does limit social interaction, but that can be made up for with co-ops with other homeschooled children.


    No Child Left Behind is stupid, I agree. People learn at different rates, and some students will need thier hand held thoughout the entirety of their school life. But its what we have, so we kind of have ot deal with it.
    again, dictator=/=democratic republic

    DEAL with it? NO
    I have a RIGHT to fight for my RIGHTS.

    Most students are lazy becasue teachers do not usually try and force students to participate, and yes they tend to spoon-feed their pupils. ONce agian, this is not something the government does or makes them do.

    Ok, the government controls education though.

    Oh, and just so you know, socialism is a certain amout of taxation, not necessarily a government style.

    Never said it was a government style.

    Anyway, these are just my opinions and thoughts on this, so feel free to debate back.
    (And, once again trying not to flame, but try to use correct spelling and grammar. It'll make enormous blocks of text about serious topics easier to read and understand. (: )

    I am not going to correct any of your spelling.
    Like you said I am not here to troll your nit pick.
    Just here to provide facts.
    ally controlling/regulating the school system is given to the states. Also, the education system is not just another business, so it cannot be just thrown into the same category. Education is not being sold.

    The government has a monopoly over education were the only competitor is private schools.
    Do you pay for your college education in any way shape or form?

    Once again, it is not the Federal government controlling all that. They do not control what textbooks are used, as there are many different textbook companies with many different views on the same subjects. The individual states are the ones that choose what textbooks are allowed in schools. Federal government does not hire teachers; the state (or rather, the individual school districts) do. If the federal government were to completely regulate the schools, all schools everywhere would be relatively the same, performance speaking. Maryland would not have one of the best school systems and Mississippi one of the worst. Different states would also have different views, ie-Texas tends to be more conservative in their curriculum.


    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]TY Forsaken
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    humans "solve" their problems in such a......primitive way.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    don't wanna go off-topic but you Americans seem not to learn what dictatorship and democracy really mean.

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