[Dreamweaver] Feral LF 18 years + folks

XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Guild Banter
About time I posted on here! =]. Sure it's a helluva long post, but it covers nearly everything. Feel free to ask questions if need be.

What's Feral, and what does it eat in winter?

A bunch of freaks, more or less x]. Or that's what we like to call ourselves. We started off fairly early when DW opened. The old director and I just wanted a place where we could stay away from the a-holes. And so far, we've managed that. We may be "small" by activity means (though we have a whopping 154 members), but it enables us to be close-knit, yet easy to open up to new people.

So what's "Feral" mean?

Wild. Untamed. Aggressive. Although we may not be aggressive per say, try to mess with us; I'm not known to take **** from anyone, and I won't start doing so today. You mess with one of us, you mess with the whole faction. As I've said, we're close-knit.

What do I need to join?

To be over 18, a good sense of humor, yet to know your limits and your fellow guildies. We try to recruit over lv20, but we're willing to take people below lv20 who are active and will remain active. We've just had a hard time with keeping people below lv20.

And now for more serious details...

- Lv3 faction;
- Mostly North American players (GMT-5), but also have European players. English-speaking faction chat;
- Mostly PVE; PVP/PK remains at the member's discretion. No TW.
- Alts allowed;
- Active until about 1am GMT-5, some folks may show up later as well;
- 18 year old + is a MUST;
- Unrated chat (no cybering allowed);
- FB and BH squads available up to 69 with faction-only members. Pretty sure we could manage 79 in faction-only also;
- TT once we can find a high barb staying on more than 15 minutes;
- 24-man Ventrilo server; forums;
- Class help available;
- Chatty, social folks who aren't afraid to crack a joke.

What we're looking for:
- Loyal members who will help us build a strong faction and won't treat us like a revolving door.
- Must be mature enough to handle our convos, yet have a decent sense of humor. The faint-at-heart will not last long.
- LGBT-friendly, or the "I don't care about that" type. We have a high LGBT population, and we like to keep it that way, kthx. But we take anyone who's bound to fit in. We are NOT a LGBT-focused faction. But we're very, very, very LGBT-friendly.
- No racism, sexism, etc etc. Ties in with earlier point.
- Also no beggars or people who require constant attention else they go nuts in chat.

If you have any questions, or want to talk to an officer in-game before joining, here's a list of people you can PM:

- XanZerstorer (Leader - myself. Also running the following alts: TheRedCross, TheGayPanda, Golbaezer)
- CelticRain (Marshal)
- Kaneharo (Marshal)
- Tristhana (Marshal)
- FireSiren (Exec, although she plays often on MidnightEve).

We're looking forward to add people to our rosters. =D
Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
Post edited by XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver on
