Enjoying The Simpler Things...

XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver
XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver Posts: 455 Arc User
edited September 2009 in General Discussion
Just random babble from another face in the crowd...but I felt this needed to be said for all the people going nuts in the face of the chaos that befalls our Perfect World these days...

Today started off bad, and progressed further down the toilet at an alarming pace. Between Duke shouting 'til he's hoarse about people spending buckets of money for rare and powerful armor and weapons, to botched boss runs and similar projects that SHOULD have gone smooth as silk...it's just not been my day. And after hearing about what my favorite Barb has had to go through as well...I was in a pretty foul mood, QQing quietly to myself as people around me suddenly produced a huge income and were growing fat off the rewards that this celebration brings.

So, I decided to just fly around, doing WQ and whatnot while surfing the web, until I noticed a friend had logged on to a newbie account that he was trying out. We hung around a bit, until I noticed he was around the level for his FB19...so I suggested we attempt a dry run. He, being game for just about anything, agreed instantly.

So we made haste to the instance, started clearing things out, we both died once or twice, he due to getting ganked out of nowhere, and I due to biting off more than I could chew gathering a whole room of mobs for an AoE, then getting interrupted repeatedly. But neither of us cared. It was funny as hell, and it was a blast.

So we get to the boss, drop him to a sliver of health, and I stand there taking hits while he finishes the boss off. Sure, it was probably costing me more in repairs...but I didn't care. It was exciting to me. Then the boss finally falls to his blade. We see a pile of drops, all white (or so it appeared) and we were quite content with that at that point. But as we gathered it all up...something totally unexpected happened.

A mold, one that NEITHER of us had seen, found it's way into my inventory. Even better, it's the ONLY one that would have been of any use to him (Sword of Burning Clouds...with him being an up and coming BM). And as we both stared at the screen in disbelief...suddenly all the troubles that had come before just flew out the window, all at once. And I found myself thinking that it was for moments like THIS that I keep coming back to this game, despite wanting to pull my hair out more often than not. XD

So before you start screaming at your comrades-in-arms over those extra charm ticks, or that death in that one TT, take a moment and breathe. This is a game where so much is happening all at once that it can be hard as hell to keep up. But if you don't slow down every once in a while, you're gonna miss out on the moments that make this game truly worth playing. b:victory

/Sappy storytime! Back to killins! XD