TT80 Weapon - Glaive or Sword?

ElonaFiorna - Sanctuary
ElonaFiorna - Sanctuary Posts: 181 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Venomancer
Hey guys. I am looking for opinions between two weapons for my TT80. I'm a pure mage veno and my stats/gear are currently shown here:

I'm trying to decide between the Wheel of Life:

and Endless Ambiguity:

I have a vanilla Grief's breath already, but my main weapon is a gemmed/refined Sakyamuni's Light.

I intend to stay pure mage unless I start dying more, and currently I die very rarely in TT runs even with less than 3k HP.

The Wheel of Life gives me better magic attack, but Endless Embiguity gives me -3% channeling (I'm not going for channeling gear though, just raw magic output). Also, going to TT90, which upgrade path is better?

Feel free to post a reply, or simply answer the poll! b:thanks
IceJazmin - Heavens Tear - "I am happy to agree to disagree :P"

Post edited by ElonaFiorna - Sanctuary on


  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Channeling is a must for veno IMO. Pet is main power, fast healing keeps pet alive, so good channeling set can do wonders. That is, pve-wise, with herc or another tanking pet.

    Also, all stats of endless ambiguity are useful, unlike that dex of wheel of life (what the hell did they smoked?) I personally dislike items with useless stats. It feels like some money that went for that item are just wasted. I'm perfectionist ^_^
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If you put no points into dex, so you just have your starting 5, the dex will place you at 17-18 dex, since you gain 1% crit rate at 20 one other item such as a crystal headdress will place you over 20 effectively making that 12-13 dex be as good as a 1% crit rate. So I wouldn't say it's useless, just not as useful as more magic would be.

    I agree though that channeling is a must. For that reason, Endless Ambiguity would be my choice. The amount of power you gain from channeling in a better pet heal alone is worth the trouble of getting it.
  • Faildom - Harshlands
    Faildom - Harshlands Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Definatly endless, cuz of the HP bonus.
    but seeing you play on a PvE server it doesnt really matter..
  • Bebisita - Dreamweaver
    Bebisita - Dreamweaver Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Definatly endless, cuz of the HP bonus.
    but seeing you play on a PvE server it doesnt really matter..

    For all you know they could still PK regularly.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    blah you guys arent thinking end game at all. go with the damn glaive, wheel of denied fate is the best offensive weapon in game. youlll love the damage it does, not only that, its minimum at +5 is not very off wraith conqueror, and still offers minus channeling. only go with endless if you reallllllyyyyy want HP, its more a defensive sword.
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If you take upgrade paths into consideration that changes things, but it's not that hard to get another TT80 weapon for upgrading reasons.
  • Plicid - Heavens Tear
    Plicid - Heavens Tear Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    for Cleric/Wizard Wheel is better at 90 Because of Higher attack, but in the end we get nix, so the Wraith sword is better. More Hp=stay alive longer so nix deals more damage. At 99 Gold Wheel no question.
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Get both =D

    Endless for use NOW, and Wheel for Wheel of Denied Fate later.

    That's my plan (cept my veno is vit so I'm going to the Ashura's sign/yaksa line instead for mag bonuses).
    for Cleric/Wizard Wheel is better at 90 Because of Higher attack, but in the end we get nix, so the Wraith sword is better. More Hp=stay alive longer so nix deals more damage. At 99 Gold Wheel no question.

    This is true, but I want WoDF at 90 because I'll be heavily statting vit (been going light until now, at 70 the vit starts getting pumped)--I'll already have higher base HP, so the channelling will be more useful than the HP from wraith conqueror, and then I'll already have the wheel for that beautiful 99 wheel b:dirty