and tips or suggestion for a +60 wizard

OmegaFlare - Harshlands
OmegaFlare - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Wizard
hey as i was browsing around i saw all the debating whether to be PURE or LA build..atm im lvl 60 wiz pure. I did have difficulty at the start, i died so many times and but i kept my head up and was didicated on reaching a high lvl wiz.. but i as gained lvls and experience its turned out quiet fun for me lvling a wizard. So faw I have no regrets for choosing PURE wiz.and I seriously think on staying pure till the end.. I hope after all the hard the future being a high lvl 80+ or 90+ will pay I hear people comment, but who knows. ill just have to wait and find out my self

also any suggestions on how i should be dueling my character at this point seems like im still get pwned lol.. and i have spent some good money on trying to get a hold of some good armor items and of course I bought the hh60 arbor weapon..and I stacked pretty much all my armor with hp shards etc...

or maybe I am just doing something wrong*am I casting the wrong skills etc.*...and good suggestions or tips for every type of character I duel bm,arch,veno,cleric,barb..

oh by the way dont mind the stupid poll lol thats my careless mistake lol..i was at work and sort filled this out pretty fast with our pre reading all the info lmao...
Post edited by OmegaFlare - Harshlands on


  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If you are still pure, i seriously suggest you to restat into vit (3 mag / 1.5 vit /0.5 str per level). You'll keep all your equipment, shard it with pdef stones and have some really good survivability. IMO vit build is the best till mid-9X when you finally get your endgame equipment. LA is close but i don't like how it looks ^_^
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That alone says you need to be LA to survive.

    also any suggestions on how i should be dueling my character at this point seems like im still get pwned lol..
    duel more until u get the feel of it. And you should wait until 70s to be able to upgrade your nukes and FoW properly.
    and i have spent some good money on trying to get a hold of some good armor items and of course I bought the hh60 arbor weapon..and I stacked pretty much all my armor with hp shards etc...
    what I marked above it's your mistake. HP shards are for PvE. in PvP those are useless at 60+. Stack it with pdef shards, with SB on you get double what u put on gear ;)

    You say u spent a lot of cash..well, if u still afford it try to do this:
    get a hat and a cape with big HP modifiers. You should get about 400-450 HP out of these two. ( 3 sockets at least, HP sharded with at least lvl 6 shards ( the 200k coins/piece ones and some HP modifiers. I have 2x+50hp stats on my hat, 3x25HP shards, so that's about 175. Refined to +3 you beat 200 mark. Search same for cape, 450 should be in reach).
    Search robes with at least one pdef modifier and idealy with 2, and if it has only 1 pdef might as well get something like +vit or +mag for the second. Socket it to 3 at least and drop at least +26 pdef shards on them. Refine to +3 minimum.
    Get rings with +attk/mag and +HP, never only one of them. you can get about 150-200hp only from rings
    Belt- the one from rank is pretty good, look for a necklace with +pdef and +hp/vit.
    After u did all this, max out the SB and tell me how it feels. I'll bet you're gonna love it. If i'm doing the math right, by lvl 65+ you should have about 2500-2600hp and ~2500k pdef self buffed.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

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  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If you duel then you would need HP shards also, not only Phy defence.

    HP is the biggest weapon in PvP

    Unless of course you can spend a truck on refining
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Satuki - Harshlands
    Satuki - Harshlands Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If you are still pure, i seriously suggest you to restat into vit (3 mag / 1.5 vit /0.5 str per level). You'll keep all your equipment, shard it with pdef stones and have some really good survivability. IMO vit build is the best till mid-9X when you finally get your endgame equipment. LA is close but i don't like how it looks ^_^

    lol your survivability isn't as good as a LA, and your attack is like a LA.
    Plus there is no crit. Vit build fail imo.
  • Treza - Lost City
    Treza - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If you duel then you would need HP shards also, not only Phy defence.

    HP is the biggest weapon in PvP

    Unless of course you can spend a truck on refining

    dont listen to just idiot. damage is your most important weapon, i think id rather hit 1 mill damage and have 1 hp than have 1 mil hp and hit 1 damage, dont pay no attention to him!~

    and dont bother getting ready to duel either, youre in a pk server and youre going to pk, that means you rely on high as possible magic attack and crit rate! go pure int, if you arent already, do it!

    get sutra and max out divine pyrogram, sandstorm, and gush, those are in my opinion the best pk skills. and get a genie to lv 15 and teach it extreme poison.

    use sutra and any genie debuffs/amplifiers now! make sure to use sutra last as its timer is most important, gush them first to slow, pyro for damage and sandstorm last to ensure the accuracy decrease is mostly active as their close. if this doesnt work, distance shrink away. the fight is over.

    youre strategy is to get in kill them and get out, if you arent successful the first time you wont be the second. move on to your next target
    and another tip is to distance shrink within range to atack them, will make the attack that much more surprising. remember, you dont fight fair

    anmd for god sake dont go vit build jesus frig, the damage is less and no crit just like above poster said, and youre surivability will be at most equal to light armor.

    as for accessory choices go, id go for phys def just incase. but if you find an elemental resist one for cheap with stats like +6 magic, and -channeling id go for those because -channeling is a wizards ultimate ally, of course it doesnt matter for channeling gear, but if you wanna sneak up on some ******* cleric like mysticlife up there and lay them out with a blade tempest, channeling gear will help that alot. and this goes for all ultimates.

    if youre fighting a barb hes most likely going to be able to resist your attacks andf fall back on his charm, instead of doing the sutra combo, hit him with a gush or a sandstorm, hopefully this wont tick his charm. then nail him with a black ice dragon! that should probably wipe him out unless hes good
    Communist Leader
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited May 2009

    divine pyro, gush, and sand blow?

    sutra -> divine pyro > gush > blazing pyro > divine pyro > blizzard blast(sutra ends) > phoenix

    usually kills heavy and light armoured foes with under 14k hp, after their hiero ticks

    robed will die from this combo, depending on their jewelery. i've known some skilled priest to switch to high refined mdef jewelery while fighting me, and their rings having a high refine too, turning my damage into nearly nothing. have to knock them low and hope pyro tempest finishes them or else i'll have to start the process all over again b:surrender
  • meaangirl
    meaangirl Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    DEFINITELY stay pure.
    If you are still pure, i seriously suggest you to restat into vit (3 mag / 1.5 vit /0.5 str per level). You'll keep all your equipment, shard it with pdef stones and have some really good survivability. IMO vit build is the best till mid-9X when you finally get your endgame equipment. LA is close but i don't like how it looks ^_^
    This build is for cleric, lol.
  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol your survivability isn't as good as a LA, and your attack is like a LA.
    Plus there is no crit. Vit build fail imo.
    Vit's survivability is better than LA's. Def is close (numbers are lower, but not %% reduce - don't forget about diminishing returns), hp is better, and in pvp hp >> def. Crits? Not bad, but +3-5% crit is not really great.
    meaangirl wrote: »
    This build is for cleric, lol.
    This build is for all robed classes that want to survive. I can't imagine how i'd survived in pvps as pure. Even with added vit i was near death many times.
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • Moobysnax - Lost City
    Moobysnax - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Doing a Sandstorm then Black Ice Dragon Strike may take too long. I see where it's going with trying to bypass the charm completely but this combo would be very hard to pull off.

    Also stay pure, you will have very high steady damage, as far as equips go you can either equip mostly -% channel for higher consistent DPS or +% crit for a higher rate of spike damage. Either way I think pure in 9x+ lvls has an advantage over any other build. And if you go Sage you can cast all the fun spells alot more often and the Black Ice Dragon strike has 50% chance to give an awesome crit rating for a few seconds.

    I kind of want to try Demon/LA build. It will not perform as well but I'm interested in seeing how Demon + LA works as far as crit rating goes. Plus demon gives more status effects.