Cat Shops Versus Npc

Felandriah - Heavens Tear
Felandriah - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Suggestion Box
I am fed up with trying to fight my way to click on an NPC in the west arch area ( Heavens Tear server) , it is getting ridiculous .. why put a cat shop on the head of an NPC.... I have problems with lag regardless of clicking CTRL+ F9 , my screen freezes and i sometimes have to log in again....

Is it really necessary for players to sit on there mounts and have their pets out when talking to the NPC, not really,.. why put a cat shop on the head of an NPC. I find it very rude and ignorant. I personally feel that all mounts and pets should be banned from the inner city.It is unnecessary
The cat shops are all well and good but it is impossible to find a specific item in the sea of cats and the lag adds to the problem. and who realistically has the time to run round looking for things it is quicker to go grind them.

Now looking round Arch there are lots of shop fronts and spaces that would be ideal for the Cat Shops..Maybe have specfied areas for certain items and materials .. at least then there would be some order and organisation..

I have spoken to many about the problems stated and mosy are in total agreement maybe it is time that something was done...

azonicblonde ( Grinders faction )
Post edited by Felandriah - Heavens Tear on


  • ghostv
    ghostv Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    feeling the same way to you wanna kick on the tailor and suddely you get the stupid sceen of what a cat is selling there

    its a behavior you got to change for exaple all people no standing directally beside the guy
    but mounts banned??
    no good idee btw this can't be solved by the engineers
    maybe you have to change the behaviour of the player?? good luck:)
  • Noelya - Lost City
    Noelya - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    click with shift pressed to talk to the npc and avoid those stupid player.

    But i agree the cat system is useless, we got an Auction house, that can be enought. And if no more cat, lag will be less in arch, and people will go more often to the AH.
  • outlawarcher
    outlawarcher Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i hate the cat sops myself. they are basically a worthless bother. i rather go to the auction.

    it's rather annoying. i nthe heaven's tear sever there is a cat shop on the head of the blademaster (around flag hill) and it's been there for MONTHS. i personally don't ever go to archo unless i absolutely need to. and considering archo is like a main hub from 19-50 it's prtty dumb.