A few suggestions

raizen Posts: 4 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Suggestion Box
1) I always look at my attributes to see how much i have to know what to pull next..tho if i have enhanced items on with +attributes i cant see my real values.So instead of always taking off equipment to see what i really have,why not add the option to see when i place the mouse over a attribute and see in brackets the true value+added values..Ex Magic 150-(140+10)
2)Lot of hard bosses in the world,and in dungeons.in a 6 team you can manage but take very looong...so why not add a raid window..a 18 or 24 team is better faster and acceptable.
3)A roll option..every time i see people go for loot..everybody for himself thing..some talk and argue who to get what but why not add a rolling option?So people all have a fair chance.A rock-paper-scissor system...were you chose rly fast rock or paper or scissor.
4)Some new dances.For amusement..don't wanna make a comparison or anything but i played Rohan a bit..tho i did not like it that much..one thing caught my attention..the dances..very fun..might be a good reason to party more.
5)A real dream suggestion..on pvp servers if you have the shield on you cannot be pk-ed..those who risk to take it out to pk or for amusement can suffer.If this can't be done maybe the dev team can have a bit more pitty on newcomers and care bear ppl and if they have shield on.even if they were pk-ed they will not drop anything..only if you take shield off you risk it.
I might have some ideas later.Hope these will be read!
Post edited by raizen on


  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I agree with number 1 that'd be nice.
    Number 2 I'd love to see bigger group or raids setup.
    Number 3 yeah the random doesn't feel so random sometimes and if they install the Raid setup making sure Roll for NBG (need before greed) would be useful or just a random number generator /ran 100 (0-100) highest roll kind of thing...
    I like additional dance moves that'd be cool as well.
    Don't do PVP I find it a bit absurd in a RPG environment where we're suppose to be helping better the world why would we kill our fellow heroes... Unless they're the bad guys I guess... But to each their own.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I agree with everything except number five. You wanna do that; just got to a PvE server and go white-name...or stay blue-name; your choice.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i agree with kon ._.
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • raizen
    raizen Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well no 5 is for people that couldn't find there wanted names and were forced to try on pvp servers..that what happened to me..i don't pk or pvp and don't wanna have anything to do with it..but don't wanna lose anything when i get pk-ed.
  • Harukie - Lost City
    Harukie - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    raizen wrote: »
    Well no 5 is for people that couldn't find there wanted names and were forced to try on pvp servers..that what happened to me..i don't pk or pvp and don't wanna have anything to do with it..but don't wanna lose anything when i get pk-ed.

    I agree with most of the others but...
    ... To play a PvP server just to have a name is just odd, and you cant call that forced, lawl.
    and well, number 5 is just stupid, it would ruin a HUGE part of the fun in a PvP server. And alot off peoples would quit, like me who likes to run around with a nice blood red name. I meen, most of os choised a PvP server off a reason.
  • raizen
    raizen Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I agree with most of the others but...
    ... To play a PvP server just to have a name is just odd, and you cant call that forced, lawl.
    and well, number 5 is just stupid, it would ruin a HUGE part of the fun in a PvP server. And alot off peoples would quit, like me who likes to run around with a nice blood red name. I meen, most of os choised a PvP server off a reason.

    No not all it is not stupid..if you have a surten name you like or in my case many more names,than what ?quit the game ?or make a char with the name ASRTGSDFWE?..that seems stupid..and no not all chose to pk..another prob might be cause you might have friends on a pvp server or the population is to big on pve servers(makes me suggest more pve servers and a character transfer service)..and ofc you find it stupid..cause sorry to say but that's how a damn pk-er thinks..only for a stupid red name,he dosen't care for those that he kills..if you like pvps do wars and duels at least there everybody has a fair chance..not like most jerks taking lvl 20 chars when they are like over 60+.b:angry
  • zelax
    zelax Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I like all the things here but number 5 this to me is what make PW so differnt from other Mmorpg's cause there is just about always a fear of getting pked , it keeps people on their feet.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    raizen wrote: »
    No not all it is not stupid..if you have a surten name you like or in my case many more names,than what ?quit the game ?or make a char with the name ASRTGSDFWE?..that seems stupid..and no not all chose to pk..another prob might be cause you might have friends on a pvp server or the population is to big on pve servers(makes me suggest more pve servers and a character transfer service)..and ofc you find it stupid..cause sorry to say but that's how a damn pk-er thinks..only for a stupid red name,he dosen't care for those that he kills..if you like pvps do wars and duels at least there everybody has a fair chance..not like most jerks taking lvl 20 chars when they are like over 60+.b:angry

    It's called creativity and imagination. I know nobody would ever think of the name "Konari Raiden"...hence why I use it. Make sure it's long, preferrably an actual full name of an uncommon dialect (Japanese and Latin work particularly well, at least for me), and go to town. Also, don't rely on one name...that's bad. We were given minds for a reason...to think...try doin' it sometime?

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • raizen
    raizen Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I use my mind man but if you read carefully i sayd "in my case many more names" so i had tons of options..so id suggest that PW lets you have two names..that wold me much better and differs you more...like in real life..your name ain't just Joe you could be Joe Smith or something like that.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Two names...? Well, couldn't you just use an underscore for stuff like that? Like Masamune_Date or Phoenix_Wright, or, if I wanted, Konari_Raiden?

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • raizen
    raizen Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Maybe but it's not like in real life your names is with underscore..you don't see your name Joe_Smith or Joe-Smith..you see it as Joe Smith.I think add more personality and make you feel more real..i got the idea from Guild Wars if you ever played it.
    And another suggestion..add more music in the game..i only hear 2 songs over and over..ofc I can always listen to my music..but a game like PW deserves a way better soundtrack.And why not update the radio..I cant catch it.Or(i got the idea form Cabal) add a jukebox option to let you put ina folder music and play it so you won't have to alt tab or stay window mode for it.
    One more suggestion..I'd be tempted to buy some gold for items but not with card..I wish they wold ad a mobile option..I got credit on my phone.