Character Rendering Bug

Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear
Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Support Desk
I have been wondering about something, when I play, some times it seems that all color is leeched form other PCs. What I mean is that suddenly all PCs have grayed hair, even when I change game settings. But when I click on them and get their profile, I can see their hair colors.

Additionally, I have been encountering an issue where PCs will not render at all. I can see pets and NPCs but PCs are reduced to just names floating about. This makes it REALLY hard to buff other players.

Is there a solution to these rendering issues? Or is this just a problem with the player? :D In any case, I would like to know how to keep this from happening or how to reverse it.

Edit: It seems that frequently, if you are running in "optimized mode" and log off, some kind of law in the programming switches off customization of characters. This can be solved by going into the UI menus and checking the proper button.
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