Questions from a potential returner

Last time I actively played there were a lot fewer classes|(barbarian,blademaster, archer, venomancer and cleric if I remember well) and most maps were quite populated. I played a Barbarian in the mid 60s(64-65 I believe) and I am considering a return. I will probably play barbarian again, if viable, since I liked tanking and the general skillset he had. I wanted to ask which servers are active and if nowadays its possible for a newbie to start and do cultivation and other important quests needed, or, if its a restart is no longer possible without an alt. Moreover what would be a good build(stat distribution) nowadays for a barbarian, considering I very rarely pvp but I like tanking


  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Barb is super viable for pve, in fact in super high demand as all end game instances have mechanics that make it challenging to finish the run without a barb tank. But be forewarned you have quite some catching up to do. You will have to level to 100 and then do that at least one more time to get into fsp which is the bread and butter dungeon run right now. After that you will need to do it again to get access to "end game" content.

    If you decide to come back enjoy the ride, chill out, make friends, find a good faction, level a bit. Dont be in a rush to get to end game because repetition is all thats waiting :wink: the joy is in the journey.
  • merc
    merc Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    I see, thank you, remembered my main account details and i am actually higher level than I remembered. Server seems to have a different name(I am positive the server I played was named Dreamweaver)

    By the way, you suggest best to start from scratch or try continue my barbarian?
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Play what you enjoy. The new classes are also fun and in high demand. If you are playing PVE there is no stopping you from continuing your barb and also trying a new class in your spare time. All classes are viable in PVE (some higher in demand for instances than others, like barb) but in the end it all comes down to what you like to play most.

    BTW, yes there was a server merge last year, Dreamweaver is in Tideswell iirc (sorry I play west coast so not 100% ^^)
  • merc
    merc Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Thank you and I do enjoy tanking or healing - generally i am not into DPS classes much. I am actually from EU but there werent EU servers back then(like 2008-09, even played summer beta of pwi a bit back then), yet it wasnt ever lagging whatsoever and due to work I often played and play at night which is typically US times. I started on the 2nd day of that server(Dreamweaver) and had played around a year). Pros if I stay on current char seem to be my 4-5 land mounts and 3 flying ones. Cons might be that gearwise i got a mix of mostly lvl 80s and a couple 60s yet my lvl jumped actually to 95 now, which means I am very undergeared. Also 2 of my crafts are lvl 3(and maxed) and rest lvl 1. I dont even remember how you raised the crafts when they maxed current level. By the way Is it hard to do your cultivation quests nowadays though?

    Edit: Well, thank you for your answers, I think its best I ask on server(noticed they got a sub-forum) to see how the state is before deciding if I stay there or try another server
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