PWI Announces New Expansion : War Front ( ARE YOU READY!)

For a Player Made Q&A for this update Look Here.
MMOBOMB Announcement and Information Click Here. Looks like they did it again with the Info and we have an unofficial date of 11th September. Spoilers are images from the official post to stop the thread being to large.

New Solo Instance: Heavenfall!
The War Front expansion introduces PWI’s first dynamic solo instance Heavenfall! Players must rely on their own skills to traverse this dangerous dungeon filled with demons and monsters.

This massive instance contains 108 levels of terror. To enter, players must be above LV89 and in possession of Cultivation level: Aware of the Myriad or Aware of the Void. Every morning the Cross-Server Ranking for Heavenfall will be refreshed. Players will be able to compare their score against the scores of all other PWI players because the ranking system for Heavenfall is cross-server!

The levels of Heavenfall are dynamic, meaning that each time a player enters the instance it will be completely different. Since this instance is such a serious challenge, those who are killed in battle won’t suffer from reduced Exp. After death, players are teleported to the entrance where they can return through the Level selection menu. Levels can be repeated multiple times a day to improve the score, but rewards are only earned the first time.

When a player emerges victorious at the end of a level, their score will be recorded and rewards will be bestowed upon them. Players are not required to revisit defeated levels until after the weekly event reset.
Those willing to brave this instance will receive amazing rewards including a chance to receive Extreme Frost Orders after defeating levels higher than nineteen!
New Mounts, Pets and Flyers!
Each new expansion includes new assistants to bring with you on your adventures! Here is a sneak peek of some of the additions to PWI in the War Front expansion:

Cross-server Nation Wars
The cross-server Nation Wars are opening for warriors ready to test their mettle in PWIs most contested battlefield yet!
The Nation War is an intense PVP battle for land held twice a week. It is similar to Territory Wars, except you don’t have to be bound to faction to participate. Players LV60 and up are eligible for these 20 v 20 battles that now take place in a cross server environment!
Each server will now also vote on a commander to lead them in the Nation Wars. The Commander makes critical strategic decisions which will influence the entire course of the battle. Choose your Commander wisely!
When players queue to participate they will be added to one of four Nations. There are dozens of regions on the map for Nations to lay claim to. Battles for a single region are 20 v 20 and last a maximum of 25 minutes. The entire war lasts two hours and players are awarded coins at the end based on their nation’s success and their individual actions.
Battle for Treasure Island (Coming Soon!)
Only the most elite Factions are invited to this exclusive cross-server battlefield held every Saturday. To gain entry, factions must have conquered a certain amount of territories in the Territory Wars. The current Territory Wars will not be reset with the War Front expansion so that Factions have extra time to qualify.
This epic battle allows each faction to bring up to 60 members to the field. Once the brave warriors are chosen, though, no replacements or changes can be made for the remainder of the event.
The fighting takes place on the ground and flying has been disabled on the island. It is a fierce battle, but not unforgiving, if players are killed no items will drop and guardian scrolls will not be consumed.
Each skirmish lasts an intense 120 minutes, during that time the goal is to either kill the other faction’s commander or reduce the opponents resource points to 0. If there is no instant win before the time is up, the faction that has the most resource points will be declared the winner. Upon completion of the battle, participating players will find rewards waiting for them on their home server.
Wars of this scale are measured in seasons. Each week, participating factions will be ranked against each other. When the season ends, a magnificent prize will be awarded to the highest ranking factions.
just a new dungeon and some flyers/mounts? *sigh* was hoping for something abit still trying to wrap my mind around all the new dungeons,and yet another one gets tossed in
well atleast this proves one thing,we are getting the "solo tower" mentioned in the thread about the cn housing expansion0 -
Yer... this looks to only be part of whats to come...
Holds breath for something I was talking about the other day... Server Vs Server!!!
We will soon see. Estimated Arival of this is November End to Mid December at a wild guess.0 -
ah,parts of whats to come.
id dearly love a new class that isnt simply a hybrid or a pawn of a previous one,something that TRULY does not exist yet in the game
cleric= well this one is captain obvious
wizards= merlin anyone?
blademasters= knight/fighter/human male weapons dude all into one
archer= self explanatory
barbarians= relatively straightfoward,supposidly the less nimble and more tanky counterpart to the blademaster,again expected
venomancer= this is abit grey area for me,but it seems in the original game plan they were meant to fulfill the curse/hex roll,and to fit with there frailty they got battle pets
now this is where it gets VERY messy
psy= seems like a smoothed out version of the wizard,with more resilience and some weird status effects built into the skills?im a little lost here,but very similar to a wizard
sin= kind of going to the extreme end of the small and fast spectrum.originally the barb was spost to be the heavy,slow melee tank (5 aps barbs not withstanding),and was counterbalanced gracefully by the light and more nimble blademaster,then pwi went in the blademaster direction vis difference to the barb to the extreme.and now we got a problem
Seeker: wizard +blademaster i should think,a magic melee
Mystic= Cleric +Veno,
Stormbringer= mostly seems like a psy with some veno seasoning,my storm is only lvl 76 though so im not a very big authority on it
Duskblade= this is solid proof we have reached class saturation,a hybrid mixed with an original.hence sin+blademaster,or sin+seeker depending on your opinion0 -
im hoping we will get the golden vaporware of all mmos ever,a real honest to zombies necromancer of some sort
then on the melee side im a little lost,we kind of have saturation on the melee side0 -
I can survive Tower, but please please please no more gear upgrades or new sky lvls for a while plsplsplspls
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I'm thinking we'll get this around the same time as we got the last expansion which I think was at the start of December? Too lazy to go back and check.
Anyways... what I really want to know are the rewards!
I dearly hope there are star chart materials in there... I don't want to cash just to get more than 10 aptitude.
250-500g just for up to 15 aptitude and 500g on top of that for 20 aptitude
WTB Discount so I can keep my remaining legs and arms.0 -
projectlegion wrote: »ah,parts of whats to come.
id dearly love a new class that isnt simply a hybrid or a pawn of a previous one,something that TRULY does not exist yet in the game
cleric= well this one is captain obvious
wizards= merlin anyone?
blademasters= knight/fighter/human male weapons dude all into one
archer= self explanatory
barbarians= relatively straightfoward,supposidly the less nimble and more tanky counterpart to the blademaster,again expected
venomancer= this is abit grey area for me,but it seems in the original game plan they were meant to fulfill the curse/hex roll,and to fit with there frailty they got battle pets
now this is where it gets VERY messy
psy= seems like a smoothed out version of the wizard,with more resilience and some weird status effects built into the skills?im a little lost here,but very similar to a wizard
sin= kind of going to the extreme end of the small and fast spectrum.originally the barb was spost to be the heavy,slow melee tank (5 aps barbs not withstanding),and was counterbalanced gracefully by the light and more nimble blademaster,then pwi went in the blademaster direction vis difference to the barb to the extreme.and now we got a problem
Seeker: wizard +blademaster i should think,a magic melee
Mystic= Cleric +Veno,
Stormbringer= mostly seems like a psy with some veno seasoning,my storm is only lvl 76 though so im not a very big authority on it
Duskblade= this is solid proof we have reached class saturation,a hybrid mixed with an original.hence sin+blademaster,or sin+seeker depending on your opinion
What we really need is for someone to get off their asses and update the game to utilize the Angelica III engine. That and a large handful of bug fixes, and possibly actually providing decent customer service.0 -
sylenthunder wrote: »The only classes they haven't covered are bard/monk and neither of those fit chinese lore. Truly the last thing we need is more classes.
What we really need is for someone to get off their asses and update the game to utilize the Angelica III engine. That and a large handful of bug fixes, and possibly actually providing decent customer service.
Yes I constantly keep my eye out for that info. An update for just bug-fixes would be cool and if it where to happen PWCN would get it first right so we would know (Laughs as they break other things in the process) As for the Customer Service thats down to PWE is it not? HECK if they need help with that that one of my key areas. I will Tribute 2 Customer Service Advisor's To Summon myself! (Summon Failed - You lost two people)0 -
I see that new fashion and I'm waiting for it. Twintails are my weakness.
Other than that, there are all these dailies to do, which we apparently have to do forever because they give Star Chart materials. Now the tower, too. I'm sure it will be fun to do, but I kind of wish they had updated the Faction Base Trials too or something. I miss doing things with faction that isn't TW/PK or a player-made event because PWI lacks faction activities >.> People have less time to play together because they have to do their daily routine or they are left behind. It's kind of sad really.
On another note though, good to see we're getting some more updates. I just hope they don't break anything else in the process.
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Im very excited about this tower and i hope its a bit challenging at the endstages. i dont expect mobs that require insane gear (aka r9+10 and up) but atleast dont stormrofl this thing with g16+3 and have no serious problems that would be boring.0
Im very excited about this tower and i hope its a bit challenging at the endstages. i dont expect mobs that require insane gear (aka r9+10 and up) but atleast dont stormrofl this thing with g16+3 and have no serious problems that would be boring.0
I am 1000% happy this is a solo instance personally I was sick of all the group centered stuff because if the majority of your server isn't on the same time zone (because **** us at DawnsGlory right Pwi?) finding a good squad to run stuff like jfsp or even normal fsp is completely rediculous. This way people can do stuff at thier own pace that corresponds to thier timezone. Also finally something that actually benefits physical classes since magic classes in my oppinion have been getting the lime light. Endgame gear + BP no sweat cant wait! Really hope mobs OP as **** (love challenge) The only thing that would be better is the ability to get B-S card but one can dream105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Yayyy! im so excited for a solo instance, and so so glad they waited until most of us finished our daily blitz to shifting ten so we dont have too much to do at once. I cant wait to try it out it looks like challenging puzzles from what ive seen. That means gear excluded its gonna be fun
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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ok a owner of one happy to see my favorite pet FINALLY make it ....HOPEFULLY
the Corgi!! \O/
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Where did you see anything from it?
@eirghan105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
So assuming we get this expansion on 25th(3 weeks from now, which was how long it was for riptides first sneak peek and getting the expansion itself), we are pretty exactly 4 months behind of China.
I did not expect we would get rankings for this thing I am quite excited over, knowing PWEs track record regarding these things I was doubtful. But as we are getting these rankings, I suspect we get cross-server TW rankings too, which have actual use to them too. Because after each season of cross-server TW, the top ranking factions and/or players receive goodies for their rankings.
As a tangent, we should not expect TW reset till this expansion hits. This is because, least on China, faction is required to have 5 lands to bid on cross-server map. Also on China only 2 factions per server can participate but considering our lack of servers I suspect this number will change. It would only make sense to reset map along with expansion to make it fair for every party included. Still, unless things drastically change Etherblade will only provide 1 faction thats capable of fighting for top positions. Then again there is ~2months for ppl to get their **** together, maybe this expansion helps them do exactly that.
Ps. Link to thread I posted 3 months ago, which contains information bout this update.
Its not perfect nor offer much more info regarding heavenfall but thought I`d link it anyways.0 -
@blazerboy @saxroll beat me to the link. Check out the youtube video so kindly shared with the forum - shows a g16(?) sin completing a few stages of the tower
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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Its aps armored sin and I can tell you those arent G16 dags. I think its Barrier Thorns(Nirvana 1st cast) but I could be wrong. The later levels have to get a lot more difficult or our average gear will just steamroll trough the instance as dmg the sin takes is hilariously low for the gear its running with. Aps sin with 9k hp is prolly +5-7 refines depending on passives and whatnots, by our standards 1shot to your G16 players.eirghan said:@blazerboy @saxroll beat me to the link. Check out the youtube video so kindly shared with the forum - shows a g16(?) sin completing a few stages of the tower
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Correct me if im wrong but.... Is this the update where Nemen BH is replaced by FSP BH?
If that is the case, I guess that should be kind of a coin sink, after all all people that have like 70 accounts with ungeared 100+ will not survive FSP0 -
The patch, which makes this change, was the 2nd patch after expansion on China. Its hard to say if we get it or not on the expansion but it shouldnt be too far behind if we dont.rieihdius said:Correct me if im wrong but.... Is this the update where Nemen BH is replaced by FSP BH?
If that is the case, I guess that should be kind of a coin sink, after all all people that have like 70 accounts with ungeared 100+ will not survive FSP0 -
Yes we are normally about 4 months behind PWCN.
I think this will be early December my self. The CM/GMs normally vanish from the forums for a few weeks when this happens. Meetings and so on. Could be interesting.0 -
How is that a coin sink. If anything, it just means I get a bonus on all my alts whenever it's fsp BH day. p;rieihdius said:Correct me if im wrong but.... Is this the update where Nemen BH is replaced by FSP BH?
If that is the case, I guess that should be kind of a coin sink, after all all people that have like 70 accounts with ungeared 100+ will not survive FSP0 -
Any other guesses on what's to come..0
Mmmm I think that what the person is trying to say is that basically everyone that have like 100 account to abuse things like Jolly, codes, BH, etc will get kind of screwed this time (which is good).chary said:
Even if there is end game players able to solo fsp. One thing is to solo it maybe with a few alts that are able to at least survive the instance. But something really different would be to lets say put one rrr9 end game along with 9 lvl 100 with no gear near Toad or the other Bosses(no saying is imposible, but it will be really a pain).
And believe it or not there is people that have 50 or more accounts, and if you add to that the free lvl 95 pill, well you have people that have 50 or more 100+ toons. Those player spawn easy lvl 100 BH like snake or nemen, and from all those toons a lot will get $$$ cards.
Just a few days ago I saw a guy near a BH npc with about 15 accounts loged at same time, all the characters were the same class, with no gear and same name with correlative order, something like: 71, 72, 73, 74, 75..... (of course i will not name the toons since is against the rules)
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We have seen videos on youtube of people soloing or duoing high level instances with mindless bots following and performing pre-programmed actions such as heal, buff, debuff. I'm positive this can be done on deicide mode. 1 or 2 people, 9 or 8 bots. I see very strange toons entering FSP, much like I see other strange toons following someone on primal dailies.
And what's done about that? <- retoricalZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?0 -
According to Mmobomb the expansion is supposed to happen on November 11. -
Mmobomb says and I quote: '' Perfect World Entertainment announced today that the seventh expansion for the free-to-play MMORPG PWI will arrive November 11.'' and at the end of the article it says and I quote again '' More information on PWI’s latest expansion is... and they put a link to the PWI site. The thing is that on the site there is no date anounced for this new expansion and no more information. The thing is that Mmobomb gives more information than PW site. Mmobomb mentione cross server nw while PW site talks only about the new instance So Mmobomb should give more information from were they have this date and other info.One i hope the date of 11 november is false. I dont know for how much time PWI os preparing this expansion but I feel like 11 november is to soon. I hope it doesnt come untill middle of december.igoplop said:According to Mmobomb the expansion is supposed to happen on November 11. -
bloodedone87 wrote: »According to Mmobomb the expansion is supposed to happen on November 11.
Mmobomb says and I quote: '' Perfect World Entertainment announced today that the seventh expansion for the free-to-play MMORPG PWI will arrive November 11.'' and at the end of the article it says and I quote again '' More information on PWI’s latest expansion is... and they put a link to the PWI site. The thing is that on the site there is no date anounced for this new expansion and no more information. The thing is that Mmobomb gives more information than PW site. Mmobomb mentione cross server nw while PW site talks only about the new instance So Mmobomb should give more information from were they have this date and other info.One i hope the date of 11 november is false. I dont know for how much time PWI os preparing this expansion but I feel like 11 november is to soon. I hope it doesnt come untill middle of december.
If MMOBomb says it's coming on the 11th, I bet it's coming on the 11th.
Keep in mind, that the China dev team that writes our product, already released this in their version 4 months ago. After that, most of the work is merely translating it to English and testing for our specific version.0 -
The exact same thing happened with the last major update. PWE didn't give us anything more than vague hints, and MMOBomb had the exact take (Although last time their article actually listed two dates that were on either side of the maintenance window.)sylenthunder said:
If MMOBomb says it's coming on the 11th, I bet it's coming on the 11th.
Keep in mind, that the China dev team that writes our product, already released this in their version 4 months ago. After that, most of the work is merely translating it to English and testing for our specific version.
I think we will know this week if expansion happens on 11th. If there is another sneak peek this week, yea, I am fairly confident we get the expansion next week. If not, well, its not an official source and we only just got the first sneak peek.
If we truly getting the expansion in a week I will be one happy camper as I been waiting everything the expansion brings for a long time. Heavenfall is close enough to ancient/endless rowers of some other games. Sure, level/gear wont reset to zero when you enter it but thats MMORPGs for you. The cross-server TWs, man how long have we been hoping for this? Prolly years. Cross-server NWs, to experience the event as it was intended.
Ps. I hate how multiquote breaks these forums.0
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