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Mascherata dei Bugiardi - Tradizione dei Bugiardi

nailoanaruinnailoanaruin Post: 11 Arc Utente
Utilizzando il mio pg mago non mi dà questa missione.
Compromettendo la possibilità di raffinare il manufatto.



  • Opzioni
    kinneas91kinneas91 Post: 336 Community Team
    Solo quello specifico pg?
  • Opzioni
    nailoanaruinnailoanaruin Post: 11 Arc Utente
    Era un problema per tutti i maghi. Confermo.
  • Opzioni
    ladyfluviatilisladyfluviatilis Post: 39 Arc Utente
    nailoanaruin ha scritto: »
    Era un problema per tutti i maghi.
    La mia non l'ha avuto.

    Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all humankind and its allies. Perfect thyself, and guard ever against pride, for it is a sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Be fertile in mind and in body. Consider always the consequences of thine actions so that the least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. Wherever you go, sow seeds of plants, tend the growing things you find, and plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all. Whenever possible, see each dawn. - Lathander's Dogma

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