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This game wonderfull but have LOOT problem

merlinmagicien Member Messages: 9 Utilisateur Arc
Modifié (juin 2015) dans Suggestions & critiques
Hello im not MMo expert im new player in mmo , but i know perfectly good RPG system / I have try all actualy free MMO and i admit this is the best MMO cuz fighting system is excellent the best / But im free user cuz i dont wanna use my bank card for get zen / Need PREPAID spécial Neverwinter card . But its not my first problem / I know perfectly this game and per rapport DIABLO loot neverwinter are very boring whit the loot / I never get blue armor only poor loot / I have not excitation to found a EPIC ARMOR like diablo LOOT = EXCELLENT / RICH LOOT yu can change yur CHAR SET like yu want / Number 2 problem / Why have not EPIC armor glove helmet.... in the solo game / Its realy bad idea / Creat more new good loot and yu see so many people come to ours neverwinter communauty / An rpg whiteout good loot that not a true good RPG / And for me when i have maxed my CHAR lv 75 , the best quest i enjoy its the ring of the terror and SHARANDAR dunjeon whit special chest we can win good mark of power Inside, but WHY we can enter only 1 time per day , i know i can go again but need BUY a key she cost 5000 $(very expensive ) that realy bad idea man , cuz the chance to get a good loot in the chest are very low for get mark of power or other good loot . Sorry for my English i try to speak better i learn to speak alone sorry i dont use translante . I have forget please creat new item stat FAST CAST RATE , REGEN,SLOW MAGIC MOB, Please
Post edited by merlinmagicien on


  • merlinmagicien
    merlinmagicien Member Messages: 9 Utilisateur Arc
    Modifié (juin 2015)
    Hello 3 Month ago in neverwinter at lv 60 the difficult setting are perfect / Now at lv 60 its impossible to complete the foundry solo but at lv 20 the same map i clear easy , what the logic i buy COALESCENT seal i upgrad my char and its the reverse more yu level up more the ennemy are DANGEROUS //// NO please remove that im good player and i think for casual he cry so the game ending is ULTRA MEGA ATOMIK difficult / Its not funny man i come to dunjeon 3 HIT i loose 20000 HP man and i cnat regen cuz have POTION and SPELL timer / I HATE THAT / reduce mob damage or REMOVE spell /potion timer/ Man plese remove spell timer its useless SYSTEM FIGHT cuz i launch spell i fight 7 mob vs 1 : i dont have enought spell for kill all mob / potion same i loose damage i use potion but mob damage strong impossible now to play solo!!!!!!!!! Man need realy update about Neverwinter difficulty/Creat fast cast rate//// Like DIABLO XD
  • merlinmagicien
    merlinmagicien Member Messages: 9 Utilisateur Arc
    Modifié (juin 2015)
    No comment xd
  • percemer
    percemer Member Messages: 6,421 Équipe communautaire
    Modifié (juin 2015)
    Hello merlinmagicien,

    I think you are not on the right forum.

    You can visit the English forum :

    Community Manager

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  • lagrillade
    lagrillade Member Messages: 212 Utilisateur Arc
    Modifié (juin 2015)
    Percemer a écrit: »
    Hello merlinmagicien,

    I think you are not on the right forum.

    You can visit the English forum :


    Il faut admettre que son "analyse" de la survie en donjon est assez exacte. C'est quand même "atomique" comme difficulté. Si on veut du challenge, on est servi. Comme j'aime ça, je m'acharne. Pourtant, il y a des limites. Pour moi un exemple très actuel, et plus proche de la farce que d'un niveau normal, c'est la puissance des prestelins (ou coureurs) dans le donjon Malabog. Ceci dit, quand je vois comment j'ai galéré pour arriver à finir certains donjons pré Mod6 (disons même pré Mod3), ça me rappelle comme un goût de sang dans la bouche. Ha, la chambre d'effroi en épique, quelle balade de santé. C'est un peu le syndrome de Stockolm quand on en arrive à ce niveau de masochisme.
    Et maintenant, pour Malabog, combien en niveau d'équipement minimum ? 1600 ? Ha ok, on peut y aller à partir de 3200 :-). Et j'exagère à peine.
    Membre fondateur - Dammaz Kron - recrutement ouvert

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