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Control Options
Beiträge: 5 ✭
Since this is beta testing, I would like to provide some feedback about control:
- Control by Gamepad does not work well so far. The joystick can be configured to replace WASD key, but it's 8 way charakter is not supported. Whenever you want to move diagonally (equal to pressing e.g. W and A at the same time), the toon stops and does not move at all
- Since the camera view is controlled by mouse at walking straight forward is something you do most of the time it would be nice to be able to walk straight forward by mouse control, e.g. by pressing left and right button simultaneously
And my first impression about mob KI:
- Maybe it's because of the way finding algorithm behind, maybe it's KI itself, but ranged mobs like bowmen do not follow you most of the time when you move out of line of sight
Thank you for this great game, it looks very promising!
- Control by Gamepad does not work well so far. The joystick can be configured to replace WASD key, but it's 8 way charakter is not supported. Whenever you want to move diagonally (equal to pressing e.g. W and A at the same time), the toon stops and does not move at all
- Since the camera view is controlled by mouse at walking straight forward is something you do most of the time it would be nice to be able to walk straight forward by mouse control, e.g. by pressing left and right button simultaneously
And my first impression about mob KI:
- Maybe it's because of the way finding algorithm behind, maybe it's KI itself, but ranged mobs like bowmen do not follow you most of the time when you move out of line of sight
Thank you for this great game, it looks very promising!
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