Hey there folks,
We heard the reports about players doing their ten runs of Call to Arms: Garrundar the Vile on Xbox One and PlayStation®4, and not receiving the daily token. To address this issue, we have delayed this event by a week, and moved the Coins of Waukeen event up, instead.
Coins of Waukeen is now running, and will run Thursday 8/29 - Tuesday 9/3.
Call to Arms: Garrundar the Vile will run Thursday 9/5 - Tuesday 9/10. (We kept the extra day for next week's run.)
Players who did receive a token today will be able to receive one less token next week. That just means your total tokens gained will be the same whether you did it this week or next.
I wouldn't want it to glitch that in those characters mine and/or others that they lose out on a token because you only will allow them to get 2 now even though we legitimately ran the 10+ we needed and didn't get the token.
Before you took the event down, I was able to complete the 10 rounds with a character successfully and they did get their 4th token as opposed to the 3 previously which could not. It was around the time where you took the pc servers down for maintenance. I'm on ps4. That may have been all you needed to fix the event.