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  • A CW gets most of his damage from AoE. A TR does most of his damage with Single Target. Now if we can just get the TRs to help finish off the adds well be good to go. Personally I love the CW + GWF combo for clearing adds.
  • I would still like to know if I'm going to get my Coins back because of the Launcher and Que problem. I also lost 4 coins.
  • After BW3 I felt CW was very well done. I had time to test different abilities and find a wonderful balance. I had some complaints about the Arcane powers until my ignorance wore off. Even when the game starts packing 3 elites into groups, which is when it gets fun, I had a good control and damage. I felt powerful and I…
  • I want Astral Diamonds for raid healing. Plus sedatives. ;)
    in Raids Comment by witchzero April 2013
  • I'm fine with the current system and I support a wider level range for dungeons. The main issue I see with a level limitation is it lowers the pool of players to run the dungeon with. This isn't really an Issue at launch but with the limitation of Character slots I see a limitation with Alts. This means months from now you…
  • This Beta I used RoE as a part of my build the whole time. Previous Beta I had Chill build. This time I went Arcane. At Will: Magic Missle and Ray of Frost (then lightning At Will after Paragon) Encounter: RoE, Steal Time, Entangling Force Spell Mastery: Ice Blast? (I would occasionally put RoE in Mastery but it seemed to…
  • That sucks guys. I got a weird screen flicker in Helm's Hold sometimes but I never crashed. I hate to do the Tech Support 101 but did you try New Drivers for video and sound? Verify files on the client. Or better what settings if any did you change in your options? In the client login screen > options > video options,…
  • I have more questions than answers. What Bosses? I guess I could see the Pirate maybe clipping if he did his Shadowstep and you were standing with your back against the Barrier...I'll stop speculating until you reply. My initial thought process You shouldn't die...ill give you...wipe, in an instance until you reach The Mad…
  • I had almost all power and Crit at level 35. I wen't down the Renegade Path for the Crit talent that gives AP. I will say I was missing Defense a few times. I prefer Regeneration over Life Steal. Its hard to tell because you need so much in a given stat to give a good return. My Crit was at +6% and My power was +60-ish If…
  • I didn't feel like I had enough of the powers to decide exactly how well the paragon path played. The At Will was useful as stated above with Ice Spike Mastered followed by the At Will. I used an Arcane Build this play and I found at my level I didn't really care about the Paragon portion. Storm Surge passive was kinda…
  • Chill Strike in Mastery slot is beautiful. I put Conduit of Ice in for a while because it provides its own Chill to Proc damage. Conduit of Ice(Mastery) + Icy Terrain is a very good combo. It will Freeze an entire group quickly if you stay near the Icy Terrain. Chill Strike and Entangling Force as the other two spell for…
  • I would like to see Freeze put a C1 back on the target when it breaks. As of now it seems breaking out of freeze removes all stacks of chill. I may be wrong...my resolution made the icons hard to read but I believe it clears them. C3 or higher chill should be solid slow. Noticable. Icy Terrain's immobilization effect seems…
  • I'm digging the animations. Its like Mage Kata. I should name my next Wizard, Kiara. Water Tribe! :)
  • I Made Level 22. Ice spell focused. There were a few levels, in the lower teens, that I felt under powered. Once I got a decent weapon upgrade and figured out how Spell Mastery worked I was wrecking groups. Freeze is an ok hold...I was shocked the first time someone broke out after .5 sec of CC. I know one class passive…
  • I also noticed the split personality of the Control Wizard. I found the conflict originating more from Arcane vs. Ice synergy than CC vs. DPS. Ice has quite a bit of synergy when you get all of your chill powers situated. Once I got a good weapon and figured out Spell Mastery I was drunk with power. Arcane...not as drunk…
  • 1) The Control Wizard Class Preview shows the Wizard being to move albeit slowly while casting Magic Missle, I could not get him to move while casting Magic Missle or the equivalent Ice At Will. 2) Chill Strike's stun is very, very short. If it is meant to be more of an interrupt than a CC then I guess its working as…
  • You can see how Drow look in game in this video. http://youtu.be/aDtlkX9W0XU Go to 18:00 and they start fighting Drow. Basically they are black skin, white hair. You should be able to change your skin and hair color to several different shades and colors on character creation.
  • Half-Orc wasn't in the February Beta, but neither was Drow, so maybe they are finishing up some details for the Half-Orc. Halflings aren't in the Race List on the Website but they were in Beta. Would be cool if they got another Race in. :)
  • Neverwinter won't have the Half-Orc Race at release. So...that's awkward. I'm am going to try really hard not to roll a Halfling GWF, so it will probably be a Human GWF for me.
  • The Classes are specific. Guardian Fighter, Control Wizard, etc,. Your "Build" will basically be which powers you choose to play with accompanied by the passive bonuses from the Talent Trees. Certain builds will be "better" for solo play and other builds will be "better" for Dungeons. As an example. Trickster Rogue can be…
  • The Founder Packs are bundles. Most, if not all of the Items, Mounts, Astral Diamonds, etc. will be available from the store. That is why it says a $549 value. I would assume if you bought everything piece by piece from the store it would cost $549. There are Unique items that will only be available to the Hero of the…
  • Your right, It wasn't in Beta this time so you don't have anyone to talk about it. When it shows up in Beta you will see some love...and probably some hate. Haters gonna hate. I plan on playing GWF at release and to the wee hours of the morning. I'll do some Theorycrafting with you. I expect GWF to have impressive AoE…
  • Drow Race, Menzoberrazan Renegade Background, but no Ranger Class. :D I hear there is a Bow Class and a Warlock in the works. Zero mention of Paladin. No screen shots or links...so I guess it didn't happen. ;)
  • It would be interesting to see a Vetting process for the final version of a quest. Something like a Cryptic Seal of Authenticity for a truly epic quest that allowed a really nice reward if the content deserved it. Lock it from further changes and set your baby free into the world after all the revisions...nice.
  • Foundry isn't new. They use it in Star Trek Online so I would think they have learned a bit about what to expect. It doesn't matter what system is in place someone will find a way to exploit something. That is what they mean by relying on the community to let them know.
  • Rahla, How hard was the game as a Guardian Fighter without using that daily? Edit: I ask because if it is Night and Day difference then the Power is too strong. If it is just as easy then perhaps the content is too easy. I have zero problem with wrecking solo content if you play competently. I've seen videos of each class…
  • I feel you. Welcome to the 'Hood. Adulthood. One thing that appeals to me about Neverwinter is I can see myself playing more casually. Like you, I have less time to commit to an MMO and recently I have stayed away from them because they are such a time sink. The way the Action combat looks from the Beta Videos I have…
  • Five Classes at launch. Guardian Fighter. Trickster Rogue. Great Weapon Fighter. Devoted Cleric. Control Wizard. There will be other classes coming later. Ranger could/should be one. Nothing has been said officially. "Bow class would be very D&D wouldn't it?", Zeke? ;)
  • You don't own the intellectual property in modules you create in the Foundry anyway. In the Copyright sense. You would basically be recreating WoTC intellectual property inside of an already licensed product. I would be interested to see how close someone could get a Module to resemble one from the PnP. There could be some…