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unirod Bounty Hunter



  • That's good for you dude, keep it up ! it's a rare feature. Have a great day :)
  • Dang my post was removed......dat truth though :(
  • I already played in the early beta and reported bugs that are still not fixed (simple, basic things). It's cute to see how some people never lose hope :)
  • That might be true. Yet on the other hand, people new to the game and/or the forum might have a chance to understand the current state of this game and hence not waste time/money on it. Feedback is feedback, be it positive or negative. Can't deal with that basic fact ? get of the internetz pls and don't try and host or…
  • Dungeon exploits fixed? Can you fill in for leavers in PvE or PvP per invite, queue ? Are all mounts equal speed in PvP yet? Cloak still stuck in the back of your head when you ride your noble steed? Has the economy been fixed after people generated BILLIONS in the first couple weeks? Gold-sellers still rampant? I could go…
  • Sorry to bust your guy's bubbles but just go to twitch right now and see how many people are streaming/watching Neverwinter. I dare you. Check any time of the day, 20 viewers tops on a good day.....right now...none.
  • You are wrong, here's why and how. I stopped playing 3 weeks after launch and so did my 10+ buddies who i dragged into this "game" to join me(Once again, if you guys read this, I'm very very very sorry). Some of those, including me, had bought the 200$ pack. I'm not even mad at the wasted money( Accounts starting at…
  • Well guys all your attemps at math are in vain. Just browse twitch and see how many people are currently streaming Neverwinter. That's right....a big fat 0...nada ....NONE...niente.........did I say "nada" yet....yeah I did. *pokesitwithastick* .....yeeeeaaaaah seems pretty......(let's not use the word "dead") deserted to…
  • Soooo.....not 2 mil ? anymore ....ever ? no ? Cryptic has to be doing this intentionally. Noone could ever make so many bad decisions at random. Always sad to see games die like Neverwinter did. It started out very great and promising. I'm not a Horror-Movie enthusiast but I have seen my share of messed up ways for things…
  • And still people will grind AD, use their saved up AD or buy Zen to exchange them to AD to get the new goody right away. If you buy Zen (real money) you can get all the new goodies that come with expansions or add-ons right away. What is that kind of F2P model called again? I forgot....someone remind me, themselves and…
  • Well if they went ahead and did what you are implying people would stop to buy mounts in the Zen shop to be able to be competitive in PvP. They need the money made by Zen sales in order to pay the Support Team ;)
  • You got this all wrong it's more like........ Their money put in the "game" > his money spend on the "game" Also what klixan said seems to be about right. Even though i remember that exact same person trying to bash my posts a couple of weeks ago. Seems like lots of white-knights are taking of their white helmets and armor…
  • This "game" has over 2 million "unique" players, why should they care about one more or less ? Take this as a wink of fate. Play something else and don't waste your time on this "game".
  • You could have elaborated this trolling post a bit more for my amusement. Dude, srsly if you want to troll do it more subtle. I know people still playing/enjoying this "game" are quite "simple" but even a rock can tell right away that you are trolling.
  • You're sadly very right. There will always be people ready to be milked with trash games. That's the reason why games seem to get worse every year. Casualized P2W trash to make mindless uncreative people feel like they accomplished something. It's pathetic and sad. cheers
  • You are wrong. You are far from beeing the "ideal customer". You noticed flaws in this game and/or it's developers and reacted in an appropriate manner. The ideal customer of this "game" and it's publishing companies is very dull and short-minded (I refused to use "f u ck ing stupid" because that would have been…
  • there is try this in chat /gfxsetdefaultfov 55 (/gfxsetdefaultfov 75) If only there was a possibility for player to just use the mouse scroll wheel. [post=5311301]Rules of Conduct[/post]
  • You are essentially saying that this " game" is P2W. This is an outrageous lie and i hope the internet police will get you! This game is free to play since you can change ADs for zen ...........
    in Class Comment by unirod July 2013
  • Players WANT more bank space but refuse to pay the obvious cashgrab overpriced amount desired by PWE. Responds from mods and fanboys'n'girls: "Doesn't happen to me, no need to fix."
  • LOL out loud ! (It is allowed to wave a swastika[<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> flag] flag all over the world BUT in germany) there's <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> themed pubs and restaurants in singapore. Foreign movies showing swastikas are being edited for the german audience by replacing the swastikas with…
  • This Ladies and Gentlemen explains alot. Moderators are clueless and so are the Devs. The mod didn't even respond to the stated fact that the company he seems to be working for is losing out on ALOT of money due to people NOT buying bank tabs rather than making extra accounts for storage and/or utilizing the mail system.…
  • OMG my god ! first we have grammer <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, now come the acronym <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>! WTF the fuq ?
  • I'm not sure if you are trying to offend or insult me. I can't really tell, neither of em is working though :)
  • This seems to be the opinion of all players left in this "game". Competitive people and those with some sort of intelligence discontinued playing this asiagrindercashgrabtrash. The ones left are bots and casuals. Some people who actually use their brains may not have reached lvl60 and thus are not able to understand the…
  • You seem to have a highly distorted perception of reality. Mount 30-40$ = HUGE advantage in pvp( I stopped playing this game after I realized how much P2W this game really is// played all CB weekends purchased 200 and 50 packs -.-. Stupid me, didn't research what PWE is about. Won't happen again, will not recommend any of…
  • Noone answered you so far so i'll give it a shot. If you sit in front of your Computer you should be able to use GOOGLE. ( www.google.com ) Google is a search site where you type in keywords that are then searched for on the entire internet to provide you with information. It's great, try it!
  • I have no clue if any of you guys are serious, trolling or just drunk. I just can't tell anymore, people are crazy.
  • I just come to the forums for the lulz after I stopped playing along with 50+ friends after I figured out that this "game" is P2W(among other obvious issues, p2w being the main reason). Knowing that the new class will be Warlock and NOT Ranger or Bard (the ones the community wants!!!) makes me chuckle. I really hope,…
  • I really hope i won't offend anyone with this but..... I highly doubt that PWE and/or Craptic care alot. The playerbase that is left playing doesn't seem to care about broken games/mechanics/economy ....people are apparently still playing this "game" some even "enjoying" it, so why bother spending any time/money/efford on…
  • If you started playing NWO because of the PvP i suggest looking into "Smite". If you started playing NWO because of DnD or PVE reasons........lol